Event: Can/Am Open Shooting Dog Classic
Result: Setter Springs Field Trial Club
Location: Marsing, Idaho
Post Date: Dec 17, 2024
Submitted By: Bill Owen

Can/Am Open Shooting Dog Classic (front row): Jim Ledington with BK Locked N' Loaded, Sergio Velez, Bridget Ledington with Miller's Concealed Weapon, and Kristina Wall with Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Ajay. (Back row): Jason Staley, Bill Owen, Jarry Walton, and Alex Mauck.
For the last four or five years, the Cam/Am Shooting Dog Classic has been held on the Richardsons' Prairie Wind Ranch in Payette, Idaho. Prairie Wind has outstanding facilities and is a great place to put on a trial. Unfortunately, much of the ranch was burned in a large wildfire this fall. The facilities were not damaged, but most of the trial grounds were completely burned, destroying almost all the cover and making it impossible to hold a trial there in September. Fortunately, there are alternative grounds not too far away. Unfortunately, it is about as difficult a place to put on a trial as you can get. There are no facilities, water, electricity, dog kennels, horse pens, or buildings. The nearest water is 20 miles away. But it is beautiful, and there are wild birds there.
First, our sponsors, Purina and SportDOG, need to be thanked. Purina provided dog food for the winners and gifts for the judges and hosted a great banquet at the local hot spot--Tango Saloon--which did a great job of putting on a prime rib dinner enjoyed by all. SportDOG provided their quality training collars for the winners. They have supported this trial for many years, and their support is very much appreciated.
Many people need to be thanked for making this trial possible. We ran on grounds managed by BLM, and their local representatives did a great job working with Jim Ledington to get an expedited permit. Jim ran the National Amateur Chukar Championship, the Northwest Chukar Championships, and the Larry Brech Derby prior to our putting on the Can/Am, so he had done most of the work. Thanks also goes out to the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Idaho.
They put on a trial on these grounds, just before ours, and were kind enough to leave their tent, tables, chairs, water troughs, and water trailer, without which we would have really suffered. A special thanks goes to Cliff Mesnard, who took on the job of hauling water. Cliff made the 40-mile drive for water every day and filled all our water buckets every day. This was a huge help!!
Phil Bowden brought the birds and drove the dog truck. Kristina Wall provided hot lunches every day and drove the dog truck when Phil couldn't. Jarry Walton and Jason Staley did an excellent job judging. They were very much appreciated.
We also want to thank all participants for supporting this trial and express special appreciation to pros Brian Gingrich and Sergo Velez for their support.
The Can/Am was billed as a released bird trial but didn't turn out that way. The three dogs earning placements had eleven finds, only one on a planted bird. BK Locked N' Loaded, handled by Sergio Velez, had five finds and was braced with Miller's Concealed Weapon, handled by Bill Owen, which had four finds--nine total finds for the brace, eight on Huns, and one on Chukar. This was quite an hour. The dogs placed first and second. The third-place dog, Mauck's Wyeast Owyhee Ajay, had a great limb find on a covey of Huns and a find on a released Chukar.
Marsing, Ida., October 6
Judges: Jarry Walton and Jason Staley
1st-BK LOCKED N' LOADED, F1699229, pointer female, by B K Bonafide Stallion-B K Hirollins Wild. Sergio Velez, owner and handler.
2d-MILLER'S CONCEALED WEAON, F1699549, setter male, by Miller's Black Butte-Alaqua Dee. Bill Owen, owner and handler.
3d-MAUCK'S WYEAST OWYHEE AJAX, 1694269, setter female, by P W Sunrise-Lee Ann's Sassy. Alex Mauck, owner and handler.