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Result: NGSPA Region 5 Championships

Location: Pickneyville, Illinois

Post Date: Jul 6, 2022

Submitted By: Diane Rakers


NGSPA Region 5 Open Shooting Dog Championship. Backrow: Judge Mike Poehler, Tom Davis, Aaron McAfee. Front row: Dan DiMambro with Chicoree's Riden High Trixie and April Raber with Chicoree's Glitter and Gold.

The championship began March 7 at Pyramid State Park near Pinckneyville, Ill. We would like to thank Purina for their continued support of this trial. Shout out to Greg Blair, Terry Trzcinski, Karl Gunzer, and Jim Moorehouse. Jim is also a generous supplier of SportDog collars for our champions. Dogs Umlimited and Alan Davison are also supporters of this trial. We'd like to thank Diane Rakers for lunches, paperwork, clean up, picking up where we need help and staying on us to get our write up turned in. A trial doesn't happen without volunteers to drive the dog wagon, plant birds, and make trips into town. Hoping we don't forget anyone, Dan DiMambro (some days Donnie DiMambro), Tom Davis, Diane Rakers and Peter Coppens.

We would also like to thank our participants this year. We love having the faithful participates and also new faces. Thank you judges. Thank you to the President of Region 5, Peter Coppens. If it wasn't for his love and dedication to this sport there would not be a Region 5 Championship. Finally thank you to Cha Hill, the site superintendent, Henry, Mike and Jason for all you do to make sure our trial runs successfully.

By Peter Coppens

The championship began with the Shooting Dog. It was capably judged by Aaron McAfee and Mike Poehler. The judges were presented with ten braces of quality dogs to watch. Thank you to the handlers, Jim West and Rhonda Haukoos, Mr. and Mrs. Dan DiMambro (April Raber), Jay Wade, Kirk Loftin and Sherri Tangsrud.

The Running

Brace 1 was P J Wildfire's Little Lexi (Kirk Loftin) and Prairie Winds Chicoree's Kix Chic (Dan DiMambro). Lexi had a find at 6 with relocation, all manners in order. Chick had a find at 14 with Lexi backing. Chic was shorter with nice moves at times. Lexi had finds at 50 and 56. Chic was backing at 56. Lexi was fast and forward with reaching moves for her handler. Lexi showed forward at time.

Brace 2 was Lambourn's Showdown (Sam-Jim West) and Chicoree's Riden High Trixie (Dan DiMambro). Both dogs broke away very strong and to the front carding finds at 16 with all manners in order. Shooter made a fast snappy to the front move. Shooter was found standing at 20 and Trixie backing. All in order. Handler elected to pick up Shooter after a find at 20. Trixie continued forward hunting with easy handling, reaching and covering with a find at 54. This performance earned her the Champion for owner Jeff Alexander and handler Dan DiMambro.

Brace 3 was Chicoree's County Star (Dan DiMambro) and Stoney Hill's Pinnacle Dee (Kirk Loftin). Both dogs broke away strong, fast, forward cast. Both dogs suffered an NP at 45 and handlers elected for a pick up.

Brace 4 was Beaver's Rude Memphis Slim (Jay Wade) and Cuttin' Wild's Hank (Jim West). Slim broke away to card a find at 7. Slim was forward and hunting for the 1st 40 minutes and shortened up for the last 20. Hank ran fast and forward but not pleasing the handler and was picked up at 20.

Brace 5 was Chicoree's Glitter and Gold (Glitz-Dan DiMambro) and Uodibar's Lover Boy (Blue-Kirk Loftin). Both dogs were off and forward. Blue had a find at 17 with Glitz backing. All manners in order. Both dogs were casted off and found standing with Glitz pointed and Blue backing. Both dogs were hunting and running hard, showing forward with a find at 42. Glitz manners were all in order and Blue took some steps. Blue finished the hour. Glitz finished going forward and Donnie DiMambro and Glitz earned the runner-up Champion for her owner Fred Ryan.

Brace 6 was She's Something Else (Jim West) and King Kuhlmann Mr. Winston (Dan DiMambro). Winston was forward and found standing at 8 with Elsie backing. Both dogs had a nice start and forward. The quail gods interfered with the dogs. Jim picked up at 8 and Dan picked up at 38.

Brace 7 was Uodibar's Robbi Jo (Kirk Loftin) and Riversides Farm Luck Be A Lady (Dan DiMambro). Robbie Joe was gone to be found standing to the front with a find at 14. All manners in order. She was gone until tracker was requested at 45 by handler. Dee was gone and found standing at 25 with Robbie Jo backing. Both dogs were released to the front with Dee Carding a find at 33. Dee was more AA today and handler elected to pick up at 45.

Brace 8 was Cajan's Dancing Desire (Elsie-Jim West) and Slate Rock's Mountain Heart (Rommel-Dan DiMambro). Rommel was found standing at 5. He was running big and making moves with speed and class. His find at 5 was like a statue with multiple birds flushed. Rommel was lost at 35 and handler asked for the tracker. Pieper showed a forward, quick ground race with nice hunting moves without any bird contact. Handler picked up at 40.

Brace 9 was Twin Creeks Running Rocky (Loftin) and Prairie Winds Made in the USA (Dan DiMambro). Mayda had a covey find at 8 with all manners in order. She made fast, snappy moves to tat second find at 15. Great, stylish manners. Handler asked for the tracker at25. Rocky was strokin' to the east and strokin' to the west for Clarence Carter with the handler calling for the tracker at 20.

Brace 10 was a bye brace with Hi N's Allison Miranda (Allie) with Kirk Loftin. Allie had a really nice ground race and application with 2 finds at 6 and 15. She finished the hour.

The Judges announced Chircoree's Riden High Trixie who is owned by Jeff Alexander and handled by Dan DiMambro (April Raber) as the Champion. Chicoree's Glitter and Gold who is owned by Fred Ryan and was handled by Dan DiMambro (April Raber) was the runner-up. Both of these dogs were rewarded for their superior effort. Congratulations.

Pinckneyville, Ill., March 6
Judges: Aaron McAfee and Mike Poehler
NGSPA OPEN SHOOTING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 12 German Shorthairs

Winner-CHICOREE'S RIDEN HIGH TRIXIE, 1685125, female, by Riden High Rudy-Chicoree's Sparkle In Her Eye. Randal Alexander, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.
Runner-Up-CHICOREE'S GLITTER AND GOLD, 1686474, female, by Chicoree's Immaculate-Chicoree's Country Fan. Fred Ryan, owner; Dan DiMambro, handler.

By Peter Coppens

We started the All-Age on Wednesday, March 9th. First, I'd like to say thank you to Diane for handling the drawing, our Judges, Tom Davis for driving the dog/horse wagon and Peter Coppens for planting birds. It was capably judged by Mike Poehler and Aaron McAfee. Twelve braces were drawn, but due to some cancelations the judges were presented with 5 braces of quality dogs to watch.

Brace 1 was Snowy River's Top Gun Maverick with Dan DiMambro and Rolling Thunder's Singin' in the Rain with Jim West. Maverick and Singer break away strong. Maverick was found standing at 4 like a bull. Singer was gone until a found stranding at 13 on a ten bird covey with Maverick backing. Dogs were released and Dan asked for the tracker at 44. Singer was found standing with styled class at 42 way off of birds. He finished strong and searched likely places. This performance earned Singer and Jim West the runner-up Champion.

Brace 2 was Cuttin Wild's Hank with Jim West and Evergreens Jed Clampet with Dan DiMambro. Jed was found at 4 with a nice find. Jed went on until 18 and not pleasing the handler and was picked up. Hank was fast and for flinging to the front standing at 18 with all manners in order. Hank continued with big moves and no let down in speed or application. He drew a harder course with going away at the hour. This earned Hank and West with the Championship with his performance.

Brace 3 was Lambourn's Surface to Air Missile (Sam) with Jim West and Highstanding Cuttin Edge (Woody) with Dan DiMambro. Sam made some nice moves forward to be seen at 8 on a hawk kill. Sam regained the front to a dug up find and it was another hawk kill at 19. He ran forward and was gone when the handler elected for the tracker at 35. Woody disappeared from the break away to the front not be seen under judgement again. Handler asked for the tracker.

Brace 4 was a bye brace with Rumel's Augie Doggie with Dan DiMambro. Augie started out slow and then ran strong forward to have a find at 12 with good style and manners all in place. He went forward and hard to the west requiring assistance. Handler decided to pick- up at 32.

Brace 5 was a bye brace with Chicoree's Sparkling Ruby with Dan DiMambro. Ruby was wild and far flung making big moves early on. She became head strong and not pleasing the handler at 30. Handler elected to pick her up.

The Judges announced Cuttin Wild's Hank who is owned by Chuck Costa and Todd Tuls and handled by Jim West (Rhonda Haukoos) as the Champion. Rolling Thunder's Signin' in the rain who is owned by Stephen Hetmanek and handled by Jim West (Rhonda Haukoos) was the runner-up. Both of these dogs were rewarded for their superior effort. Congratulations.


NGSPA Region Open All-Age Championship. Back row: Judge Mike Poehler, Tom Davis, Judge Aaron McAfee (Charlotte) Front row: Jim West with Cuttin Wild's Hank and Rhonda Haukoos with Rollin Thunder's Signin' In.

NGSPA REGION 5 OPEN ALL-AGE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 8 German Shorthairs
Winner-CUTTIN WILD HANK, 1680725, male, by Lambourn's Slick Shot-Cuttin Wild's Lil Angel. Chuck Costa & Todd Tuls, owners; Jim West, handler.
Runner-Up-ROLLIN THUNDER'S SINGIN IN, 1680831, male, by Keg Creek Trix or Treat-Rollin Thunder's Pocket Watch. Stephen Hetmanek, owner; Jim West, handler.

By Peter Coppens

The Amateur was judged by Rhonda Haukoos and Matt Basilone. We thank both of you for your time and expertise. We had 14 dogs and would like to thank all the Amateurs who support us.

The Running

Brace 1: Outbak's How You Doin' (Joey) is owned / handled by Larry Bradley and PJ Wildfire's Little Lexi owner/handled by Kirk Loftin. Lexi was found pointing at 6 with a find. All manners where in order. Joey and Lexi were off and forward. Joey and Lexi were stopped at 11 with Lexi backing. Joey and handler produced a hawk kill at 35. Lexi was found standing at 37, 43, and 57. Joey had his only find at 57. Lexi ran a nice shooting dog forward race and was rewarded Champion of the All Breed Amateur.

Brace 2: Stoney Hills Wildfire Sadie owned handled Kirk Loftin and No Limits Wildfire's Wildcard owned handled by John Landolina. Sadie and Joker made a nice casts and at28 Sadie had an unproductive. Joker was not pleasing the handler and he elected to pickup at 40. Sadie made some nice cast. At 50, Sadie was not pleasing the handler and was picked up.

Brace 3: Right Stuff's Rock N Roll (Rock) owned/handled by Billy Padovano and Twin Creeks Running Ruger (Rocky) owned/handled by Kirk Loftin. Rock & Rocky were off to the front. Rocky was found pointing at 6. All manners in order. Both dogs were found to the front and picked up by their handlers at 20.

Brace 4: Uodibar's Lover Boy (Blue) handled by Kirk Loftin/owned by Sherri Tangsrud and Right Stuffs Warrior Princess (Zena) owned / handled by Billy Padovano. Blue and Zena were off and running strong with Blue carding a find at 38. Zena was found at 45 with a find. Blue picked up at 45 by handler. Zena was forward but not pleasing the handler and was picked up at 55.

Brace 5: Slick Wild Child (Holly) owned/handled by Richie Rodgers. Robbie Jo handled by Kirk Loftin owned/scouted by Sherri Tangsrud. Holly was big and forward with a back at 60. Robbie Jo had 3 finds at 26, 45 and 60. She ran a forward nice race.

Brace 6: Snowy Rivers So Far So (Sofie) owned/handled by Mike Kindler and Stronyhill's Pinnacle Dee owned/handled by Kirk Loftin. Sofie broke away and was not pleasing the handler and he asked for the tracker at 24. Dee ran a strong, forward race with finds at 12, 18 and 26. She an unproductive at 41. This performance earned Dee the title of runner-up Amateur Shooting Dog.

Champion was Stoney Hill's Pinnacle Dee who is owned/handled by Kirk Loftin and scouted by Sherri Tangsrud. Runner-up was Uodibar's Robbi Jo who is owned/scouted by Sherri Tangsrud and handled by Kirk Loftin. Congratulations!
Judges: Matt Basilone and Rhonda Hookoos
Winner-STONEY HILL'S PINNACLE DEE, 1694168, female, by Simons Gunner-Shadowrocks Mighty Mouse. Kirk Loftin, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-UODIBAR'S ROBBI JO, 1662507, female, by Uodibar's Against All Odds-B D K's Kessie's Sin City Casino. Sherri Tangsrod, owner; Kirk Loftin, handler.


NGSPA Region 5 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship. Backrow: Kirk Loftin, Judge Matt Basilone, Judge Rhonda Haukoos. Back row: Rich Rodgers with Wildfire's Little Lexi and Sherri Tungrud with Stoney Hill's Pinnacle Dee.

By Peter Coppens

The 2022 NGSPA Region 5 Derby was run on Thursday, March 10th at the Denmark Unit of Pyramid State Park near Pinckneyville, Ill. It was a sunny day with ideal conditions to run young dogs. The 13-dog competition was high in this stake and many of the dogs that did not receive nods in this stake could have won in other derby stakes. A big thank you to Rhonda Haukoos and Peter Coppens for their capable judging time.

Brace 1 was Stoney Hill's Shining Star (Reba-Kirk Loftin) and Top Fuel's Bad Bad Leroy Brown (Dan DiMambro). Reba was gone from the break away and never seen again. Leroy was a shooting dog and handled well for handler. No bird contact for either dog.

Brace 2 Two Pounds Capsicum (Pepper-Dan DiMambro) and Monkeyshine's Call Me the Breeze (Breezy-April Raber). Pepper was short at times and tagging bracemate. Breezy was tagged by bracemate and stretched out and ran really well with a strong finish. Breezy was named the winner of the Region 5 Derby.

Brace 3 was Monkeyshine's Southern Bell (Frannie) and Nolimits Little Slick (Diamond) owned/handled by John Landolina. Frannie was wanting to tag and run with her bracemate. Diamond ran an all-around race and handled kindly for her owner.

Brace 4 was Top Fuel's Dirty White Girl (Vada-Dan DiMambro) and Stoneyhill's Remington Hotshot (Shep-Kirk Loftin). Vada was gone to the front at 1st and finished strong for her handler at time. Shep made a big cast off left on the beginning and handled kindly for handler with a strong finish to garner 2nd place.

Brace 5 was Caprock's Bell's County Gamin (Bella-Dan DiMambro) and Vinny's Perfect Storm (Addie) owned and handled by Vinny Landolina. Both dogs started well and handled well for their handlers. Addie finished strong for her handler garnering 3rd place.

Brace 6 Two Ponds Blanco Roux (Dan DiMambro) and Vinny's High Roller (Ripp) owned and handled by Vinny Landolina. Roux was having difficulties with his handler constantly blowing whistle while handling. Brace was difficult for both dogs.

Brace 7 was a bye brace with Monkeyshine's Gus (April Raber). Gus handled kindly for April running a small shooting dog race.

First place went to Monkeyshine's Call Me the Breeze who is owned and handled by April Raber.

Second place was awarded to Stoneyhill's Remington Hotshot who is owned/handled by Kirk Loftin

Third place was earned by Vinny's Perfect Storm owned and handled by Vinny Landolina.
Judges: Peter Coppens and Rhonda Haukoos
NGSPA REGION 5 OPEN DERBY - 13 German Shorthairs

1st-MONKEYSHINE'S CALL ME THE BREEZE, unreg., female, by Riden High Rudy-Lena. Dan DiMambro & April Raber, owners; Dan DiMambro, handler.
2d-STONEHILL'S REMINGTON HOTSHOT, unreg., male, by Hi N's Zip It-Stonehill's Living On the Edge. Kirk Loftin, owner and handler.
3d-VINNY'S PERFECT STORM, unreg., female, by Riden High Rudy-Hi N's Family Ties. Vinny Landolina, owner and handler.


NGSPA Region 5 Open Derby. Back row: Dan DiMambro, Sherri Tungsrud, Judge Peter Coppens. Front row: April Raber with Monkeyshine's Call Me the Breeze, Kirk Loftin with Stoney Hill's Remington Hotshot, and Vinny Landolina with Vinny's Perfect Storm.