Result: High Plains and Pony Express Field Trial Clubs
Location: Gentry, Missouri
Post Date: Mar 31, 2021
Submitted By: Steve Auxier
The High Plains and Pony Express Field Trial Clubs came together and hosted their annual spring trial at Smith Farms in Gentry, Mo. This trial was not only highlighted by amazing performances but also maintained the camaraderie that everyone looks forward to each spring that kicks off the field trial season.

It was great to see so many people traveling from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Tennessee. Thanks to all of the handlers and owners for their support.
We thank our judges Greg Sand, Joe Worsham, Mr. Tommy Smith, and Steve Auxier for their time in the saddle judging all of the dogs.
The Open Derby was noted as a very competitive stake as many showed the qualities of the extreme range, and all-age independence.
The judges mentioned several nice performances and was very exciting to judge. First place honors went to S F Hardfork for Larry Smith. Hard Fork made for an exciting brace to watch as he showed intensity on the ground and was credited with mature manners on his game!
Second was Intensive Diddy Wa Diddy. "Sister" showed an good all-age race, sticking to the lines and pushing to the front for handler. Third was Haney's Endless Summer for Chris Cagle, the pointer female credited for her ground performance and hitting her objectives rounding out the field of eleven competitors!
Gentry, Mo., March 31
Judges: Greg Sand and Joe Worsham
PONY EXPRESS OPEN DERBY -- 10 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--S F HARDFORK, 1688487, pointer male, by S F Bandwagon--Deep Creek Reba. Larry Smith, owner and handler.
2d--INTENSIVE DIDDY WA DIDDY, 1693083, pointer female, by Coldwater Spectre--Coldwater June. Steve Auxier, owner and handler.
3d--HANEY'S ENDLESS SUMMER, 1690851, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial--Pleasant Run Gal. Chris Cagle, owner and handler.
This Derby was a very competitive stake with many performances noted throughout the entry.
Coming from brace No. 1 was the talented setter Shagtime Scott which put on a very mature all-age ground performance top the field.
Second place came from brace No. 5, Haney's Endless Summer for Chris Cagle. The stylish young pointer was credited with several finds along with a nice all-age ground race.Third was S F Hard Fork handled by Larry Smith. "Shark" showed his forward race and ground application to round out the field with stylish mature bird work!
HIGH PLAINS OPEN DERBY -- 10 Pointers and 1 Setter
1st--SHAGTIME SCOTT, 1690275, setter male, by Shagtime Zeke--Sky's The Limit. Chris Cagle, owner and handler.
2d--S F HARDFORK, 1688487, pointer male, by S F Bandwagon--Deep Creek Reba. Larry Smith, owner and handler.
3d--HANEY'S ENDLESS SUMMER, 1690851, pointer female, by Miller's Speed Dial--Pleasant Run Gal. Chris Cagle, owner and handler.
The Amateur All-Age with many nice dogs entered to make a very competitive stake! Several showed many quality pieces of bird work. Taking the top honors was S F Saltwater handled by Larry Smith credited with four finds and exhibiting manners on his finds with style and intensity! "Sam" pushed the front end with a big all age race and finished the hour with a very impressive finish going to the front over the ridge at time.
Second was Nemaha Rio handled by Dr/ Pat McInteer. Rio showed his all age ground race pushing to the front and credited with four finds and finishing the hour to the front! Millstar's Lion Rampant owned by Mike Chowning and handled by Laura Miller had several finds with good manners earning him the third spot. The five-year-old Vizsla male showed a mature ground race!

Judges: Steve Auxier and Tommy Smith
6 Pointers and 2 Vizslas
1st--S F SALTWATER, 1679750, pointer male, by Connors E Z Button--Yankee Trace Abby. Larry Smith, owner and handler.
2d--NEMAHA RIO, 1668952, pointer male, by Nemaha Free Style--Wiggins Snow Rebel. Pat McInteer, owner and handler.
3d--MILLSTAR'S LION RAMPANT, 1675351, Vizsla male, by Lundy's Red Bull--C K Millstar's Wee Dram. Mike Chowning, owner; Laura Miller, handler.
The High Plains Amateur All-Age was a very competitive stake! Topping the field of competitors was S F Stetson handled by Larry Smith. "Hank" put on an all-age ground race performance, reaching far to the front with great responsiveness for his handler! "Hank" showed his nice smooth running gate with a large finish! Worsham's Super Sport handled by Joe Worsham rendered an extreme all-age race showing independence to place second!
HIGH PLAINS AMATEUR ALL-AGE [One-Hour Heats] -- 5 Pointers
1st--S F STETSON, 1674396, male, by S F Bandwagon--S F Rushhour. Larry Smith, owner and handler.
2d--WORSHAM'S SUPER SPORT, 1680553, male, by Touch's Knight Rider--Touch's Maswood Annie. Joe Worsham, owner and handler.