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Result: NBHA National Open Shooting Dog Championship

Location: Dancyville, Tennessee

Post Date: Mar 29, 2022

Submitted By: Greg Blair


Championship Winners. From left: Greg Blair, Andy Erne, Dave Emert, Garry Malzone, Karl Forsberg, Jillian Stuhr with Pure Confidence, Bud Moore, Judge: Joe Hughes Sr., Judge: Dr. Bob Canada, Andrea Ward, Ken Millikin, Tom Waite with Skydance Flash Finish, Justin Crook, Bill Currie, Dale Poole, Kelly Poole, Zach Erne.
The NBHA returned to the beautiful grounds of West Tennessee for the 2021-2022 renewal of our National Open Championship. The West Tennessee Field Trial Club has been in existence since the early 1900's and some of the largest and most storied field trials in history have been run over these grounds. Not to mention a who's who of field trial royalty that grace the walls of the clubhouse and many times are part of the crowd at happy hour.
There aren't enough words to express our gratitude to Bill Currie, Dr. Gene Spiotta, Gene Spiotta, Chris Mullen, Ross Callaway, Blake Kukar, Ike Todd and all of the West Tennessee Field Trial Club for their generosity, help, and for providing such a quality venue to run the National Championship. They went above and beyond every single day and in every way to make this event a great one. These are truly special people who go out of their way to provide everything we need to make this trial work. Every single participant that ran a dog over these grounds absolutely raved about this championship, the grounds, the people, and how it continues to be THE venue for the NBHA National Open Championship.
Special thanks also to our judges, Dr. Bob Canada and Joe Hughes Sr. Both men know a championship performance, were impartial and helpful to all participants, and rendered a decision that was respected by all. They are also the kind of people you enjoy having around - honest, straight, and fair. Big thanks also go out to our sponsors. We couldn't do what we do without the amazing support of Purina Pro Plan, Garmin, Gun Dog Supply, Mule Brand Clothing, Hunt and Gun Dog Central. Thanks to you all.

National Championship running:
1a Jimfork's Cool Lady (PF/Snow) picked up on course.
1b Penrosa Hidncash (SM/Penn) one stop to flush and three finds - finished the hour.
2a Georgia Born Windstorm (PM/ Ridings) tracker requested.
2b Dale Creek Resurrection (PM/Waite) picked up on course.
3a Bob's Elhew Sushi (PF/Phillips) tracker requested.
3b Sho Me MoTu (SM/Erne) three finds - finished the hour.
4a Skydance Flash Finish (SM/Waite) three finds and one back - finished the hour.
4b Indian Creek Bocephus (SM/Malzone) one find, one unproductive and failed to back.
5a Jimfork's Staple (PM/Snow) one find, picked up on course.
5b Caird's Lefty (PM/Ridings) four finds - finished the hour.
6a Brooks White Hot Blaze (RS M/Waite) finished the hour.
6b Forsberg's Hello Dolly (PF/Forsberg) one find and one unproductive - finished the hour.
Day 2
7a Renegade Rhett (SM/Erne) picked up on course.
7b Brushville Burton Spencer (SM/Waite) one unproductive, two finds and one stop to flush - finished the hour.
8a Indian Creek Courageous Cat (PF/Malzone) two finds - finished the hour.
8b Pineview Sally (PF/Crook) picked up on course.
9a Cedar Creek MacArthur Ruby (RS F/Waite) picked up on course.
9b Gun's Pistol Pete (SM/Crook) picked up on course.
10a Bolts Duramax (PM/Crook) picked up on course.
10b Bob's Elhew Sage (PF/Phillips) picked up on course.
11a Georgia Born Braveheart (PM/Ridings) tracker requested.
11b Pure Confidence (PM/Malzone) one unproductive and one find - finished the hour.
12a Hey Mr. Tin Man (PM/Snow) one find and two backs - finished the hour.
12b Fast Money (PF/Crook) three finds - finished the hour.
13a Raintree's Blue Moon (RS M/Waite) picked up on course.
13b Unfinished Business (PM/Crook) tracker requested.
14a Emert's Grouseringer T (SM/Forsberg/Erne) picked up on course.
14b Black Jack (SM/Ridings) picked up on course.
Day 3
15a JoJos Dark Night (SM/Crook) picked up on course.
15b Emert's Sho Me Mo (SM/Erne) nine finds - finished the hour.
16a Blair's Calvary Mountain (PM/Waite) two unproductives.
16b Bye

After the completion of the initial series, the top dogs were announced for the callback and drawn.

National Championship callback braces:
1a Skydance Flash Finish - Waite
1b Sho Me Mo - Erne
2a Indian Creek Courageous Cat - Malzone
2b Fast Money - Crook
3a Pure Confidence - Malzone
3b Caird's Lefty - Ridings
Stand By Dogs
4a Forsberg's Hello Dolly - Forsberg
4b Brushville Burton Spencer - Waite
National Championship callback brace 1 with Skydance Flash Finish, Waite and Sho Me Mo, Erne. The brace broke away at 7:30 with both dogs hunting to the front. Dale Creek Flash Finish was slowed by a shoulder injury but 'gutted out' the hour and finished with six stylish finds, one stop to flush, and two backs. One of his finds was on probably the largest covey of the week. Sho Me Mo did a nice job on the ground, was credited with three finds and one back. Unfortunately, the handler decided to pick him up on the third find.
National Championship callback brace 2 with Indian Creek Courageous Cat, Malzone and Fast Money, Crook. The brace broke away at 8:45. Both dogs ran the country with style and purpose. Cat was punching the front and found on her second find, pointing a large covey on the side of the pond. She had a long absence and was found pointed for her third and final find. Fast Money finished the hour with three finds and handled nicely for handler Crook.
National Championship callback brace 3 with Pure Confidence, Malzone and Cairds Lefty, Ridings. The brace broke away at 10:05. Both dogs started strong and handled kindly. Pure Confidence was seen hitting the edges and all right spots. He carded two finds and handled them with great style and manners. He also had a back and was very responsive to handler Malzone. Cairds Lefty was the first one pointed with Pure Confidence backing. Lefty went on to have his second find and it was the find of the week - two hen pheasants and a rooster erupted on the flush! He went on to card two more finds and on his last find he moved forward on the flush.
The standby dogs did receive the call to the line.
National Championship callback brace 4 with Forsberg's Hello Dolly, Forsberg and Brushville Burton Spencer, Waite. The brace broke away at 11:20. Dolly and Spencer were released and carried on with purpose. Spencer was pointed and handler Waite flushed with all in order. Dolly carded her first find then was found backing Spencer on his second find. Dolly had not been seen for quite a while and after a good effort, handler Forsberg requested the tracker. Brushville Burton Spencer had the back half of the course to himself and was found pointed again - all in order. Spencer was sent forward but unfortunately failed to stop on a wild flush and was picked up.
After a short break, the winners were announced (pictured l to r). The winner of the 2022 NBHA National Open Championship was Pure Confidence (Tango), handled by Garry Malzone, scouted by Jillian Stuhr and owned by Black Meadows Kennels. Tango laid down two strong back-to-back performances to win the trial. He was consistently between "ten and two" and kept in touch with his handler. Tango made the moves when the grounds opened up, hunted kindly as they tightened up, and beautiful on point. Congratulations Garry, Jillian and Black Meadows Kennels.
Runner-Up was Skydance Flash Finish (Flounder) with handler Tom Waite, scout Andrea Ward and owner Tyler Waite. Flounder must have suffered a shoulder injury but was able to finish the hour qualifier and the one-hour callback. It was a gritty, tough week for the seasoned male setter. Flounder handled all his finds with adult, stylish manners and was consistent on his ground race. Never out of pocket and was found to the front. Congratulations Tom, Andrea and Tyler.
Working around the initial series and the championship callback, open derby and open puppy stakes were run. There were many fine performances and many great handlers. The juvenile stakes are always exciting and a great place for young and old handlers alike to participate in a trial.
We would like to thank all the people of the West Tennessee Field Trial Club for the fabulous grounds, facilities, and assistance with making the trial a success. Also, a big thanks goes out to the dog wagon driver Ken Millikin! We look forward to continuing running championships at West Tennessee! If you are a bird dog fan, you will thoroughly enjoy the country and people of Dancyville and should make every effort to attend a trial there.
Dancyville, Tenn., March 29, 2022
Judges: Dr. Bob Canada and Joe Hughes
NBHA NATIONAL OPEN SHOOTING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Qualifying Heats; One-Hour Callback] 31 Entries

Winner-PURE CONFIDENCE, 1660531, pointer male, by True Confidence-Richfield Rose. Black Meadow Kennel, owner; Gary Malzone, handler.
Runner-Up-SKYDANCE FLASH FINISH, 166540, setter male, by Northwoods Nirvana-Skydancer Dusty Spur. Tyler Waite, owner; Tom Waite, handler.


Pure Confidence Winner of the NBHA National Open Shooting Dog Championship

NBHA OPEN DERBY - 19 Entries
1st--SOUTHLAND'S JOHNNY RINGO, 1689559, pointer male, by Hirollins Gone and Doneit-Moehill's Carolina Robin. Karl Forsberg, owner and handler.
2d-RESTER'S WILDROSE BUCK, 1696781, pointer male, by Miller's Blindsider-Rester's Amazing Grace. Danny Bardwell, owner and handler.
3d-GEORGIA BORN APACHE WIND, 1691160, pointer male, by Hirollins Gone and Done it-Cock'nfire Grace. Sam & Margie Ridings, owners; Sam Ridings, handler.


National Open Derby Winners. From left: Southland's Johnny Ringo with Karl Forsberg, Rester's Wildrose Buck, second, (not pictured), Maggie Ridings, Georgia Born Apache Wind with Sam Ridings.

NBHA OPEN PUPPY - 16 Entries
1st--TEDDY BEAR, 1698240, setter male, by Merritt's Bear-A Tarheel Pretty Penny. Buddy Smith, owner and handler.
2d-DARK RUM JASMINE, 1695411, pointer female, by Rawhide's Aces High-Dark Rum Erin's Matty. Steven Burrus, owner and handler.
3d-KEKEGAMA LUKE MAGGIE, 1694397, setter female, by Blair's With Project-Big Run Bluebird. Rick Torres, owner; Tom Waite, handler.


National Open Puppy Winners. From left: Justin Crook with second place dog Dark Rum Jasmine, Bud Moore, Ken Millikin, Andrea Ward and Tom Waite with third place dog Kekegama Lake Maggie.