Result: Associated Field Trial Clubs of Florida
Location: Punta Gorda, Florida
Post Date: Mar 18, 2022
Submitted By: Don Wood

Shooting Dog Winners. Foreground, from left: Dave Vernasco with Double Down Trumpster and Walter Robertshaw Trophy; Petie Brown and Myakka Rebel and Mike Tiberii and Kahula. Behind: Roger Shellswell, Don Wood, John Hicks (judge), Dianne Vernasco, John Milton (judge), Sharon Wood, and Robert Franks.
PUNTA GORDA, FLA. -- The last trial of the year, with large rotating trophies in each of our four stakes. We enjoy winding up the year with a gala celebration, a lot of silver trophies, a lot of food, and most important, a lot of fun.
The large bowl for the winner of the Puppy Stake goes back to the late 1950s, the derby stake trophy, also a large bowl, dates from the early 1960s. The all-age trophy is a silver wine cooler in the memory of Rogers Hayes, who owned Miller's Miss Knight, winner of the 1973 National Championship; and the shooting dog bowl, donated by Dr. Terry Terlep in memory of his friend Walter Robertshaw. A lot of memories with these trophies and a lot of stories that are often recited after the names are read.
We again had our cookout on Saturday night after the running. This is a standard event with our club and is enjoyed by all. We have to thank the ladies for their effort in making this happen!
Also a special thank you to Carol Muzynski for all of the valentine table decoration. In addition to the Saturday night feast, Robert Franks came down from the ice and snow of Dewitt, Ark., and treated us to some cold water catfish along with all of the trimmings. Thank you Robert for all of your generosity.
Our judges for this event were John Milton and John Hicks. Both gentlemen have years of experience with bird dogs. Vince Feltner filled in for John Milton in the Derby. All of the decisions were well received.
We want to thank our sponsor, Purina. Their donation of dog food, hats, and assistance with the ad are greatly appreciated.
The temperature was mostly in the mid to upper-70s with overcast skies. We had a two-hour rain delay on Sunday morning but after that it was in the mid-70s. All of the handlers carried water and used it once or twice during their brace.
The birds were fickle. One day we can run an hour stretch of course and moved eight coveys. The next day, on that same stretch, we may not see single bird. Overall, this year, we have had a good bird crop. All of our young dogs have had many a bird contact, with most all of the youngsters holding until the handlers flushed, and the older dogs are finding birds on a regular basis.
The Derbies were tapped to go first. Remember that this is the puppy derby classic so that the young dogs get the best time of day to run. Funseeker's Double Trouble owned and handled by Don Wood, took the first place with a large forward race getting stronger as the brace went on. econd was taken by Justin Muzynski and Holopaw's Rear Axel. Third was another Muzynski entry Holopaw'a Mack.
The Shooting Dog Stake followed with Dave Vernasco and Double Down Trumpster taking the honors with a "the bird is right here under my nose come in here and flush the bird " kind of fine. Myakka Rebel and Petie Brown took second while Mike Tiberii and Kahlua Tiberii were third.
Sunday morning we took a two-hour delay as we waited for the skies to clear and then turned the youngsters loose. Back and forth, up and down, around and about the puppies ran with Lou, handled by Jim Womack, taking the blue ribbon. Second and third were grabbed by two of Matt Ford's puppies, Smitty, second and Speck, third.
The final stake of the trial was the Open All-Age. Myakka Time Shifter, owned and handled by Beth Brown coupled a huge race with a last-minute limb find to make the rest of the contestants realize that they were running for second or third. Nice job, Beth. Second was Don Wood and Funseeker's Texas Preacher. Preacher carded a two- find effort but not the race of Jack. Third was Luke's Gospel Truth, owned by the Womacks and handled by Jim.
Punta Gorda, Fla., February 12
Judgs: John Hicks and Vince Feltner
OPEN DERBY -- 6 Pointers
1s--FUNSEEKER'S DOUBLE TROUBLE, 1690076, male, by Nacho's Texas Rebel--Nacho's Drama Ma Ma. Don Wood, owner and handler.
2d--HOLOPAW'S RIVER AXEL, 1690238, male, by Holopaw's Axel--Hot Digity Dot. Ken & Justin Muzynski, owners; Justin Muzynski, handler.
3d--HOLOPAW'S MACK, 1650237, male, by Holopaw's Axel--Hot Digity Dot. Ken & Justin Muzynski, owners; Justin Muzynski, handler.

Derby Winners. From left: Don Wood with Funseeker Double Trouble and Derby Bowl; Justin Muzynski and Holopaw Rear Axel, and Kayliegh Muzynski and Holopaw Msck. Behind: Dave Vernasco, Dianne Vernasco, Carol Muzynski, John Milton, and Paul May.
Judges: John Hicks and John Milton
OPEN SHOOTING DOG -- 9 Pointers, 2 Setters and 1 Brittany
1st--DOUBLE DOWN TRUMPSTER, 1670312, pointer male, by Funseeker's Rebel Tex--Nacho Myaka Miley. Dave & Dianne Vernasco, owners; Dave Vernasco, handler.
2d--MYAKKA REBEL, 1669365, pointer female, by Elhew G Force--Myakka Hey Jude. Petie Brown, owner and handler.
3d--KAHLUA TIBERII, 1657153, Brittany female, by Birch Hill Jack Is Back--Birch Hill's Jazzy Girl. Mike Tiberii, owner and handler.

All-Age Winners. For left: Carol Muzynski and Petie Brown with Myakka Time Shifter and the Rogers Hayes Trophy, Don Wood with Funseeker's Texas Preacher, and Mary Ann Womack and Luke's Gospel Truth. Behind: Robert Franks, Dave Vernasco, Dianne Vernasco, Beth Brown, John Milton (judge), Justin Muzynski, and Kayliegh Muzynski.
Judges: John Hicks and John Milton
OPEN ALL-AGE -- 5 Pointers and 2 Setters
1st--MYAKKA TIME SHIFTER, 1670324, pointer male, by Guard Rail--Myakka T Marie. Beth Brown, owner and handler.
2d--FUNSEEKER'S TEXAS PREACHER, 1667330, pointer male, by Funseeker's Rebel Tex--Nacho Myakka Miley. Don Wood, owner and handler.
3d--LUKE'S GOSPEL TRUTH, 1669019, setter male, by Attitude's Iron Will--Attitude's Bo Time. Jim & Mary Ann Womack, owners; Jim Womack, handler.

Puppy Winners. From left: Mary Ann Womack with Lou and Puppy Bowl Trophy, Justin Muzynski and Smitty, Matt Ford and Speck. Behind: Kayliegh Muzynski and John Milton (Judge).