Result: Field Trial Results
Post Date: Apr 11, 2024

During the course of the field trial season, some clubs do not submit a report highlighting the winners' performances, opting instead to submit the Essential Data forms showing the winners of the various stakes sponsored.
So as to accord these winners some public recognition for their accomplishments, rosters of these stakes are posted.
Hatchechubbee, Ala., January 11 - One Course
Judges: Marty Robinson and Janet Hinkley
1st-ERIN'S YOUNG OFFENDER, 1692325, male, by Erin's Redrum-Erin's Irresistible Bess. Alan Atkins, owner and handler.
2d-LATE HIT, 1687601, male, by Miller's Blindsider-Abigail Lil. Christopher Campbell, ownre; Hunter McDuffie, handler.
3d-AWAKENED, 1692621, female, by Touch's Grey Street-Intentional. Jim & Matt Pendergest, owners; Jade Todd, handler.
Judges: Alan Atkins and Roger Key
OPEN DERBY - 16 Pointers
1st-CS MAX PROFIT, 1702714, male, by Dominator's Ghost Rider-Lindleys Free Bird. Tony Gibson, owner; Steve Hurdle, handler.
2d-CS PISTOL PETE, unreg., male, by Dominator's Ghost Rider-Lindley's Free Bird. Tony Gibson, owner; Steve Hurdle, handler.
3d-CROSSROADS EASY STREET, 1703183, male, by Touch's Greay Street-Jackson's Teardrop. Wayne Pope, owner and handler.
Berea, Ky., February 17
Judges: Brian French and Rich Meadows
1st-CHIPPEWA'S UNDECIDED, 1701336, setter female, Emert's Moonshine-Emert's Driving Miss Daisy. Andrew & Zachary Erne, owners; Zachary Erne, handler.
2d-THE TREASURE CHEST, 1692516, pointer male, by Mohawk Mill legacy's Pride-Mohawk Mill Dolly. Cliff Monroe, owner and handler.
3d-SMITH'S BLACKFORK UNO, 1699330, setter male, by Backroads Sammy-Smith's Smokin Annie. Scott Smith, owner; Don Knight, handler.
NBHA OPEN DERBY - 4 Pointers and 4 Setters
1st-CC LENNI CENAPE, 1705228, Irish setter male, by Silver Creek Wild Again-Roses Are Red. Al Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
2d-BOATRIGHTS IRON EAGLE, 1700325, setter male, by Woodville's Yukon Cornelius-Outcast Starbreeze. Terry Boatright, owner; James Kleve, handler.
3d-OUTCAST SIREN SONG, 1703063, setter female, by Outcast Jericho Hilltopper-Outcast Clear Vision. John Clough, owner; James Kleve, handler.
Judges: Christy Helmes and Scott Forman
1st-EMERT'S SHO ME MOTU, 1687047, setter male, by Emert's Sho Me Mo-Emert's Driving Miss Daisy. David Emert, owner and handler.
2d-K DEL'S EAGLE MAGNUM HOTSHOT, 1685770, Brittany male, by Magnum High Velocity-K Del's Eagle Chance To Soar. Ken DeLong, owner and handler.
3d-CONNEAUT CREEK SCENIC RIVER, 1693481, Irish setter male, by Cedar Creek Talon-Cedar Creek's Skyline Belle. Al Fazanbaker, owner and handler.
1st-BOATRIGHTS IRON EAGLE, 1700325, setter male, by Woodville's Yukon Cornelius-Outcast Starbreeze. Terry Boatright, owner and handler.
2d-SCOTTLAND PONDEROSA BELLE, 1703397, setter female, by Ponderosa Mac-Grouse River Woodcock Annie. Scott Johnson, owner; Adam Thomas, handler.
3d-BANDITOS' BANDIT, 1704686, Llewellin setter male, by Hidden Creek Fred-Fancy Betty's Pride. Michael Bandos, owner and handler.
Chesterfield, S. C., February 22 - One Course
Judges: Jan Ferdinand and Bobby Thompson
OPEN DERBY - 4 Pointers, 7 Setters and 1 Irish Setter
1st-ROCKLAND RIDGE ROCKY, 1700815, setter male, by Grouse Hill Bulletproof-Spata Setters Sally. Gary Chlapaty, owner; R. J. Ecker, Jr., handler.
2d-BRAEVAL RAGS 2 RICHES, 1703536, Irish setter male, by Braeval Ghillie-Braeval Skye. Bradley Trotta, owner; Adam Dubriski, handler.
3d-CAN AM COOPER, 1703026, pointer male, by Hirollins Gone And Doneit-Steel Valley Wardance. Jamie Leitch, owner and handler.
Judges: Tim Callahan and Adam Dubriski
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers, 8 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st-IV'S WHISKEY IN A TEACUP, 1695083, Brittany female, by Wilkie's Cowboy J Witten-IV. Sam Adams, owner; Tan Adams, handler.
2d-MOONLITE'S CROWN JEWEL, 1695573, pointer female, by Miller's Heat Seeker-Moonlite Yello Jacket. Frank Joyal, owner and handler.
3d-HENRY'S SUZIEQ DOT, 1680901, setter female, by Henry of Ferguson-Blossom's Pale Face Susieq. David Theroux, owner and handler.
Judges: Kirstin Ferdinand and David Theroux
OPEN PUPPY - 2 Pointers and 7 Setters
1st-STILLMEADOW'S LITTLE SUNRAY, 1704573, setter female, by Long Gone Wallace-Chase's I'm Miss Smith. Kelly Hays, owner; Adam Dubriski, handler.
2d-TIM'S SETTER MEG, 1705309, setter female, by Rebellious Fearless Fred-Luke Effect Ali. Tim Callahan, owner and handler.
3d-CLARK'S FLASH GORDON, 1704537, setter male, by Sterlingworth Jack-Sarah Star. Phil Clark, owner; R. J. Ecker, Jr., handler.
Bandera, Tex., February 26
Judges: Kelli Aitken and Clayton Thompson
LYNNE BARNETT OPEN SHOOTING DOG CLASSIC - 1 Setter, 1 Irish Setter and 5 Gordon Setters
1st-MILOMIX BRAVE CHIEF, 1693274, Gordon setter male, by Milomix Chukar-Milomix Gem. Cindy Findley, owner and handler.
2d-CHUKARHILL NEARLY NEKKID, 1693479, Gordon setter female, by Milomix Melvin-Milomix Zinny. Lynne Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
3d-WHITETHORN'S BLACKWATCH, 1678900, Gordon setter female, by Chukarhill Buck Nekkid-Par's Light My Fire. Janet Grunbok, owner and handler.
Judges: Cindy Findley and Clayton Thompson
MIDDLE VERDE DERBY CLASSIC - 1 Irish Setter and 7 Gordon Setters
1st-FIREFLY'S MACKINNON, 1705491, Irish setter male, by Dawson's High Chaparral-Firefly's Lucky Penny. Dennis & Bonnie Hidalgo, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.
2d-WHITEHORN'S NOBODY DOES IT BETER, 1709808, Gordon setter female, by MVR MacFarlane Earl's Black Diamond-Whitethorn's Million Dollar Baby. Janet Grunbok, owner and handler.
3d-MVR MACFARLANE QUE MAMACITA, 1709811, Gordon setter female, by Milomix Dr. Do Right-Chukarhill How Nekkid Canu Git. Lynne Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
Judges: Cynthia Findley and Janet Grunbok
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 1 Setter, 2 Irish Setters and 3 Gordon Setters
1st-LMD'S TRUE GRIT, 1701471, setter male, by Doc's Second Wind-Hard Hats Bad Dotty. Donna Markey, owner and handler.
2d-CHUKARHILL HOW NEKKID CANU GIT, 1684659, Gordon setter female, by Wydancer Morris Macfarlane-Chukarhill Bare Nekkid Lady. Lynne Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
3d-QUANTONAS RELOADED, 1709803, Irish setter female, by Heiligsepp's Blick-Quantonas Reciprocal. Kelli Aitken, owner and handler.
Judges: Bonnie Hidalgo and Dennis Hidalgo
OPEN DERBY - 1 Setter, 1 Irish Setter and 4 Gordon Setters
1st-WHITETHORN'S MR. LA FORGE, 1709806, Gordon setter male, by MVR Macfarlane Tough Hombre-Whitethorn's Blackwatch. Janet Grumbok, owner and handler.
2d-SIR ANGUS OF WHITETHORN, 1709810, Gordon setter male, by MVR Macfarlane Earl's Black Diamond-Million Dollar Baby. Lynn Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
3d-WHITETHORN I'M TOUGH TOO, 1709814, Gordon setter male, by MVR Macfarlane Tough Hombre-Whitethorn's Blacksmith. Lynne Barnett, owner; Trena Cardwell, handler.
LaVergne, Tenn., March 1
Judges: Jeff Blackwell and Mary Sue Schalk
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG [One-Hour Heats] - 17 Pointers and 3 Setters
1st-MILLER'S TRIPLE DIGIT HEAT, 1685675, pointer male, by Just Irresistible-Miller's Bring The Heat. Allen Linder, owner; Buddy Morrison, handler.
2d-BACKCOUNTRY PURE GOLD, 1694791, pointer female, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Backcountry Tornado. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
3d-COCKLEBUR BREAKING BAD, 1689927, pointer male, by Cocklebur King Tut-Cocklebur Regent Runaway. Bubba Spencer, owner and handler.
Judges: Chris Catanzarite and Mary Sue Schalk
AMATEUR DERBY - 8 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st-COKLEBUR RANGER DANGER, 1702765, pointer male, by Game Heir-Cocklebur Regent Runaway. Bubba Spencer, owner; Amy Snider-Spencer, handler.
2d-SHEPHERD'S BLACKBULL, 1701279, setter male, by Daphne's Gage-Katyln's Jan. Ronnie Rogers, owner and handler.
3d-MILLER'S AUTHENTIC VERSION, 1704331, pointer male, by Miller's Upgraded Version-Miller's Special Edition. Allen Linder, owner; Fran Miller, handler.
Cheyenne, Okla., March 2
Judges: Brady Elmore and Adrian Jackson
1st-MAYFIELDS MISS KITTY, 1691094, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial-Bonner's Ransom Dot. Jake Davis, owner and handler.
2d-ERIN'S GYPSY LADY, 1689818, pointer female, by Erin's Tin Soldier-Erin's Margarita. Matthew Puckett, owner and handler.
3d-UPTOWN'S WEST MOUNTAIN BOONE, 1706402, pointer male, by West Mountain Lucky Luke-M H Rockford Peach. Jonathan Smith, owner; Weldon Gardner, handler.
Judges: Jeff Hampshire and Adrian Jackson
NBHA AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 5 Pointers, 7 Setters and 1 German Shorthair
1st-MAYFIELDS MISS KITTY, 1691094, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial-Bonner's Ransom Dot. Jake Davis, owner and handler.
2d-DUTTON HALEY, 1705002, Llewellin setter male, by Pride's Dashing Scout-Setters Slough River Run. Timothy Haley, owner; Mason Haley, handler.
3d-HALEY'S MOONSHINE WHISKEY, unreg., German Shorthair female, by Snake Eye Nick-Hanging Sadie. Rance Haley, owner and handler.
NBHA AMATEUR DREBY - 2 Pointers, 3 Setters and 1 German Shorthair
1st-WEST OK'S MAY, 1706723, setter female, by Tomoka's Smokin Bomb-West Ok's Island Girl. J. D. Logue & Bob England, owners; J. D. Logue, handler.
2d-CRYSTAL VISIONS, 1702175, setter female, by Southern Swagger-Money Moves. Brady Elmore, owner and handler.
3d-LADY LUCK'S REVENGE, unreg., German Shorthair female, by WFK Ringo's Revenge-Hanging G's Tangee. Nathan Hammons, owner and handler.
Judges: Brady Elmore and Adrian Jackson
1st- WEST OK'S MATT, 1708221, setter male, by Cimarron's Sundance Kid-Panther Creek E Z. J. D. Logue & Bob England, owners; J. D. Logue, handler.
2d-CAZADOR'S RED SAGE, 1710019, setter female, by Red Oak Island Cazadors-Cazador's La Freeway. Christopher Daniel, owner and handler.
3d-JETTY LYNN, 1709301, setter female, by Mohawk Mill Lucky Charm-Money Moves. Jon Summy, owner and handler.