Event: Sharptail Open Shooting Dog and Derby Classics
Result: National Vizsla Association
Location: Danbury, Wisconsin
Post Date: Feb 7, 2025
Submitted By: Robert Tomczak

The NVA Sharptail Shooting Dog Classic was blessed with a 32-dog entry in its sixth year of running! This event continues to be the highlight of many a Vizsla field trialer's season, as it is the only wild bird trial held exclusively for Vizslas. A big draw is the opportunity to run dogs in the unique and pristine setting of the Namekagon Barrens in Northern Wisconsin. This year, a large section of Course One had been recently burned, and the benefits of prior years of burning were starting to pay dividends. Birds were plentiful--numerous large coveys were pinned down by the participants and witnessed by the gallery, even though this event closely followed the running of the Region 19 Shooting Dog, Derby, and All-Age events. We look forward to the continued improvement of these grounds, which, year after year, have provided a more authentic hunting experience that challenges humans and animals both physically and mentally. No doubt, the experience gained on these grounds is a factor that has helped enhance and take the Vizsla breed to the next competitive level.
How fortunate we were to secure judges Katherine Gove and Richie Boumeester, two people with decades of combined experience on these grounds! Our judges shared more than a few amusing anecdotes with the participants' overelaborate charcuterie samplings in the campgrounds and evening meals at Pogos. We were also very blessed to have dog wagon driver Jay Maher once again for this year's event. Thanks go to Robert Tomczak for chairing this event again since first conceiving the idea of a wild bird trial at the Namekagon Barrons for the Vizsla breed six years ago and to event secretary Ryan Martin and Nancy Browne assisting with the financial report.
A big shout out to our sponsors, Purina Pro Plan and Greg Blair, and Garmin, for their continued support of this event, the NVA, and the sport of field trialing.
The placing handlers and dogs included some familiar with the challenges of "The Barrens," as well as some first-timers to these magnificent grounds. The weather was favorable, starting with some brief light rain and temperatures ranging from a low of 45 degrees to a high of 54 on Saturday. This was followed by 45 to 50 degrees on Sunday, with a slight rain in the afternoon and 12-16 mph north winds.
The Running of the Shooting Dog Stake
Our winner, "Bolt," came from Brace 10 on course one, and he was braced with a young up-and-coming dog, "Baker," handled by Patrick Clark. Bolt is no stranger to these grounds or the winners' circle and put on an impressive show. He made short work of the initial part of the course, which had recently sustained a burn, and aggressively pushed through the thick cover after crossing St. Croix Fire Lane. Bolt scored his first find at 29 with great style and all in order. He proceeded to deliver a master class, cutting through the country, crossing Gomulak Fire Lane, and ranging well forward of his handler. He had a 10-bird covey at 52 near the end of course one and finished going away.
Second-place "Zinger," handled by Patrick Clark, came from Brace 5, which cast off on Course 2 at 3:06. His bracemate, "Ray," was handled by Chad Chadwell. Both dogs had their minds on hunting and consistently dug into the thick cover on course two. Zinger was rewarded for his efforts with a stop to flush at 3:18, a single at 3:48 in a lone scrub oak in full view of the judges and the gallery, and his last find at 3:50. Despite Ray's determined efforts, he went birdless on this day. On the other hand, Zinger's bird-finding ability was quite impressive, especially for a dog running for the first time on these challenging grounds. It is rare at Namekagon for a handler to be able to dismount and flush a bird in front of his dog, but Zinger gave Patrick the opportunity and was deemed runner-up.
Third-place, "Clyde," was handled by Mike Northwood in Brace 2, running with bracemate "Orvis," handled by Patrick Clark. Clyde is a young dog that has already proven himself as a derby dog, and his potential to grow into a mature shooting dog was on full display this day. Everyone was eager with anticipation to watch as we cast off at 9:46 on the latter part of course one, going North from the Delong-Lien Fire Lane, given the unpredictability of wild birds at Namekagon and two young dogs. Clyde did not disappoint. The partnership forged with his handler over wild birds has given him the foundation needed to navigate a challenging course, and Clyde had a nice STF on a large 23-bird covey.
Danbury, Wis., October 12
Judges: Rich Boumeester and Katherine Gove
1st-B G K'S BOLT ACTION, F1687408, Vizsla male, by Briar In My Boot-Huntin With A Lil Swagger. Jarrett Bell, owner and handler.
2d-VISTA HOT DIGGITY DOG, F1706000, Vizsla male, by Southwind's Testing The Limits-Mudbone's Jambalaya. Patrick Clark & Cristine Currie, owners; Patrick Clark, handler.
3d-N V CLYDE, F1703718, Vizsla male, by Rudy of Hawthorne Ridge-C V Whiplash Smile. Mike Northwood, owner and handler.
The Running of the Derby Stake
Both the first and second-place winners came out of the first brace, and both these young dogs did a nice job for the first time ever being on the Barrens. Each dog made some nice casts and battled back and forth, navigating the cover well. Desi, handled by pro trainer Patrick Clark, had a little stronger finish, garnering the win. Timber, handled by pro trainer Robert Tomczak, was awarded second place. Both these first-year dogs show great potential for the future!
1st-ALPINE'S RAISED ON PROMISES, F1717136, Vizsla female, by WC's Alpine Blacksmith-Alpine's The Long Run To Highland. Kelly Bergeron, owner; Patrick Clark, handler.
2d-SHILOH'S STANDING TIMBER, F1717468, Vizsla male, by Wiley of Hawthorne Ridge-Shiloh's Feeling Good. Brian Fell, owner; Robert Tomczak, handler.