Result: Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club
Location: Rochester, Pennsylvania
Post Date: Jan 20, 2025
Submitted By: Norm Meeder

The Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club held its annual fall trial on November 22nd and 23rd. Originally, this trial was scheduled for Labor Day weekend, but a combination of events led us to move it to this later date. 2024 marked the 75th anniversary of the Beaver Valley Club, and we had planned a big celebration with a roast hog and all the trimmings. However, the weather in late August and early September was extremely hot and humid. To make matters worse, the man we had hired to roast the pig had his $8,000 pig roaster on wheels stolen. At that point, we decided that discretion was the better part of valor and moved the trial to a more dog-friendly climate. So, we shifted the event to November -- and then it snowed and rained. The weather was cooler, which the dogs enjoyed, though I'm not sure about the people. Nonetheless, we all made it through somehow.
As 1 mentioned, this year marked the 75th anniversary of the club. Back in 194-9, a group of local businessmen and bird dog enthusiasts purchased the farm that eventually became the grounds for the trials we hold today. The club now occupies roughly 180 acres, with large fields where dogs can really show their abilities, as well as tighter spots that require careful handling.
The cover consists of native grasses, feed strips, wooded areas, and enough autumn olive, blackberry bushes, and Rose of Sharon to keep things interesting.
In the late 1970s, we began constructing our current clubhouse, which was completed in 1982. Money was always a challenge for the club, with taxes and insurance being persistent issues that consumed a lot of time and effort. The amazing thing about this organization, however, is that no matter how difficult things got, there were always people who stepped up to help get the club through tough times. I could start a long list of deserving individuals who have been instrumental in the club's longevity, from 1949 to the present day, but that list would be exceedingly long and I'd inevitably forget someone. Instead of a list, the best tribute I can offer to the founders and contributors is that the Beaver Valley Pointer and Setter Club is still here, 75 years later, and still going strong.
Now, about the trial -- it was cold and wet. The dogs were impressive, the birds flew well, the horses were well-behaved, and the furnace kept the judges, handlers, and helpers warm, even though, due to the entry numbers, the judges only had a few brief moments to warm up before getting back to work.
The judges for the open stakes were Tim Perschke of Marienville, Pennsylvania, and Steve McKalko of Troy, Michigan. They braved the elements and judged the dogs competently and fairly.
The Puppy Stake featured a lot of young dogs enjoying themselves while learning to run and hunt at the same time. It was a pleasure to watch them all, and I was glad I wasn't the one judging! Scotty Forman pulled off a hat trick, taking all three places.
The Open Puppy was won by Winston, a stylish setter who displayed class in her running, points, and perfect manners on all her finds. Second place went to Roxy, an extremely stylish and classy setter female who ran to the edges and looked great on the run. She showed good manners on her finds but exhibited some youthful exuberance. Third place went to Mickey, a pointer male who ran big and looked great on his first find but then succumbed to the temptation of wet quail. This dog has loads of potential, just like the two dogs ahead of him.
Bit garnered 3rd in the Open Shooting Dog, handled by Mark Hughes and owned by Joe Camissa. She had two finds, a back, and an unproductive. Second place went to Missy, a stylish, hard running pointer female with two finds and a back. First place went to Double Deuce Zeke, no stranger to the winners' circle. He claimed the top spot with three finds and a great race.
I'd like to thank the bird planters for their work during this event, especially Bob Smith, who planted birds all day on Friday and Saturday, even though it was cold, wet, and miserable, i did let him come inside for a bit to warm up during lunch---it was the least I could do. Kathleen Smith had planned the food for our Saturday night banquet but unfortunately got sick on Friday afternoon and couldn't be there on Saturday. Luckily, Beaver Valley is blessed with two excellent cooks- Joe Cammisa stepped up, following Kathleen's plan, and produced some really great food for both lunch and the banquet.
The judges for the amateur stakes were Chris Catanzarite and Scott Forman. 1 was unable to follow the amateur braces, so 1 apologize for not providing a brief rundown of the winners.
I want to thank everyone who helped make this trial a success: the owners, handlers, bird planters, and Purina. It takes a team to make a trial successful.
That said, 1 hope to see you all in 25 years for our 100th anniversary.
Rochester, Pa., November 22 - One Course
Judges: Steve McKalko and Tim Perschke
OPEN DERBY - 4 Pointers, 6 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st-MOJO'S WINSTON JOY, F1705340, setter male, by Wayward Flying Tomato-Doodle Ridge Fern. Renee & Nick Moelders, owners; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-HITAIL ROXY AFIELD, F1705101, setter female, by Dun Rovens Zip- Castle Rock's Autumn Breeze. Russell M. Fazio, owner and handler.
3d-BOWSER'S BACKCOUNTRY MICKEY, F1705242, pointer male, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Tyler Bowser, owner and handler.
OPEN PUPPY - 8 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st-GROUSE HILL PATCH, F1710162, pointer female, by Grouse Hill Rambo-All On. John Capocci, owner; Scott Forman, handler.
2d-GROUSE HILL BUDDY, F1710157, pointer male, by Grouse Hill Rambo-All On. John Capocci, owner; Scott Forman, handler.
3d-SHADY HILLS HICKORY, F1706949, setter male, by Grouse Hill Bullet Proof-Shady Hills Panda Bear. Scott Forman, owner and handler.
OPEN SHOOTING DOG - 12 Pointers, 6 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st-DOUBLE DEUCE ZEKE, F1673940, pointer male, by Double Deuce Peter-Funseeker's Holiday. Douglas McMillen Jr., owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
2d-BACKCOUNTRY MISSY, F1672663, pointer female, by Erin's War Creek-Backcountry Tornado. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler.
3d-BEAVER MEADOW BIT, F1696577, pointer female, by Waybetter Rocky-Beaver Meadow Rose. Joe Cammisa, owner; Mark Hughes, handler.
Judges: Chris Catanzarite and Scott Forman
AMATEUR PUPPY - 8 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st-GROUSE HILL BUDDY, F1710157, pointer male, by Grouse Hill Rambo-All On. John Capocci, owner; Scott Forman, handler.
2d-HEARTBREAKER BUD LIGHT, F1710620, pointer male, by Toth's Tornado Reloaded-Grouse Trails Warrior Cat. Thomas Butts, owner and handler.
3d-DIXIE, unreg., setter female, breeding not given. Russ Fazio, owner and handler.
AMATEUR DERBY - 5 Pointers and 3 Setters
1st- HITAIL ROXY AFIELD, F1705101, setter female, by Dun Rovens Zip-Castle Rock's Autumn Breeze. Russell M. Fazio, owner and handler.
2d-WATCH ME WHIP, F1711113, setter male, by Cash Van Pioneer Scouts Man-Anna Van Frutchey Ranch. Thomas A. Van Fleteren, owner; Steve McKalko, handler.
3d-LUCKY BEE'S OUTLAW, F1704448, pointer male, by Springflow's Backcountry P-Apple Annie's Sweet Delight. Nick Lasica, owner and handler.
AMATEUR SHOOTING DOG - 11 Pointers, 4 Setters, 1 Brittany, 1 Irish Setter and 1 German Shorthair
1st-GROUSE HILL PEPPER, F1682567, pointer female, by Daddy's Little Boy Butch-Grouse Hill Bell. John Cappoci, owner and handler.
2d-WILDLAND HIDE THE WINE, F1697105, pointer male, by Double Deuce Zeke-Beaver Meadow Rose. Eric Munden, owner and handler.
3d-K DEL'S EAGLE'S MAGNUM HOT SHOT, F1685770, pointer male, by Magnum High Velocity-K Del's Eagle's Chance To Soar. Kenric DeLong, owner and handler.