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Result: 60th United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity

Location: Hoffman, North Carolina

Post Date: Mar 5, 2024

Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew

U. S. Quail WinnersS24

United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity Winners (l-r): Rob McGuire, Chris Catanzarite holding Backcountry Champagnesupernova, Mark Hughes, Steve Browder, Mike Tracy, Casey Tracy holding Hausers Unhinged, Bob Young, Doug Ray, John Adsit, Jett Ferebee holding Hatteras Storm Watch, Judith Hamilton, John Stolgitis, Jim Emerson, Gary Winall, Ellen Winall holding Mohawk Mill King Pen, Earl Drew, and Ginny Emerson.

Celebrating 60 years of running the United States Quail Shooting Dog Futurity at the renowned H. Robert Field Trial Grounds in the Sandhills Game Lands in Hoffman, North Carolina, was a well-attended and successful event. The futurity is a birth-nominated bird dog event, which grew from a bird dog hunter who wants to compete at an earlier age than the traditional shooting dog classes. These hunters, along with the N. C. Wildlife and its' commissioners, founded the Futurity in 1964. Standards and Guidelines were established outlining desirable qualities for a futurity winner. In essence, the derby should show a desire to find birds and handle the same with intensity in all types of conditions. A derby should show intelligence to hunt independently while showing style and a pleasing appearance, whether running or on point. These guidelines were spelled out in detail and are still upheld today.

As the grounds at Hoffman continued to develop and become famous for their flow of courses, bird habitat, and proximity to restaurants, lodging, and shopping, so too did many types of field trials at Hoffman. Some folks prefer to call it the H. Robert Gordon field trial grounds in Ellerbe, North Carolina. Today, the grounds are some of the best in the United States. There are six courses, each approximately 6 miles in length. These courses are maintained by the state and are comprised of piney woods, open fields with feed plots, and water available via brooks and manmade water holes. Since 1981, the North Carolina Field Trial Association has worked with the state to adopt an early fall bid release program. These birds are fed regularly with a tractor disbursing seed. The six courses recently gained mileage markers for EMS use if needed and to help handlers know where they are during a run.

For the fall of 2023 and into January of 2024, the birds have been plentiful at Hoffman. This does not mean that every day or every brace will have multiple coveys; however, it is good to remember that when folks go hunting, they are not always finding game either. The weather is a big factor! For the January 1-3, 2024, U. S. Quail Futurity, 34 coveys of quail were seen: Some were pointed and flushed, others ridden up by horses. The big thing is "The Birds Were There!" On the first day, we had 13 coveys; on Tuesday, only six; and on Wednesday, we had 15 (eight of those coveys in one hour).

The bird program for the 2023-2024 season has been adjusted with the help of many experienced birdkeepers. On the Hoffman grounds, the feeding and releasing of the quail has been planned and assisted by several experienced people. As noted by Sam Giddens, "Folks who trial here year after year are commenting on this being one the best years for birds." The coveys flush high and wild. The numbered count per covey was six and often more. The birds at this futurity were fat and healthy birds; therefore, despite the futurity, following two very large trials, one with 82 entries and the other with 76 entries, still finding ample birds was a tremendous improvement over the prior year. The Futurity drew 44 dogs around 2 years old, all running 30 minutes in the first series, and then those called back by the judges to further evaluate their bird sense, style on the ground, as well as running endurance, were asked to run for an hour. Four placements were made. The judges called back 14 dogs and stated that they had a hard time cutting it back to even that good-sized number. The 2024 entries were of top-shelf caliber. Entries in the Quail Futurity came from 19 different handlers. Of these entries, nine were amateurs handling their own dogs, and the remaining were professional handlers. There were 33 litters nominated for this 60th event.

The Futurity has an active committee with jobs during the trial being undertaken by different folks. Vice chairman G. B. Hatcher announced all braces for the duration of the trial. John and Gretchen Adsit winter in North Carolina from Vermont and have become the head kitchen managers for the futurity as well as many other events at Hoffman. Greg Robinson is the wagon driver. Roger McPherson was on hand daily to serve as a marshal. Chairman Gary Miller was on hand Monday and Wednesday, albeit under the weather after a horse accident on Monday afternoon. Your reporter is the futurity secretary and tries to keep everything in order. Committee member Earl Drew fills many roles throughout the year and picks up the slack during the trial. This year, he also was under the weather due to a fall the week before. Only two members were unable to attend, both from out of town.

During the evening handlers' dinner, hosted by Madison McDonald and Allen Linder, owners of the 59th Quail Futurity winner, Miller's Little Duce Coupe, and assisted by Purina, a large crowd of 48 gathered. A painting of last year's winners was graciously accepted by Madison. The painting was completed by celebrated wildlife artist Leah Brigham, Somerville, Tennessee. For those not familiar with her work, visit her website. You will be pleased.
The futurity is, as always, thankful for the support of Purina. Their hats, clothing for judges, banners that surround the Hoffman clubhouse both in and out, and Pro Plan Sport feed to share are gratefully appreciated. Thanks, Greg Blair and Purina for your continuing generous support.

At the time that announcements are made, each winner is advised that DNA is required to have their win count. The Futurity is a Purina Points top dog trial, which also requires proof of DNA as well. The winner will receive a painting presented at next January's 61st Futurity. Congratulations to all.

Sam Giddens addressed the group before supper Tuesday evening to highlight the excellent improvement in the quail count to this January date. Several changes have been tried this fall and appear to be working. Thank you to the bird committee. This is the best year in a long time. Also recognized were several past and present members of the futurity committee and NCFTA who have been ill or who had passed during the past year. A prayer for their recovery or peace in heaven was offered.

Judges this year were Rob McGuire, past officer of the NCFTA, and professional Steve Browder. The two gave every dog their attention and gave your reporter good feedback for the report that follows. Purina also thanked them with all-weather warm jackets.

The first place went to Backcountry Champagnesupernova, a pointer female owned, trained, and handled by Chris Catanzarite from Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania. Supernova is a good-sized female, mostly white, in a litter bred by Mike Martino. The dam was Apple Annie's Sweet Delight x Dragonfly. Chris breeds many litters himself; however, this dog was whelped while Chris was recovering from a stroke. You might say Supernova and Chris progressed fantastically. In the first series, her brace ran about 45 minutes before sunset. She hopped out front and tried to point at 16, although she continued on, and handler waved off his call of point. However, by 19, she had cast well forward and was found to the side by scout. All tall, solid, and mannerly handled. Her white body was easy to follow as she toured the countryside with strong and merry casts. Nearing 28 minutes, we watched a distant white spot staunch up. Another nice covey handled with mature manners. As time was called, we were all pleased that we still had daylight and two dogs. In the second series, Supernova ran in the first brace of the day. This brace will long be remembered by all who rode to watch and all who heard the retelling of the hour. This callback brace ended up being the first and second place dogs, with a total of eight coveys being pointed during that hour. The morning air was brisk; the sides of the path sparkled with morning dew, some of which was frozen. The 18 horses quickly steamed up behind the forward dogs as if shot from a cannon. Backcountry Champagnesupernova had point called at 1 minute and 50 seconds. As handler dismounted, a good-sized covey burst skyward as a shot echoed in the morning air. By 7 minutes, she was stopped again for an even bigger covey. At 19, she and her bracemate were standing: A divided find or a point and a back, I am not sure. Regardless, both were there and looked awesome. There was a repeat of this flawless bird locating and standing for flush at 31. The pace of these two was fast and powerfully executed to all the right bird haunts. At 35, Supernova scored again. At 55, an unfortunate nonproductive was shared with bracemate beyond the bunker fields just before the road crossing near the water hole. The handlers quickly gathered up their charges, gave them water, and whistled them forward. Both dogs answered with another 5 minutes of snappy forward casts.

The second-place dog was Hausers Unhinged, a pointer male bred and owned by Sean and Deb Hauser, although handled by Mike Tracy. Hauser's Unhinged ran in the eighth brace of the first series, which was the second brace after lunch at the end of course one. This brace was accompanied by a gallery of 24-plus riders. He and his bracemate did not disappoint the gallery, reaching far to the front, first one then the other crossing in front or checking with handler just enough to establish an admirable team relationship. Below the clubhouse is a beaver dam; both dogs were there long before the gallery, stopping for a drink and one for a quick dip before bounding up the hillside, one on the right and one on the left. Hausers Unhinged had one find.

In the callback hour, Hausers Unhinged complimented the winner. Unhinged had a well-pinned covey near the water hole early. Everything appropriate to wing and shot. At 14, a second find was scored, this time a definite back by Supernova. By 19, the pair were seen scouring the wide and long field of warm-season grasses. What transpired was a divided find, although some thought a find with a back. The truth is: both dogs were there, a large covey lifted, and the dogs looked tremendous. At 28, the course dips down toward the brook, with heavy cover on both sides of the horse path. Unhinged scored a large covey to the right. As mentioned above, the pair shared a nonproductive at 55 but finished with plenty of energy and desire still surging through their finely tuned, athletic little bodies.

The third and fourth placements came from brace 3 of the callback hour series. Third was Hatteras Storm Watch, a setter male owned by Jett Ferebee with Doug Ray. Jett was present to watch his dog with pride. Fourth was Mohawk Mill King Pen, a pointer male bred, owned, and handled by Gary Winall. The callback hour had an early nonproductive for Storm Watch, although a consistent forward race in constant hunting mode. He scored a good tall and proud location at 24 as the group passed behind the barn and headed toward the beautiful open back area, so delightful to see maintained at Hoffman. The liver and white King Pen was forward and often seen swinging to the next possible bird spot with a positive stride in his gait. He scored a big covey at 38. Both dogs were well to the front as time was called, which sent handlers and scouts to round them up. It was good to see Gary Winall back in the saddle, handling his dogs after neck and knee repairs these past two years.

In the first series, Hatteras Storm Watch, a cross with Jo Veeta x Black Top, was bred by Doug Hinton. He ran in brace 17 just before the barn crossing on course 5. He showed the judges a strong forward race, which required very little scouting as he covered all the spots birds should have been. Mohawk Mill King Pen, from the litter with Mohawk Mill Dolly x Mohawk Mill Big Stuff bred by Ellen and Gary Winall, ran in brace 20 of the first series. Once again, no birdwork, but a front running, vigorously fast, and intelligent ground race earned him a callback.

Call Back Hour Series
A record number of 12 dogs were called back. The judges stated that there were so many top-quality dogs, a short list was impossible. Fourteen dogs were called back. Of these 14 dogs, three were littermates from Miller's Special Edition x Miller's Upgraded Version, two were from Wildcat Creek Athena x Erin's Wild Atlantic Way, and the rest were from assorted litters. At the end of this report, there is a listing of all entries and their litter information. Remember, litter registrations for the 61st and 62nd futurities are now underway; just contact Secretary Margaret Drew by phone: (910) 206-0079 or email:

Brace 1 of the callbacks was Hausers Unhinged with Mike Tracy and Backcountry Champagnesupernova; their brace covered above with the winners.

Brace 2 was Erin's Ikon, a setter male with Shawn Kinkelaar, and Mac's Slim Jim, a pointer male with Tim McClurg. Erin's Ikon had a very strong ground race, seen on the horizon navigating with a pleasing, consistent pace. He made game, hesitated, but caused handler to call off point a couple of times, leaving his hour with no birdwork. Mac's Slim Jim was always to the front, excepting near the old cornfield before mounting the push to make the road crossing before the barn. In this area, he had cast way to the right, into the woods, and then down along the seed crop on the edge of the field. He did not want to leave the area, which led to handler and scout bringing him to the road crossing through the woods. Both dogs were collared across the road and finished going away. No birdwork scored this brace.

Brace 3 was made up of the third and fourth-place winners. Hatteras Storm Watch with Doug Ray and Mohawk Mill King Pen with Gary Winall. This brace is covered above with the winners.

Brace 4 had a big gallery to watch Sweet's Easy Money, a pointer male owned by Jonathan Elrod with Mike Hester. Jonathan had planned to attend as he is getting involved with field trials and knew this was a good chance to get experience; however, he was unable to make it to Hoffman. Easy Money is a big dog who made good double-step buoyant casts in a moderate tour of the course. He was left to finish his hour as a bye dog after his bracemate was lost before the 15-minute mark. Handler and dog had a mutual understanding of how their hunting pace should go and maintained it for the full hour. Bracemate Mohawk Mill Miss Ellie, a pointer female with John Stolgitis, was just a blur of a body beyond the lower thick area in front of the clubhouse. By the time the hunting party reached the top of the crossing at 15, Miss Ellie was not seen. After a quick scouring of the field and upper corner of the field, Stolgitis took the GPS and located her on the left side over the steep hill. Of course, still on point.

Brace 5 was put down just before the sign, indicating the start of heat 2. Millers Authentic Version with Fran Miller and Erin's Bad Company with Kevin Stuart. Starting a litter slowly, we could see Authentic Version seriously in search of birds, with handler heavy on the whistle to encourage an extension of the search area. After not finding birds close at hand, Authentic Version stretched out, improving her range while showing good tail and head action in her forward motion. She had a 12-minute absence and one other brief "missing in action" spell. She had a solid find with everything in order at 54, and a larger covey rise with everything in order at 59. Erin's Bad Company with Kevin Stuart is a solid-built and very muscular male pointer. He was wide and forward, often in close proximity with bracemate. The scouts for both of these dogs were called upon several times during this hour, especially in the field near where the old candy cane tree was and traveling across the sand road (Field Trial Road, I believe) into the field toward turkey coop. Handlers and scouts called loudly and rode briskly to ensure that both dogs came forward. Stuart took his GPS before the hour was up. Miller continued at a more casual pace once we were headed toward the soldier's camp.

Brace 6 had two female pointers, Shawn Kinkelaar with Laura Pergolizzi and Fran Miller with Miller's Upgraded Dot Com. "LP" paced herself to a continuous forward and strikingly speedy march through the cover. Her power stroke lick took her through every possible bird cover on the course; however, she was unable to pin a covey for handler to flush. Dot Com started the hour off with a thrilling promise: A solid indication which she maintained during a lengthy flushing attempt by handler, as well as a hasty relocation attempt by herself. A nonproductive was recorded by judges. The gallery could watch both of these two, well to the front, searching the cover, crossing the brooks, and then marching up toward McGee's Castle before separating and marching briskly down opposite sides of the long field. Her last 15 minutes were a little closer when she went into a less-ranging hunting mode.

Brace 7 concluded as Sam and Nida Giddens, with their pointer male, I'm The Lone Ranger, came to join bracemate Miller's Upgraded Patent, a pointer male with Doug Ray. Patent is co-owned by his dad, Harold, and Dr. Bob Canada, who was present to observe the event. After a lengthy time in the box, these two went sailing out of sight with just an hour and a half of daylight left. Their high gear kept everyone sitting high in their seats, hopeful not to miss any of the expected action. The dogs were faithful in their appropriate attack of the objectives and cover; however, a nonproductive was recorded for I'm The Lone Ranger. Upgraded Patent had a find at 20 in high grass on the right approaching the brook. Their races were moderate hunting ranges most of the hour after their bird contacts.

Thirty-Minute First Series
Brace 1 opened the 60th running of the United States Quail Futurity at 8:09, following a welcome and prayer. I'm The Lone Ranger, a pointer male bred by Warren Parrott, owned by Sam and Nida Giddens, with Sam handling, was braced with Erin's Bad Company, a pointer male bred by Sean Derrig, is owned and handled by Kevin Stuart. Opening mornings at Hoffman seem to be exciting this year. The pair were off, Bad Company straight out to the longer field ahead, while Lone Ranger on the left went searching immediately in the wooded area before checking in. The pair shared a divided find at 16, buried deep in the high grasses adjacent to the plum brush before the water hole. Scout called point for the first one, then two dogs. All in order, the dogs were taken on. Lone Ranger's first 10 minutes were not as pronounced as his finishing time, although he and his bracemate were seen across the dip and crossing the far hillside at 27. By 28, the dogs were stopped, and a divided find was taken on a good-sized covey. Bad Company had a consistently forward-rolling race.

Brace 2 was away at 8:47 with Brian Ralph's Ralphy's Hillbilly, a pointer male bred by Judith Hamilton and handled by local trainer Calvin Curnutte. Owner Brian was visiting from Pennsylvania to take in the performance. Bracemate was a dog bred by Ross Callaway, Caladen's Sterling Ridge, a pointer male owned by Frank Scarpinato. Frank is a "newbie" to field trials. He had attended a few field trials as a child with grandparents and is looking to get involved. Frank was down from Pennsylvania to watch his dog and gain a little field trial experience. Matt Basilone had recently gained the dog. The two are getting acquainted. Ralphy's Hillbilly ranged out and checked with handler frequently, with point called at 22. He was a little happy at flush and shot. A second call of point was heard with one minute to go. Despite a well-executed flushing attempt, no birds were produced as time elapsed. Sterling Ridge was rapidly to the front, then required some scouting assistance. He sailed to the left, crossed in front, and then when he reached the dirt road crossing, he headed toward the clubhouse. Scout and handler soon had him rounded up.

Brace 3 called pointer female Upfront's Teeter, bred and owned by Lance Schulz with Shawn Kinkelaar. Backcountry Snake Eyes, a pointer female bred by Mike Martino, although owned and handled by Chris Catanzarite, was the bracemate. Upfront's Teeter was fast and independent. She required a lot of scouting and, at times, could not find the course. Snake Eyes had a lengthy unproductive at 25; however, a quail did lift from the area. Her overall race was a good hunting pace with classy motion.

Brace 4 called upon Upfront's Bart, pointer male, another entry bred and owned by Lance Schulz with Shawn Kinkelaar to serve as bracemate for Mike Tracy's, pointer female, Mo's Curtain Call, owned by Jim and Theresa Morrell and Tim Moore. This pair raced excitedly away at 10 a.m. Bart's dark head was easy to follow. At 6 stopped; however, a nonproductive was recorded. Bart finished his 30 minutes always forward, although frequently choosing the easy route. For a derby, his race was promising for a productive future. Mo's Curtain Call hunted with bracemate where all could see for about 13 minutes; however, by 21, Mo had made a wide sideways cast through the woods. When neither scout nor dog returned, a GPS was taken to safeguard Mo's return.

Brace 5 was Miller's Upgraded Dot Com, a pointer female bred by Jack and Fran Miller, owned by Fran Miller and Madison McDonald, with Madison scouting as Fran handled. Bracemate was Mohawk Mill Miss You, a pointer female owned by Bill McFadden with John Stolgitis. Dot Com had a reaching hunting range, which was rewarded with a covey at 4, followed by a second find at 15. The pair were snappy moving, with constant hunting casts covering every inch of the course. Mohawk Mill Miss You rolled forward, her several body spots easy to watch. Nice brace.

Brace 6 called Shawn Kinkelaar to the line with Upfront's Ghost, a pointer male, another of Lance Schulz's dogs. Bracemate was Sweet Sorrow, a pointer female owned and bred by Larry King with Pat Casey handling. These two were happy moving, covering much ground in a short period of time. They were mostly forward. Following a brief swim in the brook at 23, the two were off to hunt some more. At 28, Ghost indicated game; however, no birds were flown.

Brace 7 ran as a bye dog after Dave Huffine's Sweet Grass Spike, an English setter male bred by Doug Hinton and littermate to the third-place winner, had to cancel. Chasin Coveys Lost Sorrow, an English setter male bred by Paul Cook and owned by scout Hunter Prevatte, was cheerfully moved forward as in a formal training race with Calvin Curnutte. He is a heavily marked black and white setter and was on course 1 opposite the clubhouse. He was down the right side and seen making his way through the lower bird area before marching up the hill and crossing the road into the right loop field. Scout and handler scoured the area before he returned at 15 to scoot down the cut, cross the brook, and march with style and purpose to the front. He had a second 6-minute absence, although finishing well to the front without birdwork.

Brace 8 found Hausers Unhinged with Mike Tracy and is covered with the winners. Bracemate Miss Lucille, a pointer female bred by Warren Parrott, is owned by Gary Miller, who, due to a horse accident on the opening day, was unable to handle. Trainer Rob "Lefty" Henry ran Miss Lucille. She showed interest at 18; however, she did not register a point. Her race was good and forward.

Brace 9 had Lou Palazzolo mounted to watch his pointer male, Pal's Prestigious Pete, with Mike Tracy. Judith Hamilton's pointer male, Higby Arcade Fire, was with John Stolgitis. Judith has been breeding and promoting field dogs for several years, and it was good to have her present and riding to enjoy two dogs from her litter with Higby Bon Hiver x Panola Bacon run in this 60th Futurity. Pal marched power forward and was seen briefly before a GPS was requested at 24. Arcade Fire ran with an extremely active high tail. She scored a find at 28 after her nonproductive at 14. Her moderate range and drive increased during her time on the ground.

Brace 10 had both owners present as well, with Jett Ferebee watching his English setter male, Hatteras High Tide, under Doug Ray's watch with pointer male Mohawk Mill Patriot, bred, owned, and handled by the Gary and Ellen Winall team. High Tide began a little inconsistently; however, as time progressed, he began to line out. He stood proudly at 15 with no birds produced where there should have been birds. Mohawk Mill Patriot put down a classy race, including a back with head and tail high at 15.

Brace 11 was off at 3:58, this time Shawn Kinkelaar bringing Upfront's Charlie, a pointer female bred and owned by Lance Schulz, as bracemate for pointer female Mohawk Mill Miss Ellie with John Stolgitis. Charlie's large white body boldly toured the cover with a respectable performance; however, no birds were located during this half hour. Miss Ellie ran a good-ranging, gleeful, constant hunting race. Her gait almost a double-time step matched by bracemate.

The last brace of the opening day called upon Pat Casey with pointer female Ubetcha Trixie, bred and owned by R. Spillman. Backcountry Champagnesupernova, a pointer female with Chris Catanzarite, is covered with the winners above. As sunset was an hour away, the brace was quickly out of the wagon and whistled away. Trixie, with Casey, had a nice dark head, allowing her to be seen as she blazed forward, not retracing any steps; however, no birds were located.

On Tuesday morning, the weather was welcoming as Millers Enhanced Upgrade, pointer female, another Jack and Fran Miller bred derby, owned by David Steele, with Doug Ray, was met on the line by pointer male Browns Contender, from Paul Cook's litter with Calvin Curnutte. Owner Rev Andrew Brown was expected to attend but was among the missing. Upgrade proceeded to hunt with power and purpose, although drifted a little laterally at times. Contender was directionally challenged and did not complete his half-hour under consideration.

Brace 14 paired Laura Pergolizzi, a pointer female owned by Nicole Lombardi, and Douglas Swingley with Shawn Kinkelaar, with pointer male Chasehill Snoop Dog, as a strongly favored Stolgitis team entry. "LP" paced herself from beginning to end, a show of poetry in motion. Snoop Dog hit the cover every inch of the course, always showing to the front. No birds in this early brace on this second day.

Brace 15 had Jack Daniel's If U Please, a pointer male owned by Theresa Morrell under the guidance of Mike Tracy with Mohawk Mill Hombre, a pointer male with Ellen and Gary Winall.
The 30 minutes got off to an impressive quick start with dogs having handlers in tow. With dogs still motoring out front, the Derby Road was covered by a vehicle to assure animal safety. These two males had a busy, moderate-ranging race; however, no bird contact.

Brace 16 was shared by two dogs recalled for the second series. Hatteras Storm Watch with Doug Ray and bracemate Mac's Slim Jim, bred, owned, and handled by Tim McClurg. Tim is another Pennsylvania and North Carolina bird dog split resident. Hatteras Storm Watch is covered with the winners. Mac's Slim Jim in the first series earned a callback with a strong forward 30 minutes as he navigated the course with very little scouting required.

Brace 17 once again called upon the Winalls to be on the line, this time with pointer female Mohawk Mill Finale. Bracemate was pointer male Glenmere's Cruiser, bred, owned, and handled by Jeff Haggis from Canada. Although Mohawk Mill Finale was in high gear with an appealing rolling forward race, the judges reported that Glenmere's Cruiser probably had the biggest race of the 44 dogs entered. His speed and range were commendable as well, and to still be available for pickup at 30 shows his intelligence.

Brace 18 seemed to be another family affair. Both dogs, Miller's Upgraded Patent and Millers Authentic Version were both bred by Fran and Jack Miller. Both dogs are littermates from Miller's Special Edition x Miller's Upgraded Version. Upgraded Patent is shared ownership between Bob Canada and Harold Ray, with Doug Ray handling. Authentic Version is owned by Allen Linder; however, granddaughter Madison McDonald was present to assist Fran Miller in the running. Although I missed it, I have been told there was one find during this brace by Authentic Version.

Brace 19 found Erin's Ikon, owned by Jerrold Moisson, who was present to observe his handler, Shawn Kinkelaar, guide this classy setter. Ikon was forward with a spirited bounce, thrilling all setter lovers and those who favor pointers as well. He never ended his search for quail. High Drive Drinkaby, pointer female, also one of Allen Linder's dogs, this entry with Mike Tracy. Erin's Ikon never altered his cadence from beginning to end. High Drive reached side to side in a forward pattern, requiring a little scouting, all the while maintaining an animated gait.

Brace 20 called Mohawk Mill King Pen with Gary and Ellen Winall as bracemate for Sweet's Easy Money with Mike Hester. This pair deserved the callbacks they received as their races were strong, with purposefully made casts into expected bird areas. With each dog stretching the edges, disappearing for minutes, and returning to the front, exactly what a handler would hope for, making the brace a handler's pleasure. The only thing lacking was a piece of birdwork.

Brace 21 found John Stolgitis with pointer female Mohawk Mill Double E, part owner Ellen Winall scouting. Bracemate was Brown's Dolly, a pointer female with Calvin Curnutte. The bar had been set high by preceding braces, and although these two sped away and made an intense bid to join the callback group, their names were not called. On other days, both of these, with their intelligent searching patterns, would have been called back.

The final brace was 22 with pointer female Glenmere's Silver Roo, littermate to callback dog Mac's Slim Jim with Tim McClurg. Owner and handler was Jeff Haggis. The bracemate was Millers Dusty Version, a pointer female owned by committee member Mike Husenits and handled by Mark Hughes. Dusty Version is also from the litter Miller's Special Edition x Miller's Upgraded Version. Applying themselves well, the pair covered both edges in a forward sweep of the heavy ground cover. They were each rewarded with a find.

The Breeding in Running Order
I'm The Lone Ranger, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Trail Warrior-B K Deighton's Jewel. Warren Parrott, breeder; Sam Giddens, owner and handler. With

Erin's Bad Company, pointer male, by Erin's Redrum-Erin's Bella Braveheart. Sean Derrig, breeder; Kevin Stuart, owner and handler.
Ralphy's Hillbilly, pointer male, by Panola Bacon-Higby Bon Hiver. Judith Hamilton, breeder; Brian Ralph, owner; Calvin Curnutte, handler. With

Caladen's Sterling Ridge, pointer male, by Caladen's Clark Kent-Caladen's Beastmode. Ross Callaway, breeder; Frank Scarpinato, owner; Matt Basilone, handler.
Upfront's Teeter, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. Lance Schulz, breeder and owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

Backcountry Snake Eyes, pointer female, by Dragonfly-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Mike Martino, breeder; Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
Upfront's Bart, pointer male, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. Lance Schulz, breeder and owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

Mo's Curtain Call, pointer female, by Miller's High Heat Index-Osceola's Seminole Wind. Casey Hollander, breeder; Tim Moore & Jim & Theresa Morrell, owners; Mike Tracy, handler.
Miller's Upgraded Dot Com, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Jack & Fran Miller, breeders; Fran Miller & Madison McDonald, owners; Fran Miller, handler. With

Mohawk Mill Miss You, pointer female, by Mohawk Mill Big Stuff-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Gary Winall, breeder; Bill McFadden, owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
Upfront's Ghost, pointer male, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. Lance Schulz, breeder and owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

Sweet Sorrow, pointer female, by Mohawk Mill Knight Hawk-Full Effect. Gary Winall, breeder; L. J. & Casey King, owners; Pat Casey, handler
Chasin Coveys Lost Sorrow, setter male, by Woodville's Yukon Cornelius-Kasida. Paul Cook, breeder; Hunter Prevatte, owner; Calvin Curnutte, handler. With

Sweet Grass Spike, setter male, by Black Top-Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder; David Huffine, owner and handler. [Scratched]
Hausers Unhinged, pointer male, by Lester's Storm Surge-Hauser's Cotton Dots. Sean & Debra Hauser, breeders; Jean & Deb Hauser, owners; Mike Tracy, handler. With

Miss Lucille, pointer female, by Quickmarksman's Excalibur-Hirollins Fancy Lady. Warren Parrott, breeder; Gary Miller, owner and handler. [substitute handler Lefty Henry]
Pal's Prestigious Pete, pointer male, by Waybetter Jay-Clarendon's Black Eyed Sue. George Kerr, breeder; Lou Palazzolo, owner; Mike Tracy, handler. With

Higby Arcade Fire, pointer male, by Panola Bacon-Higby Bon Hiver. Judith Hamilton, breeder and owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
Hatteras High Tide, setter male, by Black Top-Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder; Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With

Mohawk Mill Patriot, pointer male, by Indian Creek Spur-Hirollins Fantasy Girl. Gary S. Winall, breeder, owner and handler.
Upfront's Charlie, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Upfront's Southern Star. Lance Schulz, breeder and owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

Mohawk Mill Miss Ellie, pointer female, by Indian Creek Spur-Hirollins Fantasy Girl. Gary S. Winall, breeder; Erin Stolgitis, owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
Ubetcha Trixie, pointer female, by Great River Yellowstone-Misty Blue. Robert Spillman, breeder and owner; Pat Casey, handler. With

Backcountry Champagnesupernova, pointer female, by Dragonfly-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Mike Martino, breeder; Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
Millers Enhanced Upgrade, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Jack & Fran Miller, breeders; David Steele, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With

Browns Contender, pointer male, by Haney's Silver Dollar-Wiggins C Trace. Donald Wiggins, breeder; Andrew Brown, owner; Calvin Curnutte, handler.
Laura Pergolizzi, pointer female, by Chelsea's Thunder Bolt-Buche's Elhew Rebel. Francis Buche, breeder; Nicole Lombardi & Douglas Swingley, owners; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

Chasehill Snoop Dog, pointer male, by Panola Bacon-Chasehill Little Izzy. Erin Stolgitis, breeder and owner; John Stolgitis, handler.
Jack Daniel's If U Please, pointer male, by Miller's High Heat Index-Osceola's Seminole Wind. Casey Hollander, breeder; Jim & Theresa Morrell, owners; Mike Tracy, handler. With

Mohawk Mill Hombre, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Big Stuff-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Gary S. Winall, breeder, owner and handler.
Hatteras Storm Watch, setter male, by Black Top-Jo Veeta. Doug Hinton, breeder; Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler. With

Mac's Slim Jim, pointer male, by Mac's Silver Chief-Mac's Silver Shadow. Tim McClurg, breeder, owner and handler.
Mohawk Mill Finale, pointer female, by Mohawk Mill Big Stuff-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Gary S. Winall, breeder, owner and handler. With

Glenmere's Cruiser, pointer male, by Miller's Speed Dial-Wicked Quick. Sandy MacLean, breeder; Jeff Haggis, owner and handler.
Miller's Upgraded Patent, pointer male, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Jack & Fran Miller, breeders; Bob Canada & Harold Ray, owners; Doug Ray, handler. With

Millers Authentic Version, pointer male, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Jack & Fran Miller, breeders; Allen Linder, owner; Fran Miller, handler
Erin's Ikon, setter male, by Erin's Wild Atlantic Way-Wildcat Creek Athena. Tim Madren, breeder; Jerrold Moisson, owner; Shawn Kinkelaar, handler. With

High Drive Drinkaby, pointer female, by Miller's High Heat Index x Osceola's Seminole Wind. Casey Hollander, breeder; Allen Linder & Madison McDonald, owners; Mike Tracy, handler.
Mohawk Mill King Pen, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Big Stuff-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Gary S. Winall, breeder, owner and handler. With

Sweet's Easy Money, pointer male, by Quickmarksman's Ace-Sweet Child O Mine. J. B. Robeson, breeder; Jonathan Elrod, owner; Mike Hester, handler.
Mohawk Mill Double E, pointer female, by Mohawk Mill Big Stuff-Mohawk Milly Dolly. Gary S. Winall, breeder; Erin Stolgitis & Ellen Winall, owners; Gary S. Winall, handler. With

Brown's Dolly, pointer female, by Class Act Stud-Class Act Elhew Penny. G. D. Keck, breeder; Andrew Brown, owner; Calvin Curnutte, handler.
Glenmere's Silver Roo, pointer female, by Mac's Silver Chief-Mac's Silver Shadow. Tim McClurg, breeder; Jeff & Mat Haggis, owners; Jeff Haggis, handler. With

Millers Dusty Version, pointer female, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Jack & Fran Miller, breeders; Mike Husenits, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.

U. S. Quail Fut JudgesF23

Judges: Rob McGuire and Steve Browder.

Hoffman, N. C., January 1
Judges: Steve Browder and Rob McGuire
60TH UNITED STATES QUAIL SHOOTING DOG FUTURITY [Thirty-Minute Qualifying Heats; One-Hour Finals] - 39 Pointers and 5 Setters

1st-BACKCOUNTRY CHAMPAGNESUPERNOVA, 1701699, pointer female, by Dragonfly-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
2d-HAUSERS UNHINGED, 1706301, pointer male, by Lester's Storm Surge-Hauser's Cotton Dots. Jean & Deb Hauser, owners; Mike Tracy, handler.
3d-HATTERAS STORM WATCH, 1703797, setter male, by Black Top-Jo Veeta. Jett Ferebee, owner; Doug Ray, handler.
4th-MOHAWK MILL KING PEN, 1703198, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill Stuff-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Gary & Ellen Winall, owners; Gary Winall, handler.

U. S. Quail PaintingS24

(l-r): Jack Miller, Fran Miller, Madison McDonald holding a painting of Miller's Little Duce Coupe, winner of the 59th Futurity, and Mike Tracy standing in for his dad, George Tracy, who was the handler.