Result: NGSPA Region 11 Championships
Location: Mesquite, Nevada
Post Date: Mar 26, 2024
Submitted By: Larry Metter

After taking several years off, the NGSPA Region 11 Championships were moved to the Mormon Mountains in Mesquite, Nevada. The grounds are spectacular. The courses are set in a valley by mountains, which allows the dogs to make nice forward moves up hillsides and still be in plain sight of the judges, handlers, and gallery. The weather was primarily overcast, with light to moderate rain at times. Although there are washes and ravines throughout the courses, there was never enough rain to get running or standing water. The temperatures were in the 40s to 50s and perfect for running dogs--heat was never an issue.
The trials had great participation, and we had handlers from Arizona, Nebraska, Washington, Utah, Idaho, California, Colorado, and Nevada. The professional trainers that participated were Josh Nieman and Patrick Clark. We'd like to acknowledge and thank our sponsors, Purina and Dogs Unlimited, for their contributions.
NGSPA Region 11 Open All-Age Championship
The winner was Lambourn's Surface Air Missile ("Sam") owned by Robin Lambourn and handled by Josh Nieman. Sam was always forward and made several very nice moves up the hillsides. He had two finds, handled the flush and shot without any movement, and showed great manners. The judges said the first two dogs were very close in performance but felt that Sam had two big moves that were the difference-makers.
Runner-Up Champion
The runner-up champion was B M B's Free Ride ("Lewey"), owned by Brandon and Jennifer Blum and handled by Brandon. Lewey was mostly forward while making some very nice moves up the numerous hillsides. He had three nice finds that were evenly spaced, and he handled without any movement and showed great manners. Lewey finished strong to the front, completing an impressive all-age performance.
Mesquite, Nev., February 6 - One Course
Judges: Mark Calder and Jeff Rhine
NGSPA REGION 11 OPEN ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 8 German Shorthairs
Winner-LAMBOURN'S SURFACE AIR MISSILE, 1684855, male, by Lambourn's Slick Shot-Cuttin Wild's Lil Angel. Robin Lambourn, owner; Josh Nieman, handler.
Runner-Up-B M B'S FREE RIDE, 1660979, male, by Kimber Tactical-Time To Pay The Piper. Brandon & Jennifer Blum, owners; Brandon Blum, handler.
NGSPA Region 11 Open Shooting Dog Championship
The winner was Quijano's W D Forty Rusty, owned by Davis Quijano and handled by Josh Nieman. Rusty had a very nice run; he was always forward, had no flat spots, and spent a considerable amount of time hunting the hillsides. His birdwork was evenly spaced and was handled perfectly. The judges commented that there were 7 to 8 very nice runs, but Rusty's was the best.
Runner-Up Champion
The runner-up champion was Dunfur's Tuff Dixie ("Dixie") owned by Matt and Wyatt Solt and handled by Matt Solt. Dixie started off very strong to the front and was found standing early on a nice covey of quail, which she handled perfectly. She was again found standing at 10 with her bracemate backing--again, all the birdwork was flawless. Dixie continued to hunt the hillsides and had her final find at 35 with her bracemate honoring. She finished forward and was out in front at time.
Judges: Mark Calder and Mick Cheshire
NGSPA REGION 11 OPEN SHOOTING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 14 German Shorthairs
Winner-QUIJANO'S W D FORTY RUSTY, 1683347, male, by Llano's Game On Dude-Brays Henna. David Quijano, owner; Josh Nieman, handler.
Runner-Up-DUNFUR'S TUFF DIXIE, 1694044, female, by Texas Tuff-Dunfur's Door Number Threeway. Matt & Wyatt Solt, owners; Matt Solt, handler.