Event: Razorback Open Shooting Dog Classic
Result: Hidden Valley Field Trial Club
Location: Conway, Arkansas
Post Date: Jan 17, 2024
Submitted By: Diane Vater

Razorback Open Shooting Dog Classic Winners (l-r): Shawn Kinkelaar with Thunder's Wild Agin, Henry Brewster (judge), Robby Robinson with Chelsea's Mae West, John Van Horn, Virgil Moore with Resolution, and Diane Vater (judge).
The Razorback Shooting Dog Classic was held at the Camp Robinson field trial grounds November 19-23, 2023. Other than a one-day postponement due to rain and storms, the weather was near perfect, and the birds were plentiful.
We thank our sponsors, Purina and SportDOG; they contribute so much to our sport.
Others who deserve a thank you are Treissa Robinson and Jill Smith for getting lunch set out every day, Robby Robinson and John Van Horn for marshaling, Ronnie Miller for making coffee every morning, Roger Martin for driving the dog wagon, and Johnny and Rita Ornsby for hosting the trial.
Judges Diane Vater and Henry Brewster rode hard and watched each and every charge with a keen eye.
The Winners
In first place was Thunder's Wild Agin, a pointer female owned by Doug Swingley and handled by Shawn Kinkelaar, who ran in the sixth brace. Wild Agin was on a mission to find birds. She had a wide and mostly forward race and was rewarded with a find at 14. She stood proudly as a covey was produced. Her second find came at 42; she was standing in a small patch of grass, no birds were produced on the first attempt, but after a relocation, a nice covey was put to flight. She would have one more find on a big covey at 49.
Second place, Chelsea's Mae West, a pointer female owned by Ron Prewitt and Brad Sadler and handled by Shawn Kinkelaar, ran in the fourth brace. Mae hunted hard throughout the hour. She was pointed at 10; handler made an effort to flush, but no birds lifted. After good relocation, birds were produced. Scout called point at 42, Mae was found standing in heavy cover, and another covey was produced.
Third place Resolution, a pointer male owned by Chuck Forsyth and handled by Virgil Moore, ran in the 16th brace. Resolution had a smooth, pleasing race and handled kindly. He had a good covey find at 42 by the nursey pound.
The Running
Brace No. 1: Gray Ghost (ESM/Basilone) and Upfront's Southern Star (PF/Kinkelaar). Ghost was animated in his effort but went birdless for the hour. Star ran a forward race, always showing at the right times and places. However, she was seen little after the mountain crossing. The tracker was pulled at 47.
Brace No. 2: Wind Ridge Sugar Plum (PF/Taylor) and Thunder Bolt's Storm (PF/Kinkelaar). Sugar was moving well but made a wrong turn early in the brace, and the tracker was pulled at the mountain crossing at 18. Storm had a nice forward race, with no birds for her effort.
Brace No. 3: Hale's Smooth Touch PF (Kinkelaar) and Smoke 'N' Mirrors (PF/(Basilone). Touch hadn't been seen in a while, and handler decided to pull the tracker at 22. Smoke's handler elected to pick up at 20.
Brace No. 4: Rob's Big Jake (ESM/Moore) and Chelsea's Mae West (PF/Kinkelaar). Jake was seen at the breakaway, but not for long; handler took the tracker at 14. Mae West already reported.
Brace No. 5: Hale's High Flyer (PF/Taylor) and Limbsmoke Urban Lullaby (PF/Basilone). Flyer moved around well, point was called twice, once by the handler and once by the scout, but both were waved off. She finished without bird contact. Lullaby disappeared at 10. Tracker was pulled at 27.
Brace No. 6: Thunder's Wild Agin (PF/(Kinkelaar) and Valrio (PF/Taylor). Wild Agin already reported. Valrio covered a lot of ground, but birds would elude her. She was seen at time, point was called some 20 seconds after time, unfortunately a little too late.
Brace No. 7: Island Fantasy (ESM/Basilone) and Big N Wild (PM/Cochran). Birds were seen in the air at 7. Fantasy was stopped, handler fired and moved on. Fantasy turned right at the mountain crossing, and after an effort to get the dog turned, handler elected to pick up. The scout called point for Wild at 10, and birds were produced. Sent on, Wild continued making some good casts and handling well. He pointed again at 53; a flushing attempt, relocation, and a second attempt were made, but no birds were produced. He was gone at time but found within the allotted time.
Brace No. 8: Game Street (PM/ Moore) and Big Man On Campus (PM/Kinkelaar). This started out good, both dogs were hunting the country. Street had a nice stop to flush on a big covey at 25. He continued his race as he had started, fast, snappy, and with a good handle, but he would have no further bird contact. Big had a find at 22. He got a little wider after the mountain crossing, eventually losing contact with his handler.
Brace No. 9: Hirollins Bad Boy (PM/Basilone) and Levi Express Visa (ESM/Moore). Bad Boy broke away like he was ready to roll. Point called at 4, a lengthy flushing attempt proved to be an NP. Shortly after catching the front, he disappeared, and the tracker pulled at 21. Levi made some nice casts. He had his first find at 15 with all in order. Scout called point at 58; Levi was found standing on the other side of some gnarly cover. He was way off his birds and had to be relocated a couple of times; eventually, the birds were produced, and time was called.
Brace No. 10: Reed's Yellowstone (PM/Cochran) and Kool Hand Luke (PM/Taylor). Stone had a good find at 22. Handler picked up at 40. Luke was standing off the side of the road at 17. Handler attempted to flush, but no birds could be produced, and handler elected to pick up.
Brace No. 11: J N Bolt Action (PM/Kinkelaar) and Business Man (PM/Taylor). This was a really fun brace at the start, but Bolt got bigger and bigger, and tracker called for at 21. Man was all business. He was covering the country with a fast and snappy gait and going to all the right places while staying in contact with his handler. He had a find at 29 on a single--his second find at 46 on a large covey. At the flush, the birds flew right in his face, and over his shoulders, he moved a little too much, thus ending a bid that surely would have shaken things up.
Brace No. 12: Tug O'War (PM/Kinkelaar) and LMP's Can't Touch This (PM/Moore). Tug had an NP at 8. He hunted well but no bird work; handler picked him up at 50. Touch is a fast-moving young setter and lost touch with his handler; tracker called for at 38.
Brace No. 13: Harbor City Sure Shot (PF/Basilone) and Hunt's Full Moon Rising (PM/Kinkelaar). Shot was erratic in her pattern and out of pocket a couple of times and needed to be rounded up. Handler elected to pick up at 40. Moon was found standing at 11 with great style. However, no birds could be produced. He suffered his second NP at 30 to end his day.
Brace No. 14: Brighter Days (PF/Moore) and Silver W Jill Z (PF/Kinkelaar). Days started strong but slowed in bird alley. Handler checked her and picked up due to knocked pads. Jill was MIA from the breakaway; tracker was requested at 11.
Brace No. 15: Lester's Another Shockwave (PM/Kinkelaar) and Red Alert Lane (PM/Basilone). Wave had an exciting start. After a powerful move along the base of the mountain, scout called point; however, no birds could be produced. Once he caught the front, his pattern became erratic, and handler elected to pick up. Lane failed to make the turn with us, and handler called for the tracker.
Brace No. 16: Erin's Thunder Backus (PM/Kinkelaar) and Resolution (PM/Moore). Backus's handler requested the tracker at 11. Resolution has already been reported.
Brace No. 17: LMP's True Grit (ESM/Moore) and Fort River's Lucky Charm (ESM/Basilone). Point was called for Grit at 25. A nice covey was produced, but Grit was overzealous and gave chase. Charm had a find at 20. He moved well around the course, covering a lot of ground and handling well.
Brace No. 18: Touch's Steely Dan (PM/Moore) and Upfront's McQuade (PM/Kinkelaar). Dan finished the hour with no bird contacts. The tracker was requested at 12 for McQuade.
Brace No. 19: Southern Shadows Rick (PM/Basilone) and Thunderbolt's Boom (PF/Kinkelaar). Rick and his handler were not on the same page today; worried about the road, his handler elected to take the tracker. Boom had finds at 7 and 15. Her pattern was not as forward as some of the others before her, and handler elected to pick up at 45.
Conway, Ark., November 19
Judges: Henry Brewster and Diane Vater
RAZORBACK OPEN SHOOTING DOG CLASSIC [One-Hour Heats] - 34 Pointers and 8 Setters
1st-THUNDER'S WILD AGIN, 1691314, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Double Wild. Doug Swingley & Brett Bruggeman, owners; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
2d-CHELSEA'S MAE WEST, 1686810, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Chelsea's Southern Chic. Ron Prewitt & Brad Sadler, owners; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler.
3d-RESOLUTION, 1692608, pointer male, by Rocky Ridge's White Smoke-Wiggins Sin On Line. Charles Forsyth, owner; Virgil Moore, handler.