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Result: American Derby Invitational Championship

Location: Grovespring, Missouri

Post Date: Jul 1, 2022

Submitted By: Bonnie Hidalgo

Haney's Storm Warning won the American Derby Invitational Championship with spectacular performances in both series. The two-year-old pointer male belongs to Chris Cagle of Woodlawn, Tenn., and was expertly handled through both series by Ike Todd. Haney's Storm Warning scored six finds in the hour series and five in the ninety-minute finals. His ground races in both series were phenomenal, he gave his all for two and a half hours with never a letdown.

Westfall's Power Trip took the runner-up position with two powerful races. He had two nice finds in the first series and one in the finals. Westfall's Power Trip, a pointer male, is owned by Ryan Westfall, Kearney, Mo., and was handled by Andy Daugherty.
Also brought back for the final series were Wynona's Nickelback Sugar and Phillips Linebacker. Sugar is a setter female that is owned by Bruce Sooter and Brad Tolson. She was handled by Allen Vincent. Phillips Linebacker, a pointer male, owned by Nathan Phillips and Orrin Ingram was handled by Mike Small.

The American Derby Invitational Championship found its home at the Field Trial Sportsmen's grounds at Grovespring, Mo., in the spring of 2018. It is hosted by the Southwest Missouri Sportsmen's Club and follows the Missouri Open Championship. This year was its 29th renewal; it commenced on Monday March 21 and completed the following morning. This invitational consists of two series; dogs in the first series are invited according to their points ranking among winners of top derby stakes. Ideally the top twelve dogs are invited and compete, but there is a provision which allows for additional well-ranked dogs to be invited if any of the top twelve are unable to attend. This was the case in this renewal. Each series must run in its entirety in one day, so that the dogs have a similar amount of rest between series. The initial series is drawn for running order; the dogs run for one hour. The judges select the final series dogs based on their performance and may call any number back. Typically, four dogs are brought back for the ninety-minute finals. The judges may place others on standby in case their top choices fail to suit in the final round.

The drawing for the 29th running was held at the Grovespring clubhouse on the evening before the event began. It was conducted by George Hill, Kipp Linnard, and Dave Capstick. Sharleen Daugherty created the running orders and filled out judges' books. The Invitational Championship fish fry was held immediately before the drawing. A large crowd was in attendance; the fish was scrumptious as were the French fries and hushpuppies that accompanied it. Kipp, Dave, George and Hank Jansen all lent a hand to prepare it. Sharleen dealt with clean up.

This year's entries in descending order of their rank were Haney's Storm Warning; Chris Cagle owner, Ike Todd handler, Korry Rinehart, scout. Wynona's Nickleback Sugar; Bruce Sooter and Brad Tolson owners, Allen Vincent handler, Andy Daugherty scout. Phillips Linebacker; Nathan Phillips and Orrin Ingram owners, Mike Small handler, Mason Ashburn, scout. I'm Gallant; Jay McKenzie owner, Randy Anderson handler, Ryan Eichelberger scout. Touch's Cocaine Blues; Matt Griffith, owner, Randy Anderson handler, Ryan Eichelberger scout. Knight's Little John; Scott Griffin owner, Ike Todd handler, Korry Rinehart scout. World Class Moonshiner; Mick Marietta/World Class Kennels owner, Randy Anderson handler, Ryan Eichelberger scout. Smooth Talkin; Pat Roach owner, Korry Rinehart handler, Ike Todd scout. Westfall's Power Trip; Ryan Westfall owner, Andy Daugherty handler, Allen Vincent scout. Rester's Cajun Justice and Rester's Powered Up, Cecil Rester owner and handler. Lam's Prime Choice; Jon Lam, owner, and handler.

It is interesting to note that, of these twelve young dogs, three of the four called back to the finals were the top three in rank. The fourth callback dog was ranked ninth in this group. The four finalists were paired by the judges with their top two dogs in the first brace, in order of preference. The same was true for the second brace, with dogs three and four.
Purina sponsors this Championship and provides Pro Plan Sport to the winners. Everyone in attendance, from club officials to the winners appreciates this support! Thank you, Purina!
Judges for the Championship were Bill Mason of Moundville, Ala., and Dennis Auping, New Melle, Mo. Bill Mason has been involved with bird dogs and field trials for 47 years. He runs his own dogs and enjoys watching other people's good dogs. Dennis was heavily involved in field trialing and used to help put this field trial on. He took a break from the sport and has recently begun to partake again. They were excellent judges, keeping a good watch on the action and readily recognizing both the attributes and the faults that separate these canine athletes. They commented after the announcement that they had seen many worthy dogs in this stake. Some made mistakes, some got lost but most of them did something noteworthy while under judgement. They were a congenial pair, and we thank them for their time in the saddle.

Kipp Linnard chaired this event with some helpful advice from former chair, Ken Schmidt. Kipp also marshalled the stake. Hank Jansen drove the dog wagon; Dave Capstick planted birds before the morning running with the help of Bill Signetti. George Hill replaced birds that were moved during the morning braces. These men are a team that have worked together on countless trials through the years, and so this trial ran seamlessly.
The First Series
Rester's Powered Up (Cecil Rester) was drawn with Haney's Storm Warning (Ike Todd) Powered Up is amateur owned and trained by Cecil Rester. Chris Cagle Sr. and Chris Cagle, Jr. were on hand to watch their Storm Warning, aka Speck, who wasted no time finding game with a stylish first contact at 5. Powered Up came in for a commendable back. Both dogs looked great and were perfectly mannered. Speck's next contact was on the left edge of the double gates field at 14, beautifully high style was displayed. Powered Up pointed attractively at 16, near the pond, but it was a barren stand. Into Davis bottom at 19, Speck was pointing majestically in the right corner, all was in order. He made short work of Davis bottom; appearing as little more than a speck when he pointed on the far end at 26. Speck's fifth find came at 42, on top of Apple Tree hill at the east fence line. His sixth and last find occurred at 54, just before Little Vine. Haney's Storm Warning scored six exquisite finds and never moved a muscle nor relaxed intensity on any of them. It was a rare display to behold with him showing far forward on an edge or being found on point. He finished well to the front. Powered Up put down a big strong race with an, at times difficult handle. With his range, he was out of pocket on a few occasions, but he finished well forward.

Touch's Cocaine Blues (Randy Anderson) and Knight's Little John (Ike Todd) made a quick trip through Little Vine and on through Sycamore bottom. Blues pointed below the Twin barns at 28, with John backing stylishly, Blues took a couple steps but other than that was mannerly. John was steady. John pointed at 42, in the northwest corner of the bull pasture. This was an attractive and mannerly find. Little John finished forward in clubhouse loop.
Lam's Prime Choice (Jon Lam) and Rester's Cajun Justice (Cecil Rester) were handled by their owners. Choice scored a good in find in the cedars prior to cemetery at 29, with all handled nicely. The dogs were forward through the ridge loop and then back into breakaway bottom. At 53, Cajun carded a dug in find, completing it with fine style and good manners. Choice had a second find at 59 in double gate field to complete the hour.

Westfall's Power Trip (Andy Daugherty) and Phillips Linebacker (Mike Small) were well matched. Trip connected with a high tailed find before the creek at 5. Linebacker scored below the double gates; he was stylish, and intent. At 25, Linebacker stood on the left edge of Davis with excellent style and manners for flush and shot. Trip scored his second find at 55. It was very attractive and well done. Trip ran a hard driving forward race. Linebacker was strong, fast, and mainly forward in pattern. They finished with plenty to spare, going into Little Vine.

World Class Moonshiner (Randy Anderson) and Wynona's Nickleback Sugar (Allen Vincent) turned loose heading into the hill loop. The World Class Kennel was well represented with Mick Marietta, Bill Signetti, Jeremy Gulick and Alissa Ruggles on hand to cheer their favorite contestant on. Bruce Sooter and Brad Tolson were mounted to watch Sugar. Both dogs were running well. Sugar pointed to the left of the pump house at 23, exhibiting pretty style and intensity throughout. Below the barns at 31, she scored another stylish find. Just around the curve in the bull pasture, Sugar pointed at 38 with Moonshiner backing, both displayed beautiful style and were mannerly. Moonshiner became erratic in pattern and his handler opted to pick him up at 41. Sugar made some big attractive moves and finished the hour forward at good range.

Smooth Talkin (Korry Rinehart) and I'm Gallant (Randy Anderson) started prior to the Clubhouse gate and showed promise early. Gallant turned right out of the loop and had to be returned from Climer's pasture. Talkin had an unproductive behind the barns at 17; Gallant caught up at 19. They were forward through the alley and across the road, where Talkin had a second unproductive and was up at 27. Gallant came up and backed naturally. Gallant then made a big move to the far right and had to be retrieved again, Anderson opted to pick up at 31.
The Second Series
It was an extremely windy, overcast morning. The temperature at 8 am was 50 degrees but the wind put a bite in the air.

Haney's Storm Warning (Todd) and Westfall's Power Trip (Daugherty) were released on course one. Haney's Storm Warning (Speck) pointed at 6, but all that was found were feathers. He went on to the double gates field, where pointed loftily at 13, birds were put up with all in order. In Davis bottom, Speck kept left and was seen coming off the ridge. He then took the left edge, quickly making his way to the south end of the field where he scored a flawless find at 25. Trip showed well forward on the right in Davis bottom. In the Island field Trip took the left edge; Speck came down the right edge and followed it across the front before going up the cut into the next field. When the judges rode through the cut at 34, Haney's Storm Warning was styled up impressively at the base of Fox Hill. Todd put birds up while the young pointer stood like a statue. Speck was quickly up Horse Killer hill and across the top of Apple Tree hill where he pointed at 41; Todd thought something was off and decided to take the young dog on without flushing. Trip showed forward on Apple tree and then again in Little Vine. Haney's Storm Warning scored again at 48, just before Little Vine hill. As usual, he was picture perfect in all regards. Speck went into the west corner of Little Vine loop but was returned momentarily. Trip was forward at that time. They both sailed forward all the way to Sycamore's far end. Point was called for Trip at 1:09. He was stylish and intent, his birds were well located, and he stood mannerly for the flush. They were forward up the ridge, but Trip was absent at the Twin Barns. Speck had been seen forward. Point was called by the scouts at 1:23. Haney's Storm Warning stood tall beside the fence row; his birds were put to flight while he looked on patiently. Power Trip returned to the front in the bull pasture and took the lower left edge around to finish the heat. Speck was well forward when time expired.

Wynona's Nickleback Sugar (Vincent) with Phillip's Linebacker (Small) turned loose at the center fence line in the bull pasture. Sugar took the left side to the corner, crossing near the pond. Linebacker broke right and was quickly away. He showed occasionally at the right range and forward but as time went on his appearances became infrequent. At 21, Sugar had an honest stop to flush at the corner pond in clubhouse loop. In the alley just before it reaches Sycamore bottom, she stood on the right edge, at 39. Sugar showed beautiful style with her poker straight tail and flashy feathering; her birds were well located. Sugar scored a second find at 47, across from the cemetery, again she showed knockout style but took a couple steps at the shot. Linebacker had been absent for quite some time and his tracker was pulled at 50. Sugar made nice moves to the creek and on up the ridge beyond. She slowed her pace, and Vincent opted to pick up as they came out of the ridge loop at 1:02.

Synopsis of the finalists' combined performances
The Champion, Haney's Storm Warning handled by Ike Todd, scored eleven finds in two and a half hours: all with extreme style and intensity. He made no mistakes on game, not even a step, he remained high until his handler moved him. His races were big and forward, Speck knew how to take an edge and his gait was effortless, his tail high. He was still going strong at time. He showed great rapport with his handler, and he performed consistently.

The runner-up, Westfall's Power Trip handled by Andy Daugherty carded three finds in two and a half hours. He pointed with high style and was mannerly on all finds. He ran attractively and covered a lot of ground. Although mostly forward in pattern, he was out of pocket at times, especially in the finals. He gave no sign of letting up.

Wynona's Nickleback Sugar handled by Allen Vincent had five finds and a stop to flush in her two hours of running. Her style on game was exquisite! Sugar was responsive to her handler's commands. She was forward in pattern at a desirable range until she tired around the hour mark in the finals and was picked up.

Phillips Linebacker handled by Mike Small scored two finds in the hour and fifty minutes he was under judgement. He looked beautiful on his game and was steady. Linebacker is a powerful dog and ran hard from start to finish. He was a bit too independent in the finals and was eventually lost, but he showed attributes of a true all-age dog.
Grovespring, Mo., March 21
Judges: Dennis Auping and Bill Mason
AMERICAN DERBY INVITATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Qualifying Heats; Ninety-Minute Finals] - 11 Pointers and 1 Setter

Winner-HANEY'S STORM WARNING, 1691416, pointer male, by Valiant-Haney's North Star. Chris Cagle, owner; Ike Todd, handler.
Runner-Up-WESTFALL'S POWER TRIP, 1693198, pointer male, by Westfall's Black Ice-Westfall's Cutter. Ryan Westfall, owner; Andy Daugherty, handler.


American Derby Invitational Championship Winners. Chris Cagle, Jr. with Haney's Storm Warning, Allen Vincent with Westfall's Power Trip. Standing, from left: Chris Cagle, Sr., Ike Todd, Brad Tolson, Dennis Auping; judge, Steve Gill, Bruce Sooter, Randy Anderson, Henrietta Mason, Ryan Eichelberger, Hank Jansen, Bill Mason; judge, George Hill, Kipp Linnard, Don Stroble, Dave Capstick, Sharleen and Andy Daugherty.