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Event: Piney Woods Trial
Result: Associated Field Trial Clubs of Florida

Location: Punta Gorda, Florida

Post Date: Mar 14, 2024

Submitted By: Petie Brown

Assoc FTC of Florida AA  Piney WoodsS24

Open All-Age Winners (l-r): Myakka Lucy Diamond with Petie Brown and Paul Daniel with Silverline Destroyer Gold. (Back row): Scott Ford (judge), Debbie McEwen, Dan Murphy, Jim Michaletz (judge), and Sherry Michaletz.

The weather was a factor at the Piney Woods trial, but it didn't seem to hinder the dogs or birds. Saturday morning had an hour rain delay as a front, which started the night before, moved through. With overcast skies, the temperature was pleasant, and birds were plentiful. There was still plenty of water on the ground after the 4 inches that fell Christmas day.

We were very grateful to the Muzynskis for showing up to carry dogs for the field trialers after leaving their own dogs and horses at home. Paul Daniel was once again kind enough to bring horses for the judges. Jim Michaletz judged for us in December and found the area so accommodating that he and his wife, Sherry, decided to stay longer, and Jim was amenable to judging for us again. Rounding out the judicial saddle was Scott Ford, whose expertise was much appreciated, as were the judges' decisions. While on the gratitude list, Purina deserves a big thank you for donating Pro Plan to the winners.

We have two rotating trophies that are awarded to the winners of the All-Age and Shooting Dog stakes. The Lester White Memorial Trophy went into circulation in 1954 for the Piney Woods Field Trial Club and became the Lester Alford Memorial Trophy in 1984. This writer remembers Lester Alford and his wonderful barbeque sauce by the same name that later became "Pat's" Barbeque sauce; good luck finding that today. The Shooting Dog trophy has just been put into circulation in honor of Don and Sharon Wood and Frank and Mercy Fonseca and their wonderful Funseeker line; many of the Funseeker prodigy are still running today.

New to the grounds joining us for the Saturday night festivities and Sunday's competition were Gene Brown and Jeff Arnold from Tallahassee, Florida. We were very pleased they made the trek south, but as Mr. Brown exclaimed Sunday morning, "I've never been to such a wet trial!" We all tried to put it in the El Ni o light because normally it isn't this wet in January. Sunday morning started on time with cloudy skies and a misty rain blowing in late morning that didn't seem to bother the birds, though it made packing up a damp experience. Thankfully, we have someone who will muck stalls for us at a nominal fee, making clean-up less of a chore, so we can focus on saying goodbye to new and old friends.

The Winners
The one-hour All-Age ended up with two placements. Second place went to Paul Daniel's Silverline Destroyer Gold, owned by the late Jim Goza, with a stop to flush. First place went to Myakka Lucy Diamond, owned and handled by Petie Brown, with a divided find followed by a stop to flush shortly thereafter.

It was decided at the Friday night drawing to skip a puppy stake and place the puppies in the Derby for the sake of time and convenience, but as it turned out, the puppies won the stake, and the Derby placement was disqualified due to age. McEwen's Southern Pride ("Miller") won the Derby stake on his first foray out after suffering a broken toe early in the season. His first steps after breakaway were tentative, like a baby learning to walk, then running in water, which he adjusted to quickly. Miller stretched out and kept on stretching, needing a scout at times, with his handler, Katie McEwen, riding him back in her arms after pick-up.

The judges had plenty to discuss on the Shooting Dog stake, but all in all, it was a fun morning of birdwork. Unfortunately, Jeff Arnold's Knot in the first brace was in more of an all-age mood. Myakka Freddie Freeloader was lost on point at pick-up in the second brace, as was Preacher in the fifth. Myakka Rebel mannerly backed Arnold's True Confidence, just as predicted, and then found her own covey a few minutes later but took a step and pivot with her front feet to mark in the fourth brace. Myakka Maxed Out, handled by Petie Brown, came in third in the sixth brace with a nice covey, braced with Arnold's Lulu, who came into her own birds and showed a lot of style. Second place was awarded to McEwen's Nacho's Texas Rebel, who was braced with his littermate Freddie; more than one person commented that we could not tell them apart, including their handlers! First place was awarded to Arnold's Notorious Ranger, who displayed beautiful style on his birds and a classy shooting dog run.

Punta Gorda, Fla., January 13
Judges: Jim Michaletz and Scott Ford
OPEN ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] -- 6 Pointers

1st--MYAKKA LUCY DIAMOND, 1665013, female, Elhew G-Force-Myakka Hey Jude. Petie Brown, owner and handler.
2d-SILVERLINE DESTROYER GOLD, 1690963, female, Holopaw's Axel-Hot-Digity Dot. The late Jim Goza, owner; Paul Daniel, handler.

Assoc FTC of Florida OD Piney WoodsS24

Open Derby Winners (l-r): McEwen's Southern Pride with Katie McEwen, Greg Poole with Sterlingworth Sport (disqualified), and Myakka Debutante with Petie Brown. (Back row): Scott Ford (judge), Debbie McEwen, Justin Muzynski, Jim Michaletz (judge), Sherry Michaletz, and Dan Murphy.

OPEN DERBY - 6 Pointers, 1 Setter, and 1 German Shorthair
1st-McEWEN'S SOUTHERN PRIDE, unreg., pointer male, Myakka Time Shifter-Nacho's Drama Ma Ma. Debbie & Katie McEwen owners; Katie McEwen handler.
2d-STERLINGWORTH SPORT. [Placement Voided].
3d-MYAKKA DEBUTANTE, 1706240, pointer female, Myakka Time Shifter-Nacho's Drama Ma Ma. Petie Brown, owner and handler.

OPEN SHOOTING DOG [One-Hour Heats] - 11 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st-ARNOLD'S NOTORIOUS RANGER, 1696986, pointer male, Erin's Country Rebel-Notorious Lola. Jeff Arnold, owner and handler.
2d-NACHO'S TEXAS REBEL, 1661657, pointer male, Funseeker's Rebel Tex-Nacho Myakka Miley. Debbie & Katie McEwen, owners; Katie McEwen, handler.
3d-MYAKKA MAXED OUT, 1670323, male, Elhew G Force-Myakka Hey Jude. Beth Brown, owner; Petie Brown, handler.

Assoc FTC of Florida OSD Piney WoodsS24

Open Shooting Dog Winners (l-r): Arnold's Notorious Ranger with Jeff Arnold, Nacho's Texas Rebel with Katie McEwen, and Myakka Maxed Out with Petie Brown. (Back row): Gene Brown, Scott Ford (judge), Justin Muzynski, Carl Womack, Debbie McEwen, and John Castelli.

Assoc FTC of Florida Katie McEwen and Miller Piney WoodsS24

Katie McEwen and McEwen's Southern Pride.