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Result: North Carolina Pointing Dog Association

Location: Hoffman, North Carolina

Post Date: Mar 19, 2024

Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew

North Carolina PDA OSDS24

Open Shooting Dog Winners (front, l-r): Robert Ecker with Blue Ribbon's Harper Bella, David Huffine with Sweet Grass Skeeter, and Cliff Monroe with Twiggy. (Back row): Dr. George Najor, Kerri Elfvin, Jenni Shepherd, Chip Shepherd, Gretchen Adsit, John Adsit, Frank Joyal, and Earl Drew.

The southeast region of the U. S. Complete Shooting Dog Association, once a very active weekend trial area, has seen a decline in these trials for the past few years. Most of these eight experienced clubs have been dormant in recent years. However, the area is still visited during the winter months by northern folks who train their bird dogs and miss the weekend trials. In an effort to bring back the trials, a group of folks signed up in March of 2023 to be part of a revival of the North Carolina Pointing Dog Association, whose inaugural trials were in January and February of 2007. The new committee was headed up by Frank Joyal from Vermont, with resident Maggie Maier as the scribe. The 2024 committee members were Tony and Marie Bly, Adam Dubriske, Ginny and Jim Emerson, Bill Fogg, Susan and Mike Fox, Mac and Nan Hillard, Frank and Crissi Joyal, Jamie and Lynne Leitch, Maggie Maier, Tim and Julia McClurg, Terry Sharpe, Bob and Barbara Youngs, Louise Wilcox, Peaches Joyal, and Pat Drennan. The original club founders were Gerald Movelle and John and Gretchen Adsit with Earl and Margaret Drew.
These five remain on the committee. All of the above folks worked to make this revival a huge success. The group signed up for tasks they felt they could do to assist with planning and running the trial. Two trial dates, one in January and one in February, were identified, and state permission was obtained from the NC Wildlife to have these trials on the Bowden tract of NC Sandhills in Marston, North Carolina. After talking with Frank, Maggie met with the Drews in September, and the planning got off to a good start. For the January date, the club drew 80 entries for six classes to be held on the Bowden Tract of the Sandhills Wildlife lands off Laurel Hill Road in Marston, North Carolina.

The new committee all pitched in with significant efforts with taking entries, conducting the drawing, making judges' books, and collecting entry fees falling to Lynne Leitch. The southeast bird pen was located and repaired, with birds being picked up from local breeders by Mike Fox and Jim Emerson. Gerald Movelle provided an ATV and planted most of the birds, although Marie Bly and Maggie Maier filled in when necessary. The emergency ATV was mostly driven by Frank Joyal and Gretchen Adsit. John Adsit was the primary gallery wagon driver, although, at times, he was relieved by Frank Joyal. Course marking, preparing the wagon, gathering firewood, and a safe fire pit all fell to various committee members. Following the course flagging by committee members, Lee Crisco from NC Wildlife made sure the course was handicapped accessible. Judging went to Mac Hillard and Tim McClurg. Other judging was assigned to Jamie Leitch, Adam Dubriske, Tony Bly, and John Adsit. Meals at noon and a fabulous Saturday evening dinner were prepared by Crissi Joyal, her Mom Pat, and Frank's sister Peaches. Other food prep was assisted by Susan Fox, Maggie Maier, Louise Wilcox, and Marie Bly. The club had an emergency ATV on hand to help locate and pick up dogs that ranged off course. The gallery wagon also had crates for dog transport. Chairman Frank Joyal and Maggie Maier deserve a BIG CONGRATULATIONS for directing the event.

U. S. Complete trials are always supported by Purina. The local feed store, Aberdeen Supply, provided additional feed donations for all amateur stakes. Trial success depends on organization by the committee, entries by the bird dog community, and obtaining experienced judges. It is too bad that we can't also get Mother Nature to buy into help with trial dates. On Friday, the weather could not have been more perfect. It was sunny and dry, with the temperature just right to greet and sustain the large crowd all day. However, on Saturday morning, it was a cool 27, still sunny; however, a brisk breeze came and went all day. The Sunday morning temperature was 14 early; however, it warmed a little with no wind, and the club's fire pit was frequented by all. It brings to mind that this group must be descendants of the Pony Express, as no matter what the weather, they moved forward with great attitude and energy.

The Open Puppy class drew nine entries for judges Adam Dubriske and Jamie Leitch. Adam is a professional dog trainer from Troy, New Hampshire, who trains in North Carolina during the winter months. Jamie is from Holland, Vermont. Jamie and his wife have winter property here in North Carolina. First place went to Still Meadows Little Sunray, a setter female owned by Brian and Kelly Hayes from Columbus, New Hampshire. She was handled by David Theroux from Manchester, New Hampshire. She also got credit for pointing a quail during her 20 minutes. Second went to Clarks Flash Gordon, a setter male owned by Philip Clark of Waterford, Connecticut, with Robert Ecker. Third was also handled by Robert Ecker, a setter male, Oh Boy, owned by Neal Jennings from Fredericksburg, Virginia. The judges reported that the three winners had strong forward races with advanced skills in where to hunt, with style and independence. The stake was a good stake, the other puppies being at various stages of development.

The Open Shooting Dog drew 30 entries from 11 handlers. The judging of this stake was expertly covered by area professional trainer Mac Hillard. Assisting Mac was Tim McClurg from Fowler, Ohio; he, too, has a winter residence here in North Carolina. Marty Festa's pointer female, Blue Ribbon's Harper Bella, once again gained a blue ribbon in this 30-dog entry. She is a favorite in Robert Ecker's string of competitors. She and her bracemate got separated, so many in the gallery missed her strong, always forward tour of the course and surrounding loblolly piney woods with a wire grass carpet. She had four finds, all high and staunch.
Although Marty lives in Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania, this has been Harper's winter home for several years. Second went to Sweet Grass Skeeter, a setter male owned and handled by Dave Huffine. He had five finds with a good, stylish race. Third went to Cliff Monroe with his pointer female, Twiggy. Twiggy hunted the full 30 minutes in a pleasurable forward race with two good covey finds and a single. She was also backed by her bracemate. Her third find was deep in the cover as we approached the parking area. Twiggy stood proud and sure for a lengthy flush with all in order. Huffine and Monroe are regular NC folks who support the U. S. Complete trials in this southeast area.

Continuing on with the open stakes, Mac Hillard and Tim McClurg remained mounted on their horses for the nine-dog Open Derby stake. With the thick wire grass and some oak, the best way to observe and judge was from a horse. Named first place was pointer male Can Am Cooper, owned and handled by Jamie Leitch. He had a good race as he maneuvered around the course with his bracemate (covered below as third-place winner). He had a stop to flush and a solid find with a good race. Second place went to the very white setter male, Ironstone Shannigan's, belonging to Eli Richardson from Uxbridge, Massachusetts, although handled by Robert Ecker. Shannigan had a stylish find during his appropriate race. Third went to Mia Star, a pointer female owned by George Najor and Steve McKalko. George was down from Southfield, Michigan, for this trial and the February trial. He was on the wagon to observe her brace as Robert Ecker guided her around the course. Mia had a find and a nonproductive with a favorable forward race.

To avoid bird contact, the Amateur Puppy was whistled away on a separate course on Saturday afternoon. The nine amateur puppy entries were from eight handlers. The two large puppy entries show a promising continuation for 2025 derby classes. First place went to Sweet Grass Slick, a setter male owned and handled by Dave Huffine. Second place was awarded to Still Meadows Little Sunray, a setter female owned by Brian and Kelly Hayes. She was handled by David Theroux. Third place went to a new field trialer who entered Neale's Miss Jocassee, a setter female owned and handled by Ben Neale. The club welcomes this new couple from Clover, North Carolina. Judges stated that the entries were exciting to watch, with all showing developing range and a desire to explore the woods. We will be watching for their derby adventures in 2025.

The Amateur Shooting Dog drew a respectable 18 entries from nine handlers. Judging the stake were Adam Dubriske and Jamie Leitch, who, after handling dogs in preceding classes, muscled up and walked the nine braces. These two took the New England spirit that neither cold nor heat will stop the running of bird dogs to the top level. Morning temperatures were 14 degrees, although luckily, there was no precipitation and very little wind. Winners were David Huffine, with setter male Sweet Grass Slim, and Sweet Grass Skeeter, another setter male. Third went to Henry's Susieq Dot, a setter female owned and handled by David Theroux. These three completed their 30 minutes at good hunting range and showed good style and intelligence in handling birds.

The Amateur Derby only drew five entries for evaluation by Tony Bly, a New Hampshire professional dog trainer who also winters in the area. Tony was assisted by John Adsit from Vermont, who also has winter property in Hoffman, North Carolina. First place went to Sweet Grass Scout, a setter male owned and handled by Dave Huffine. Second place went to Can Am Cooper, a pointer male owned and handled by Jamie Leitch. The winners made the 30 minutes under consideration with appropriate bird contact.

Hoffman, N. C., January 19
Judges: Adan Dubriske and Jamie Leitch
OPEN PUPPY - 9 Entries

1st-STILL MEADOWS LITTLE SUNRAY, 1704573, setter female, by Long Gone Wallace-Chase's I'm Miss Smith. Brian & Kelly Hays, owners; David Theroux, handler.
2d-CLARKS FLASH GORDON, 1704537, setter male, by Sterlingworth Jack-Sarah Star. Philip Clark, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.
3d-OH BOY, unreg., Llewellin setter male, by Twin Thickets Nickelbuk Red-Twin Thickets Ramblin Roux. John Jennings, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.

Judges: Mac Hilliard and Tim McClurg
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 13 Pointers, 16 Setters, and 1 Irish Setter

1st-BLUE RIBBON'S HARPER BELLA, 1682768, pointer female, by Bud of Piney Woods-Blue Ribbon Bella. Martin Festa, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.
2d-SWEET GRASS SKEETER, 1693872, setter male, by Sweet Grass Slim-Seranoa's Glimpse of Glory. David Huffine, owner and handler.
3d-TWIGGY, 1690766, pointer female, by Mohawk Mill Trail Warrior-Sinbad's Little Lady. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.

OPEN DERBY - 3 Pointers and 6 Setters
1st-CAN AM COOPER, 1703026, pointer male, by Hirollins Gone And Doneit-Steel Valley Wardance. Jamie Leitch, owner and handler.
2d-FIRE MARSHALL BILL, 1702783, setter male, by Ponderosa Mac-Moonshine Sage. Eli Richardson, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.
3d-MIA STAR, 1702751, setter female, by Windstar-Hometown Queen. George Najor, owner; Robert Ecker, handler.

Judges: Adam Dubriske and Jamie Leitch

1st-SWEET GRASS SLICK, 1706149, male, by Shagtime Max-Shagtime Zee. David Huffine, owner and handler.
2d-STILL MEADOW LITTLE SUNRAY, 1704573, female, by Long Gone Wallace-Chase's I'm Miss Smith. Brian & Kelly Hays, owner; David Theroux, handler.
3d-NEALE'S MISS JOCASSEE, 1704384, female, by Rock Haven Thorn-Rock Haven Miss M. Benjamine Neale, owner and handler.

north carolina asds24-

Amateur Shooting Dog Winners (front, l-r): David Huffine with Sweet Grass Slim, Louise Wilcox with Sweet Grass Skeeter, and David Theroux with Henry's Susieq Dot. (Back row): Jamie Leitch (judge), Adam Dubriske (judge), Gretchen Adsit, Maggie Maier, Susan Fox, Mike Fox, and John Adsit.

AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 9 Pointers and 9 Setters
1st-SWEET GRASS SLIM, 1685332, setter male, by Sterlingworth Jack-Sandland Miracle Maggie. David Huffine, owner and handler.
2d-SWEET GRASS SKEETER, 1693872, setter male, by Sweet Grass Slim-Seranoa's Glimpse of Glory. David Huffine, owner and handler.
3d-HENRY'S SUSIEQ DOT, 1680901, setter female, by Henry of Ferguson-Blossom's Pale Face Susieq. David Theroux, owner and handler.

Judges: John Adsit and Tony Bly
AMATEUR DERBY - 1 Pointer, 3 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair

1st-SWEET GRASS SCOUT, 1700663, setter female, by Shag Time Bobo-Black Cloud's Angel. David Huffine, owner and handler.
2d-CAN AM COOPER, 1703026, pointer male, by Hirollins Gone And Doneit-Steel Valley Wardance. Jamie Leitch, owner and handler.