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Result: Field Trial Results

Post Date: Jan 11, 2024

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During the course of the field trial season, some clubs do not submit a report highlighting the winners' performances, opting instead to submit the Essential Data forms showing the winners of the various stakes sponsored.
So as to accord these winners some public recognition for their accomplishments, rosters of these stakes are posted.


Rochester, Pa., September 9
Judges: Rich Johnson and Tim McClurg
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 6 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-MILLER'S HOPPED UP VERSION, 1695106, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Carlos Escalante, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-SADDLED UP SADIE, 1699757, pointer female, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Joe Cammisa, owner; Dave Hughes, handler.
3d-LESLIE'S ELLI MAE, 1697969, setter female, by Grouse River Rocklen Roll-Grouse River Patti Cakes. Leslie Bressler, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
Judges: Tim McClurg and Eric Rizza
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 16 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-BACKCOUNTRY BRUISER, 1672645, pointer male, by Erin's War Creek-Backcountry Tornado. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
2d-DOUBLE DEUCE SAGE, 1673986, pointer female, by Double Deuce Peter-Funseeker's Holiday. Douglas E. McMillen, Jr., owner; Dave Hughes, handler.
3d-A DISTANT SPEC, 1668665, pointer female, by Erin's War Creek-Brave Heart Cassie. Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
Judges: Eric Rizza and Kara Thatcher
OPEN PUPPY - 5 Pointers

1st-BACKCOUNTRY FEARLESS, 1705245, female, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Chris Catanzarite, owner; Reese Carroll, handler.
2d-LUCKY BEE'S OUTLAW, 1704448, male, by Springflow's Bacountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Nick Lasica, owner and handler.
OPEN DERBY - 3 Pointers
1st-SUGAR, unreg., female, breeding not given. Dave Hughes, owner and handler.
Judges: Eric Munden and Brian D. Riggle
AMATEUR PUPPY - 5 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-FLEETFOOT MAC, 1702321, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac-Hunter's Flight Risk. Randy Abraham, owner and handler.
2d-DOUBLE DEUCE METRIC G, 1705500, pointer female, by Double Deuce Miles-Sandland Dolly P. Douglas E. McMillen, Jr., owner and handler.
3d-CAL PEAK MATTER OF OPINYON, 1705501, pointer female, by Double Deuce Miles-Sandland Dolly P. Sarah Gomes, owner and handler.
Judges: Eric Munden and Kara Thatcher

1st-CC LENNI LENAPE, 1705228, Irish setter male, by Silver Creek Wild Again-Roses Are Red. Al Fazanbaker, owner and handler.
2d- CAL PEAK MATTER OF OPINYON, 1705501, pointer female, by Double Deuce Miles-Sandland Dolly P. Sarah Gomes, owner and handler.
3d-FLEETFOOT MAC, 1702321, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac-Hunter's Flight Risk. Randy Abraham, owner and handler.
Judges: Rick Johnson and Brian D. Riggle
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 14 Pointers, 1 Setter, 1 Brittany and 2 Irish Setters

1st-A DISTANT SPEC, 1668665, pointer female, by Erin's War Creek-Brave Heart Cassie. Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-CONNEAUT CREEK SCENIC RIVER, 1693481, Irish setter male, by Cedar Creek Talon-Cedar Creek's Skyline Belle. Al Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
3d-DOUBLE DEUCE JACK, 1691404, pointer male, by Cal Peak Hundredth Meridian-Double Deuce Molly. Douglas E. McMillen, Jr., owner and handler.


Cheyenne, Okla., Septembe r26
Judges: Tim Hidalgo and Adrian Jackson
ABHA COLORADO OPEN SHOOTING DOG CLASSIC [One-Hour Heats] - 19 Pointers and 3 Setters

1st-GRIFF'S EXPRESS, 1690730, pointer male, by L V's Western Express-L V's Silver Lining. Mike Griffin, owner; Justin Crook, handler.
2d-AIM HIGH ELHEW HADLEY, 1683609, pointer female, by Striking Elhew Zorro-Elhew Epitome. Scott, Tierra & Kowa Hadley, owners; Scott Hadley, handler.
3d-TWO SEAMER, 1688946, pointer male, by Rock Acre Shortstop-Frozen Desert Blizzard. Colby Tackett, owner; Justin Crook, handler.
COLORADO OPEN DERBY CLASSIC - 8 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st-HIGH ENCHANTRESS, 1700180, pointer female, by Lester's Storm Surge-Lester's Snow White. Matt Griffith, Ron Stearnsm & Newley Hutchison, owners; Scott Hadley, handler.
2d-STA'AO O'WAR, 1704718, setter female, by T's Nickleback-t'S Hidden Grace. Douglas Spale, owner; Matt Cochran, handler.
3d-SHAWS MONEY MABEL, 1701750, setter female, by Shamrock's Hidden Cash-Shamrock's Hidden Bristol. Gary Shaw, owner; Matt Cochran, handler.


Ionia, Mich., October 7 - One Course
Judges: Bill Branham and Kelsey Hajek
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 1 Pointer, 1 Setter and 12 German Shorthairs

1st-HI N'S SECRET SOCIETY, 1688000, German Shorthair female, by Hi N's Bodacious-Hi N's Hasty Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.
2d-STELLER WIND, 1678050, pointer female, by Easy Terms-Quickmarksman's Erin Penny. James & Connie Cipponeri, owners; Jim Cipponeri, handler.
3d-JACK'S ROCKIN ROCCO, 1669276, setter male, by Thornapple Hawk-Boondocks Karens Annie Girl. Connie & Jim Cipponeri, owners; Jim Cipponeri, handler.
Judges: Bill Branham and Jim Cipponeri

1st-WINDFALL MACKINAW STRAIGHTS, 1701992, pointer male, by Knight's Last Chipster-Windfall Queen of Soul. Joe Guzman, owner and handler.
2d-ALPENBLICK'S LONESTAR LILY, unreg., German Shorthair female, breeding not given. Melissa Toney, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.
3d-TONEY'S BUSHWACKING ROOSTER, 1706700, German Shorthair male, by BDK's Jax Original Fire Chief-Freemans Hope Does Float. Helmut Schoen, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.
Judges: Dan DiMambro and Joe Guzman
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 2 Pointers and 6 German Shorthairs

1st-WICKED QUICK, 1674810, pointer female, by Dunn's Tried'n True-Dunn's Get Out Sue. Sandy Maclean & Kelsey Hajek, owners; Kelsey Hajek, handler.
2d-HI N'S FAMILY TIES, 1687999, German Shorthair female, by Hi N's Bodacious-Hi N's Hasty Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.
3d-HI-N'S STORM SURGE, 1706460, German Shorthair male, male, by Joke's On You-Hi N's Hasty Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.


Kanna-River, Japan, October 29 - One Course
Judges: Hideaki Aoki and Norio Yamazaki
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 12 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-THE SEKIOKAN'S MADONNA, 1664768, pointer male, by Richfield Charlie-The Sekioka's Suji. Fumio Takarada, owner and handler.
2d-RIVERFIELD M ANGELS TOO, 1681339, pointer female, by Richfield Charlie-Yu's Wild Rega. Minoru Masuda, owner; Noboru Taguti, handler.
3d-CAMEROT, 1698394, pointer male, by East City Yellow Gang-Linestone Elhew A Meg. Tatuo Ishino, owner and handler.


Bando Field Ibaraki, Japan, November 3 - One Course
Judges: Kouzou Sakanashi and Norio Yamazaki
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 8 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-THE CLEARWATER A LONG, 1689793, pointer male, by Decoy Lakes Winning Harley-The Miss Caroline. Yoshiyuki Nagase, owner and handler.
2d-THE PITMAN, unreg., pointer male, by Chasehill Little Lucky-The Miss Tsukubaseed Elhew Janda. Syouichi Sonoda, owner and handler.
3d-HIGH STAR ROCK, 1686296, pointer male, by Owariyanasan Elhew Blue Eye-Peawood Kentucky Love. Tuyoshi Harada, owner and handler.


Carrolton, Ga., November 4
Judges: Connie King and J. D. Lovern
SBHA OPEN PUPPY - 3 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-NUGGET, unreg., pointer male, breeding not given. C S Code Blue-Naughty Pearl. Marty Robinson, owner and handler.
2d-LADY ELHEW GODIVA, 1705738, pointer female, by Rhododendron Elhew Chief-Autumn Elhew Encore. Jannie Shepherd, owner and handler.
SBHA OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st-MONTANA DREAM, 1702082, pointer female, by Dominator's Ghost Rider-Lindley's Free Bird. Brad Macke & Anthony Grimaki, owners; Brad Macke, handler.
2d-BEAR CREEK TEXAS FIGHT, 1697630, pointer male, by Showtime Sam Houston-Erin's Wild Callie. Marty Robinson, owner and handler.
3d-OUTLAW LAMA, 1698869, pointer female, by Outlaw Romano-Outlaw Momma Grizzly. Jim Crook, owner and handler.
SBHA AMATEUR DERBY - 2 Pointers, 1 Setter and 1 German Shorthair
1st-DIRTY HARRY, 1705159, pointer male, by Rocky Hollow Cracker Jack-Rocky Hollow Ginger Snap. Marty Robinson, owner and handler.
2d-LM'S BLUE MOON BAYOU, 1705064, German Shorthair male, by Rudy's Sky Ben-S P's Little Hurricane. Brad & Lauren Macke, owners; Brad Macke, handler.
SBHA AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 8 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st-MONTANA DREAM, 1702082, pointer female, by Dominator's Ghost Rider-Lindley's Free Bird. Brad Macke & Anthony Grimaki, ownres; Brad Macke, handler.
2d-MILLER'S SUNDIAL, 1701439, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial-Rocky Hollow Ginger Snap. Jenni Shepherd, owner and handler.
3d-OUTLAW LAMA, 1698869, pointer female, by Outlaw Romano-Outlaw Momma Grizzly. Jim Crook, owner and handler.


King William, Va., November 4 - One Course
Judges: George Ramkey and Bert Wright
AMATEUR PUPPY - 1 Pointer and 5 Setters

1st-JED, unreg., setter male, breeding not given. Dennis Kivikko, owner and handler.
2d-SLIM, unreg., setter male, breeding not given. Dennis Kivikko, owner and handler.
3d-WAYSIDE JADE, 1706544, setter female, by Blue Ridge Chance-She's A Jewel. Steve Moore, owner and handler.
AMATEUR DERBY - 3 Pointers
1st-MAY'S ELHEW JET. [Placement Voided].
Judges: Gene Hogg and Johnny Lewis
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 13 Pointers, 5 Setters and 2 Brittanys
1st-CHIPPOKES FANCY LADY, 1689564, pointer female, by Stoney Run's Buddy-Hirollins Fancy Lady. Lee Flanders, owner and handler.
2d-JAKE THE JOKER, 1693052, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Legacy's Pride-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Mitch Forrester & Jim Crandall, owners; James Crandall, handler.
3d-WARRIOR'S MEAN LOUIE, 1691549, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Trail Warrior-Pirate's Mean Louise. Dennis Kivikko, owner and handler.


Wellsville, Pa., November 11
Judges: Joe Faggiola and Brian Wieland
NBHA OPEN DERBY - 5 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-INDIAN CREEK 9" NAILS, 1703032, setter male, by Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Jillian Stuhr & Garry Malzone, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.
2d-INDIAN CREEK PEARL JAM, 1703034, setter male, by Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Jillian Stuhr & Garry Malzone, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.
3d-J AND M WAFFLES, 1703225, pointer female, by Erin's Hollywood-Indian Creek High Tide. Jason Paternostro, owner and handler.
NBHA OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 11 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st-INDIAN CREEK SPROUT, 1693330, pointer female, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek Ramona. Jillian Stuhr, owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
2d-PURE CONFIDENCE, 1660531, pointer male, by True Confidence-Richfield Rose. Black Meadow Kennels, owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK COURAGEOUS CAT, 1670105, pointer female, by South Bound Strech-Indian Creek Sugar. Edward M. Marron, Jr., owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
Judges: Jillian Stuhr and Kerri Wieland
NBHA AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-INDIAN CREEK STORM CHASER, 1687325, pointer male, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek Ramona. John & Lori Bleeker, owners; John Bleeker, handler.
2d-HURRICANE FREYA, 1696741, setter female, by Five B K Country Road Pharaoh-Leia. Jason Peternostro, owner and handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK STORM CHOPPER, 1706522, pointer male, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek High Tide. John Bleeker, owner and handler.


Vernon, Utah, November 11 - One Course
Judges: Art Cox and Chris Perkins
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 6 Pointers, 1 Setter and 1 Vizsla

1st-ASPEN BLUE, 16 Vizsla male, by Hillbillie's Omaha Hero-Bird Dog Brothers Triple. Dan Mayer, owner and handler.
2d-JANEE'S HOTLINE, 1706600, pointer male, by Miller's Speed Dial-Lester's Wildfair Lady. Jason Staley, owner and handler.
3d-FRONTLINE BREED ME DRY, 1674612, pointer male, by Frontline Norman-Funseeker's Rebel Mindy. Scott & Clarissa Evans, owners; Scott Evans, handler.
Judges: Scott Evans and Layne Peterson
OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers, 1 Setter and 2 German Shorthairs

1st-UPLAND GUNSLINGER'S GRIP, 1703249, setter male, by T's Gunslinger-Erin's Red Rose. Mike Robbins, owner and handler.
2d-PERKINS RIVERBOY, 1706586, pointer male, by Perkins Sawyer's Warrior-Perkins Elhew River Rail. Christopher Perkins, owner and handler.
3d-EDGE'S GHOSTBUSTER, 1706712, pointer male, by Haney's Silver Dollar-Edge's Ten Gallon. Gordon Jones, owner and handler.
OPEN DERBY - 4 Pointers, 1 Setter and 1 German Shorthair
1st-CHURCH HILL'S RED CLOUD, 1701964, pointer male, by Touch's Diamante-Empire On Line. Ben DeJonge, owner and handler.
2d-PERKINS LIQUID COURAGE, 1706030, pointer male, by Perkins Sawyer's Warrior-Perkins Beautiful Disaster. Jason Staley, owner and handler.
3d-CHURCH HILL'S SITTING BULL, 1701963, pointer male, by Touch's Diamante-Empire On Line. Ben DeJonge, owner and handler.


Palo, Ia., November 11
Judges: Jerry Alden and Aaron McAffee
OPEN DERBY - 6 Pointers

1st-ROLLING HILLS MIKE, 1700890, male, by Redhawk's Clyde-Rolling Hill's Alice. Jeff Wagoner, owner and handler.
2d-WAUBEEK'S HANDSOME DANCER, 1700644, male, by Waubeek Rebeleation-Brown's Moonrise. Mark Livingston, owner and handler.
3d-WAUBEEK RUNNIN ROWDY, 1702946, male, by Rocky Ridge White Smoke-Gambler's All In. Mark Livingston, owner and handler.
Judges: Hunter Livingston and Ned Myers

1st-GAMBLER'S NEXT ADDITION, 1692432, male, by Rocky Ridge's White Smoke-Gambler's All In. Jerry Alden, owner and handler.
2d-CROW CREEK REDBUD, 1697119, female, by Walker's Legacy-Redbud's Country Girl. Aaron McAfee, owner and handler.
3d-WAUBEEK SIN AGAIN, 1698168, male, by Waubeek Riff Raff-Brown's Moonrise. Mark Livingston, owner and handler.


Hardyston, N. J., November 18
Judges: Steve Chiofalo and Peter Slattery
NBHA OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-INDIAN CREEK PEARL JAM, 1703034, setter male, by Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Jillian Stuhr & Garry Malzone, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.
2d-NO DOUBT ABOUT SCOUT, 1704980, pointer male, by Oh Well Little Tucker-Oh Well Little Kacey. Mike Imparato, owner and handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK 9" NAILS, 1703032, SETTER MALE, BY Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Jillian Stuhr & Garry Malzone, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.
NBHA OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 11 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st-INDIAN CREEK SPROUT, 1693330, pointer female, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek Ramona. Jillian Stuhr, owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
2d-INDIAN CREEK COURAGEOUS CAT, 1670105, pointer female, by South Bound Strech-Indian Creek Sugar. Edward Marron, Jr., owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK PINEAPPLE, 1697900, pointer female, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek Ramona. Black Meadow Kennels, owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
Judges: Steve Chiofalo and Bobby Verderosa
NBHA AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 4 Pointers and 2 Setters

1st-INDIAN CREEK STORM CHOPPER, 1706522, pointer male, by Indian Creek Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek High Tide. John & Lori Bleeker, owners; John Bleeker, handler.
2d-INDIAN CREEK STORM CHASER, 1687325, pointer male, by Indian Creek Perfect Storm-Indian Creek Ramona. John & Lori Bleeker, owners; John Bleeker, handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK PERFECT STORM, 1650241, pointer male, by Sugarknoll Snow Warning-Mohawk Mill Lexus. John & Lori Bleeker, owners; John Bleeker, handler.


Atlanta, Kan., November 18
Judges: Andy Neria and Rhonda Shepard
NBHA OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 11 Pointers and 1 Setter

1st-SOUTHERN SHADOW'S BOOTLEGGER, 1700852, pointer male, by Lester's Prime Poison Lane-Southern Ritz Lane. Klaus Schmidt, owner and handler.
2d-HEY MR. TIN MAN, 1680641, pointer male, by Crazy Train-My Lil Whiskey Girl. Kenny Snow, owner and handler.
3d-ALMOSTA'S FRED FLINTSONE, 1681609, pointer male, by Almosta's Wile E Coyote-Almosta's Mighty Mouse. John Beauchamp, owner and handler.
NBHA OPEN DERBY - 7 Pointers and 3 Setters
1st-BANDIT HILL BESS, 1706165, pointer female, by Stan's Legacy-Mountainside Sadie Kaye. Klaus Schmidt, owner and handler.
2d-BRIDGERS INSANE BOLT, 1702589, pointer male, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. John Holt, owner and handler.
3d-BRIDGERS OPEN FOR BUSINESS, 1702420, pointer male, by Miller Unfinished Business-Phantom's Santo Sun. John Holt, owner and handler.
Judges: Andy Neria and Frank Schoenborn
NBHA OPEN PUPPY - 10 Pointers

1st-ZAC, unreg., male, by Hackberry's Elhew Chief-Hackberry's Elhew Eve. Bob Konz, owner; Chris Larson, handler.
2d-MS OUTLAW JOSY WALES, 1704643, female, by Snow's Sea Dollar-Snow's Rhiannon. Chris Leeson, owner and handler.
3d-OUTLAW WHITE POWDER, 1706079, male, by Three Kansans Takin'a Chance-Backyard Lucy. Chris Leeson, owner; Michelle Ranson Leeson, handler.
Judges: Andy Neria and Rhonda Shepard

1st-CRAIG'S RUNNIN ROXIE, 16655773, pointer female, by Mac's Silver Dollar-Hilo Southern Tea. Craig Hiatt, owner and handler.
2d-SULPHUR BEND FIRESTORM, 1690502, German Shorthair male, by Texas Tuff-Sulphur Bend Inferno. William Langley, owner and handler.
1st-CRAIG'S SASSIE SADIE, 1690033, pointer female, by Greypointe Izquierda-You Can Never Tell. Craig Hiatt, owner and handler.
2d-FIREBUG, 1686749, setter female, by Bugs N Dirt-Iron Afire. H. Charles Maxon III, owner and handler.