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Result: National Amateur Shooting Dog and Derby Championships

Location: Conway, Arkansas

Post Date: Feb 3, 2022

Submitted By: Joyce Taylor


National Amateur Shooting Dog Derby Championship Winners. From left: Johnny, Sippi and Judge and Reporter Joyce Taylor, handler Fran and scout Jack Miller with Runner-up Miller's Special Version, scout Sean Patrick Derrig with Champion Erin's Rebel Attraction, handler and owner Brian Sheehan, and Judge Steve Messick.

CONWAY, ARK. -- The National Amateur Shooting Dog Derby Championship launched Thursday, January 20, 2022 at Camp Robinson Wildlife Management Area near Conway, Ark. Entries totaled sixteen pointers handled by ten handlers from nine states, including Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Georgia and Montana.

Judges for the trial were Steve Messick of Greenbrier, Ark., and Joyce Taylor of Paron, Ark.

Johnny Taylor was the trial host, seeing to every detail and keeping the trial running smoothly and efficiently. John Van Horn and Mike Lemons were trial marshal extraordinaries. With help from other Arkansas field trailers, they kept everyone on course and assisted as needed. Joyce Taylor also served as the reporter.


The deserving 2022 National Amateur Shooting Dog Derby Champion is Brian Sheehan's Erin's Rebel Attraction. Rebel was scouted by Sean Patrick Derrig. Brain and Sean Patrick traveled from their home of Chicago to take home the distinguished national trophy title. These two young gentlemen are as fine and apparently as talented as their well-known fathers, Pat Sheehan and Sean Derrig. As they carry on the partnership and winning ways of their fathers, we know Pat and Sean have to be button-popping proud of these two winners!

Brian's Erin's Rebel Attraction is a big, strong white and liver pointer male with unique head markings. One half of his face and head are white and the other half liver. Runner-up champion is Miller's Special Addition, white and orange pointer female, owned by also well-known and many times highly accomplished Fran and Jack Miller of Barwick, Ga. The winners and all brace descriptions follow in the report.

Thursday a.m. January 20.

We turned the first National Shooting Dog Derby brace loose at 8:08 a.m. under clear skies and a very cold 22. The ground was frozen hard, crunchy under horses' hooves. Winds were reported to be 12 mph; however, as we twisted and turned-on course at times it seemed much more brisk. It was a day to be bundled up, so much so that it was hard to climb on a horse with so many heavy and insulated layers. Though riders were frosty cold it did not seem to bother the dogs, beyond maybe some sore or pulled pads until the day warmed and the ground thawed a bit.

In the first brace, Carbonado's Silver Sage, white and black pointer male owned by Austin Turley of Molt, Mont., ran a hustling shooting dog race, mindful of her handler's directional orders. Austin was accompanied by wife Michelle. Kitty's Bear Creek Kassy, white and black pointer female, made some nice showy edge casts for handler John Van Horn of Russellville, Ark. She pointed in tall heavy grass late in her hour, but birds could not be produced at flush attempt.

Mr. Arkansas, white and black pointer male, ran with youthful jubilance and animated jump for owner Mike Lemons of Conway, Ark. White and orange pointer male Three Sheets in the Wind has an attractive gate and did his own show-off shine taking the full edge of the big field before the mountain crossing while his confident handler Johnny Ornsby of Greenbrier, Ark., rarely ventured from the horse path.

Runner-up Champion Miller's Special Addition rewarded owners with the first find of the Championship. Her stand resulted from a far-flung cast to the left fore, requiring search and discovery by scout Jack. As we arrived, she stood high and tight on the very edge of a tall grass field where she had evidently been for a good amount of time. She stood staunchly for the flush of a nice covey raising from the high grass just as indicated, then at gun fire she pivoted slightly on the front end as low-flying birds blew out past her. Her intensity on the find was a delight, causing a wave of excitement and pleasure as we approached and observed her and handler Fran's manners at flush. This is why we all love Derbies so much! Well done Special Addition!

She continued her race handling and hunting the right places. Special Addition's bracemate, Dunwell's Jake, white and liver pointer male, is owned by Les Rowell of Guy, Ark. He also is a happy and animated youngster, but inopportunely lacked bird work.

Thursday p.m., January 20.

By the afternoon breakaway the temperature had warmed to 31 . Skies were partly cloudy and winds were reported at 11 mph.

Reed's Super Spirit, white and lemon pointer female, owned by Jason Super of Ft. Worth, Tex., and Touch's Amazing Greyce, white and liver pointer female, owned by Austin Turley, were a good match for the first afternoon brace. Super Spirit cast big and far early to join us back before the steel culvert. Greyce swung left in big country and forward as directed by handler. Dogs were away, together, before the mountain, but were quickly gathered and back on course for showy casts from mountain descent. Greyce pointed in the horseshoe, but no birds were produced at flush. Dogs finished strong as judges watched from mountain top crossing.

As the sun warmed riders just a bit, Hale's Jumpstarter, white and black pointer male owned by Dr. Jeff Hale and handled by John Van Horn, both of Russellville, Ark., was released from the mountain top crossing with bracemate Miller's Newest Version, white and orange pointer female owned by Fran and Jack Miller. Jumpstarter started his hour strong and forward, but past Dead Horse Curve he was away to the right for a time. Toward the Nursery Pond at 25 he established a staunch point, but moved forward for his own flush. Given the opportunity to continue on he veered too wide and his race ended at 30. Newest Version, more biddable in her performance, moved forward, checking back with handler regularly. Point was called for her before Dead Horse Curve, then birds were called, but were not sighted by judge. She later had an unproductive on a stand and ended her the hour at the end of Seawright Cut.

Sixth brace had Carbonado's Rodeo, white and liver ticked pointer male owned by Austin Turley, and the Champion Erin's Rebel Attraction. The twosome started their hours directed off course and around a swollen creek crossing to avoid the icy water by concrete bridge to start their sprint forward. Handlers made a speedy road race to turn the dogs on course and far-flung casts to the front began. We waited at the next road crossing, unsure of the dogs' directions, but both manneredly checked back from the front and we were away again. Past Darnell Crossing, both dogs showed out rimming the big field to the left and afar. From that impressive cast Rebel Attraction took the full field edge and crossed the rode in front of the gallery where he notched his first find on the left of course. He suffered an unproductive later with Rodeo backing mannerly for flush attempt. In short order he established another pointing stance with Rodeo backing with well-behaved manners, but Rebel Attraction corrected and moved on.

Before Reed's Crossing point was called for Rebel Attraction, again at the end of a far-flung cast and at the bottom edge of the mountain. It was a beauty! You could almost taste the scent that Rebel appeared to breath in as he stood tight for flush and gun, carding a second covey find. From here he became a little sticky in his hunt, but his handler managed him brilliantly through. Both dogs ended their hour well, Rebel Attraction requiring his handler and scout to ride in pursuit on made up course. He was located by Sheehan far to the front as we awaited, earning him and his proud owner the very esteemed national championship win!

Friday a.m. January 21.

A cold 17 , frozen ground and sunny skies greeted Touch's Mac Daddy, white and liver pointer male owned by Klaus Schmidt of Wichita, Kan., and Hale's Black Powder, white and black ticked pointer male, owned by Dr. Jeff Hale. Mac had a nice covey find that came out in waves testing the energetic youngster, off course to the left in the shoot to the big field behind the little house. He took a few excited steps. This youngster loves hunting and it clearly showed as he hunted and handled for his handler. Near the Bear Trap he took up another pointing stance in woodsedge, but birds could not be shown for him this time. Black Powder rendered a good ground performance until the frozen ground removed his pads and slowed him some for a bit, but he rallied and finished with no indication of injury.

The last brace of the stake, Miller's Poetry in Motion, white and orange pointer female owed by Fran and Jack Miller and handled by Fran, was down with Touch's Micro Dot, pointer female owned by Klaus Schmidt. Both dogs were busy, shorter in their reach, hunting. Motion had an unproductive in the lane after the morning ridge crossing. Micro Dog, not suiting her handler, was picked up in the big field before the ridge crossing field.

This brace concluded the stake. After one brace of the Shooting Dog the winners were announced back at the clubhouse after lunch.


National Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners. From left: Robby Robinson, Reporter Joyce Taylor, Johnny Taylor, Judge Luke Topp, owner-handler Bill Owen with Runner-Up Lone Tree Splish Splash, owner and handler Austin Turley with Champion Touch's Amazing Greyce, Michelle Turley, Les Rowell, and Judge Tony King.

Conway, Ark., January 20

Judges: Steve Messick and Joyce Taylor


[One-Hour Heats] -- 16 Pointers

Winner--ERIN'S REBEL ATTRACTION, 1691807, male, by Erin's Country Rebel--Erin's Fatal Attraction. Brian Sheehan, owner and handler.

Runner-Up--MILLER'S SPECIAL VERSION, 1696288, female, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Miller's Special Edition. Fran & Jack Miller, owners; Fran Miller, handler.


Immediately following the final two morning Derby Championship braces, the National Amateur Shooting Dog Championship embarked at the intersection before the Nursery Pond.

AFTCA Trustees Tony King of Thompson, Mo., and Luke Topp of Crab Orchard, Neb., generously and capably took over the judicial saddles.


The coveted 2022 National Amateur Shooting Dog Championship title was earned by Touch's Amazing Greyce, white and liver pointer female, owned by Austin Turley of Molt, Mont. Runner-up championship honors went to Lone Tree Splish Splash, pointer female owned by Bill Owen of Santa Barbara, Cal.

Friday a.m. January 21.

First brace of the Championship had One Day Lucky Strike, pointer male owned by Lane Hodges of Griffin, Ga., and Hale's High Flyer, pointer male, owned by Dr. Jeff Hale released into the big field before the Nursery Pond. Lucky Strike flowed nicely to the front, not requiring scouting. He suffered an unproductive early in the hour. High Flyer stayed on the front with a nice race. No birds could be shown by either dog.

Friday p.m. January 21.

Charlie's Zip Tie, setter male owned by Bill Owen, backed his bracemate on an unproductive at 5, took the morning course beyond the steel culvert at 28 and did not regain the front over the mountain. Erin's Country Rebel, pointer male owned by Sean Patrick Derrig, had a good race unproductives at 5 and 42. Rebel was picked up at 46.

Lil Red Pete C, Vizsla male owned by Laura Miller of Ames, Ia., hunted to the front handling for owner, until perhaps left on birds around 20 minutes. He later reappeared on his own looking for handler at 45, after retrieval device was requested at 40 and beyond allotted time. Magic Maggie Mae, pointer female owned by Klaus Schmidt, had a shooting dog race, shortening during the second half after she lost her bracemate.

Carbonado's Rodeo, white and liver pointer male owned by Austin Turley, had a nice find as we were leaving Seawright's Cut at 20. He had a nice upfront race, especially in his early hour, but shorten some in final moments. Touch's Steely Dan, white pointer male owned by John Van Horn, also carded a fine immediately after Rodeo's on perhaps a bird out of Rodeo's flush. He had a nice race, but did not back when Rodeo pointed momentarily and was up at approximately 45 minutes.

Saturday a.m. January 22.

The second day of the Championship the morning start was delayed until 8:30 a.m. due to the frosty, cold conditions. Temperature was 15 degrees with 11 mph winds.

Northwood Charles, setter male owned by Bill Owen, had an unproductive at 13, then not getting it done for Bill he was picked up at 50. Meadowlark Lemons, pointer male owned by Steve Messick, ran a nice race, upfront, "hunted butt off," stayed with him well, but needed birds.

One Day Queen Bee, pointer female owned by Lane Hodges, and Miller's Miss Kittie, pointer female owned by Mike Lemons, had a divided find ahead fat 12 minutes at bottom of horseshoe mountain ridge. Both dogs did nice jobs on the ground. Hodges' dog staying "out front" until Dead Horse Curve where she dug deep forward at the course curve. She regained the front nicely on the right edge. Lemons' charge came around showing to front, yet, after not exposing himself after some time the tracker was called for at 35, too soon, as the dog was 300 yards to the front.

Erin's Rebel Attraction, fresh off his National Amateur Derby Shooting Dog Championship win the day before, and Lawless Speck, pointer male owned by Jim Lawless of Sparta, Ill., and accompanied by wife Kay Morrison, both broke away nicely. Speck had an unproductive at 15 then trouble getting back to the front. The retrieval unit was requested at approximately 30 minutes. Rebel Attraction might have shown his age a bit today with more of a Derby race. He had a find on a single bird at 55 behind the clubhouse.

Saturday p.m. January 22.

Miller's Heat Wave, pointer female owned by Fran and Jack Miller, had a nice but a little tug-n-pull race, and finished to the front for handler Fran. Dr. Jeff Hale's pointer male Hale's Kickstarter had some absences then was gone at 45.

Millstar's Lion Rampant, Vizsla male owned by Laura Miller, had some major absences with a decent race. One Day La Bandito, pointer female owned by Lane Hodges, had a nice race, hunted hard and had a good finish to the front.

Erin's Alibi, pointer male owned by John Van Horn, had an adequate race, getting better with the hour. He had an unproductive at 35 then a good find in a feed strip as we were making the turn to the clubhouse at 45. Tom Foolery, pointer male with Steve Messick, was a machine to the front early, but neither handler nor scout could produce dog from a front cast at 15 and the device was requested.

Sunday a.m. January 23.

Ten Oaks Annie A, pointer female owned by Jeanette Heiss from Saskatchewan and Springfield, Mo., was scouted by Jeanette's husband Lou Qualtiere. Annie was released with Hale's Smooth Touch, pointer female owned by Dr. Jeff Hale. Smooth Touch had an unproductive at 15 with Annie backing mannerly. Touch showed from an absence then was picked up at 53. Annie had a nice shooting dog race to the front, not requiring directional support or urgings from owner.

Down in the 12th brace were Moore's Gamer, pointer male owned by Marty Moore of Hornersville, Mo., and SB Always Dreamin, pointer female owned by Bill Owen. Gamer did a good job his first half of his heat. At 35 he had an unproductive then had a few lateral moves. Dreamin had a covey at 20 just before the mountain crossing. She had a very nice front-running race and finished.

Championship winner Touch's Amazing Greyce, white and liver pointer female, owned by Austin Turley, ran a smooth forward race. Handler Austin would send her, but she truly did it on her on, going to the right places, digging hard and hunting in earnest. She did all the right things and she positively got it all done! She had a find at 40 in the field behind the fire house, as the course turns right, away from the big long field past Reed's Crossing and toward the clubhouse. Here, she absolutely had to make a move on her own to get there. She was high and tight with great intensity on a covey find of four or five birds. She finished strong, far to the front, requiring handler to ride for her return, while judges waited. Vigilante, pointer male for Johnny Ornsby of Greenbrier, Ark., backed Greyce at 40 and had a decent race. He got a bit hung up after his back as we came around, but showed to the front to finish. The pointer had a nice covey find at 40 behind the fire station.

Sunday p.m. January 23.

Open Range Adeline, pointer female owned by Bob Barker of Inola, Okla., did a good job with a nice race. Adeline went with him well, hunted all the right spots, but with not birds. Miller's Cover Girl, pointer female, owned by Fran and Jack Miller, did a good job and stayed to the front, but did not fire as needed.

Lawless Georgie Girl, pointer female owned by Jim Lawless, ran up front and hard. At the dreaded hard left turn of Dead Horse Curve handler rode back in search of Girl. When she showed on her own wife Kay took her on to the front. From here, Girl seemed to hook up with Millstar's Saltire, Vizsla male owned by Laura Miller, which had been hunting for his handler, and both dogs disappeared to the front. Jim requested the retrieval unit at 35; Laura requested hers at 45.

Last brace of the day, Carbonado's Silver Sage, pointer female owned by Austin Turley, and Miller's Packing the Heat, pointer female owned by Fran and Jack Miller, were found at 22, both dogs standing on a divided find. Both handlers flushed, but Austin's dog had a breach of manners and was ordered up. No birds were produced. Packing the Heat went on to finish with a decent race.

Monday a.m. January 24.

Again, this morning we released the dogs at 8:30 a.m. Again, it was cold, but by the afternoon it was a very nice almost blue a bird day, we had become so accustomed to the cold. Absolute Tornado, white and liver ticked pointer male owned by Joyce Taylor, and and Bill Owen's white and liver pointer female Lone Tree Splish Splash. were released. Judges informed reporter she had a "great race, but needed birds". Runner-up Lone Tree Splish Splash had a smooth, flowing forward race and strong finish. She scored a good find at 50 minutes right off course in tall grass. Splash handled mannerly for Owen, going to the right spots to get it done. At time handler and scout had to ride forward for her return.

A brace of setters was released into the lane through the woods before the Dove Field. Levi Express Visa, setter male, owned by John Van Horn rimmed the Dove Field and took in the big field, but at the mountain crossing he was harnessed at approximately 30 minutes, not suiting his master. Carpenter's Star Chaser, owned by Bob Barker, veered right in the woods beyond the Dove Field and did not regain the front. Retrieval device was requested at 20.

Fiddlin Line Up, pointer male with Rita Ornsby, hunted but did not big-country-fire for handler. Miller's Upgraded Version, pointer male owned by Fran and Jack Miller, had a decent race, but was a bit of a tug and pull. No birds were seen during the hour.

Judges: Tony King and Luke Topp


[One-Hour Heats] -- 31 Pointers, 4 Setters and 3 Vizslas

Winner--TOUCH'S AMAZING GREYCE, 1693629, pointer male, by Touch's Grey Street--Intentional. Austin Turley, owner and handler.

Runner--Up-LONE TREE SPLISH SPLASH, 1672171, pointer female, by Frontline Shack Attack--Whippoorwill Wild Spark. Bill Owen, owner and handler.