Result: NGSPA Chukar Championships
Location: Payette, Idaho
Post Date: Apr 22, 2021
Submitted By: Ray Larrondo
For the past several years, late April has been the time for NGSPA supporters to travel to southern Idaho and challenge their dogs against the big, rough terrain and often cagey coveys of chukar and huns.
After the 2020 season was scratched, most folks were eager to get their dogs back out to the Prairie Wind Ranch and turn them loose. This year the Chukar Championship drew decent numbers. Most contestants had arrived the week earlier and participated in the Region 9 trials.
Owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson, the ranch was in great shape, largely due to the efforts of those tasked with taking care of it. Rich and Penny Robertson and their grandson Austin Williams work countless hours ensuring birds are put out and cared for, strategic water tubs for the dogs and horses are filled and gates are set for handlers and scouts to be able to make their way around the continuous courses.
Back in camp the work at the clubhouse was tackled by Lynn, Anita, Rod and Linda Randolph, and Kaitlyn. The fantastic clubhouse enables those who've been out riding countless hours to get inside, kick up their feet and get appetites satisfied. As usual, this year we had great feasts at the end of long days in the saddle.
Dean Crabbs and his wife Diane helped gather dogs on the dog wagon and deliver them to the different points necessary to cast off the next brace, or pick up errant canines. Yes, that happens occasionally.
While the venue for these Championships has changed from its Arizona origin, we've maintained the traditional mounted chukar trophy awarded to the champion of each stake. Along with these terrific trophies placing dogs were given products provided by our sports phenomenal sponsors.
This year we once again received support from two steadfast companies, Purina and SportDog. Both the companies and their representatives, Greg Blair and Jim Morehouse go above and beyond helping clubs and competitors.
The Open All-Age kicked off the event, drawing fourteen entries. Mike Aldrich from New Mexico came north to judge this stake, commenting how much he enjoys watching a dog challenge these grounds. Joining him for judging duties was Howard Burbach from Missouri, who had been out a couple of times previously.
At the end of the running it was Riden High Rudy declared the champion. "Rudy" is owned by Ray Nelson of Rio Linda, Cal., and was skillfully handled this day by Terry Zygalinski. Earning runner-up honors was Prairie Wind B D K's Dot On The Horizon for her owners Keith and Bobbi Richardson. "Dot" was handled by Rich Robertson.

Payette, Ia., April 22
Judges: Mike Aldrich and Howard Burbach
[One-Hour Heats] -- 15 German Shorthairs
Winner--RIDEN HIGH RUDY, 1662002, male, by Tonelli's Sky High--Palin's Gossip Girl. Ray Nelson, owner; Terry Zygalinski, handler.
Runner-Up--P W B D K'S DOT ON THE HORIZON, 1647542, female, by P W Zackly Right--B D K's Outbak Cutter. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Rich Richardson, handler.
Mike Aldrich joined Larry McConnell to judge the Amateur Shooting Dog Championship.
Brandon Blum of Action, Cal., handled B M B's Madison Ave., which he and his wife Jennifer own, to win this Championship. "Maddie' carded several nice finds and sealed the win with a great finish in the creek bottom where she hunted the big rock ridge above the creek.

Handling his dog to runner up honors was Larry Metter of Valencia, Cal. with Aunt Troji's Dirty Nike. This was the beginning of a great week for Larry and Nike.
Judges: Mike Aldrich and Larry McConnell
[One-Hour Heats] -- 15 German Shorthairs
Winner--B M B'S MADISON AVE, 1670283, female, by Trueblu's B D K Ace Inthe Hole--Time To Pay the Piper. Jennifer & Brandon Blum, owners; Brandon Blum, handler.
Runner-Up--AUNT TROJI'S DIRTY NIKE, 1668620, female, by Hardcore High N Tight--D C R's White Sky. Larry Metter, owner and handler.
Wrapping up the all-age stakes for the German shorthairs in Payette, Ida., the amateurs had one more opportunity to claim one of the chukar trophies.
Judging this Amateur All-Age were Jeremy Skousen from Ontario, Ore., and Alex Mauck who was still unpacking from his recent move to Ontario. Both gentlemen have watched a great number of dogs cover these challenging grounds.
After the eight dogs drawn had given their all, P W Bert's Joke On Us was named the champion. "Bart" ran a huge forward race with a couple of nice mannerly finds. He was handled by Keith Richardson and is owned by Keith and Bobbi Richardson. Runner-up honors went to P W K Lonewolf's B J, owned by Dean Crabbs, Diane Goracke, and Ray Larrondo. "B J" ran a nice big forward race for her handler Ray Larrondo.

Judges: Alex Mauck and Jeremy Skousen
[One-Hour Heats]-- 8 German Shorthairs
Winner--P W BERT'S JOKES ON US, 1655432, male, by Slicks Cuttin Wild--P W Fast Forward. Keith & Bobbi Richardson, owners; Keith Richardson, handler.
Runner-Up--P W K LONEWOLF'S B J, 1669081, female, by Slicks Cuttin Wild--P W Fast Forward. Dean Crabbs, Diane Goracke & Ray Larrondo, owners; Ray Larrondo, handler.
Wrapping up the nearly two weeks of running German shorthaired pointer championship competition was the Chukar Open Shooting Dog Championship. Fifteen dogs were unleashed in this stake, which was judged by Larry McConnell from New Plymoth, Ida., and Alex Mauck.
After a very nice warm up in the Amateur stake, Aunt Troji's Dirty Nike, owned and handled by Larry Metter, was awarded a well deserved champion title in the Open Shooting Dog. Taking home the runner-up honors was Cajun's Firecracker for her owners Bruce and Keith Bryant of Silver City, Ia. "Kadie" was handled by Josh Nieman.

Judges: Alex Mauck and Larry McConnell
[One-Hour Heats] -- 15 German Shorthairs
Winner--AUNT TROJI'S DIRTY NIKE, 1668620, female, by Hardcore High N Tight--D C R's White Sky. Larry Metter, owner and handler.
Runner-Up--CAJUN'S FIRECRACKER, 1653919, female, by Hi N's Hurricane Express--Sixxem's A Cut Above. Bruce & Keith Bryant, owners; Josh Nieman, handler.