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Result: Northwest Field Trial Association

Location: Hankinson, North Dakota

Post Date: Aug 8, 2023

Submitted By: Katherine Gove

northwest oaas23

Open All-Age Winners. Front row: Frank LaNasa with Northern Confidence, Ian MacTavish with Cold Creek Single Malt, David Moore with Cold Creek Uncle Sam. Others, from left: Scott Jordon, Paul Bukovich, Dean Renneke, Asia Weber, James Wood, Duncan Bukovich, Bruce Mueller, Ben Fleischacker, Jim Tande, John Zeman, Ben McKean, Josh Mattel, Greg Johnson, Rod Lein, Lindsey Saetre, Eric Saetre, Ben Brettingen.

Northwest Field Association hosted their annual spring trial on May 12-14 on the Hankinson Hills in Sheyenne National Grassland. The courses were well laid out for both the horseback and walking stakes with plenty of room for a dog to roll and lots of edges for a dog to dig in and find birds. The weather was warm and humid Friday morning but the rain in the afternoon cooled it down and the rest of the trial was overcast and cool, perfect for running dogs.

The addition of the walking shooting dog and derby events added a fun element to the trial. There were many new faces that were eager to join in the competition. The entire group were very friendly, and their enthusiasm was contagious. We all began our field trial careers hunting and on foot and we hope to gain some horseback converts. Those of us on horseback were very impressed the the stamina of some of the handlers, who walked every brace and were smiling at the end. Many volunteered to help with bird planting which was much appreciated. Thanks to those that donated horses for the participants.

Another great addition to this year's event was a lunch and dinner wagon provided by long-time club member Chris Benskin. The hot meals for lunch and a fabulous smoked ham dinner were much appreciated, especially by the walkers who had worked up quite the appetites. Extra thanks to Bruce Mueller for his contribution of the ham.

Four essential elements of many trials are the Field Trial Chairman, bird planters, dog wagon drivers and judges. For things to run smoothly these jobs require dedicated individuals who sacrifice their time at trials to make the event a success. Our long running trial chairman Ian MacTavish did an excellent job of coordinating all the many elements that make a trial a success. His enthusiasm didn't quite pay off when he raced to return to the running and his horse hit one of the many pocket gopher holes and ended up body slamming Ian. Todd Manns and Dave Moore did excellent jobs of fulfilling the role of bird planters and dog wagon driver respectively. Thanks also to all the judges who volunteered their time with virtually no compensation except our sincere gratitude.

Open All-Age
Northern Confidence, pointer male owned and handled by Frank LaNasa was undaunted by the heat and humidity typical of all Frank's dogs. He ran fast and strong, stylishly scoring twice with perfect manners. His race grew during his brace, and after being turned loose from his 2nd find, Confidence, made a huge continuous forward move to be found far to the front by the scout shortly after time.
Open Derby
Stone Church Rooster, pointer male owned by Dr. Dean Reneke and handled by Scott Jordan, ran a strong and forward race with an easy-pleasing gait. Twice he was found standing with impressive style and intensity. Rooster displayed consistency and maturity in running to objectives and a thoroughness in searching out productive patches of cover before moving on to the next. He looks poised for a successful All Age or Shooting Dog career soon in his future and we trust Dr. Reneke will see to it.
Unfortunately, Dr. Reneke's scouting days were over when he got caught up in the saddle, fell to the ground, hit a hole, and broke his ankle.
Open Walking Shooting Dog
Northwoods Atlas, stylish running setter male owned and handled by Greg Johnson took top honors in the Open Walking Shooting Dog. Jet displayed a perfect balance of run and hunt and seemed like he was almost always where you would want him to be. He scored three well-spaced finds, the last yielding a small covey of quail seeking shelter from intermittent rain showers. Jet displayed extreme intensity on point and manners were also perfect as birds were put to flight.
Open Walking Derby
The Open Walking Derby had an impressive nineteen entries. Several young dogs had difficulty resisting the temptation of wet quail but they had a great time retrieving for their handlers.
Minnesota Red Confidence, pointer male owned and handled by James Wood, ran in the second brace and put on a show for the judges and gallery. Jack scored three well-spaced finds in his thirty-minute brace. On his second find he could be seen well forward, tall and intense on the crest of a rise about 100 yards to the front. Jack never moved a whisker until his handler and his brace mate got even with him. It was repeatedly evident that Jack is naturally "front running" as he navigated the course always to the front with a minimum of effort from his handler.
Open Shooting Dog
Cold Creek Hank, setter male owned and handled by Ian MacTavish and his bracemate, second place dog Stone Church Rooster, both displayed excellent speed, style and impressive range. Both showed occasionally cresting a rise or stretching to the next patch of cover well to the front. For all of the dogs in the stake birds were hard come by. With time running down, Hank was found standing high and tight in a productive looking patch of cover out front. A single quail was put to the air, manners all in order. With less than a minute remaining, Hank was sent forward into the last large section of open prairie and he responded accordingly, disappearing far to the front as judges called time.
Hankinson, N. D., May 12 - One Course
Judges: Jerry Kolter and John Zeeman
OPEN ALL-AGE - 9 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-NORTHERN CONFIDENCE, 1689632, pointer male, by True Confidence-Southern Songbird. Frank LaNasa, owner and handler.
2d-COLD CREEK SINGLE MALT, 1697085, pointer male, by Dominator's Bull Market Bud-Erin's Lullaby. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.
3d-COLD CREEK UNCLE SAM, 1695093, pointer male, by Caladen's Tennessee Red-Caladen's Struttin Dixie. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.

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Open Derby Winners. Front row: Scott Jordon with Stone Church Rooster, Frank LaNasa with Minnesota Red Confidence, Ben Brettingen with Hackberry's Amos Moses. Others, from left: Paul Bukovich, Asia Weber, Duncan Bukovich, Ben Fleischacker, Bruce Mueller, Dean Renneke, John Zeman, Greg Dixon, Jim Tande, James Wood, Ian MacTavish, Rod Lein, Greg Johnson, Jeff Sullivan, Robert Jones, Lindsey Saetre, Eric Saetre, Angelica Sullivan, Desiree Matel, Josh Matel.

Judges: Greg Dixon and Ryan Hough
OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-STONE CHURCH ROOSTER, 1697101, pointer male, by Strut Nation-Cheyenne Nation. Dean Reneke, owner; Scott Jordan, handler.
2d-MINNESOTA RED CONFIDENCE, 1702232, pointer male, by True Confidence-Red Sunshine. James Wood, owner; Frank LaNasa, handler.
3d-HACKBERRY'S AMOS MOSES, 1695788, pointer male, Elhew Sinbad-Numark Surefire Peg. Ben Brettingen, owner and handler.

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Open Shooting, Dog Winners. Front row: Cold Creek Hank with Ian MacTavish, Stone Church Rooster with Dean Reneke, Cold Creek Single Malt with John Zeeman. Others, from left: Greg Johnson, Ben McKean (Judge), Jim Tande (Judge).

Judges: Ben McKean and Jim Tande
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers, 4 Setters, 2 Irish Setters and 1 German Shorthair

1st-COLD CREEK HANK, 1678604, setter male, by Cold Creek Kevinator-Cold Creek Black Magic. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.
2d- STONE CHURCH ROOSTER, 1697101, pointer male, by Strut Nation-Cheyenne Nation. Dean Reneke, owner; Scott Jordan, handler.
3d- COLD CREEK SINGLE MALT, 1697085, pointer male, by Dominator's Bull Market Bud-Erin's Lullaby. Ian MacTavish, owner and handler.

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Open Walking Derby Winners. Front row: Minnesota Red Confidence with James Wood, Hackberry's Amos Moses with Ben Brettingen, Jones' Big Sky Lanius with Robert Jones. Others, from left: Paul Bukovich, Asia Weber, Duncan Bukovich, Ben Fleischacker with Roni and Gage, Greg Johnson, Josh Mattel, Jim Tande, David Moore, Dean Renneke, John Zeeman, Scott Jordon, Ian MacTavish, Bruce Mueller, Greg Dixon, Frank LaNasa, Lindsey Saetre, Rod Lein, Jeff Sullivan, Eric Saetre, Angelica Sullivan, Katherine Gove.

Judges: Scott Jordan and Bruce Mueller
OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers and 12 Setters

1st- MINNESOTA RED CONFIDENCE, 1702232, pointer male, by True Confidence-Red Sunshine. James Wood, owner and handler.
2d- HACKBERRY'S AMOS MOSES, 1695788, pointer male, Elhew Sinbad-Numark Surefire Peg. Ben Brettingen, owner and handler.
3d-JONES' BIG SKY LANIUS, 1699237, setter female, by T's Gunslinger-Jackson's Bit of Shine. Robert Jones, owner and handler.

Judges: Scott Jordan and John Zeeman
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers, 5 Setters and 2 Irish Setters

1st- NORTHWOODS ATLAS, 1674557, setter male, by Northwoods Grits-Northwoods Nickel. Greg Johnson, owner and handler.
2d-BACKWOODS CODE RED, 1703982, Irish setter male, by Brophy's Hand Made-Franklin's Better Half. Greg Dixon, owner and handler.
3d-BIRDOGN TRUE CONFIDENCE, 1693417, pointer female, by True Confidence-Elli Elhew Birdogn. Ben Fleischecker, owner and handler.

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Open Walking Shooting Dog Winners. Front row: Greg Johnson with Northwoods Atlas, Bruce Mueller with Backwoods Code Red, Ben Fleischacker with Birdogn True Confidence and wife Melissa, Gage and Roni Fleischacker. Others, from left: Duncan Bukovich, Asia Weber, Todd Manns, Dean Renneke, Fran Kelly, Ian MacTavish, James Wood, Josh Mattel, Ben Brettingen , Scott Jordon, Frank LaNasa, John Zeman, Ben McKean, Jim Tande, Greg Dixon, Rod Lein, Dave Moore, Lindsey Saetre, Jeff Sullivan, Eric Saetre, Angelica Sullivan, Robert Jones.