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Result: Summerhill Field Trial Club

Location: Glenville, Pennsylvania

Post Date: Jul 12, 2021

Submitted By: Ernie Saniga

GLENVILLE, PA. -- The Summerhill Club ran its spring stakes May 22-23 at the George Tracy training grounds in Glenville, Pa.

Summerhill Field Trial Club

Purina supported us with dog food for all the winners as well as with hats , bags and other goodies especially for the youth stake. They are thanked by all of us for their support. Additionally, Eric Munden of Lion Country Supply contributed reflective dog collars for the winners of each stake. We thank Lion Country supply as well.

We wish to thank our judges Larry King, Bob Youngs, Bill Bruchey, Tom McKellar, and Joe Lordi. All decisions were well received.

It was hot for the two days of competition. And humid as well. Water tubs were spaced throughout the grounds which elevated the performances. Horses were furnished when needed and four by fours for those who did not ride horses. There were more than thirty in the gallery at times.

The Tracy family deserves everyone's thanks as well

We had a public drawing at the Tracy barn on Friday night with a large group of people attending and enjoying pizza provided by the club. The club also hosted a chicken dinner on Saturday night with another sizable group of participants, parents and observers.

A moment of silence at the breakaway of the first stake was requested for Merv Eisenhart who passed away December 28, 2020. Merv was an icon in this area and is missed.


Winners of the first stake, the Amateur Restricted Derby were Eliminator, Miller's Million Dollar Penny and Stitch,all pointers. They were handled respectively by Joe Lordi, Dave McKay, and Tatum Boyer for their owners. All had strong races, the first and second with two finds, the third with one find..

Bad Bourbon won the 24-dog Amateur Shooting Dog Stake for Darron Boyer. He is usually handled by Darron's son Gunner, but Gunner was on a road trip so dad handled while his dad, Steve, watched from his four by four. Bourbon had the worst draw, mid-afternoon, mid-90s and humid. Undeterred, the dog ran a strong hunting race with five good finds, all well- handled, to take the reflective collar donated by Lion Country supply that goes to the winner, an electronic collar donated by Casey Hollander and Muriel Primm, and the dog food donated by Purina.

Second went to Nottingham's Storm Warning, running in the first brace Sunday morning. He was absent early in the horse pasture north of the course but came forward and had three finds and a good finish. Third went to Bo Moumanis with All American Honky Rock which also had good birdwork and a nice race on Sunday.

The nine-dog Amateur Derby was won by Treadstone, Roger Boser's red setter which had four finds and a forward race. Two puppy littermates won second and third. Jolene Jolene for Dave Mckay was second with a classy race and three finds, one finished. Bull Biscuit was third with a back, a finished find and an equally classy race for third.

Two youth stake graduates competed. They were Tatum Boyer with the dogs she trains and handles and Aidan Tracy, who scouted many of the amateur dogs. Both are experts at this game already.

The youth stake started at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday after we took a break in the amateur. First up was a bye dog, Spotty, Dave McKay's pointer handled by his daughter Annie. Spotty was anything but spotty, flawless in race and birdwork for Annie, herself a youth stake veteran flushing and shooting with aplomb on each find, and taking the dog by the collar away from the find

Summerhill Field Trial Club 4

Ava Tracy was up next with the pointer Rocco, was braced with Annie McKay's stepsister Sofia Koenig, who was running a pointer named Annie. Rocco is a big dog and Annie a little one and there was some concern that leading Rocco away from a find would be difficult for Ava. It was but Ava did well, albeit being dragged a few steps a time or two. Both dogs performed flawlessly for the young handlers with good birdwork and backs throughout the brace. We noticed Sofia stroking the back of Annie when the dog honored Rocco's finds. We think she watched Dave McKay do that a time or two in workouts and remembered it as a good thing to do, although not in a field trial.

In the third brace June McKay ran Trudy, her dad's dog, and Liam Lawrence ran Jack, both pointers. Again, we saw flawless performances from the dogs from the young but experienced handlers. This is not surprising since most of the dogs are champions or major stakes winners. Additionally, the dogs wore an electric collar. And, I might add, the kids are experienced handlers from working with their dads.

Zach Weaver and Gabe Fetterhoff were the handlers in the last brace. Zach is Tatum Boyers friend and has been around dogs because of that and Gabe is working for the Tracy's this summer. Neither have worked a dog let alone ran one in competition. They performed well as handlers and the the two dogs dog, Bo and Scooter respectively, were spot on in terms of race and birdwork. It was a good ending to a good stake and all took home the blue ribbons, dog food and other treats furnished by the Purina company.

Glenville, Pa., May 22 -- One Course

Judges: Larry King and Bob Youngs


1st--ELIMINATOR, 1690833, male, by Cheyenne Jack--Moondance River Pearl. S. J. Morelli, onwer; Joe Lordi, Jr., handler.

2d--MILLER'S MILLION DOLLAR PENNY, 1690149, female, by Miller's Upgraded Version--Erin's Cedar. Bill & Muriel Primm, owners; Dave McKay, handler.

3d-- STITCH, 1690527, male, by Miller's Heat Seeker--Lovern's Red Lace. Bill & Muriel Primm, owners; Taydem Boyer, handler.

Judges: Bill Bruchey and Tom McKellar

AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG -- 21 Pointers, 1 Setter and 2 Irish Setters

1st--BAD BOURBON, 1662012, pointer male, by Bully Bragg--Summerhill Bella. Gunner Boyer, owner and handler.

Summerhill Field Trial Club 2

2d--NOTTINGHAM'S STORM WARNING, 1662154, pointer male, by Game Strut--High Value Special. Roger Dvorak, owner and handler.

Summerhill Field Trial Club 3

3d--ALL AMERICAN HONKY ROCK, 1678475, setter male, by All American Rockster--Minerva of Paridise. Lenny Puchliakow, owner; George Moumanis, handler.

Judges: Joe Lordi, Jr. and Tom McKellar

AMATEUR DERBY -- 5 Pointers and 1 Irish Setter

1st--TREADSTONE, 1688058, Irish setter male, by Waycross--Stilleto. Roger Boser, owner and handler.

2d--JOLENE JOLENE, 1692447, pointer female, by Miller's Heat Seeker--Dominator's Heir Kate. Dave McKay, owner and handler.

3d--BULL BISCUIT, 1694451, pointer female, by Miller's Heat Seeker--Dominator's Heir Kate. Ernie & Karen Saniga, owners; Ernie Saniga, handler.