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Result: Cascade Open All-Age & Region 10 Amateur All-Age Championships

Location: Payette, Idaho

Post Date: Apr 29, 2024

Submitted By: Alex Mauck

Cascade OAAS24

Cascade Open All-Age Championship (front): Runner-up Champion Circle B Wanted Ryder with Jim Ledington. (Behind): Terry Erickson, Matt Huston (judge), Rich Burgi (judge), Ryan Marriott, Sergio Velez, Tami Larrondo, Phil Bowden, Ray Larrondo, Anne Tyson, Alex Mauck, Jess Wall, and Kris Wall. (Not pictured): Champion Touch's Amazing Greyce.

April 2 brought field trialers from around the Northwest from as far away as British Columbia, California, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming to the famed Prairie Wind Ranch owned by Keith and Bobby Richardson. The ranch is managed by newly inducted Hall of Fame recipient Richard Robertson Jr. The weather greatly improved over last year's trial, with minimal rain and wind.

Prairie Wind offers true western all-age field trial grounds. It's impossible to hide a dog or front scout; there are no tree lines, hedgerows, or edges, just wide open chukar, Hungarian partridge, California Valley quail, and pheasant country. The Northern Prairies are small by comparison. The terrain is not for the lighthearted steep hills with an overabundance of rocks. Flatlanders who have judged out here include Charlie Frank Byron, Fred Rayl, Jamie Daniel, Charles Morton, Risky Furney, Judd Carlton, and Dr. Terry Terlep, to name a few. Collectively, they will tell you that people who trial here are crazy to train and trial here.
The amenities at Prairie Wind are as good as anywhere in the country: a clubhouse with a commercial kitchen, washers and dryers, bathrooms with showers, an open eating area, a bar, and two big-screen TVs. Upstairs are two complete rooms with bathrooms and a common area with a TV for judges. In addition to the clubhouse, there is a five-bedroom house with rooms for rent for those who don't have LQ trailers.

Outside are several horse pens, a bird-holding-outbuilding, and 20 RV spaces with water, including 30- and 50-amp service. The Richardsons have sparred nothing in making Prairie Wind one of the premier field trial venues in the country. This should be a bucket list place to see and compete.

This year, the Cascade Field Trial Club hosted three premier events:
The Cascade Open All-Age, a National Qualifier, the Can-Am Open Shooting Dog Classic, and the Region 10 Amateur All-Age Championship.
All three events were run on a continuous course abundant with wild birds supplemented by released chukar. Birdwork was excellent, with the majority of dogs having finds or encounters with birds. We want to thank our sponsors: Purina for donating their premium 30/20 Pro Plan food and SportDOG for providing training collars to the winners.
Kris Wall aptly prepared and provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I want to especially thank Kris for all the work she does, as well as our other members Ryan Marriott, Phil and Sharon Bowden, Talmage Smedly, and Rich Robetson Jr. A special thank you to Terry Erickson, Ann Tyson, and Jim Ledington for helping us with dog truck driving, bird planting, and overall help. Please forgive me if I missed someone.

Cascade Open All-Age (23 contenders)
This year's judges were two seasoned field trialers: Rich Burgi of Sandy, Utah, and Matt Huston of Kennewick, Washington. Both judges have trained and campaigned their own dogs. We were fortunate to acquire their services, and their decisions were well received.
This year's winner was Touch's Amazing Greyce, a pointer female owned and handled by Austin Turley of Montana.
Greyce is no stranger to the winners' circle, having won two previous qualifiers and competing in the National Championship in Grand Junction in 2023. This win re-qualifies Greyce for the 2025 National. Greyce had a strong forward race with a find at 26, an unproductive at 35, and a find at 51. Her finish was in true "Greyce" all-age fashion, far out to the front.
This year's runner-up champion was Circle B Wanted Ryder, handled by Sergio Velez and owned by Phil and Sharon Bowden of Payette, Idaho. Ryder had a perfect find at 19 and a steady, flowing forward race. This was Ryder's second field trial, having started his field trial career later than most. His future looks bright.

The Running
Brace 1: B K Pablo Escobar (PM/Sergio Velez) finished without birdwork. T's Signature Sig (ESM/Ryan Marriott) had a powerful, strong forward race; unfortunately, he had a breach of manners at Suicide Tree after the flush and was harnessed.

Brace 2: Carbonado's Country Spectre (PM/Turley) had an unproductive at 10, a stop to flush at 11, and finished with no further contacts. BK Unforgiven (PM/Velez) had a stop to flush at 56 on a pair of wild Huns and finished with no further birdwork.

Brace 3: Painted Hank (PM/Jim Ledington) was coming off his impressive win of the Pacific Coast Championship the week prior, hoping for a repeat performance. Unfortunately, this was not to be having a breach of manners on a pair of wild Huns at 5. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Ajay (ESF/Alex Mauck) is the 2022 National Chukar Champion and is due to have puppies on May 1. Under the guidance of her adopted owner, Dr. Terry Terlep, it was decided to let her compete. Ajay had a limb find on wild Huns at 22 found by scout Terry Erickson. She suffered a breach of manners on a pair of Huns at 43.

Brace 4: Horizon's Americus (ESF/Terry Erickson) is a true all-age dog. Unfortunately, she had a breach of manners on a pair of wild Huns at 14. High Prairie Storm (ESF/Chad Hansen). Storm had an unproductive at 38 and finished her hour with no further birdwork.

Brace: 5 Touch's Amazing Greyce's race has previously been described. Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Dallee (ESF/Alex Mauck) had an unproductive at 12 and, as she often does, a breach of manners at 25. The handler pointed a bird in flight, which Judge Burgi acknowledged. The handler shot, and Dallee took out the bird in front of her in the bush, one of the few finds on a pair of released chukar; handler error.

Brace: 6 Hirollins B K Bulletproof (PM/Velez) had an unproductive at 15, a back at 27, and finished with no birdwork. Affinity (PF/Turley) was picked up at 27 for a breach of manners after the flush.

Brace 7: Circle B Wanted Ryder's (ESM/Velez) effort has been previously mentioned. Rocking J's Pearl, owned by handler Gerry Walton, was runner-up champion at the Pacific Coast Championship the week prior. Pearl, a derby, is class-personified with huge forward moves. Pearl finished her hour with no birdwork.

Brace: 8 Canyon Creek Aces Peacemaker (GSHM/Ray Larrondo) was picked up at 3 for a breach of manners. Dukes North Forty (ESM/Ryan Marriott) was picked up at 35 for a breach of manners.

Brace 9: Rocking J's Amy (PF/Gerry Walton) was picked up at 5 for failure to back. Mauck's Wyeast Molly (ESF/Alex Mauck) was the 2023 Region 10 Derby of the Year. Molly made a big move to the front, and point was called by the dog truck and gallery near the grain drill. All in order, she had a forward limb find at 35 coming off a big hill, and a long ride ensued to get to her. Handler called point at 48 but couldn't produce birds, so she was taken on; the gallery later reported a wet released chukar. Point was called again at 54. Handler couldn't produce a bird, so he was reaching to take her on when birds flushed. She ran a huge race but was somewhat lateral.

Brace 10: Ramblin Rivers Unplugged (PF/Brian Gingrinch) had an unproductive at 50 and had what many called the "Race of the Stake," but unfortunately went birdless. Long Hollow Buckskin Denny (PM/Velez) finished with no birdwork.

Brace 11: Highground Toby, owned by Chuck and Kara Kunde, Jeff Gilbertson, and Lori Steinshouer, and handled by Lori, is a two-time champion and competed in the 2024 National Championship. He was the defending Cascade Open All-Age Champion and the first dog to win the Richard Robertson Sr. Memorial Trophy. He is a big front-running dog. Today was not to be his day; he was picked up for breach of manners at Suicide Tree at 18. BK Locked N' Loaded (PF/Velez) had an unproductive at 12 and picked up at 35 with a second unproductive. He ran a nice forward all-age race.

Brace 12: Highground Gidget, owned by Lynn Stinson and handled by Lori Steinshouer, was last year's runner-up champion and is Highground Toby's litter sister. She is also a classy front-running all-age contender. She had an unproductive at 4, a lateral find at 11, and was picked up at 32 for a breach of manners.

Of the 23 dogs that competed, 16 had bird contact, many of which were on wild Hungarian partridge. Spring is a very difficult time to point and handle wild birds, many think due to new plant growth and possibly the birds losing scent.

Payette, Ida., April 2
Judges: Rich Burgi and Matt Huston
CASCADE OPEN ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 12 Pointers, 10 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair

Winner-TOUCH'S AMAZING GREYCE, 1693629, pointer female, by Touch's Grey Street-Intentional. Austin Turley, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-CIRCLE B WANTED RYDER, 1702409, setter male, by T's American Gunfighter-Circle B Burning Stardust. Phil Bowden, owner; Sergio Velez, handler.

Judges: Terry Erickson and Kris Wall
OPEN DERBY - 3 Pointers, 3 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair

1st-KC MOEN'S FREEDOM'S BELLE, 1705721, German Shorthair female, by Hawk's Doublea Baker-KCmoen's Freedom Isn't Free. Scott Kragerud, owner and handler.
2d-BK DIALING LANCELOT, 1705199, pointer female, by Sand Mountain Jim-Gold Creek Laurie Girl. Sergio Velez, owner and handler.
3d-PAINTED OWYHEE KY, 1708747, pointer male, by Miller's Total Eclipse-Painted Owyhee Breeze. Jim Ledington, owner and handler.

Judges: Terry Erickson and Ryan Marriott
OPEN ALL-AGE - 5 Setters

1st-MAUCK'S WYEAST MOLLY, 1699454, setter female, by P W Sunrise-High Prairie Gypsy. Alex Mauck, owner and handler.
2d-CIRCLE B WANTED RYDER, 1702409, setter male, by T's American Gunfighter-Circle B Burning Stardust. Phil Bowden, owner; Sergio Velez, handler.

Region 10 Amateur All-Age Championship
The Cascade Field Trial Club hosted the Region 10 Amateur All-Age Championship at the Prairie Wind Ranch near Payette, Idaho, from April 6 to 7. Weather conditions were exceptional for a spring trial.
Judges were Ray and Tami Larrondo of Caldwell, Idaho, well-known West Coast amateurs. Ray and Tami are highly successful in campaigning their German Shorthairs and have had much success.
We want to thank our members and volunteers who made the trial a success, especially Kris Wall, for her well-prepared meals.

The Prairie Wind Ranch is unsurpassed as a field trial venue. The detail of the facility by Keith and Bobbi Richardson is awesome. The clubhouse boasts a commercial kitchen, washer, dryers, bathrooms, showers, lounging and eating area, two big screen TVs, and a full bar. Upstairs are two rooms with full baths for judges and a common TV room.

Outside is a fully enclosed bird pen with a catch cage, horse pens, and RV hookups with 30- and 50-amp plug-ins and water. In addition, there is a five-bedroom house with rooms for rent for those who don't have Live-In trailers. Once at Prairie Wind, there is no reason to make the 25-mile drive to town, as everything you need is provided on-site.
The course is continuous and easily accessible by our Cascade dog truck.
Hot burritos, coffee, hot chocolate, water, and snacks are served after the first brace each morning.

The Running
In brace 1 were Painted Hank, a pointer male owned and handled by Jim Ledington, and Dukes North Forty, a setter male owned and handled by Ryan Marriott.

In brace 2, Horizon Americus, an English setter female owned and handled by Terry Erickson, and Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Dallee, an English setter female owned and handled by Alex Mauck.

In brace 3, T's Signature Sig, an English setter male owned and handled by Ryan Marriott, and Horizon's Bea, an English setter female owned and handled by Terry Erickson.
Mauck's Wyeast Molly ran as a bye in brace 4.

In brace 5 were Quail Hill Slam Dunk, an English Setter male owned and handled by Ann Tyson, and Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Ajay, an English setter female owned and handled by Alex Mauck.

The champion emerged in Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Dallee. This is Dallee's second All-Age Champion title; she previously won the Region 9 Amateur All-Age title in the fall of 2023. In addition, she has four runner-up titles. She was bred by Talmage Smedley and purchased as an 8-week-old pup. Dallee has won trials in the West, Kansas, and Florida. Thank you to Jim Ledington for scouting Dallee.

Mauck's Wyeast Molly was named runner-up champion. Molly is a first-year dog and recipient of the 2023 Region 10 Derby of the Year. This is her first champion title. She ran a far-flung all-age race somewhat helter-skelter. Those in the gallery wondered if she would make the turns back to her handler. Molly is a granddaughter of HOF Tekoa Mountain Sunrise. She was bred by Chad Hanson and also purchased as an 8-week-old pup. Thank you to Terry Erickson for scouting Molly.

Judges: Ray Larrondo and Tami Larrondo
REGION 10 AMATEUR ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 1 Pointer and 8 Setters

Winner-MAUCK'S WYEAST OWYHEE DALLEE, 1687695, setter female, by T's Gunslinger-Hidden Jasmine. Alex Mauck, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-MAUCK'S WYEAST MOLLY, 1699454, setter female, by P W Sunrise-High Prairie Gypsy. Alex Mauck, owner and handler.

Region 10 AAAS24

Region 10 Amateur All-Age Championship (front, l-r): Champion Mauck's Wyeast Owhee Dallee with Jim Ledington, and Runner-up Champion Mauck's Wyeast Molly with Terry Erickson. (Behind): Cedar Fisher, Ray Larrondo (judge), Anne Tyson, Kris Wall, Alex Mauck, Tami Larrondo (judge), and Phil Bowden.


Tekoa Mountain Sunrise sculpture