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Result: National Red Setter Championships

Location: Chandlerville, Illinois

Post Date: Jun 16, 2022

Submitted By: Deb Fazenbaker

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National Open Shooting Dog Championship. Brook's White Hot Blaze with Tom Waite. Standing, from left: Ed Liermann, Terry Trzcinski, Andrea Wood Ward, Judges John Wallace and Rodger Fiorito.

The Red Setter Faithful gathered for the renewal of the National Red Setter Shooting Dog Championships at Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area in Chandlerville, Ill., on March 10. Named Champion was Brook's White Hot Blaze, male owned by Luke Tewes and handled by Tom Waite. No runner-up was named.

The Amateur Shooting Dog Championship was won by Snowy River's Honest Abe, owned and handled by Chase Verdoorn. Named runner-up was Firefly's Power Play, owned by Robbie Nesson and Bonnie Hidalgo and handled by Dennis Hidalgo.

Since 1993 IDNR has worked to develop the Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area for conservation and recreation opportunities. In the last several years, to compliment the Barn that the Field Trial Clubs of Illinois built and donated to the State of Illinois, FTCI has partnered with IDNR to improve these grounds for field trialing with the addition of a clubhouse, donation of seed for plantings for winter cover and food for wildlife and provided funds to help with brush clearing and grounds improvement.
Special thanks to Purina, the primary sponsor of this event. Purina sponsors our Saturday evening banquet and meeting. We had a wonderful evening with a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Wendy Shafer, assisted by Linda Beauchamp.

Also thanks to Garmin and SportDog for the continued support of our club. Thanks to our judges for volunteering many hours in the saddle, Jeff Wallace from Iowa and Roger Fiorito from Illinois. Both men have a wealth of experience and have campaigned dogs for years.
Thanks to those who helped make this trial a success. Garth Sellen for handling all the dogwagon duties -an essential part of any trial, Wendy and Milt Shafer for conducting the drawing, Wendy Shafer and Linda Beauchamp for making lunches daily, and all who helped clean the barn and helped with cleanup. Thanks again to Milt Shafer for birdplanting assisted by Sam Nutting.

We had a nice turnout of folks from around the country and welcomed all including -our judges Jeff Wallace from Iowa and Roger Fiorito from Illinois, Purina field representative and friend Terry Trycinski from Illinois, Kevin and Sam Ricke from Alaska, Adam Torgerson and daughter Jenny from Colorado, Frances Fountain from Georgia, Jeremy Estep from Pennsylvania, Andy Weik from New York, Terry Feitz from Kansas, Al and Deb Fazenbaker from Ohio, Scott Moore and April Pesch from Wisconsin, James Inbody from Ohio, Joe and Brenda Edwards from North Carolina, Milt and Wendy Shafer from Wisconsin, Sam Nutting from Iowa, Tom Waite and Andrea Ward from Wisconsin, Dennis and Bonnie Hidalgo from Colorado, Don and Linda Beauchamp, Mark and Chase Verdoorn from Missouri, Dean Reinke and Catherine Lewis, from Wisconsin, Tom and Sue Norton from Colorado, Paul Ober from Pennsylvania and Ed Liermann from Wisconsin.

Open Championship
The conditions were tough with cold temperatures, some mornings starting in single digits. The Champion, Brook's Red Hot Blaze ran in the 5th brace. He had two finds displaying good style and manners, combined with a nice forward race to claim the title. No runner-up was named.
Cedar Creek Sixgun (Liermann) and Snowy River's Honest Abe (Verdoorn) Sixgun had a forward reaching ground effort with a nonproductive at 16 and another at 32 and was picked up. Abe had nice forward race with a nonproductive and a back at 32.

Firefly's Lucky Penny (Hidalgo) and Cedar Creek MacArthur Ruby (Waite). Out fast and forward Penny wasn't pleasing handler and was picked up at 23. Ruby, also out fast and forward had a find at 21 with high stlye, she left with the bird and ended her hour.

Cedar Creek Magpie (Waite) and Comeback Trump (Liermann). Magpie covering a lot of ground had a find at 14 with nice style, she left with the bird and was picked up. Trump had a find at 16 with all in order and a find at 28 where he left with the bird and was leashed.

Firefly's Beeline (Hidalgo) and Cedar Creek Gambler (Liermann). Both dogs were not pleasing their handler's and were picked up.

Comeback Billy Boy (Liermann) and Brook's White Hot Blaze (Waite). Billy Boy had a wide searching race but no bird. Blaze's performance was mentioned earlier.

Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo) and Raintree Blue Moon (Waite). Power Play was not pleasing handler and was picked up. Blue Moon had a bird contact at 31 and was up.

Cedar Creek Shindig (Liermann) and Foxy Lady Sadie (Waite). Not pleasing handler's both dogs were picked up.
Chandlerville, Ill., May 9
Judges: Rodger Fiorito and Jeff Wallace

Winner-BROOK'S WHITE HOT BLAZE, 1686462, male, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Lincoln's Steady Brook. Luke Tewes, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

This was the 50th Anniversary of the National Red Setter Futurity. The judges thought this was a very good stake with a quality group of young dogs. This bodes well for Shooting Dog Stakes in the near future.
Cedar Creek Rio, owned by Scott Moore, April Pesch and Ed Liermann, bred by Ed Liermann and handled by Tom Waite had a forward far reaching race with a nice find at 23 and finished going away to claim first place. Second place went to Conneat Creek Scenic River, owned by Allen Fazenbaker and Ed Liermann, bred by Ed Liermann and handled by Allen Fazenbaker had nice forward race and had a find at 15, steady to wing and shot, and a nice finish to garner second place. Raintree Girl Friday owned by Catherine Lewis and Dean Reinke, bred by Mike Fox and handled by Tom Waite had an attractive forward race with a find at 17 to take third place. Dale Creek Jane's Peep, owned by Andrea Ward, bred by Mike Fox and handled by Tom Waite had nice forward race with a good find to take home fourth place. This was a very nice group of young dogs. No call back was needed.
1st--CEDAR CREEK RIO, 1691035, male, by Cedar Creek Talon-Cedar Creek's Skylne Belle. Scott Moore & Ed Liermann, owners; Tom Waite, handler.
2d-CONNEAUT CREEK SCENIC RIVER, 1693481, male, by Cedar Creek Talon-Cedar Cree'sk Skyline Belle. Allen Fazenbaker, owner and handler.
3d-RAINTREE GIRL FRIDAY, 1692588, female, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Catherine Lewis & Dean Reinke, owners; Tom Waite, handler.
4th-DALE CREEK JANE'S PEEP, 1692809, female, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Foxy's Lil Red Missy. Andrea Wood, owner; Tom Waite, handler.

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50th Red Setter Futurity. Cedar Creek Rio with Scott Moore, Conneaut Creek Scenic River with Allen Fazenbaker, Raintree Girl Friday with Catherine Lewis, Dale Creek Jane's Peep with Andrea Ward. Standing: Ed Liermann, April, Tom Waite, Judges Jeff Wallace and Rodger Fiorito, James Inbody.

On a brisk morning the Amateur Championship was won by Snowy River's Honest Abe, owned and handled by Chase Verdoorn. Abe had a strong forward race with 2 finds and 2 backs with good style and all in order. Named runner-up was Firefly's Power Play, owned by Bonnie Hidalgo and Robbie Nesson and handled by Dennis Hidalgo. Power Play had a powerful forward race with 3 nice finds with good style and all in order, 2 dead bird finds and 2 backs.
Cedar Creek MacArthur Ruby (Ward) and Firefly's Beeline (Hidalgo). Ruby was forward and down to business with a nice at find at 18, she went with the bird at flush and was up. Beeline was out fast and covering ground with a nice find at 19 with all in order. She also had a nonproductive at 26 and finished the hour running big.

Cedar Creek Shindig (Liermann) and Dawson's High Chapperal (Hidalgo) Both dogs were out fast and forward and pointed at 17, both moved on the flush and were up.

Snowy River's Honest Abe (Verdoorn) and Cedar Creek Talon (Liermann). Both dogs were out fast and ran big. =Abe's performance described earlier. Talon had 2 finds and backed twice and finished forward.

Rain Tree Blue Moon (Lewis) and Firefly's Power Play (Hidalgo). Both dogs fast and forward, covering a lot of ground. Blue Moon had 2 nice finds with good style, a back and one nonproductive, she scooped a bird at 50 and was up. Power Play's performance described earlier.

Cedar Creek Sixgun (Liermann) and Firefly's Lucky Penny (Hidalgo). Both dogs out fast and running big, Sixgun had a nonproductive at 12. He was lost after crossing Watkins road. Penny Penny had 2 nonproductives and was up.

Comeback Trump Liermann) and Cedar Creek Magpie (Moore). Both dogs out fast and forward. Trump had 4 nice finds and hunted forward. Magpie was far forward with a find at 20, she left with the bird and was up.

Brook's White Hot Blaze (Ward) and Come Back Lady Soul (Liermann). Lady Soul had 2 nice finds and a dead bird find with a nice race and went with a bird that was ridden by a horse to end her hour. Blaze had a nonproductive early, a find at 27 where he left with the bird and was up concluding the Amateur Championship.

Winner-SNOWY RIVER'S HONEST ABE, 1667437, male, by Lincoln Watch That Tail-Franklin's Better Half. Chase Verdoorn, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-FIREFLY'S POWER PLAY, 1664073, male, by Flintstone-Firefly's Hot Tip. Robbie Nessen & Bonnie Hidalgo, owners; Dennis Hidalgo, handler.

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Amateur Shooting Dog Championship. Chase Verdoorn with Snowy River's Honest Abe, Bonnie and Dennis Hidalgo with Firefly's Power Play. Standing: Ed Liermann, Judge Jeff Wallace, Terry John G. Kelley, Joe, Judge Rodger Fiorito.

OPEN PUPPY - 3 Irish Setters
1st--RAINTREE SIMPLY STELLAR, 1696232, female, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Come Back Stellar. Catherine Lewis & Dean Reinke, owners; Tom Waite, handler.

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Open Puppy. Raintree Simply Stellar with Catherine Lewis, Snowy River's Rock'n Red Ruby with Chase Verdoorn. Standing: Ed, Tom Waite, Judge Jeff Wallace John G. Kelley, Judge Rodger Fiorito.

Walking Stakes
The walking stakes started with the Walking Shooting Dog where Snowy River's Honest Abe (Verdoorn) claimed first with strong forward race and two nice finds. Second went to Cedar Creek Duke (Nutting) with strong forward race and one find. Third place was withheld.
The Walking Derby was a very competitive stake with the top 3 dogs showing a strong forward race and multiple bird contacts. Placing first was Snowy River's Rockin' Red Ruby (Verdoorn), with Cedar Creek Titan garnering second and Cedar Creek Asa's Reign (Gauthier) claiming third.
The Walking Puppy stake showcased a nice crop of classy young dogs with Snowy River's Rockin' Red Ruby (Verdoorn) placing first, Sunsetter Belle Starr (Sellen) claiming second and Cedar Creek Titan (Nutting) placing third.
1st--SNOWY RIVER'S HONEST ABE, 1667437, male, by Hey Lincoln Watch That Tail-Franklin's Better Half. Chase Verdoorn, owner and handler.
2d-CEDAR CREEK DUKE, 1693591, male, by Cedar Creek Sixgun-Cedar Creek Ciara. Ed Liermann, owner; Sam Nutting, handler.

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Jack Carter Open Walking Shooting Dog: Jack Carter Walking Shooting Dog, Snowy Honest Abe with Chase Verdoorn, Cedar Creek Duke with Sam Nutting. Standing: Terry Trzcinski, Don Beauchamp, John G. Kelley, judges Jeff Wallace, Rodger Fiorito, Ed Liermann.

OPEN DERBY - 9 Irish Setters
1st--SNOWY RIVER'S ROCK'N RED RUBY, 1697607, female, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Come Back Stellar. John G. Kelley II, owner; Chase Verdoorn, handler.
2d-CEDAR CREEK TITAN, unreg., male, by Cedar Creek Sixgun-Cedar Creek Copper River. Ed Liermann, owner; Sam Nutting, handler.
3d-CEDAR CREEK ASA'S REIGN, 1692805, male, by Cedar Creek Talon-Cedar Creek's Skyline Belle. Amy Gauthier, owner and handler.

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Open Walking Derby: Snowy Rivers Rockin Red Ruby with Chase Verdoorn, Cedar Creek Red Bud with Sam Nutting, Cedar Creek Asa's Reign with Amy Gauthier. Standing Terry Trzcinski, Don Beauchamp, John G. Kelley, Judges Jeff Wallace and Rodger Fiorito, Ed Liermann.

OPEN PUPPY - 5 Irish Setters
1st-SNOWY RIVER'S ROCK'N RED RUBY, 1697607, female, by Zan Sett Simply Red-Come Back Stellar. John G. Kelley II, owner; Chase Verdoorn, handler.
2d-SUNSETTER BELLE STARR, 1697608, female, by Sunsetter Cooper-Sunsetter Zoey. Garth Sellen, owner and handler.

national rs walking puppy

Open Walking Puppy: Snowy River's Rockin Red Ruby with Chase Verdoorn, Sunsetter Belle Starr with Garth Sellen, Cedar Creek Red Bud with Sam Nutting. Standing: Terry Trzcinski, Don Beauchamp, John G. Kelley, Judges John Wallace, Rodger Fiorito and Ed Liermann.