Result: Continental Open All-Age Championship
Location: Greenville, Florida
Post Date: Mar 24, 2025
Submitted By: Tim Moore and Steve Standley

Continental Open All-Age Championship: Cody McLean with Touch's Shadow Rider and Jerry Raynor with Woodville's Yukon Cornelius. (First row): John Fuller, Patty Sanderson Ewer, Maria Bassham, Shannon Nygard, Karen Norton, Katie McLean Summerlin, and Julie Ripley. (Second row): Til Hankley, Reese Birdeau, Vince Little, Jim Tande, John Michael McCormick, Mark McLean, Ben Melvin, Lee Phillips, Eddie Sholar (judge), John Lee (judge), David Melnick, Randy Floyd, and Steve Standley. [Photo by Chris Mathan].
Professional handler Mark McLean swept the 2025 Continental All-Age Championship amid stiff competition and challenging weather. Champion Touch's Shadow Rider, owned by Bruce and Karen Norton and Dr. Reuben Richardson, provided an exciting show during the 19th brace of this famed Championship. One of the two Setters in this 39-dog field, Woodville's Yukon Cornelius, owned by Carl Owens and handled by Mark McLean, claimed the runner-up champion title, proving his mettle among a great field of pointers.
Livingston Place, long known as Dixie Plantation, has gone through many changes over the years. Four named storms within the last 18 months and a strong cleanup effort had wreaked havoc on the cover over these bird-laden grounds.
Plantation manager John Michael McCormick, along with staff members Ben Melvin, Lance Little, and Reese Birdeau, are to be commended for getting the grounds ready for this Championship. Continental Field Trial Club President Randy Floyd was present, as was his normal cheerful self. The glue that holds the place together, Gloria Hagen, provided lunches and a warm homespun demeanor to all.
Appreciation is also extended to owners Tall Timbers for the use of this magnificent property and to their game bird program for successfully maintaining the amazing wild quail population here.
The judges are both well-known sportsmen with a long history in all-age field trials. Eddie Sholar of Albany, Georgia, and Ochlocknee, Georgia, has successfully competed as an amateur owner and handler as well as fielding many successful dogs on the open all-age circuit. John Lee of Statesboro, Georgia, has competed successfully in amateur and open all-age competition. He enjoyed a long association with professional trainer Freddie Rayl. Both men are knowledgeable and respected in the sport and their placements were well-received. The Club was fortunate to have them judge.
Waukeenah Fertilizer sponsored the dog wagon, and it was expertly piloted by the ever-jovial Til Hankley.
Purina remains a valuable sponsor in this sport. We appreciate them and their representative, Greg Blair, for their support. Lunch sponsors were appreciated, including John Kohler and Associates, Hunter Drew, American Veterinary Group, Chip Jenkins, Gary Lester, John Mathys and Eric Smith, and AgPro of Thomasville. There was a very enjoyable fish fry sponsored by Gordon Mooney, Dr. Dale Hodges, and Purina. Steve and Stacey Croy created a wonderful low country boil for everyone one evening at the commissary. The pi ce de r sistance was an incredible prime rib dinner provided by Livingston family member Julie Ripley Livingston. Decorations were created by Chris Mathan of Strideaway, and Chris and Til Hankley arranged the preceding cocktail hour.
Randy Floyd also runs a water tank sponsor program at the Continental field trials. Large water tanks are placed on the grounds at important spots, and professionally made signs show the sponsors' names. This provides water for the dogs and horses as well as providing landmarks on the courses. These generous sponsors were Dr. Kent Cantrell and Ocala Equine Hospital, Bruce and Karen Norton, Mike and Laura Shae, Dixie Trace Field Trial Association, John Mathys, Alex Rickert, Dr. Ron Deal, County Line Bulldozer and Keith Moree, Thrift Land Clearing of Pavo, Georgia, and Doyle Hancock and Son Construction.
The Winners
The champion emerged as Touch's Shadow Rider (McLean). He appeared in the fourth callback brace immediately after the runner-up performed. This white and orange Pointer male is coming 5 years of age, and his strength and talent became increasingly obvious the longer he stayed on the ground. He was announced as the Top Qualifying Dog in the first series. Very few dogs are top qualifiers and then go on and win the championship. Shadow Rider is co-owned by Bruce and Karen Norton and Dr. Ruben Richardson. Karen was in the saddle to see "Jay" run, and he gave her what she had spent years trying to achieve.
The brace consisted of Jay and Comanche (Eisenhart) as they broke loose along the side of the Long Pond on the way past the Brown Jug site. At 12, Comanche was ahead as we went past the Boyd Corner. As we approached the Brown Field, Luke's dog was on the lip of the rise at the field edge.
Meanwhile, Jay came in from the left after a wide swing and stopped ahead. This resulted in a good find.
At 30, we came between the Double Ponds and Jay was posed in brushy cover by the East Pond. When Mark stepped down, the birds exploded from around the wrapped-up Pointer. He remained frozen for the gun. After Mark collared his dog, another covey took wing ahead.
At 43, we had gone through the Cyprus Field on the way to Paul's Hill. Both dogs had shown distantly and well. Of note here is that Paul's Hill had some of the greatest damage to the place. Slick ground from cleanup and loss of major landmarks made it hard to get your bearings. All of this, including the recent freezes and snow, affected game contact throughout the trial.
Somewhere around the one-hour mark, point was called for both dogs, but after flushing attempts, unproductives were recorded. Next, we arrived at the big green field with Lake Windom visible in the distance. In this time period, Luke stepped down and put the rope on Comanche as he had shortened.
Jay continued to drive ahead fresh and free. We crossed Livingston Road at 1:07, with Mark calling hard to his dog. The judges stopped as Cody did some major scouting to find Jay about one-quarter mile ahead. Cody handled this work since Mark was out trying to gather his dog. The find ended empty, but we all got a breath of air after the long canter. Mark joined us at our spot near Pike's Peak.
Upon release, Jay drove hard ahead, ran to the far end of Cadilac Field, and traced the area out beautifully at range. The Pointer was still strong and applying himself well; he stretched that edge and crossed the Main road.
It was here that there was a large area of cleared land, and the judges pointed him out several times as he made a sweeping arc to the right; Mark just kept riding and climbed a forward ledge to stop and stay at this vantage point. Jay would go out of sight and then reappear ahead on his quest. There was just no stop in him. The Pointer put on a show at the end with Mark up on the rise across the bottom and scout Cody McLean holding back at a distance and just letting it unfold. It was a bold and emotional ending as Jay created the picture of a champion as co-owner Karen Norton was on her horse beside me. We witnessed a great win and a lifetime achievement for Karen and team Touch's Shadow Rider.
Cody had to run the dog down when time was called.
The runner-up champion was found in the form of the great tri-colored Setter, Woodville's Yukon Cornelius, owned by Carl Owens and handled by Mark McLean. Rudy was braced with Miller's Heat Advisory (Carlton) on the first brace of the callbacks Monday morning. Owner John Mathys was in the saddle for his Heat Advisory. It was 45 degrees and crisp as the high clouds were set in a blue sky. A sizable gallery was mounted, and hopes were high for this pair to point some birds.
Neither dog was in sight at 9 as we approached Cindy's Oak. The left side of the morning course is now clear further into the country past the right turn. Both dogs ran deep, and as we continued, we all hoped that they would show up. Rudy appeared! He had made the turn and was now running ahead toward the road crossing in great form along the left wood line, tail-cracking and strong.
As we continued, Miller's Heat Advisory joined the forward hunt, both dogs fresh and powerful. They were showing enough heels; we just needed some game contact.
At 25, as we approached the No. 4 field on the trek toward Pike's Peak, the Pointer came in from the back. When Pike's Peak came into view, Heat Advisory was nonetheless for wear and hunted ahead.
Mark's Setter was out of touch, then at 30, as we began up the incline, Rudy came in from the right, charging and bold. He crossed the face of Pike's Peak and ahead as Judd called him out. It was most appealing.
Meanwhile, Mark was riding a flat walk and let his Setter provide all the excitement for the gallery.
Judd's dog was strong in his work as well, the makings of a great brace. Heat Advisory pointed at 42 on the left, standing on a declining grade facing the wood line. He was stylish and stood like a rock during the flush. Disappointingly, a classy relocation came up empty.
Both dogs were viewed as they hunted the Cadilac Field and then on their journey to Acorn Hill. At one hour, we had made the turn at Acorn Hill, and the Pointer stood as the Setter honored. Judd executed an extensive flush, and when no game was raised, he took his dog on. The judges did not have anything to carry at this point, so continuing was the thing to do. When I got to the front after this, Mark was on the ground pushing a strong covey up for Rudy. Judge Sholar advised me that this find was at 68 on a large bevy, and all was in order. This provided a sigh of relief that at least one of these fine dogs may be rewarded for their great efforts.
When released, Rudy had a light chirping bark as he charged forward, as though to say, "I'm enjoying this work." Mark blew his whistle as both dogs were to the fore.
At one hour and 15 minutes, point was called for Rudy in the field before the Gene Field. He was in heavy cover, and he stood high and proud, but no birds were flown. This put an unproductive on Rudy's card.
At 1:27, just as we approached the Turkey Field, the call of point came from the left towards the wood line. Perfect Storm took the find as Rudy backed and all was good.
The pair showed well on the way to the Long Pond, and once making the turn, they took separate paths independently. At 1:40, they were pointed out in their strong quest, independent, and showing plenty of heels.
Both dogs stood at time, and both handlers went up and collared their entries to end an exciting brace.
Top Qualifier
It was Sunday morning in the 19th brace of the qualifying series that the Top Qualifying Dog emerged. Touch's Shadow Rider (McLean) was paired with Game Surge (Corder.) Two of Shadow Rider's co-owners were present, Karen Norton in the saddle and Bruce Norton in the truck.
Corder had a find at 3 at the end of the breakaway field with all in order. At 10, as we made the turn back toward the road, both dogs were showing well on the far wood line driving to the front. Game Surge came back to Fred as Shadow Rider moved strongly toward the road crossing.
At the quarter hour, point was called to the far left, and Mark's dog was pointed as Fred's dog backed. Mark flushed a covey under a pine blowdown for an excellent find. As we crossed Moccasin Creek, both dogs were running good, strong races to the front.
Moving on after the right turn in the direction of Pike's Peak, everyone's attention was held as Game Surge was on the left and Shadow Rider was on the right, hunting ahead strongly. Rider looked strong on the right side of the field before Pike's Peak, and then he bent left and went across two fields to be pointed out by Mark as he began to climb. This was the second strong and showy ground effort by the contender in the first 30 minutes.
At 35, Fred called point on the left, swamp side, but was unrewarded. Rider checked back in with Mark right on top of Pike's Peak. As we crossed at Cadilac Pond, Mark pointed out his dog on the other side of the pond as he hunted the hillside on the right and through the Cadilac Field.
Both dogs were out front at 48 in the old pasture in front of the Big House. Then, at 53, as we made the turn at the water barrel heading toward the Y, Fred watered his dog. At this time Shadow Rider was pointed out heading through the forward bottom on the left side of the course heading to the Y. As Tim Moore said, "This dog is really pouring it on."
Both dogs were out of sight at time and were ridden for out front. Game Surge's efforts were commendable, but Shadow Rider's performance was undeniable as the Top Qualifying Dog.
The Running
The Continental All-Age Championship began at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning amid frigid temperatures. Miller's Blindsider (Daniels) was paired with Dr. Fred Corder's Game Nation. Near Cindy's Oak, as we made the turn toward Livingston Road, Game Nation stood as Blindsider honored. The cover was sparse and beat down, and no game was raised.
We crossed the road at 18, and it was so cold that the woods were quiet. There were no songbirds or any other sounds of nature. Both dogs did a commendable job maintaining the front throughout their hour, but birds remained on lockdown throughout the brace.
Haney's Storm Warning (Cagle) and Haney's Easy Money (McLean) broke away at 10:20 from the Y. Warning suffered an empty stand at 8. As Cagle regained the front and moved into the bottom before the Gene Field his dog stacked up with high style. Most of the gallery had just ridden through this area, and most handlers would have collared their dog away. Cagle flushed for his staunch dog and was rewarded with a large covey.
We regained the front as we approached the Boy Scout house, and McLean's dog came in to check with him. Money was seen past the Dove Field, but as we passed the north end of the Long Pond, Storm Warning was out of pocket. Cagle requested his tracker at 50. Easy Money finished at the Brown Field without birdwork.
The third brace was Erin's Code of Honor (Eisenhart) and Lester's Storm Chaser (Henry). Both dogs maintained the front up to the Double Ponds. Luke's dog went between the ponds as the course bends, and Lefty's went around the far end of the East Pond. Lefty asked for his tracker, soon to be followed by Luke.
Haney's Silver Dollar (Cagle) and Lester's War Bird (Lester) were off for the first brace after lunch on Thursday. Silver Dollar had an unproductive at 5 before the water barrel. The handlers maintained contact with their charges as we continued. Cagle had a find at 58 after the road crossing at the end of the Field to complete the hour.
Woodville's Long Hard Ride (McLean) and Comanche (Eisenhart) were released in brace 5. They ran parallel to the Cadilac Field, and both dogs were with us. Mark called point for his dog at 15 but could not show us game. At that time, on ahead, Luke called point and flushed an enormous covey for Comanche just east of the Flat Pond.
Point was called for Commanche on the other side of the pond, but this resulted in an unproductive. Through this time, Hard Ride was pointed out, showing well going up the side of Pike's Peak and on the right side of the course. Mark did an excellent job of showing him to advantage during this time.
Past Moccasin Creek, Comanche was strong through the big field leading up behind the office. Both dogs had their running shoes on but were with us at the dam crossing at Rogers Pond at 41. We ended up at Cocklebur Bottom without any further birdwork. Comanche acquitted himself well with one find, one unproductive and a strong race.
Nonami's Johnny Come Lately (Pearce) and Strut's Bee Sting (Davis) made up the last brace of the day. Ray called point at 5 just off Windom Lake, and when he could not flush a bird, Johnny was relocated. A bird flew during this effort; Ray stopped his dog, shot his gun, and continued.
At 11, Sting had a single pinned on Hickory Hill. His next clean find was ahead on the left side of the course. Coming off Hickory Hill, Ray's dog came in after a short absence while Bee Sting worked the front. Both dogs were putting down commendable ground efforts.
We made the turn at the Powerline at 38, Sting out front and Johnny out of sight. Ray had his tracking collar by 43. Bee Sting finished at the road crossing where we came out of the woods. The last 20 minutes Bee hunted to the front and required no scouting. Tommy rode into the forward wood to get Bee Sting when time was called. We would see her again in the callbacks.
It was a frosty Friday morning when Erin's Happy Hour (Carlton) paired with Touch's Malcolm Story (McLean) in No. 7. Story owner Alex Rickert and Hour owner Mike Sweet were mounted in the field.
Mark's dog was in the wheat field on the left before the road crossed, putting down a big race around the edge, coming out of the corner to cross ahead. Judd's charge was forward, acquitting himself in fine form. Happy Hour shortened by Moccasin Creek, but Malcom Story went on to offer a big race. Judd's dog had an unproductive past the creek and the dog was soon in the harness.
On ahead, Malcolm Story offered an excellent find on the way to Pike's Peak over on the second afternoon course at the Flat Pond. As Tim Moore later said, "At this time, this dog had put down a really good race, and this find was pretty sporty."
At 42, between Pike's Peak and Cadillac Pond, off to the left, the call of point rang out. This proved to be an empty stand. At 50 we entered the Cadillac Field, and the judges pointed out Malcolm Story far to the front in the old hayfield on the right. Pick-up was called between the Bruce and Karen Norton water barrel and the Y.
Two coveys of birds took flight on the way to the water barrel, and two more were flushed by the gallery after the barrel. McLean caught Malcolm Story to end a good performance.
The eighth brace broke away at 9:45, just short of the Y. Erin's Perfect Storm (Eisenhart) was out of pocket as we moved toward the Gene Field, while Mayhaw's Georgia Time (Trey Mills) was handy up to this point.
Judge John Lee had ridden off course to observe his dog and his saddle broke. This stranded him on foot for the balance of the brace. Judge Eddie Sholar remained calm as he tried to cover both dogs since no one knew what had happened to Judge Lee.
Eddie later informed us that Georgia Time had a find off the left side of the Dove Field at 33.
Erin's Perfect Storm had one find, a big race, and an unproductive.
Miller's King Poast (Lester) and Game Star (Corder) both hunted ahead through the first quarter hour as we moved toward the Double Ponds. At 26 we were coming up on Paul's Hill, which is an area that was totally decimated in the recent hurricane. John Michael told us that there were a few trees left, but they decided to just take them out and start the area over. Lester's dog was to the front, and Fred's dog was off to the right, and efforts were made to get him gathered up. Game Star was back with us by the half and Fred soon called point. Birds were seen in the air, and King Poast was on the rope as Game Star had a good find. Star next showed well coming out of cocklebur bottom.
We crossed the road on the way to Kudzu Hill and he was shown to advantage. On the south side of Kudzu Hill, Game Star had a covey pointed, and they were exactly where he said they were, with all in order. Fred's dog had a good finish south of the pond.
Both Woodville's Yukon Cornelius (McLean) and Rester's Johnny Ringo (Eisenhart) were off after lunch on Friday in brace 10. The dogs were ahead strong. Ringo came in from the right between the Cyprus Pond and the Double Pond. Yukon Cornelius, or "Rudy," had been absent in recent minutes until 23 when the scout called point. There was a good find on the right with all in order. Ringo followed that with a barren stand on the left of the course.
Rudy put together a strong race, viewed through openings, on the way to the Long Field. Luke asked for his tracker at 47. Rudy hunted ahead down the left side of the road and the Long Field. He came in to check in the low area of the field near the single large live oak. Mark put Rudy on the left edge and the Setter showed strongly through the rest of the field. The setter finished ahead, crossing from right to left toward the mansion, earning his spot in the callbacks.
The 11th brace featuring Erin's Southern Comfort (Derrig) and James Pond Knightranger (Watson) began at 3:00. As we crossed near the Cadilac Pond, Woody had his dog, Derrig's dog was off to the left on the other side of Livingston Road. Just as we bent toward Pike's Peak, near the Flat Pond, Knightranger had a find.
As we approached the next water barrel at 21 there was not much occurring with this brace. At 44, on the crossing of the dam at Rogers Pond, Watson's entry dug up a covey among the young bamboo and hardwood sapling on the left. Woody flushed an exiting covey for Knightranger in the last minute to finish the brace. Derrig did not finish his dog.
It was the last brace of the day as Nighthawk's Rebel (Swearingen) and Bandit's Hill Avenger (McLean) were loosed at 4:15. Rebel showed well going through the Hickory Hill block at 10, and McLean asked for his collar at 20. Rebel had a find amid head-high pines near the old dove field and went onto his second connection at 39 after we turned on the power line. Rebel remained out of sight until 59, and he came back to finish for his handler.
It was a frosty Saturday morning with Haney's Last Call (Carlton) and Miller's Heat Advisory (Daniels). We made the road crossing at 15 with both dogs. Both charges remained out of sight as we moved forward toward the right turn, heading toward Pike's Peak. Judd pointed his dog out deep on a showy cast past the first field. Jamie's dog was not seen since the road crossing.
At the half-hour, when we got to Pike's Peak, Jamie asked for his tracker. Meanwhile, Judd pointed his dog out for a second time on a strong cast forward. By 48, in the Cadilac Field, Luke called point for Judd's dog and then flight of birds. It was a shame that the birds were not seen officially since the dog was running such a clean forward race. The birds were pinned about 200 yards up in waist-high cover. All was good.
Judd's dog finished well past Bruce and Karen Norton's water barrel and through the chimney block.
Touch's Midnight Rider (McLean) and Touch's Blue Knight (Watson) broke away just before the Y. At 10, as we approached the Gene Field, Midnight Rider came in to check with Mark. He had been unseen since the breakaway. Woody's dog was with us at this time.
As we moved to the Boy Scout House block at 24, no dog was in touch with the party. It was here that Midnight Rider checked back in, which proved that he had been hunting with us at range. Blue Knight came in at 27 and was back in touch at 34 at the Dove Field.
At 35, point was called for Midnight Rider back on the Boy Scout House side of the dirt road. This proved to be an empty stand. Mark requested his tracker at 57.
The 15th brace contained T S Coal Train (Lee Phillips) and Haney's All In (McLean.) At the quarter hour, we came into the Double Pond block with All In out of contact, and Coal Train was handy. Within minutes, All In came to us through the gallery. Mark called point ahead on the right near the Cyprus Pond. Mark shouted, "There they go," but this was unseen officially. Coal Train came across the far end of the Cyprus Field on his way to the front.
It was a bluebird sky as we moved into Joe's Oak block, unlikely bird-pointing conditions. But Coal Train did produce a find off to the right with all good. All In came to us from the rear at Cocklebur Bottom.
Tim Moore later conveyed a conversation that he had with Luke Eisenhart and described the difficulty in pointing birds. He said that the first brace this morning while he was scouting, he saw four coveys flush wild ahead of him. Stating that he made no more noise than he was making as he rode through the woods; the birds were so jumpy they would flush wild some 50 yards before he got to them. This brace was picked up at the Flat Pond.
Saturday afternoon began with Rampage (Eisenhart) and Game Heir (Corder.) At 10, Corder called point for Heir on the left. This was a good find. Luke's dog was ahead.
Rampage came in from the right between the Double Pond and the Cyprus Pond. He went on to suffer an unproductive at 25 in a nearby area.
We crossed the road at 46 on the way to the Long Field, with Rampage a bit short. Corder's dog was out of touch. Luke reached for the harness at 49. Fred requested his tracker at 58.
Lester's Storm Surge (Lester) and Touch's Breakaway Fred (McLean) broke away in brace 17. At the quarter-hour Lester was pointing his dog out near the Cadilac Pond, but he was unseen officially. We had also not seen Breakaway Fred since the breakaway. Mark asked for his tracker at the top of the Flat Pond.
On the east side of the Flat Pond point was called for Storm Surge, but it proved to be McLean's dog. There was no further action.
Sandhill Ike (McLean for Jerry Raynor) and Dominator's Wild Bill (Carlton) found Raynor sidelined with kidney stones. Breakaway was at the water barrel near the Flat Pond. We made the Moccasin Creek crossing at 9 as both handlers had their charges.
Mark called point at the crossing behind the office. Judd has his dog further up the hill past the pond. Wild Bill owner Gene Brown was riding to support his entry. We heard Mark shoot for his dog as point was called off to the left for Wild Bill. The latter proved to be unproductive.
We were across the main road at 33 with both dogs showing well through some areas opened up by the storm. By 38, Wild Bill was showing well for Judd, while McLean's dog had not made it back to the front. Bill had his second unproductive near the big lake.
The 19th brace contained the Top Qualifying Dog, as described earlier.
The last brace was a bye-dog as Judd Carlton released Erin's High Note. High Note was unseen until 14, this at the Turkey Field. High Note shortened for a time, but as Judge Sholar later said, "He had a very strong last 35 minutes with an excellent limb find and finished well.
The first brace of the callbacks began Sunday afternoon and featured Strut's Bee Sting (Davis) and Nighthawk's Rebel (Swearingen.) Woody Watson was riding for the club, and Livingston Place manager John Michael McCormick was in the saddle as well. Tommy rode at a flat walk and let Bee hunt ahead as she crossed in front of us at the water tank at Boyd Corner and went ahead on course. At this point, Rebel had not been seen since the breakaway.
At halfway, we made it to the Coi Pond crossing, and Bee ran high-tailed fresh to stretch out attractively through two open bottoms on the left. At 40, Davis elected to pick up Bee, and Tracy asked for his tracker to end the brace.
At 1:47, we turned loose Touch's Malcom Story (McLean) and Erin's Perfect Storm (Eisenhart). Neither dog finished nor made bird contact. This writer's apologies to the owners and handlers since details of this brace were lost in the great technological abyss of my recorder.
The third brace of the callbacks featured the runner-up champion, as described earlier.
The fourth brace contained the Championship performance of Touch's Shadow Rider (McLean.)
The last brace of the callbacks contained Game Surge (Corder) and Erin's High Note (Carlton). We saw High Note at the quarter hour, but the pair was not often in view. At 25, we went by the end of the Long Pond on the way to Coi Pond Crossing. High Note came in from the left before the road crossing, and Judd watered him.
At 35, Dr. Fred Corder came in and asked Judge Lee for his retrieval device.
High Note was seen about three times during the first hour. Judd's dog stopped in the path at close range and pointed. He stood for the gun.
As we passed the Flat Pond, High Note came in from the rear. After this point, Judd put the rope on him to end the callbacks.
Greenville, Fla., January 25
Judges: John Lee and Eddie Sholar
CONTINENTAL OPEN ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Qualifying Heats; One-Hour and Fifty-Minute Finals] - 38 Pointers and 1 Setter
Winner-TOUCH'S SHADOW RIDER, F1697543, pointer male, by Touch's Smooth Rider-Touch's Gold Dance. Bruce & Karen Norton & Dr. Reuben Richardson, owners; Mark McLean, handler.
Runner-Up-WOODVILLE'S YUKON CORNELIUS, F1673091, setter male, by Caladen's Davinci-A Tarheel Miss Bo. Carl Owens, owner; Mark McLean, handler.