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Result: NBHA National Free-For-All Championship

Location: Cheyenne, Oklahoma

Post Date: Aug 15, 2024

Submitted By: Ken Sauer

NBHA National FFA ChS24

NBHA National Free-For-All Championship (l-r): Andy Erne behind Zach Erne with Sycamore Creek Cody, Dickie Sorrell (judge), Eddie Smith, and Matthew Puckett with Erin's Gypsy Lady.

The NBHA National Free-For-All Championship commenced March 19 with Sycamore Creek Cody, owned by Bob Kelly, under the whistle of Zach Erne, being named champion. Erin's Gypsy Lady, owned and handled by Mathew Puckett, was named runner-up. The championship was judged by the watchful and experienced eyes of Dickie Sorrell and Eddie Smith. A huge thank you to all our sponsors who help the NBHA and trial hosts--Purina, Garmin, Gun Dog Supply, Gun Dog Central, Mule Brand Clothing, & Park Cities Quail Coalition.

Additionally, we would like to thank all participants, owners, and spectators who attended or supported this year's Free-For-All. These events wouldn't be possible without support from everyone in the local and NBHA community. Our judges, bird planters, dog wagon drivers, and kitchen staff deserve a special thank you for the long hours they spent making this a spectacular event for all involved.

Contested on the grounds of Croton Creek Ranch, the trial committee chose to run the central course for both the first series and the callback for the championship. This course runs across a sampling of western Oklahoma terrain and wild bird cover. Croton Creek Ranch boasts an ample population of wild quail. The amenities at Croton Creek boast a 20-room hotel, three guest houses, a horse barn with plenty of stall space, turn-out pens, and a 7,200 sq. ft. event center (Social Barn) complete with game room, satellite TVs, commercial kitchen, and a dining room that seats 120 guests. The kitchen staff provided three meals a day, and there was plenty of social time for contestants and spectators alike. 85% of the central course is viewable from one viewing area perched on a hilltop where the spectators can drive on top and park. Over 35 spectators came from across Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle to watch some of the best dogs and handlers the NBHA has to offer to compete in this "Wild Bird" Country National Championship. Spectators got to see some up-close action, with some of the birdwork being flawless and some ending in the roading harness.

The weather was a mix of Oklahoma wind, rain, and good trialing weather. Scent conditions followed the weather patterns but were generally good throughout the trial until the second series, where weather and smoke affected scenting conditions.

First Series "Callback Dogs"
1. Piper started with a find at 5 and another at 20 on a running wild covey. Piper scored quickly again at 25 near the oil field location on the backside of course on a wild pair of quail. She scored one unproductive on the front side of course, below Willie's Ridge. Piper showed a big forward race and was named Top Qualifier going into the callbacks.

2. Rendrag's Red Line Finnley scored on three occasions during the hour bid. The ground race was a solid walking shooting dog race to the front.

3. Sycamore Creek Cody set the standard in the first brace with an eight-find performance! Running in windy, cool conditions, the birds were on the move, and Cody was determined to point every one of them.

4. M V R Earl's Black Diamond had a big race, with two finds and a gutsy performance. The first find was at 20 at the end of the flats, where the course turns back right. Bracemate failed to back and circled several times, but he stood the pressure, and all was in order. The second find was on a small covey near the last creek crossing.

5. Erin's Gypsy Lady had three finds and a good race. The third find was below the dam crossing where birds hadn't been pointed.

6. Cates Rocket Girl had two finds. The first was on the right-side edge of the big bottom; the second was at time after a long relocation.

Second Series
Starting Tuesday, the Oklahoma weather decided it was done playing nice. The humidity dropped, the temperature was warm, and the wind blew out of the west. The dry, windy conditions contributed to a grass fire getting started in the Texas Panhandle, and by the second brace of the callback, the middle half of the course was inundated with smoke.

In Brace 1 were Sycamore Creek Cody and Rendrag's Red Line Finnley. At breakaway, the weather conditions weren't good and were getting worse. It was clear that the conditions would play a major factor in the outcome of the event and all of the dogs would be challenged on this the final series. At 3, point was called on the left side of the course in a known wild covey feeding location in some thick broom weed. Erne called point for Cody, and as the gallery moved nearer the action, we realized that Finnley was also pointed but obscured by the waist-high cover. Both handlers made an extensive flushing effort. Birds were heard talking to the right, likely a wild covey either running or feeding away from the dogs. Gardner made an effort to flush in the direction that birds were heard, but nothing was produced. At 10, both handlers decided to move on without relocating. Both dogs were moving well as we crested Willie's Ridge. Once over the ridge, the wind came into play, blasting handlers and dogs in the face as they dropped down into the creek and across the grass flats. Once on the flats, Finnley established herself on the right side of the course, and Cody worked towards a loan thicket on the left. Cody's efforts were rewarded with a find in the thicket at 18. Cody showing bird-finding prowess in these tough conditions, proving the eight-find first series performance wasn't a fluke. Nearing the end of the flats, the course hangs a right with a series of draws, a known wild covey location on the left, and a ridge followed by a small but steep ravine and a known wild covey location on the right. Finnley went on point directly between these two points. Feathers and roost, but no birds were located. The gallery started seeing the smoke of a growing grass fire in the distance. The course drops down into another bottom and crosses a pond damn, and the setter disappeared into a small series of breaks to the front. The course turned right, and the scout was sent to check on Cody. Finnley, in the meantime, disappeared to the left of the course. Gardner sent his scout to the left side when birds were seen in the air. The scout found Finnley standing in the area where birds had been seen. By this time, Cody was making his way back to the front, and Gardner took Finnley on after the shot. Back on the front side of the course, both dogs worked diligently; the conditions on this side of the course were a little better as the wind and smoke weren't as bad. Cody, showing an ability to adjust to the thickets and brambles of Western Oklahoma, hunted gamely. At 50, Finnley pointed in a large thicket with the Setter backing. Gardner couldn't produce birds. Following relocation, birds were seen exiting the backside of the thicket. Both dogs finished the hour.

In Brace 2 were MVR Earl's Black Diamond and Rendrag's Lucky Piper. Despite tough conditions, both dogs were feeling good from the start. Both dogs were forward and several hundred yards to the front off of the breakaway. Diamond crossed Willie's Ridge straight to the front and going away. Piper staying a little right front and crossing the ridge near the spectator viewing area before swinging to the front. Both dogs hit the first creek crossing and made strong moves out onto the grassy flats. This side of the course was filled with the smell of smoke from the distant fires. The wind was persistent and strong, and the temperature was warm but both dogs were showing a disregard for conditions. Diamond was matching his gutsy big running performance in the first series. Piper was showing she was up to the task and in championship form, chewing up the grassy flats with big moves. At the end of the flats, Gardner called point. Piper was standing just 75 yards to the right of where Gordon had his first find in the first series. Diamond had disappeared over the hill immediately to the Shorthair's right as the gallery was riding to the find. Gardner began flushing efforts, and soon Diamond reappeared, and his quest for the championship ended with a failure to back. Unable to produce birds, Gardner took his dog on. At this point, the back side of the course was completely inundated with smoke. The Shorthair was gamely, covering the country but coming up empty in her quest for birds. As we once again crossed Willie's Ridge onto the front side of the course, the smoke wasn't as bad, but still no birds. With time dwindling, the shorthair was still strong and frantically searching for the game that had eluded her up to this point. With three minutes left in the brace and now on the overflow portion of the course, she swung and pointed. Gardner made every effort to flush but was unsuccessful. Time ended during an extended relocation effort, and the gutsy little Shorthair's chances at the championship were over.

The Standby Dogs
The standby dogs were called to the line, and the stage for the dramatic finish of the 2024 NBHA Free-For-All Championship was set. On breakaway, Cates Rocket Girl made a strong move to the front right, and point was called at 5. It wasn't meant to be, though, as a breach of manners ended the setter's day early.
With his capable charge, Puckett topped Willie's Ridge and looked across the flats below, knowing what was before him. Erin's Gypsy Lady ("Maria") had 55 minutes left and had the course all to herself. The smoke had lightened on the backside of the course, but the wind was still there. Maria's range was slightly affected, but she was gamely searching all the right spots. She hunted for the next 25 minutes but with no luck, and then she was gone. Shortly after crossing the pond dam but before Willie's Ridge, she disappeared into a light series of breaks to the left of course, and didn't reappear. The scout was sent, and Puckett continued towards Willie's Hill. The scout found Maria pointed, buried in a large thicket near where the Finnley, in Brace 1, had a stop to flush. Neither the gallery nor the handler could hear point being called due to the wind. In a twist of fate, the scout and dog could clearly hear Puckett calling. Maria's deep bond with her handler was too much and she left the birds to return to her handler! Up and over Willie's Hill and back to the front side of the course she went. As the handler and judges crested Willie's Hill at 40, Maria was seen to the front right of course standing. With birds at a premium on this day that a champion would be named, Puckett knew this might be his only chance. He flushed and flushed and flushed some more. Finally, at about 40 yards, he produced a bird in a small thicket, and everything was in order. Maria continued hunting every step for the remainder of the hour.

Cheyenne, Okla., March 15 - One Course
Judges: Eddie Smith and Dickie Sorrell

Winner-SYCAMORE CREEK CODY, 1691483, setter male, by Cactus Jet J R-Wynona's Cody Sue. Bob Kelly, owner; Zach Erne, handler.
Runner-Up-ERIN'S GYPSY LADY, 1689818, pointer female, by Erin's Tin Soldier-Erin's Margarita. Matthew Puckett, owner and handler.


Open Derby (l-r): Garry Malzone with Indian Creek 9" Nails, Chris Daniel with Cazador's Red Sage, and Jillian Stuhr with Indian Creek Pearl Jam.

Judges: Matthew Puckett and Tom Woods
NBHA OPEN DERBY - 1 Pointer, 4 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair

1st-INDIAN CREEK 9" NAILS, 1703032, setter male, by Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Ken Griffin, owner; Garry Malzone, handler.
2d-CAZADOR'S RED SAGE, 1710019, setter female, by Red Oak Island Cazadors-Cazador's LA Freeway. Christopher Daniel, owner and handler.
3d-INDIAN CREEK PEARL JAM, 1703034, setter male, Indian Creek Wingman-Erin's Deja Vu. Jillian Stuhr & Garry Malzone, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.

NBHA OPEN PUPPY - 3 Pointers, 5 Setters, and 1 German Shorthair
1st-CROTON CREEK CACTUS JACK, 1711079, pointer male, by Miller's Blindsider-Raymond's Daisy. Tim Thornton, owner; Meadow Thornton, handler.
2d-INDIAN CREEK TOM BOY, 1706075, pointer male, by Erin's Hollywood-Indian Creek Blackeyed Pea. Timothy & Amy Cauley, owners; Garry Malzone, handler.
3d-SKEDADDLE'S CHOLLA, 1706474, setter female, by Skedaddle Skippin Warpaint-Skedaddle's Blossom. Joshua Pool, owner and handler.

NBHA Natl FFA Callback dogsS24

NBHA National Free-For-All Callback Dogs (l-r): Tim Thorton, Matthew Puckett with Erin's Gypsy Lady, Zach Erne with M V R Earl's Black Diamond, Weldon Gardner with Rendrag's Red Line Finnley, Lucendia Gardner with Rendrag's Lucky Piper, Josh Pool with Sycamore Creek Cody, and Andy Erne with Cates Rocket Girl.