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Result: Central Prairie Field Trial Club

Location: Orchardville, Illinois

Post Date: Dec 26, 2024

Submitted By: Dan Crunk

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On November 2, the Central Prairie Field Trial Club held its fall trial in Orchardville, Illinois. The weather and scenting conditions could not have been better. Again, our club is so blessed to be able to hold our trials on the Ellis Farm. Ted Ellis and Lind Ellis are such gracious hosts. Unfortunately, Ted harvested a big buck with his truck on his way to the trial and missed the day. In the past year, field trialing lost a good friend and contributor in Butch Spelbring. Butch ran trials, trained his dogs, and had run dogs in walking trials for a lot of friends. The Central Prairie Club was his, and Rick Stanford took over this club at his death. Butch will be missed. The Club now runs the Butch Spelbring Amateur Dog stake in memory of Butch.

This year, we were happy to have a group of good judges who worked hard at watching each entry intently. Getting good judges is always difficult, and this year, the Club had a group of judges with training, handling, and judging experience. The judges were Ron Ward, Danny Draffen, Stephen Feuss, and your scribe.
Jae Crunk prepared lunch. Normally, Jae fixes homemade cookies, but this year, she broke her wrist, and we did not get her cookies.

The Butch Spelbring Memorial Amateur Shooting Dog was dominated by Setters this year. I believe the top three placements all gave championship performances. Don Heisner, with "Buck," took first in this competitive stake. Buck had two finds and a back with a strong race always to the front. Jack Glover had second and third in this stake, with "Pepper" placing second and "Flint" taking home the third-place plaque. Pepper had two finds and runs and points with great style. Flint had a find and divided find plus a strong forward race. This stake was extremely competitive with several other dogs giving really good performances.

The Amateur Derby was won by "Star," a young Pointer female for Danny Draffen. Star had three finds and finished very strong to the front. Michael Edwards from Tennessee had the second-place dog with "Heidi," a Pointer female. Heidi had a find and finished strong to the front.

The Shooting Dog was won by one of our youth handlers, with Myah Landolina handling "Diamond," a German Shorthair, to the victory. Myah does a good job of handling her dog. She enjoys the field trials. Second place in the Shooting Dog went to Michael Edwards handling "Tripp," a Pointer male.

Your scribe got to judge the Amateur Puppy and would report that even though the draw was small, the quality was very good. Brian Stockrahm won the Puppy stake with "Preacher," a Pointer male. Preacher has been winning all fall and did have a covey contact. "Jack," a pointer male for Michael Edwards, had a race strong to the front, hunting every step.

The NBHA has several strong sponsors for our field trials. Purina Pro Plan, Gun Dog Supply, Garmin, OnX, Mule Hunting Clothing, and Gun Dog Central sponsor NBHA events. This fall, we had two handlers, Myah Landolina and Declin Wheat. Dads and grandfathers are to be recognized for getting these young handlers started. Thanks to all our handlers who brought entries and our judges for each stake. It was a great day, and we will see you in the spring.

Orchardville, Ill., November 2
Judges: Dan Draffen and Ron Ward

1st-BEAUCOUP CREEK BUCK, F1666952, setter male, by Shadow Oak Bo-Beaucoup Creek Ellie. Don Heisner, owner and handler.
2d-GLOVER'S PEPPER SHAKER, F1695618, setter male, by Erin's Wild Atlantic Way-C C Erin O'Shamrock. Jack Glover, owner and handler.
3d-GLOVER'S FLINTSTONE, F1691597, setter male, by Islander-Kodiak Island Bird Dog. Jack Glover, owner and handler.

Judges: Dan Crunk and Ron Ward

1st-DOUBLE D'S STAR LINEBACKER, F1712470, pointer female, by Phillips Linebacker-Phillips White Sand. Danny Draffen, owner and handler.
2d-KATE'S ELHEW HALO, F1706678, pointer female, by Iowa Elhew Rusty-Miss Elhew Gypsy. James Edwards Sr., owner; Michael Edwards, handler.

Judges: Dan Draffen and Ron Ward

1st-NO LIMIT'S WILDFIRES WILDCARD, F1705637, German Shorthair male, by P J Wildfire's Little Bud-P J Wildfire's Little Angel. John Landolina, owner; Myah Landolina, handler.
2d-PINEHILL ELHEW TOP GUN, F1699947, pointer male, by Pinehill Elhew Damascus Max-Pinehill Elhew Damascus Jan. James Edwards Sr., owner; Michael Edwards, handler.

Judges: Dan Crunk and Steve Feuss

1st-PB JOHN THE BAPTIST, F1708723, pointer male, by Small's White Charger-Blue Mound's Mainstreet. Brian Stockrahm, owner and handler.
2d-TRIPLE E ELHEW ONE EYED JACK, F1711324, pointer male, by Tenacee Cooper-Triple E Elhew Dolly. Jerry Edwards, owner; Michael Edwards, handler.