Result: Carroll County Amateur Field Trial Club
Location: Huntingdon, Tennessee
Post Date: Dec 18, 2024
Submitted By: Jim Atchison

Amateur Shooting Dog (front, l- r): Hank Lewis with Hi N's Dirty Secret, Michelle Clark with Coldwater Dew, and Mike Lemons with Hi N's Secret Society. (Back, l-r): Brad Kennedy (judge), David Williams, and Mike Small (judge).
The Carroll County Field Trial Club hosted its annual Amateur Shooting Dog, All-Age, and Derby stakes on the club's grounds near Huntingdon, Tennessee, owned primarily by David Williams of Beech Bluff, Tennessee. The five days of running, November 20-24, drew 10 shooting dogs, 33 all-age contenders, and 21 derbies.
Brad Kennedy from Red Bay, Alabama, and Mike Small from Evansville, Indiana, judged the shooting dogs and declared Hi N's Dirty Secret, owned and handled by Hank Lewis, the stake winner. Second place was awarded to Coldwater Dew, owned and handled by David Williams, and third place went to Hi N's Secret Society, also owned and handled by Hank Lewis.
Brad Kennedy also judged the All-Age stake, joined by Joe Hughes from Moulton, Alabama, as the second judge. Rebel Gold, owned and handled by David Williams, won first, while Game Nation, owned and handled by Dr. Fred Corder, won second, and Miss Arkansas, owned and handled by Mike Lemons, won third.
David Williams and Gary McKibben judged the Derby stake. Haney's Double Down won first and Haneys Lime Light won second, both owned and handled by Chris Cagle from Woodlawn, Tennessee. Third place was awarded to Pleasant Run Ruby, handled by Joe Don House, who co-owns her with David Hendricks,
The grounds were in very good condition, although an unusually late growing season caused some crops to still be in the fields, resulting in a slight modification of some of the courses in order to avoid running through the unharvested soybean fields. Excellent weather prevailed throughout the five days, creating near-perfect conditions for dogs, horses, and people.
Sportsman's Pride was again the generous sponsor of the Carroll County Amateur stakes, and their continuing support was acknowledged and greatly appreciated.
Hi N's Dirty Secret checked the judges' boxes to win first with four finds. She started somewhat sporadically, but Hank Lewis had her to the front and responsive by about 10 in the first brace on the first morning. The little German Shorthaired Pointer hunted the course impressively on the first hour of the first morning with her finds scattered nicely throughout the hour and without any benefit of her owner/handler knowing the whereabouts of where birds had been found earlier.
David Williams' Coldwater Dew won second with her performance on the third hour course the first morning. She found birds, first while circling the Quiet Place Loop, and continued to locate birds three more times while coursing her way out of the Vickers tract and back toward the clubhouse to end the morning's braces.
Hank Lewis and Hi N's Secret Society won third. Secret Society is a littermate to Dirty Secret, the first-place winner. This third-place winner ran in the last brace of the shooting dog competition and scored three finds to earn her placement.
Huntingdon, Tenn., November 20
Judges: Brad Kennedy and Mike Small
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG [One-Hour Heats] - 6 Pointers, 1 Setter and 3 German Shorthairs
1st-HI N'S DIRTY SECRET, F1687997, German Shorthair female, by Hi N's Bodacious-Hi N's Hasty Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.
2d-COLDWATER DEW, F1700509, pointer female, by Dominator's Rebel Heir-Rebel Dreamer. David Williams, owner and handler.
3d-HI N'S SECRET SOCIETY, F1688000, German Shorthair female, by Hi N's Bodacious-Hi N's Hasty Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.
Rebel Gold, owned and handled by David Williams, won first place in the all-age competition. He was braced with the second-place winner, and the pair had numerous finds as they hunted the third hour course. The white and orange Pointer had his first find at 13, shared a divided find with the bracemate at 29, backed his bracemate at 33, stood at 36 in a second divided find, and had his last find at 55. The weather and the winners' performances made for a nice last hour on the second full day of watching all-age contenders.
Game Nation's performance for Dr. Fred Corder earned him second place, marking an addition to the many times he has stood on the winners' table. Part of this winner's performance paralleled that of the first-place winner as he had his first find at 11, backed his bracemate at 13, participated in a divided find at 29, found birds again at 33, and had a second divided find at 36. Game Nation certainly contributed admirably to making the hour memorable.
Miss Arkansas, owned and handled by Mike Lemons, won third. She ran well and had nice finds at 14, 29, and 33. Near the end of the hour, at 51, she earned an unproductive, but Judge Joe Hughes saw birds on the ground after the flushing effort ended.
Judges: Joe Hughes and Brad Kennedy
AMATEUR ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] - 28 Pointers, 2 Setters, and 3 German Shorthairs
1st-REBEL GOLD, F1701829, pointer male, by Dominator's Rebel Heir-Rebel Maiden. David Williams, owner and handler.
2d-GAME NATION, F1704928, pointer male, by Lester's Storm Surge-Game Belle. Dr. Fred Corder, owner and handler.
3d-MISS ARKANSAS, F1705667, pointer female, by Lester's Storm Surge-Game Snow. Mike Lemons, owner and handler.

Amateur All-Age (front, l-r): Michelle Clark with Rebel Gold, Gary McKibben with Game Nation, and Mike Lemons with Miss Arkansas. (Back, l-r): Joe Hughes (judge), David Williams, Angie Williams, Tessa Hughes, and Steve Carson.
Haney's Double Down won first, and Haneys Lime Light was awarded second, both owned and handled by Chris Cagle. Double Down earned first with a good ground race and one nice find during the 30-minute effort. Lime Light also had one find but displayed more of a "fall derby" character than her kennelmate.
Pleasant Run Ruby ran a good ground race to earn third place for Joe Don House but did not find any birds.
Judges: Gary McKibben and David Williams
AMATEUR DERBY - 18 Pointers and 3 Setters
1st-HANEY'S DOUBLE DOWN, F1715340, pointer male, by Valiant-Haney's North Star. Chris Cagle, owner and handler.
2d-HANEYS LIME LIGHT, F1710596, pointer female, by Haney's Storm Warning-Pete's Greystone Jill. Chris Cagle, owner and handler.
3d-PLEASANT RUN RUBY, F1716278, pointer female, by Pleasant Run Samuel-Pleasant Run Sally. David Hendricks & Joe Don House, owners; Joe Don House, handler.
David Williams owns most of the land and spends hundreds of hours each year working to make his grounds great. His efforts must be endless, as evidenced by the great courses and habitat that he shares year after year. Gary McKibben is the secretary and treasurer. He keeps the paperwork and money in order. Jim and Charlotte Atchison shop, prepare, and serve lunches and occasional evening meals. Phillip Barnett and others clean the clubhouse, and Lebob Stanfill handles the dog wagon, sometimes accompanied by others. Michelle Clark and Angie Williams make sure the houses on the properties used by guests are in good order. They also help with noon meals as their schedules permit. The organization is pretty loose, but everyone works well together as they continue to host great field trials year after year at Carroll County.

Amateur Derby (front, l-r): Chris Cagle with Haney's Double Down and Scott Little with Haneys Lime Light. (Back, l-r): Mike Lemons, David Williams (judge), Michelle Clark, Phillip Barnett, and Gary McKibben (judge).