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Result: NGSPA Region 8 Championships

Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming

Post Date: Oct 26, 2023

Submitted By: Keith Richardson

2023 RegionNGSPA Region 8 ASD ChF23

NGSPA Region 8 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners (front, l-r). Brandon Blum with Aunt Troji's Dirty Nike and Sherri Tangsrud with Uodibar's Robbi Jo. (Behind): Larry Metter, Howard Burbach, Kirk Loftin, and Lisa Pollock.

The NGSPA Region 8 Championships was a huge success, with a strong entry in all stakes with participants coming from all over. Most of the competitors also attended the NGSPA Hungarian Partridge Championship held previously.

The venue is not only scenic but also provides great objectives for dogs to hunt and display their ability to find and handle difficult game birds. The course is unlike any other in the country. The cast-off is over several hundred yards of prairie to Suicide Hill, named for the large number of birds inhabiting it and the fact that most infractions may be seen mile away. There are two large coveys on this hill, a low covey, and a high covey. Then, around the hill's base is a cove defined by Chukar Bench, a curving high bench about a mile long with a steep escarpment holding large rocks and dense shrub cover. We pass Derby Draw and continue along the bottom of the escarpment until heading up at Shooting Dog Draw. We climb to the top of the bench and spend 15 to 20 minutes hunting the upper brushy edge of this steep chukar habitat. The next leg offers a run through the prairie on the left or a steep series of draws known as the Badlands on the right. The High Gate is entered, and the dog finishes in the prairie, where its stamina and range are clearly visible.

The dogs will experience running coveys, large explosive covey flushes of 20 or more chukar, with birds flying back over their heads, and concentrations of "old" scent left by recent coveys that have flown off. The birds are healthy, young, and strong fliers. Any dog that completes this course is ready for Eureka, a few weeks away!

We were pleased to have had several pros in attendance: Dan DiMambro, Josh Nieman, and Rich Robertson Jr. We were also happy to welcome a large number of amateurs: Dean and Diane Crabbs (OR), Keith Bryant (CO), Brandon Blum (CO), Tom Kosmack (UT), Kirk Loftin (TX), Sherri Tangsrud (MO), Hank and Dina Lewis (OH), and Shannon Yancy (TX). Terry Zygalinski (CA) brought a nice group of horses for the judges and gallery.

We brought in some top-notch judges with deep experience judging championships. It was a pleasure to spend time with them and to see how watchful they were as they evaluated our dogs: Amateur Shooting Dog, Open All-Age, and Open Derby--Howard Burbach (Pleasant Hill, MO) and Lisa Pollock (Lucas, IA); Open Shooting Dog--Glenn Johnson (San Dimas, CA) and Terry Zygalinski (Watsonville, CA).

We are grateful to our sponsors. Purina provided financial support and a pallet of Pro Plan for the winning dogs. Their support of the Purina Handler of the Year program is also very important, as contenders often travel to championships hoping to earn points. We encouraged all contestants to feed Purina. We also welcome the sponsorship of SportDOG with training collars and bark collars. Cash purses, gift certificates, Purina food, and SportDOG collars made up the offering of prizes.

A special thanks to the organizational abilities and hard work of Keith and Bobbi Richardson. A big thanks also to the other folks who helped: Joe Frauendienst, David Clifton, and Japheth Frauendienst (many tasks including catching and planting birds), Gary and Chris Kercher (bird planter and paperwork). Marya Kerchner prepared the best lunches and dinners at any field trial in the country. Diane Crabbs was a phenomenal help to Marya, along with Taci Peppers. Our ranch crew helped in many ways, often unseen but always with a smile; Justin Peppers, Brittiny Haberkorn, Kaitlin Gaukel, Rob Beeler, and Nancy Kutchara ran the dog wagon and booted all of the dogs.

NGSPA Region 8 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship

The stake was postponed on the first day because of winds from 40 to 45 mph with gusts over 60. The next day, we began with nice weather. There was a lot of great bird work. Some of the dogs displayed some all-age moves and were out of pocket too much for a Shooting Dog stake. There were no birdless dogs.

Aunt Troji's Dirty Nike ("Nike"), owned and handled by Larry Metter, was named champion. Nike headed directly up Suicide Hill on the cast-off for her first find at 5. She showed impressive style on the large covey of chukar. She then followed the curvature of the Suicide Hill escarpment and had her second find at 15 on a steep rock incline. Nike was released and hunted along the steep escarpment before Shooting Dog Draw, where she climbed a boulder high on the face and went on point while standing on the boulder at 21. The handler's horse had some trouble and spun around near the dog, and the handler fell before finally flushing a huge covey of chukar that exploded in all directions, including over the dog's head. It was an impressive limb find, and Nike withstood a lot of extra pressure with incredible manners and style. She was returned to the bottom of the hill and had her fourth find at 29 at the corner of Shooting Dog Draw. After reaching the top, she worked the rim beautifully but didn't find any more birds. She went through the High Gate and powered across the rim of the prairie, where she entered the habitat far to the front when time was called. All of her finds had birds that were tough to produce while maintaining perfect manners and intense style with high head and tail all the way through the work until collared. Her gait was fast and flowing, showing power and stamina until time. She wanted to please her handler and needed no hacking as she would turn to see his direction and follow his lead. Scouting was not required except to find her on point.

Uodibar's Robbi Jo ("Robbi"), handled by Dr. Kirk Loftin and owned by Sherri Tangsrud, was named runner-up. Robbi's first find was on Suicide Hill at 5, with excellent manners and style. After her release, she followed the rock face, climbed a steep area, and went on point at 10. Her handler ran and stumbled up the hill to produce a covey of Huns that blew out of the cover. Robbi impressively stood tall and tight throughout all. After release, the scout called point at 13 near the water tank, but after three relocations, no birds were produced, and she was sent on. Robbi hunted the rock face all the way to Shooting Dog Draw, which she crested, continuing to hunt the rim with a nice flowing style. She had a find at 48, and it took a lot of work for the handler to produce the birds on the steep boulder-strewn slope. She had a nice finish a few minutes after passing through the High Gate. Robbi seemed to have an easy "handle," but the handler was quite vocal, which detracted. She required minimal scouting. Robbi had good power and flowed well along the course but not as nice as the champion.

Other Dogs of Note

B M B's Madison Avenue ("Madison"), handled by Brandon Blum and owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum, was a close contender with a find at 4 on Suicide Hill and a second find at 8 around the corner of the Hill in the rocks. Very nice style and manners on both finds. She hunted the cover well and headed up Shooting Dog Draw to the top of the rim, where Madison had her third find at 30. Everyone was surprised by the size of the covey, which seemed to be over 100 birds, some running all around the dog and some tearing off in all directions. She was unmoved and beautiful in her stance. She hunted the rim to the High Gate, where she spent 10 minutes on the Prairie with a good finish. She was less fluid than the placing dogs.

Hi N's Curtain Call ("Charlie"), handled and owned by Hank Lewis, was a contender at the end of Day One. His first find was on Suicide Hill at 3, with his second find at 20 on a large covey of running chukar. He pointed at 30, and the handler worked it hard, including a relocation, but no birds were produced. Charlie had a good race that was to the front, and his bird work was very nice. His run was not as impressive as the placing dogs.

Cheyenne, Wyo., September 25 - One Course
Judges: Howard Burbach and Lisa Pollock

Winner-AUNT TROJI'S DIRTY NIKE, 1668620, female, by Hardcore High N Tight-Dcr's White Sky. Larry Metter, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-UODIBAR'S ROBBI JO, 1662507, female, by Uodibar's Against All Odds-B D K's Sin City Casino. Sherri Tangsrud, owner; Kirk Loftin, handler.

NGSPA Region 8 Open All-Age Championship

High Standing Cuttin Edge ("Woody"), handled by Dan DiMambro and owned by Anthony and Dayna Rusciano, was named champion. Woody's first move was around the base of Suicide Hill, where he dropped under the fence into the Habitat and took it all the way to the end, working the cover as he went. He was seen standing on point at the very end, and it took the handler and judge about five minutes to reach him while he maintained an intense point. His manners were perfect, and he was watered and cast off towards Shooting Dog Draw, where he reached the point at the base of the draw and disappeared in the cover. He was found standing at 22, and chukars were seen running up the hill, shot fired, and manners were perfect. His third find at 30 was on the upper rim, not far from the water tanks. At 35, he had his fourth find pointed and standing on a ledge over the rim on Derby Bench with 30 to 40 birds running all around him. He stood with a high head and tail and no let down until collared. Woody was released and headed through the High Gate, where he had a huge finish making it to the far east fence line, apparently dropping into the Habitat, where he was spotted and rounded up at time. Throughout his race, Woody ran with flowing power and went with handler, requiring no hacking or scouting. His polish and style during all of his bird work were impressive. His race was consistently all-age and always to the front. Woody possessed all the qualities of an all-age champion.

B M B's Freeloader ("Hewey"), handled by Brandon Blum and owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum, was named runner-up. Hewey broke away toward Suicide Hill and searched, but no chukars were home, and he dropped down the hill and followed it around to the back side where he had a back at 9 at the base of the slope by the water tank. After being released, his pattern was somewhat inconsistent, and his ears seemed plugged. Once he got to the top of Shooting Dog Draw, he seemed to regain his handle and application, and he had his first find at 29. All was in order, and he had his second find along the rim at 35, a nice covey of chukar with nice style and manners. His third find was on Derby Bench at 40, where he was watered and released, later passing through the High Gate at 50. He had a nice all-age finish in the prairie. Overall, Hewey was less consistent than the champion.

ngspa region 8 oaa chf23

NGSPA Region 8 Open All-Age Championship Winners (front, l-r): Keith Richardson, Radley Haberkorn, April DiMambro with High Standing Cuttin Edge, and Hank Lewis with B M B's Freeloader. (Behind): Dan DiMambro, Lisa Pollock, Howard Burbach, and Brandon Blum.

NGSPA REGION 8 OPEN ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 18 German Shorthairs
Winner-HIGH STANDING CUTTIN EDGE, 1675198, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild-C L K's Point Me The Way. Anthony & Dayna Rusciano, owners; Dan DiMambro, handler.
Runner-Up-B M B'S FREELOADER, 1678664, male, by B M B's Free Ride-Hightailing Saddle's Mandolin. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Brandon Blum, handler.

NGSPA Region 8 Open Shooting Dog Championship

Hi N's Allison Miranda ("Allie"), handled and owned by Dr. Kirk Loftin, was named champion. At her cast-off, Allie went around the corner of Suicide Hill and dropped into the Habitat, where she had her first find at 7 and was intense with no movement through the shot. She then made a big move through the Habitat, searching the cover but finding no birds, and then heading up towards Shooting Dog Draw, where she had a find at the base of the turn at 20. It was a large covey with running birds and an explosive flush, with Allie standing tight and classy. Her next find was on the upper rim at 27, and it was another large chukar covey, and her manners were stellar. Allie's last find at 35 was down the steep hill at the end of Derby Rim. She made an impressive move to reach this spot and was rewarded as her handler flushed a large covey of running and flying birds while she stood staunch and statuesque. She had a big finish and was always to the front. She required no backing or scouting, and except for one flat spot mid-run, she had a big shooting dog race. All of her bird work was made challenging by the large size of the coveys of unpredictable chukar, yet she handled each find with beautiful style and intensity through the end--a fine championship performance.

P W Penny Singing The Blues ("Boo"), handled by Richard Robertson Jr., owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson, was named runner-up. Boo had a powerful cast off reaching to the higher covey on Suicide Hill where she pointed, but handler could not produce a bird. After being released, she made a huge, powerful move, gaining the front and cresting over the rim above Derby Draw, and headed up Chukar Hill on the opposite side of the Draw, where she was lost to sight. Boo was found pointing at 17, and handler and judge had an energetic ride to get there while her bracemate had apparently roaded in on her. Boo stood through all of this and handled a nice covey of chukar that she had pinned. She quickly worked the birdy cover as she rounded the corner of Shooting Dog Draw and disappeared to the front. Boo was found standing on the rim at 25, where she showed good style and intensity but was seen taking a step. She had a back on Derby Bench at 40 and was released to hunt the Badlands before the High Gate, where she showed off her remaining power and stamina. The judges said Boo handled better than any other dog in the stake and had a consistently big Shooting Dog race with a huge finish. She also distinguished herself by never taking a road. Boo was penalized for taking a step on her second find.

Other Dogs of Note

P W Evolution's Recreation ("Spike"), handled by Richard Robertson Jr., is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson. The judges claimed Spike had the best run of the stake. His ground coverage was intelligent, his run powerful and fast, and he was always to the front at a big shooting dog range. His first find was on Suicide Hill at 4, and he took a few small steps while handler was undergoing an extended flush. He had a find at 20 with all in order and excellent style. His third find at 28 was another extended flush, and he took a few small steps again. His last find was at 58 on a large chukar covey below Cathy's Bench, which he handled perfectly. It was an impressive limb find, and he was the only dog in the stake to make this move. Although he had the best run in the stake, the judges could not overlook his "catwalking."

Monkeyshines Callme The Breeze ("Breezy"), handled by Dan DiMambro, is owned by Dan and April DiMambro. Breezy had a find on Suicide Hill at 6, a back at 17, and a find at 25. She looked outstanding on point and handled her birds with class. She had nice shooting dog range and power, but she was not consistently forward. She handled very nicely. She is certainly a dog to keep an eye on.

NGSPA Region 8 Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners (front, l-r): Keith Richardson, Sherri Tangsrud with Hi N's Allison Miranda, and Bobbi Richardson with P W Penny Singing The Blues. (Behind): Keith Bryant, Kirk Loftin, Glenn Johnson, Terry Zygalinski, and Rich Robertson Jr.

ngspa region 8 osd chf23

NGSPA Region 8 Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners (front, l-r): Keith Richardson, Sherri Tangsrud with Hi N's Allison Miranda, and Bobbi Richardson with P W Penny Singing The Blues. (Behind): Keith Bryant, Kirk Loftin, Glenn Johnson, Terry Zygalinski, and Rich Robertson Jr.

Judges: Keith Bryant and Glenn Johnson

Winner-HI N'S ALLISON MIRANDA, 1676665, female, by Hi N's Feed Jake-Chicoree's Sparkle In Her Eye. Kirk Loftin, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-P W PENNY SINGING THE BLUES, 1674964, female, by P W Penny For Your Thoughts-P W Dark Energy. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Richard Robertson Jr., handler.

NGSPA Region 8 Open Derby Classic

The Course

We use the Hun course in the Habitat. It is a three-mile section of creek lined with willows and dense cover, with open-cut grass and plenty of objectives between the willow line and the fence line. This course does not have cactus, so dogs are not booted. It is an out-and-back course. There is good visibility of the dogs so that a dog with all-age potential can be seen making huge moves.

P W High Voltage ("Elli"), handled by Rich Robertson Jr. and owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson, earned first place. Elli cast off with grace and power as she immediately grabbed the willow line and coursed along it with a ground-covering, light-footed gait that was like poetry to watch. Never breaking off the line, she quickly disappeared to the front around a corner and showed with fleeting glimpses as she completed an all-age move to the end of the line. She then worked back along a long plum and willow thicket and was seen as she reversed direction and headed through the double gate. She kept in touch with her handler as she ranged at distance and was seen from time to time on the willow edge. She was glimpsed, breaching the upper gate into the Richardson Habitat, where she disappeared. Handler and riders rode on while straining to catch a glimpse of her when she popped out of the willows, showing to the front as if to say: "Oh ye of little faith," and immediately powered off hunting to the front until time. To quote one of the judges, "Elli is the real deal!"

Toney's Bushwacking Rooster ("Rooster"), handled by Dan DiMambro and owned by Melissa Toney, earned second place. Rooster had a really nice forward race with an intelligent hunting pattern. He handled well and covered the ground nicely. Rooster had a solid derby run and demonstrated that he has what it takes.

C C's Deadman's Hand ("Ace"), handled by Dr. Kirk Loftin and owned by Cassidy Chedester, earned third place. Ace had speed and power and liked to hold the distant front, but he also liked to take the easy way forward by running the road when he could. If he had more hunt to go with his big run, he would have placed higher.

Judges: Glenn Johnson and Terry Zygalinski
NGSPA REGION 8 OPEN DERBY - 8 German Shorthairs

1st-P W HIGH VOLTAGE, 1702024, female, by P W Ben There Done That-P W Penny Singing The Blues. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Rich Robertson, Jr., handler.
2d-TONEY'S BUSHWACKING ROOSTER, unreg., male, by B D K's Jax's Original Fire Chief-Freeman's Hope Does Float. Melissa Toney, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.
3d-C C'S DEADMAN'S HAND, unreg., male, by Patrick's Hi Tailyn Buck-Hi Tailyn Nakia. Cassidy Chedester, owner; Kirk Loftin, handler.

ngspa region 8 derby classicf23

NGSPA Region 8 Derby Classic Winners (front, l-r): Bobbi Richardson with P W High Voltage, April DiMambro with Toney's Bushwacking Rooster, and Kirk Loftin with C C's Deadman's Hand. (Behind): Keith Richardson and Dan DiMambro.