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Result: Region 9 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship

Location: American Falls, Idaho

Post Date: Dec 11, 2023

Submitted By: Chris Perkins

region 9 asd chf23

Region 9 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship Winners (l-r): Brandi Perkins, Dave Noell, Jim Michaletz, Chris Perkins, Todd Schaaf, Jake Nyenhuis, Terry Erickson with Perkins Sawyer's Warrior, Brad McCardle (judge), Ed Mayhew, Scott Kragerud, Jason Staley (judge), Bill Owen, Alex Mauck S B Always Dream, John Neely, Mike Robbins, and Sophie Robbins.

Thanks to our gracious landowners, we were blessed to have another great renewal of this field trial on these prestigious grounds southeast of American Falls, Idaho. The Region 9 Amateur Shooting Dog was run in conjunction with the Idaho Open Shooting Dog Championship and the premier running of the Idaho Open Derby Classic, which is also the first running of a Western region super qualifier for the U. S. Amateur All-Age Derby Invitational. There was an overabundance of Sharptail grouse and Hungarian partridge on the six one-hour-long courses. The cover ranged from superb to difficult, at best. The weather proved difficult, with fluctuating temperatures ranging from the low 40s with rain during the derby and first day of the Region 9 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship to fighting the heat in the high 70s throughout the running of the Idaho Open Shooting Dog Championship. By the end of the week, many great performances were presented, smiles and laughs were shared, and old friends reunited at this great trial. We would like to thank the landowners, the judges, the handlers, and the club members who made this trial possible.

The Running
Brace 1A. Idaho's Lucky Mike (PM/Heaton). Mike cast off and quickly caught the ridge, made the right bend on the hill above the trees, and proceeded to go on point. A flushing attempt was made, but no birds were produced, and the first unproductive was recorded at 17. The dog was later found pointed, and Sharptail grouse were produced right after the road crossing at 36. A second find was recorded in a similar manner right before the right turn around the base of the knob hill. Mike finished the hour, and a consistent forward race was maintained throughout the brace. Neely's Business Man (PM/Neely). Scratched.

Brace 2A. Rope (GSPM/Kosmack) had a divided find before the first road crossing on a rooster pheasant at 11, the second find on sharptails at 38, and the third find at the top of the hill at 40. Rope shortened up on his race towards the end. Perkins Elhew River Rail (PF/Perkins) had a divided find on a pheasant at 11. After the first road crossing, River Rail ascended the large hillside to the left, had a leave of absence for a few minutes, and reappeared at the top of the hill. She had a stop to flush at 36 on sharptails, then proceeded to have a second find at 43 prior to the second road crossing. River Rail finished the hour.

Brace 3A. Pete (GSPM/Oxborrow) had a find 7; the tracker requested at 20. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Jack (PM/Mauck) had a find 4 before the fence opening. He was picked up at 38 for breach of manners on a pheasant.

Brace 4A. M H Rockford Peach (PF/Huston) backed her bracemate at 15 after the first road crossing. She was picked up for breach of manners at 50. Edge's Hidden Canyon (PM/Robbins) went on point at 15 after the first road crossing, and handler flushed a sharptail in front of him. Then Canyon proceeded up the long hill and was lost to the front. The tracker was requested at 52.

Brace 5A. Kilo (GSPF/Kosmack) had a find on sharptails on Moose Ridge. She finished the hour. Miller's Newest Version (PF/Owen) made the turn and ascended the hill and was found pointed at 17. Sharptails were flushed by her handler in front of her. Then Version had her second find on a pheasant at 35. Version finished the hour.

Brace 6A. Lone Tree Splish Splash (PF/Owen) was picked up at 25. Touch's Jimi Thing (PM/Perkins) had a find at 8 on sharptails. Then he proceeded to have a stop to flush at 40. He was picked up at 50.

Brace 7A. Ramblin Rivers Unplugged (PF/Stapleton) had a find at 27 after the first road crossing. Then she was lost, and the tracker was asked for at 40. Horizon's Bea (ESF/Erickson) had a slow start. Then she started picking up pace after the road crossing. She had a find at 33. Bea finished the hour.

Brace 8A. O T F's Good Time (GSPM/Blockovich) ascended the hill and had a sharptail find on the lower bench at 37. He finished the hour showing to the front. KC Moen's Freedom's Belle (GSPF/Kragerud) ascended the hill and had a stop to flush at the beginning of the lower bench at 29. Then she proceeded to have a find at 37, followed by a second find at 41. She made a wrong turn at 56 and ascended the hill off course. She came from behind when time was called.

Brace 9A. Hersh (GSPM/Oxborrow) had a find before the gate at 5. He had a second find on the hillside after the first road crossing at 44. Then, he was found pointed at the top of the ridge, which resulted in an unproductive. Costas (PM/Jones) was found pointed before the gate, and a group of sharptails were flushed by the handler at 5. He maintained a strong race through the thick cover and was found pointed at the top of the ridge at 43. When a pheasant was flushed by the handler, Costas made a forward movement, which resulted in him being picked up.

Brace 10A. League of Her Own (PF/Schaaf) was found pointed on top of the high hill at 8, and birds were produced. She was later picked up at 38. Affinity (PF/Schade) disappeared to the front early on, then was found on point on top of the hill, and birds were produced at 8. She later suffered an unproductive at 44. Affinity finished the hour.

Brace 11A. Ramblin Rivers Natural (PM/Stapleton) had a strong race and had a find at 28 on the upper bench. He finished the hour. Tucalota's Rebel Rush (PM/Mayhew) cut back at about 25 and was lost to the rear. Tracker was requested.

Brace 12A. Gotta Nother Project (PM/Schaaf) slowed up and was picked up at about 28. Carbonado's La Flama Blanca (PF/Schade) ascended the ridge and was found pointed at 6, which resulted in an unproductive. He suffered a second unproductive and was picked up after the road crossing at 29.

Brace 13A. Meg (ESF/Noell) had a find after the road crossing at 33. Meg finished the hour. T's Quadrunner (ESM/King) had an unproductive along the first ridge at 10 and later suffered a second unproductive prior to the second road crossing at 40 and was picked up.

Brace 14B. Carbonado's Wilberg (PM/DeJonge) suffered an unproductive at 28 and his second unproductive on top of the hill at 42. Whiskey's Grand Slam (BRITM/King) had a strong race through the thick cover at the beginning. He had a stop to flush at 40.

Brace 15B. S B Always Dreamin (PF/Owen) had a strong forward race through the gate and went through the tall cover with ease. After the road crossing, she ascended the steep hill, made it through the gap, and was sent on by her handler. After disappearing to the front, she was found pointed on the edge of the sage, as intense as ever at 56. A covey of Hungarian partridge flushed, and Dreamin maintained her staunchness throughout. She then proceeded to make a strong cast to the front as time was called.

Brace 16A. Miller's Concealed Weapon (ESM/Owen). Concealed Weapon backed his bracemate at 40, then again at 44, and was picked up at 49 for breach of manners. Perkins Diamond Cutter (PM/Perkins) had a find on bird alley at 36 where sharptails were flushed by the handler in front of the dog. Then, the second and third finds were recorded at 40 and 44. Cutter was picked up at 51 for breach of manners.

Brace 17A. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Dallee (ESF/Mauck) suffered an unproductive at the end of the upper bench at 26. She went on to have a find on the last ridge at 48. Dallee finished the hour. Perkins Sawyer's Warrior (PM/Perkins) made a strong cast to the front at the beginning of the brace, made the turn, swung up the hill on the upper bench, and disappeared to the front. He later reappeared at the far end of the bench and preceded to go on point at 24. Maintaining his staunchness in the afternoon heat, the handler flushed a single sharptail in front of him. He then proceeded to wind down the forest path and was found pointed at 35, which resulted in an unproductive. He then ascended the last hill and was found staunchly pointed on the ridge at 53, and sharptails were produced. He was sent on by his handler and disappeared to the front only to reappear at time.

Brace 18A. Name Like Mike (PM/Robbins) suffered an unproductive at 5 before the narrow ridge. He then had a find at 12 along the narrow ridge. He then went on to have a second find at the top of the hill at 33 and was later found by a scout pointed before the long valley at 44, resulting in his third find. Mike finished the hour. Charlie's Zip Tie (ESM/Owen) backed his bracemate at 12. He was picked up at 32.

American Falls, Ida., September 22
Judges: Brad McCardle and Jason Staley
REGION 9 AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 22 Pointers, 7 Setters, 1 Brittany, and 6 German Shorthairs

Winner-PERKINS SAWYER'S WARRIOR, 1694443, pointer male, by Touch's Grey Street-Intentional. Chris Perkins, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-S B ALWAYS DREAMIN, 1679868, pointer female, by Rivertons Funseek'n Scooter-Touch's J Class. William Owen, owner and handler.


The Running
Brace 1A. C K Guy's Light My Fire (VIZF/Gingrich) suffered an unproductive at the bend of knob hill at 48. Neely's Business Man (PM/Neely) was picked up for failing to back at 48.

Brace 2A. Burr Oak's Tommy (VIZM/Gingrich) ran a forward race. He was picked up at the second road crossing at 50. Lone Tree Splish Splash (PF/Owen) ran a big race and was erratic at times. No bird work was reported.

Brace 3A. K C Moen's Freedom's Belle (GSPF/Gingrich) ran a forward race. She was found standing at 52 and realized she was backing her bracemate. She was picked up at 55 for breach of manners. Perkins Elhew River Rail (PF/Perkins) had a find on a group of sharptails on the ridge before the gate at 4. She was found pointed on the flat basin after the gap at 52, and a sharptail was flushed in front of her. She was picked up at 58 in the bottom before the hut for breach of manners.

Brace 4A. BMB's Supernova (GSPF/Gingrich) ran a forward race, and no bird work was reported. Edge's Hidden Canyon (PM/Robbins) had a find at bird alley at 28. He was lost to the front, and the tracker was requested at 50.

Brace 5A. O T F's Good Time (GSPM/Gingrich) had a find at the beginning of the upper shelf at 14. Afterward, he hooked right and never came around. The tracker was requested at 22. Horizon's Bea (ESF/Erickson) had a find at the beginning of the upper shelf at 17, where birds were flushed in front of her by her handler. She was picked up 24 for breach of manners.

Brace 6A. Live Action Capt. Gus Mcrae (GSPM/Gingrich) had a forward race. No bird work was reported. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Jack (ESM/Mauck) ran to the front while checking out objectives. No bird work was reported.

Brace 7A. Miller's Concealed Weapon (ESM/Owen) ran a smooth race. He suffered an unproductive at 33 after the road crossing. Ramblin Rivers Natural (PM/Stapleton) was found pointed at the top of the first ridge at 5 but resulted in an unproductive. He then went on point at 39 at the far saddle. Birds were claimed to have left before the judges got there.

Brace 8A. Meg (ESF/Noell) had a find at the top of the hill at 40, where the handler flushed birds in front of her. Meg finished the hour. Charlie's Zip Tie (ESM/Owen) was picked up at the end of the lower bench at 37 for breach of manners.

Brace 9A. Perkins Sawyer's Warrior (PM/Perkins) had a strong forward race from the beginning and negotiated the thick cover of the first half with ease. Warrior maintained his forward race and disappeared, ascending the hill towards the gap after the road crossing. He was found on point on top of the ridge, and birds were produced without Warrior flinching. He was then led through the gap, sent on, and had a stop to flush at the basin after the gap at 55. He was sent on and had a strong finish on the hillside in front of the judges. Miller's Newest Version (PF/Owen) had a strong forward race throughout the whole brace. No bird work was reported.

Brace 10A. Touch's Jimi Thing (PM/Perkins). In the heat, Jimi cast away hard to the front and reappeared on the shelf below the tall hill. He went over the hill and went on point after the first road crossing at 16. Sharptails were flushed while Jimi maintained his beautiful poise. He then was sent on and disappeared into the valley before bird alley. He was found pointed at the beginning of bird alley at 25, which resulted in an unproductive. He was sent on and went on point at 27, where birds were produced. He then disappeared to the front and reappeared at the top of bird alley. He then cast off and was found pointed in the middle of the top shelf at 55, and birds were produced. Jimi finished strong to the front. Burr Oak's Born Again (VIZM/Gingrich) was picked up at the road crossing at 13.

Brace 11A. Burr Oak's Barney (VIZM/Gingrich) had a strong race. He suffered an unproductive at 52 at the top of the last ridge. Perkins Diamond Cutter (PM/Perkins) was picked up for breach of manners at the upper shelf at 18.

Brace 12A. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Dallee (ESF/Mauck) had a strong start to the front and disappeared. The tracker was requested at 23. S T's Locked N Loaded (VIZF/Gingrich) maintained a smooth race throughout the brace. She was picked before the gap at 54 for breach of manners.

Brace 13A. Ramblin Rivers Unplugged (PF/Gingrich) was lost to the front after the road crossing. Tracker was requested at 42. Name Like Mike (PM/Robbins) had a find at 30 after the road crossing. Mike finished the hour.

Brace 14A. S B always Dreamin (PF/Owen) had a strong start and was found pointed on the first ridge, and birds were produced at 6. She went on to have a second find at 13 after the first road crossing on the hillside. She was found pointed at 55, and birds were claimed to have been produced, but no birds were seen. Dreamin finished the hour.

idaho osd chf23

Idaho State Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners (l-r): Bill Owen, Chris Perkins with Touch's Jimi Thing, Jarry Walton (judge), Brandi Perkins with Perkins Sawyer's Warrior, Marty Middleton (judge), Alex Mauck, Mike Robbins, and Sophie Robbins.

American Falls, Ida., September 25
Judges: Marty Middleton and Jarry Walton

Winner-TOUCH'S JIMI THING, 1692245, pointer male, by Touch's Grey Street-Hainline's Silver Star. Chris Perkins, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-PERKINS SAWYER'S WARRIOR, 1694443, pointer male, by Touch's Grey Street-Intentional. Chris Perkins, owner and handler.

Judges: Bill Owen and Alex Rickert

1st-PERKINS WARRIOR PRINCESS, 1706147, pointer female, by Perkins Sawyer's Warrior-Perkins Elhew River Rail. Chris Perkins, owner and handler.
2d-PERKINS TAZMANIAN DEVIL, 1706148, pointer male, by Perkins Sawyer's Warrior-Perkins Beautiful Disaster. Chris Perkins, owner and handler.
3d-SERANOA'S VALLEY BELOW, 1700479, pointer male, by Touch's Malcolm Story-Seranoa's On Guard Annie. Nicholas Schade, owner and handler.

idaho odf23

Idaho Open Derby Classic Winners (l-r): Bill Owen (judge), Dave Noell, Ed Mayhew, Jim Michaletz, Rich Heaton, Chris Perkins, John Neely, Brandi Perkins, Alex Rickert (judge) Brad McCardle, Nard Bailey, Nick Schade, and Terry Erickson. Dogs (l-r): Perkins Warrior Princess, Perkins Tazmanian Devil, Seranoa's Valley Below.