Result: Southeastern Quail Championship
Location: Sasser, Georgia
Post Date: Jun 30, 2022
Submitted By: Dr. Ron Deal

Southeastern Championship Winners (from left to right): Tommy Davis with daughter Remington, Willis Wright, Ricky Furney (judge), Claudia McNamee, Mandi Pittman, Luke Eisenhart, Ron Deal (reporter); Judd Carlton posing Confident Nation, Scott Jordan (owner), Jamie Daniels posing Miller's Blindsider, Nick Berrong (owner), Wilson Napier, Lee Phillips (Judge), Lamar Childers, and Michael Jackson (behind Lamar).
The thirty-second renewal of the Southeastern Quail Championship got underway on March 2. After three- and one-half days of competition under less-than-ideal hunting conditions, the judges named Confident Nation, a coming four-year-old pointer male, the new champion. The
dog is owned by Scott Jordan of Grant, Minn., and was handled by Luke Eisenhart.
The new champion ran the third morning on the first course. The dog was credited with four finds, a consistently forward all-age race, and a good finish.
Runner-up honors went to Miller's Blindsider, five-year-old pointer male owned by Nick Berrong from Maryville, Tenn. The dog ran the last morning on the first course and was handled by Jamie Daniels. Blindsider was credited with a divided fine, two good individual finds, an unproductive stand, and a good ground effort.
Lee Phillips and Ricky Furney returned as judges. Their qualifications are well known and will not be reiterated here. Suffice it to say they know what should win here and rode hard enough to look for it. Qualified judges are hard to come by and the Southeastern thanks them for being willing to take the time and extend the effort to judge the trial.
This trial ran four years as a Classic before being conducted the last 32 years as a Championship. For many of those years, the Southeastern Shooting Dog Championship followed the All-Age stake on the same grounds. Having two large entry trials back-to-back delayed burning so the Shooting Dog event was moved. It eventually ended up at Senah
Over the years, a lot has changed. Competitors missing from earlier years include Robin Gates, Fred Dileo, Freddie Rayl, Bubba Moreland, Ricky Furney, Lee Phillips, Billy Wayne Morton, Steve Hurdle, Charles Morton, and Tommy Davis. The current generation of trainers is just as talented, and their dogs are just as good. There just are not as many of them. Hence, entries are down here and everywhere.
The grounds have taken a beating the last three years. First there was Hurricane Michael three years ago and then last March a tornado went through the courses. Because the land was wet from excessive rain, multiple trees were uprooted. The use of heavy equipment was hampered by the soft ground. Despite all the handicaps, most of the debris has been cleared although multiple burn piles remain. Mowing on Abigail improved that portion of the courses this year.
The recent hunting season was a good one. Birds were plentiful when hunting conditions were decent. Two weeks before the trial, 29 coveys were moved in three hours one morning. However, birds could be scarce on warm blue bird afternoons which is exactly what the conditions were during the trial. Probably more birds were ridden up than pointed.
That stated, there were multiple good performances in the trial. Most were on the first course in the morning which was where the winning dogs ran. However, there were two considered jobs that were done in the afternoon. Early pickups during the hot afternoons had the added effect of depriving later dogs of running when birds might have started to move.
The Club thanks the landowners for allowing the trial to use their grounds. They include Richard Burk (Abigail), Frank Foley (Ecila), and the Deal family (Chickasaw). Their generosity is appreciated.
Others who deserve thanks include Greg Blair and Purina for supporting the trial and hosting the barbecue luncheon. Lamar Childers and Gary Lester each paid for lunch one day.
In the early days, multiple unpaid volunteers did the work associated with the trial. Only this reporter and Lamar Childers remain in that category. Now most of the work is left to employees. Michael Jackson (Chickasaw) took care of the barn. Wilson Napier (Chickasaw) stocked and drove the Bird Buggy and got the dogs to the line. Willis Wright
(Abigail) brought extra horses for the judges. Andy Trocheck (Ecila) directed the course on that portion.
Confident Nation, the 2022 Southeastern Quail Champion, was raised and developed by owner Scott Jordan. The dog was sired by True Confidence and is out of Southern Songbird, a line bred Erin's Wild Rose daughter.
This is the fourth championship title for Confident Nation. Previous wins include the National Amateur Derby Championship, the Region 19 Amateur All-Age Championship, and the National Prairie Chicken Championship, all under the whistle of his owner.
Confident Nation won the current event just like his sire, True Confidence, did in 2019. The discussion was more about the runnerup than the champion.
Miller's Blindsider, the runner-up, was also sired by a previous winner of the Southeastern, Just Irresistible. Blindsider is no stranger to the winner's circle. Previous wins include the National Derby Championship, the Masters Quail Championship and runner-up placements in the Florida and Southeastern Championships plus numerous other placements in non-championship events.
The dog has been a master of consistency for owner Nick Berrong and trainer Jamie Daniels.
Several dogs other than the winners had commendable performances. After the first day, Erin's Perfect Storm and Shadow's Lord Magic were under consideration. The next morning, Touch
Malcolm Story was added. The third day, Confident Nation moved all the contenders down and the last morning, Miller's Blindsider displaced all but Confidence Nation.
The Winning Brace. The first brace of the third day (No. 13) matched Showtime Game Changer (Copeland) with Confident Nation (Eisenhart). The temperature was 52 and was predicted to reach into the 80s later.
Both dogs were aggressive in the early going. Point was called for Nation to the right front at 3. The dog was standing on the near side of the big wet weather pond. Birds were flushed and the dog showed good style and manners. Eisenhart regained the front from around the far side of the pond and entered the hourglass field slightly ahead of the judges at 8. Meanwhile, Game Changer had been running well. Copeland pointed his dog out at 9 going down the right side of the hourglass field. Both handlers went through the gap heading toward the chute at 10. Nation returned to Eisenhart from the left front at 12 and had a second find straight ahead at 14. Copeland searched on the right and made contact with Game Changer. At 18 point was called for Nation on the right. A third well handled find was credited to the dog. Copeland decided not to make the water crossing onto Abigail and put his dog in harness at 20.
Eisenhart turned Nation loose as the judges crossed the water at 21. He showed the dog ahead shortly thereafter. Nation handled his fourth covey at 24. At this point, the dog needed to show the judges a consistent all-age ground effort. Eisenhart was able to achieve that result. The dog was able to string together one good swing after another and to show enough, but not too much. At 54 Nation was found straight ahead on point. Eisenhart had seen birds lift from the area and elected to forgo a flushing attempt. The dog went on to a good finish. The dog was credited with four flawless finds, an impressive all-age ground effort, and a strong finish. It was obvious to all that Confident Nation was the dog to beat.
The Runner-Up Brace. The first brace of the last morning (No. 19) was delayed by a heavy fog.
Miller's Blindsider (Daniels) and Touch's Whitey Ford (McLean) were finally released at 8:40 a.m. Nick Berrong, the owner of Blindsider, was mounted to support his entry. Both dogs took the right side of the course where the call of point was heard at 2. A divided find was
The first brace consisted of Erin's Wild Atlantic Way (Eisenhart) and Woodville's Yukon Cornelius (McLean). Both dogs were aggressive in the early going. The hourglass field was entered at 7. Cornelius returned to McLean at 12 just before the chute and was shown ahead at 16. Eisenhart asked for his retrieval device at 19. McLean released his dog at 21 as the judges crossed the water onto Abigail. Cornelius continued to run plenty but had no birdwork. McLean called it quits at 51.
The second morning brace -- Lester's Shockwave (Lester) and Dominator's Bull Market (Daniels) -- was released just after entering Ecila. Lester showed Shockwave well ahead at 4 then both dogs were close for a spell. Shockwave was pointing straight ahead at 10. The dog had birds and handled them in good fashion. Point was called to the right front for Bull Market at 15. At the same time Shockwave was seen pointing about 100 yards ahead. Lester requested a relocation and got it. Birds lifted in front. Meanwhile, Daniels had to accept an unproductive. Shockwave had a third well-handled find at 22. At 31 Shockwave pointed again and was backed by Bull Market. Birds had been seen to leave the area, so Lester decided against a flushing attempt. Daniels picked Bull Market up at 32. Lester continued with Shockwave. The dog made some decent casts and pointed again at 43 about sixty yards ahead. Lester accepted an unproductive after a relocation attempt failed. However, birds flew when Lester mounted and rode off. Shockwave shortened for a while, was not seen at pickup, but returned within judgment. The reigning National Champion was credited with three finds, an unproductive, and a moderate ground effort.
The last brace of the first morning matched Touch's Blue Moon (Cody McLean) with Senah's Back In Business (Norman). The temperature had risen, and the sky was bright and blue. The brace began on Ecila after the final turn back toward Abigail. McLean showed Blue Moon well ahead at 3. Both handlers crossed onto Abigail with their dogs at 7 and both were shown before the creek crossing at 12. McLean had Blue Moon ahead at 15 and then showed the dog far ahead at credited. The dogs had birds at the base of a longleaf stand above the feed trail. Both handlers regained the course at 6 and sent their scouts to the left. The hourglass field was entered at 9. Whitey Ford came back to McLean at 11 then went down the near edge of pond where he had a good find at 15. Blindsider continued down the hourglass field edge and returned from the left in the chute at 16. Both dogs showed well in the distal chute area. McLean called point for Whitey Ford at 20. The dog was styled up where birds have been found before, but this time they were not home. The water crossing onto Abigail was made at 24. Blindsider had a good find to the right front at 26. Birds were well located, and the dog was stylish and mannerly. Whitely Ford made a good swing on the right, returned at 28, and then made another cast to the left front. Blindsider returned from the right front before the creek crossing. Both handlers made the crossing at 32 and sent their dogs straight ahead. Point was called on the right for Whitey Ford at 33, but the dog corrected. Mclean was soon back to the front with his dog. At 35 Daniels called point for Blindsider straight ahead. Whitey Ford went in front and McLean put him in harness. Daniels accepted an unproductive after a failed relocation effort. Blindsider continued to make some showy swings the next few minutes. Ecila was entered at 46. Daniels showed the dog ahead at 49 then called point at 52. Blindsider had birds on the right near some plum bushes and was flawless for the flush and shot. The dog continued to show well. Daniels pointed him out crossing a hill well forward then going straight at 57. Blindsider was not seen at pickup. The judges continued to ride forward hoping to get a glimpse of the dog which returned on his own from the near left side. They considered the overall performance of Blindsider to be second only to Confidence Nation at this point with two more braces to go. Chickasaw was entered at 25. McLean searched deep on the right before requesting his device at 30. Back In Business returned to Norman at 28 and stayed to the front and ran well but was not rewarded for the effort. It was a strange morning. Many more birds were ridden up than pointed.
As the participants gathered for the first brace after lunch, few had high expectations. The temperature was 82 , it was dry and dusty, and the sky was devoid of any cloud cover. It was in those conditions that Erin's Perfect Storm (Eisenhart) and Miller's Speed Dial (Lester) were
released behind the barn at 2:00 p.m. Both dogs ranged well in the early going. Eisenhart called point on the left at 8. Perfect Storm had not been seen since the breakaway. Birds were produced and the dog was mannerly for the flush and shot. Perfect Storm was shown going down the right side of the hourglass field at 10. The open gap on the near side of Watt's Pond was crossed at 11. Lester searched on the far side of the next field for Speed Dial. Perfect Storm returned from the left just after the chute was entered at 15 and was shown ahead
on the right. Lester got Speed Dial back toward the end of the chute area. Both handlers had their dog for the water crossing at 22 and released them as the judges crossed over onto Abigail. Both dogs were shown several times heading toward the creek. Eisenhart got Perfect
Storm across the creek slightly ahead of Lester and Speed Dial at 34. Lester showed his dog on the right before the dog crossed over and pointed in a brushy area to the left front. Perfect Storm was in a backing position. Lester flushed birds and shot in front of the mannerly dog.
Perfect Storm pointed about 100 yards ahead in another brushy area. Eisenhart had to accept an unproductive at 42. At 43 Perfect Storm whirled and pointed next to a small pine tree in a mowed area. There was little to gain and a lot to lose by a flushing attempt, so Eisenhart
collared the dog. As he did, a single exploded out of the unlikely spot. Speed Dial was seen on a good cast to the right front at 47. Point was called for Perfect Storm deep to the left front at 51 just before crossing the road onto Ecila. The dog carded another good find. Lester had Speed Dial for the crossing. Eisenhart regained the front with his dog at 55. Speed Dial returned from the left at 58. Perfect Storm reappeared at 59. Both finished ahead.
Dominator's Wild Bill (Daniels) and Erin's Silver Lining (Raynor) began brace No. 5 at the first right turn on Ecila. Both were aggressive in their early application. Silver Lining returned from the front at 10. Both dogs were in toll at 16. Wild Bill was seen far ahead at 22. Raynor searched left while Daniels looked on the right. Raynor asked for his retrieval unit at 30. Daniels got his at 39. No birds were pointed in the terrible conditions although four coveys were ridden up by the gallery.
The final brace of the afternoon consisted of Lester's Storm Surge (Lester) and Shadow's Lord Magic (Eisenhart). Carl Bowman was in the mounted gallery in support of Lord Magic. The dogs were released about fifteen minutes shy of the crossing back onto Abigail. Lester called point for Storm Surge at 5. An unproductive was charged after a relocation effort failed. Eisenhart rode aggressively to maintain contact with Lord Magic. Both handlers made the return to Abigail with their dogs at 16. Lester showed Storm Surge ahead on the right at 19. Both handlers had their dogs through the creek crossing at 21. Point was called by one of the scouts on the right at 24. Lester rode to investigate but found the dog moving and regained the front at 26. Meanwhile, Eisenhart continued to ride a good distance ahead. Lester got his device at 30 just before Chickasaw was entered at 32. Point was called deep to the right front for Lord Magic at 38. Nothing was produced. The party regained the course at 48. At 50, the dog had a well handled find on the right. Lord Magic continued to run well. The dog took the right side of the course and was seen pointing at a good distance by Eisenhart. Some birds left early but enough remained to solidify a good find. Eisenhart got Lord Magic across the clay road at 58 and into the big fields for a finish but had difficulty getting the dog to take advantage of the opportunity.
At the conclusion of the first day, the judges had two usable performances.
The temperature at breakaway on the second morning was 49 when Touch's Malcolm Story (McLean) and Miller's Heat Advisory (Carlton) were released at 8:00 a.m. Malcolm Story won here last year. Heat Advisory was seen straight ahead. Malcolm Story was also well forward. The hourglass field was entered at 8. Daniels, scouting for Carlton, called point for Malcolm Story on the left at 9. It was a good find. The dog had not been seen for a while. McLean regained the front at 11 and rode the course after showing his dog going down the field edge. Carlton searched the far side of the next field then returned to the front where he found Heat Advisory styled up straight on course at 14. Birds were flushed and the dog showed good style and manners. Malcolm Story returned to McLean from the left in the mid chute area. Heat Advisory was seen straight ahead at 16. McLean raised his hat in the distal chute, but birds lifted before the judges arrived, so he collared the dog and went on. The water crossing was made at 23. Malcolm Story went straight ahead then made a showy swing forward on the other side of the big wet weather pond. Heat Advisory suffered an unproductive at 27. Both dogs continued to impress with their application on the ground. Both handlers got their dogs through the creek at 34 and sent them ahead. McLean got Malcolm Story back at 42. After searching on the left to no avail, Carlton asked for his device at 48 as the road was crossed onto Ecila. Malcolm Story continued to run and show. Point was called on the right near a wet area at 53. The dog was intense and when a relocation was requested, moved forward about six yards and re-established. Nothing could be flushed and an unproductive was charged at 57. Malcolm Story was seen going deep near time but was not seen at time. However, the dog was seen moving by the judges just before McLean called point. McLean flushed and shot on what would have been a good find had it been in judgment. Malcolm Story did a good job but needed a little more luck.
The second brace of the morning consisted of Lester's Another Shockwave (Lester) and Hi Rollin Macho Man (Swearingen). They began about at the first right turn. Lester showed Shockwave ahead at 7. Both handlers rode aggressively ahead. Point was called on the left side of the course at 10 for Macho Man. The setter was stylish and mannerly for the flush and shot. Swearingen regained the front at 12. Shockwave required, or at least received, aggressive scouting. Lester got his dog back at 20. Macho Man was seen in a rough at a close distance then disappeared. Swearingen got his tracker at 30. Shockwave was found pointing in some large planted pines at 33. Lester put up a big covey in front of the stylish and mannerly dog.
Another Shockwave's ground application was somewhat erratic. Lester ended the brace at 45.
The final morning brace matched Dominator's Queen Bee (Daniels) with Lester's Georgia Time (McLean). The dogs were released where the course turns back toward Abigail. Georgia Time was out early but returned at 11. Both dogs were shown ahead at 13 and both handlers made the road crossing back onto Abigail with their dogs at 19. McLean got through the creek at 24 and Daniels soon followed with Queen Bee. Georgia Time went deep and was shown several times making good forward casts. McLean found the dog pointed near where he had last been seen at 31. Georgia Time had impeccable manners when McLean flushed and shot to solidify a good piece of work. Both handlers made the crossing back onto Chickasaw at 35. Georgia Time was seen ahead at 45 and several times thereafter but McLean decided to end his effort at 51. Daniels had gotten his retrieval device a little earlier.
The first brace of the second afternoon (No. 10) paired Bonner's Hot Rise (Lester) with Erin's Three Leaf Shamrock (Eisenhart). Both dogs started on the right and went around the far side of the first big pond. Both handlers generally rode the course and relied on their scouts. They entered the hourglass field at 8. Lester got Hot Rise back at 10 just before the slight turn heading toward the chute. He showed the dog well ahead at 12. Shamrock reappeared at the beginning of the chute at 14 and was seen in front at a good distance at 16. Lester had a find with Hot Rise at 18 in the distal chute where birds often leave early. This time they stayed. The water crossing onto Abigail was made by both competitors at 22. Both handlers had their dogs ahead at 26 and got them through the creek at 33 and pointed them out to the front at 36. Point was called for Shamrock about one hundred yards down on the right at 37. It proved unproductive. Eisenhart continued until 49. Lester crossed onto Ecila and continued with Hot Rise and showed the dog in deep at 52. Point was called at 54. Time expired on an unsuccessful relocation effort.
The second afternoon brace on the second day (No. 11) paired Erin's Primetime (Raynor) with Chief's Rising Sun (Carlton). Competition began about ten minutes into Ecilia. Both dogs ran aggressively early and kept the handlers well ahead to maintain contact. Carlton watered Rising Sun just across the clay road at 18 and the setter responded with a good cast. Primetime was also shown on a good swing. Rising Sun jumped a deer at 30 and disappeared with Carlton in hot pursuit. Raynor conceded at 31. Carlton returned at 32 with Rising Sun in
Lester's Boss Man (Lester) and Dominator's Rogue Rebel (Daniels) made up the last brace of the second day (12). Jack and Sarah Schwarz were in the gallery to support Rogue Rebel. The dogs were turned loose heading into a big open area. Daniels rode straight and Lester searched the right side of the course. Rogue Rebel was seen more often than Boss Man in the early going. Rogue Rebel showed at 9 and then again at 13. Lester got his tracker at 19, seconds before Boss Man appeared from the right. Daniels called it quits at 26.
The winner was in No.13.
The second brace of the third morning began about 20 minutes into Ecila when Game Ice (Raynor) and Miller's Stray Bullet (Norman) were released after the turn at the first pond bottom. Both dogs ran aggressively in the early going. Raynor called point for Game Ice
at 8 just after crossing the clay road. He flushed birds in front of the mannerly dog. Stray Bullet was shown on a good cast at 10. Point was called by Norman at 16 and a good find was credited to Stray Bullet. Norman regained the front at 18. Game Ice returned to Raynor from the left at 21. Both handlers had their dogs for the course turn at 26. Game Ice pointed about sixty yards in on the right at 28. Stray Bullet got out of pocket. Norman continued to ride and search until 38 when he requested the retrieval unit. Raynor returned with Game Ice in harness
after being charged with an unproductive stand.
Touch's Joy Ride (McLean) and Erin's Tin Star (Daniels) made up the final morning brace (No. 15) and were turned loose on Ecila about eight minutes from Abigail. Karen Norton was mounted, Bruce was in the road gallery in support of Joy Ride. Both handlers made the crossing onto Abigail with their dogs. McLean crossed the creek at 12 and showed Joy Ride well forward at 14. Daniels searched on the right before getting his unit at the creek. Joy Ride was well in hand before crossing the water back on to Chickasaw. McLean continued with Joy Ride until 39.
Brace No. 16 began after the lunch and matched Supreme Confidence (Eisenhart) against Lester's Storm Chaser (Lester). The sky was bright blue, the temperature near 80 . Claudia McNamee was mounted in support of her young contender. Both handlers rode the course in the early going. Storm Chaser showed at 6. Eisenhart showed Confidence at 7 going down the edge of the hourglass field. The handlers passed the gap at 10 and entered the chute area at 12. Eisenhart called point for Supreme Confidence at 15, the dog standing where his last cast
would have predicted. A good find was credited after a successful relocation effort. Storm Chaser had a commendable find in the distal chute at 19. Eisenhart caught the front at 20. Both handlers made the water crossing onto Abigail with their dogs at 22. Storm Chaser was
seen across the wet weather pond after the turn on a good cast at 24. Both dogs were shown well ahead at 27. Handlers crossed the creek at 29 and released their dogs as the judges arrived. "Point!" was heard from the far right at 34. It turned out to be for Supreme Confidence. The young dog carded a second impressive find. Eisenhart regained the front at 39. Both handlers asked for help on the left at 42. Both dogs returned at 49. Eisenhart watered Supreme Confidence at 50 but decided to call it quits after discovering the dog had knocked his pads off. Lester also picked up at 51.
Brace No. 17 consisted of Touch's Gallatin Fire (McLean) and Dunn's True Reign (Eisenhart). Claudia McNamee rode to support her second entry of the afternoon. The brace began heading toward the first right turn on Ecila. Both handlers showed their dogs well ahead in the early
going and made the first turn with them. Both dogs were pointed out at 8. McLean got Gallatin Fire back at 12. True Reign appeared on the right shortly thereafter. Both dogs made the next turn at 16. McLean had Gallatin Fire at 20 and blew him out. Eisenhart showed True Reign
about the same time. The handlers entered the big open area at 25. Point was called for True Reign on the right at 28. The dog had birds and handled them in good fashion. The call of point was heard again at 36 in an area ahead before a course turn. Eisenhart answered the call while McLean continued to ride the course searching for his dog. When Eisenhart got down to flush, he discovered that it was not his dog. He flushed birds in front of Gallatin Fire and shot. The dog showed good manners. True Reign was in the area but not involved. Eisenhart returned to the forward party with both dogs at 41. After a brief discussion, they were put on the wagon.
The final brace of the third day paired Miller's Unfinished Business (Norman) with Touch's Breakaway Fred (McLean). Fred had Gary and Becky Futch plus Karen Norton mounted in support. Bruce Norton was on the Bird Buggy for the brace. Business was shown on a good swing to the front. Fred was out for a time but showed at 6 and was pointed out ahead several times. Norman got Business back at 10. Both dogs made the crossing onto Abigail at 12 and got through the creek crossing at 16. Both dogs moderated their range for a spell before crossing back onto Chickasaw at 27. Neither dog was seen for a time. McLean called point for Fred to the right front at 32. Birds were put up and the dog handled the event in good fashion. Unfinished Business was shown making a good swing on the other side of the first field at 40. McLean regained the forward party behind the barn where both dogs were put in harness at 42.
Brace No. 19 has been described.
Touch's Red Rider was scratched for health reasons leaving Dominator's Rebel Queen (Daniels) to run alone in brace No. 20. Point was called at 9 but birds flushed unseen by the judge, so no attempt was made to flush. Queen made some decent swings before being lifted at 15 without birdwork.
The final brace of the trial pitted Rebel Cause (Daniels) against Touch's Blue Moon (McLean). Karen Norton was in the mounted gallery and Bruce was on the Bird Buggy for Blue Moon. David and Angie Williams were on horseback for Rebel Cause. Competition began on Ecila about 25 minutes from the crossing back onto Abigail. Point was called for Rebel Cause at 3. An unproductive was charged after a failed relocation effort. Daniels regained the front at 6. Blue
Moon was found pointed at 9 and suffered an unproductive as well. McLean was back in front at 13. After the next turn, both handlers rode aggressively to maintain contact. Daniels got his retrieval device at 19; McLean followed suit at 21.
The 2022 Southeastern Quail Championship was over.
Sasser, Ga., March 2
Judges: Ricky Furney and Lee Phillips
SOUTHEASTERN QUAIL CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 38 Pointers and 4 Setters
Winner--CONFIDENT NATION, 1684546, pointer male, by True Confidence--Southern Songbird. Scott Jordan, owner; Luke Eisenhart, handler.
Runner-Up--MILLER'S BLINDSIDER, 1674983, pointer male, by Just Irresistible--Miller's Bring The Heat. Nick Berrong, owner; Jamie Daniels, handler.