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Event: Miller's Heat Seeker wins title for second year in a row!
Result: Northeastern Open Championship

Location: East Windsor, Connecticut

Post Date: Dec 12, 2022

Submitted By: Tom Gates

Northeastern Open ChF22

Northeastern Open Championship Winner. From left: George Tracy with Miller's Heat Seeker. Janet Hinkle with Erin's Big Casino. Standing, from left: Jeanette Tracy, Tom Gates, Alene Levasseur, Rich Garini, Tom Stargell, judge, Gene Casale, Tom Tracy, judge, Mike Tracy and Casey Hollander.

The 64th renewal of the Northeastern Open Championship commenced October 10th at the popular Dr. John E. Flaherty Field Trial Area in East Windsor, Conn. The time-honored event attracted 45 well qualified entries from the Eastern United States.

Gene Casale, Chairman, needs no introduction. Taking the reins of this championship from his father (Hall of Famer) Eugene Casale, Gene has run almost twenty renewals of this prestigious event; attracting the best dogs in the Eastern United States. I'm personally proud to work with him here and twice a year when we conduct the Central Connecticut Bird Dog Club trials on these grounds. Another fantastic renewal! Thank you Gene!

The club is fortunate to have Purina as their sponsor. Purina's continued support in running this event for decades is deeply appreciated and acknowledges why their products are the Number 1 choice here in New England. A special 'THANK YOU" to Greg Blair from PURINA who has become the champion of major circuit bird dog field trials in the Northeast! A great guy to say the least and a great dog food!

Breakfast and lunches were served by Sue Way. Sue has been a huge part of our Connecticut field trial crew for over 30 years. Her 'food truck' business always took a step aside to help our trials. Thank you Sue! Monday evening saw an outstanding offering of Chicken Parmasean, stuffed shells, pasta and salad served with homemade rolls by Pam Casale aided by daughters Anna and Heather. Additionally, apple crisp with ice cream was served for dessert; making the evening complete.

John Olfson, representing the Association of New England Field Trial Clubs then presented 'Dog of the Year' awards. The Open Derby was won by Steele Valley Raven, Jeanette Tracy, handler, with Brian Sanchez, Lisa Pollock and Ted Faust owners. Open All-Age was won by Raag's Rich and Rare handled by Mike Tracy and owned by John Ivester. And Open Shooting Dog to Miller's Heat Seeker handled by George and Mike Tracy being owned by Bill and Muriel Primm, Jack and Fran Miller and Dennis Hood. An extremely nice plaque was awarded to each.

Tuesday evening Pam Casale was back with another huge handlers dinner offering. Lasagna, stuffed shells, huge meatballs and salad greeted a couple dozen hungry guests! Oh yes! Cake and ice cream for dessert! Wednesday, Pam served leftovers for dinner (there was enough food to feed 100 people!) Thank you Pam - you're THE BEST!!

This event could not take place without the dedicated help of David O'Brien! There is not one task that Dave didn't master. Thank you sir!! Anna Casale and boyfriend Kevin aided in bird liberation. Again, Thank you both! It was also great to have John Olfson, Dick Frawley, Tony Forte, Rich Anselmo, Amilkar Perchr, Rich Garini and Brian Santos (and family) at the event.
The state-owned grounds are managed by the Dr. John E. Flaherty Field Trial Association. Dick Frawley, president of the association, has transformed the area over the past several years. Upgrades to the clubhouse, bird room and horse corral were augmented with a ground improvement plan. The course was perfect again this year. It was immediately evident to me that extensive mowing and culvert work has transformed many of the wet areas into great edges and objectives! This transformation was not accomplished or maintained by luck or a chance happening. The Association works very closely with Ann Kilpatrick of Connecticut DEEP. She is a hero in field trial circles. She truly understands our needs and supports us completely. A champion in her own right is our opinion. Thank you Ann.

You need great judges for a great championship and we had 'THE BEST'! Tom Tracy from Lebanon, Conn., and Tom Stargell of Scottsville, Va., officiated this year's renewal. I've known Tom Tracy for about 50 years. I've judged with him, placed his dog champion and witnessed him become the best bird dog man in the Northeast. Tom Stargell has judged dozens of major championships nationally. He is a true southern gentleman. Having judged 'my share' over many decades, I watch and evaluate judges just as I watch and evaluate dogs. I must say that these two men were 'the best' judging team that I have ever seen. Many people judging today don't have a clue as to what they should be doing, Tom and Tom defined what a championship judge should be. From establishing the pace off the breakaway on Monday to knowing where to put their horse on a find, these men continued to complement each other's moves all week. A sincere Thank You to both!

Sidenote: When going into the motel on Monday night Tom Stargell put his coat on a trash barrel while getting out his cardkey. Upon picking-up his jacket he was met by a large skunk about a foot away. Being a southern gentleman, Tom bid the skunk good evening and slipped away without getting sprayed! I'm glad that he didn't get sprayed because us Yankees probably would have changed his name to Stinky Stargell!
It was a classic New England October week! The leaves were turning - the red and orange oak and maple leaves were outstanding. Temperatures in the 60 to 75 degrees range each day. A 10-minute shower on Thursday morning produced the only clouds that we saw all week.
The Winners
Miller's Heat Seeker was named Champion from an extremely competitive field for the second year in a row. Handled by George Tracy, the awesome white and orange pointer male's performance only brings one word to mind! Spectacular! Seeing him run Monday in the fourth brace is the reason that I come to field trials. It was truly a thrill! This eight- time Champion with four runner-up titles is destined for the Hall of Fame. Heat Seeker is one in a million! He certainly makes you stand-up in the saddle! Owned by Bill and Muriel Primm, Jack and Fran Miller and Dennis Hood, Heat Seeker was a sight to see this day. Braced with Smoke N Mirrors (Matt Basilone) in the fourth brace on Monday, it was evident from the breakaway that this brace was special. Heat Seeker is nice moving. His race just got better and better as time went on. He slammed into point at 9 exhibiting a lofty stance. A picture at shot. Smoke and Mirrors had a single some 50 yards away. At 15 both dogs were found standing a covey. At 23 point was called again for each dog in separate locations. Smoke and Mirrors, a nice fast moving pointer male, carded his last find at 34. Heat Seeker, charging the course added singles at 35, 48 and 55 with unbelievable intensity pointing at each find. George pointed out Heat Seeker at finish time taking an edge, just a speck in the distance. WOW! You'll never see a better ground race at this venue!

Runner-up laurels went to Erin's Big Casino, handled by Michael Tracy and owned by Paul Berdiner. Big Casino is a larger than life magnificent English Setter that is just starting his career. Many braces were going birdless on Tuesday, but that changed in the 12th brace! Away at 2:30 pm Big Casino was braced with Miller's Flowers and Lace (George Tracy). Big Casino, a handsome setter male, is an eye catcher for sure. You could see his poker straight tail above the grass of the mowed strips as he ate-up the course. Both dogs were found standing at 10 with a single quail. Casino was intense pointing - on his tip-toes! Flowers and Lace pointed at 15 with Big Casino having a find some 100 yards in front. Flowers and Lace had her last find at 20 with good style pointing. Big Casino registered covey finds at 23 and at 40. Adding a single at 43 he put it in high gear showing super endurance and was found standing at 59. Awesome ground race!

Big Casino has been a consistent winner for Paul Berdiner. In addition to many weekend placements, Big Casino has logged two futurity placements, won the Guard Rail OSD Classic in 2021 (on these grounds) and annexed the Champion title at the Keystone Championship earlier this year! I'd like a puppy out of him!

The judges wanted special 'Honorable Mention' for three dogs with exceptional performances. They were very close to the winners. Steel Valley Raven, Bittersweet War Cry and Miller's Locked and Loaded all had championship quality performances.

I have known George Tracy for nearly 50 years. To me, George Tracy is to field trials what Tom Brady is to football. The Greatest of All Time! (The G.O.A.T.) This was George Tracy's 20th title win of this event in the 51 years that he has supported the Northeastern Championship! To date, George has won 208 Championships and has 172 runner-ups. He has also produced two champion trainers/handlers in Mike and Jeanette. Mike has amassed 142 Championship wins and 109 Runner-ups! Jeanette has recorded 6 Championship wins and 16 Runner-up titles. Congratulations George! Congratulations Mary!
The Running
1. Miller's Million Dollar Penny (PF/Mike Tracy) with Harbor City Sure Shot (Matt Basilone). Penny had a quail find at 8. This was her only bird work. Sure Shot racked-up four nice quail finds at 9, 22, 30 and 50. This hard driving pointer finished the hour driving on the right edge far to the front.

2. Calico's Sky's the Limit (PF/George Tracy) with Bittersweet War Cry (PM/Mike Tracy). Limit was flying when she swapped ends for a single at 8. This was her only birdwork. War Cry went bird hunting; carding 6 stylish finds at 8, 15, 25, 37, 43 and 54. His animated gait and purposeful application was complemented by a very strong race- wanting to go another 30 minutes. Nice job!

3. R Q's Saddle (PM/Jeanette Tracy) with Cheyenne Jack (PM/Mike Tracy). This brace was 'off to the races'! Both dogs ran big and were eventually lost. Too bad, as they both looked great going!!

4. This brace was covered above.

5. Pine Straw Sweet Tea (ESF/Jeanette Tracy) with Waybetter Rocky (PM/Mike Tracy). Both dogs had quail finds in separate locations at 8. Sweet Tea backed a staunch standing Rocky at 14; all in good order. The eye catching black and white setter added finds at 19 and 27 with Rocky backing her at 19. Rocky's workman like effort was rewarded additionally at 27 and 38. He carded an elusive single at 48 after a good relocation.

6. The Secret (PM/Jeanette Tracy) with South Point Hog Wild (PM/Mike Tracy). Off at 4:00 pm, Secret backed bracemate at 9 with all in good order. Hog Wild was on fire; scoring again at 13, 24 and 43 with a long relocation on the last. With a couple finds, Secret might have been in contention. I liked her race.

7. Miller's Automatic Upgrade (PM/George Tracy) with Hauser's Rollin Thunder (PM/Mike Tracy). This brace was off at 10:00 Tuesday morning after an extended fog delay. This pointer male duo attacked the course with fire and purpose. Upgrade traded ends at 10 for a single with Thunder displaying a very stylish back. Both dogs logged another quail find at 15 in separate locations.

8. Miller's War Bonnet (PM/Mike Tracy) with Saddle Ridge Thunder (ESM/Jeanette Tracy). This pointer and setter brace were loosed at 10:58 with a huge breakaway. Both were lost to the front. Unfortunate as they were really stylish pretty running dogs! A foot race had ensued between dogs, but they were collected-up after a 15-minute absence.
9. High Drive Fancy Pants (PF/George Tracy) with Faithful (PF/Mike Tracy). Fancy Pants was a really excellent moving dog scoring a stylish find at 14. This was his only bird contact. Faithful blasted out at the start and made a turn at 4 toward the Dearborn property not to be seen again.

10. Jolene Jolene (PF/Mike Tracy) with Miller's Strolling for Gold (PF/George Tracy). The two pointer females were huge going. Nice ground application, but eventually being lost.
11.Steele City Avenger (PM/Jeanette Tracy) with Miller's High Heat Index (PM/Mike Tracy ). Both dogs were out of sight in an instant at breakaway. Heat Index was found standing a covey at 24 with admirable style and manners. He again disappeared and neither dog was seen again.

12. This brace was covered above.

13. Iron Bully (PM/Mike Tracy) with Fort River Lucky Charm (ESM/Matt Basilone). Gary Traverse was on hand to watch his exciting setter Lucky Charm run for Matt. Both dogs were found standing at 12 sharing a small covey. More than admirable style and manners for both. Bully added singles at 25 and 34 while Lucky Charm was lost to the front.

14. Miller's Extreme Heat (PF/Mike Tracy) with Steel City Alabama (PM/Matt Basilone). Away at 8:06am on Wednesday this was a very exciting brace. Both dogs were found standing high and tight at 9 with a covey well located. Alabama was fast and purposeful on the ground. The classy pointer swapped ends at 15 for a single. He then recorded a small covey at 25 Mike Tracy called point at 16 for Extreme Heat with a great off course taking. When flushed, the quail flew right over the dog's head, but she remained like a statue. Strong driving effort.

15. Miller's Record Heat (PF/Mike Tracy) with Miller's Special Cinderella (PF/George Tracy). Record Heat was classy going with a very cracking tail. It's very evident that this dog was excited, happy and having a good time in sync with handler. She had an intense find at 8 and added a nice covey find at 18. Cinderella was all class and a fireball off the line at breakaway. Her race got bigger and bigger and was finally lost to the front. Unfortunate, as I was liking this dog!

16. Miller's Locked and Loaded (PM/George Tracy) with Steel Valley Raven (PF/Jeanette Tracy). Loaded ran a big race with more than adequate style. He scored a single in good order at 8. He added another great quail single at 16. Both dogs were found standing at 35. After a relocation of both dogs a single lifted as both handlers fired. Loaded finished with a good find at 53. Raven added finds at 49 and 51 with the judge saying Raven ran 'a classic shooting dog race". It was a perfect brace to ride!

17. Trumped (PM/Mike Tracy) with Triple Nickel Carbon Copy (ESM/Matt Basilone) Trumped is one of those young dogs that you would like to take home with you! Awesome on the ground, he was found standing in an island of trees at 8 with Carbon Copy backing the intense point. This was his only find. Carbon Copy was animated and fast moving. The setter was found buried in the cover standing a single at 13. Nice find! He added a small covey at 27 with intense style.

18. Bully Rock (PM/Mike Tracy) with Double M's Smoking Gun (PM/George Tracy). Bully Rock was a hard charger. He has a huge amount of drive and character on the ground; carrying a high snappy tail. At 13 he traded ends for a single: all in good order. His last find was at 29 with a relocation on a feisty single. Smoking Gun is a great dog to ride. The classy pointer has everything you want to see on the ground. Unfortunately, this day, there were no birds to be found. Too bad - he had me liking him a lot!

19. Raggs Rich and Rare (PM/Mike Tracy) with Miller's Southern Gossip (PF/George Tracy). Mike was unable to produce a bird at 8 over a lofty stance for Raggs. A nice little covey was flushed for the intense pointing dog at 18. A repeat at 27 was the last bird recorded for a fine running dog. Southern Gossip was another great running and stylish dog that just couldn't connect with a bird in the hot afternoon. I was liking this dog's ground application also!

20. Miller's Blazing Hot Chick (PF/George Tracy) with Bronco Bully (PM/Mike Tracy). The last brace of the day saw Hot Chick card a big covey at 8 with an immense amount of style pointing. Like a statue at flush, the female pointer 'made you look at her' with envious eyes. Pretty pointing female! She locked-up at 13 with a wary single. Bronco Bully (a favorite of many here!) took a right turn at 3 and headed out to the Dearborn property. The snappy dog was not recovered in contention.

21. Waybetter Rebel (PM/Mike Tracy) with Hillhavyn Wild Child (PF/Jeanette Tracy) Thursday morning we were hard pressed to get a bird pointed! I was seeing good covys at all locations, but dogs weren't able to connect. This brace was hard to keep from being lost - requiring a fair amount of scouting as dogs weren't stopped on birds. Nice running pointers with plenty of desire, but no birds!

22. Reedy Creek Dial Tone (PM/Mike Tracy) with Miller's Upgrading the Ante (PF/George Tracy). This pointer pair were pretty moving on the ground, but again birdless. Too bad as I enjoyed watching them!

23. Answered Prayers (PM/Mike Tracy). Bye dog. The prayers weren't answered this day! A nice pointer male, Prayers locked-up at 13 with incredible intensity. A Statue at flush. A forward hunting race was not rewarded with Prayers making a long edge running cast at the end.

Tom Tracy & Tom Stargell NortheasternF22

(Mounted, from left): Judges Tom Tracy and Tom Stargell.

East Windsor, Conn., October 10 - One Course
Judges: Tom Stargell and Tom Tracy
NORTHEASTERN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 40 Pointers and 5 Setters

Winner-MILLER'S HEAT SEEKER, 1674886, pointer male, by Just Irresistible-Miller's Bring The Heat. William & Muriel Primm, Dennis Hood, Fran & Jack Miller, owners; George Tracy, handler.
Runner-Up-ERIN'S BIG CASINO, 1682928, setter male, by Erin's Hidden Shamrock-Three Stripe's Livewire. Paul Berdiner, owner; Mike Tracy, handler.

Mike & George Tracy NortheasternF22

(Standing, from left): Mike Tracy and George Tracy.

Chronicled below is an excerpt from the 57th Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship run in 2015. Margaret Drew of Hoffman, N. C. reported the event and included an incredible history of the Championship.

Margaret is a gifted and experienced writer, who has reported hundreds of trials, Championships and Futurities. I believe that her reporting talent is derived from her expert knowledge of field trials, bird dogs and the fact that she rides every single brace! Margaret and husband Earl have also had a hugely successful field trial career with hundreds of placements and championship wins to their credit. To me, Margaret's coverage of trials is equal/comparable to that of Everett Skeehan and Frank Foss.
Tom Gates Harwich, MA

Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship History
Margaret C. Drew, Hoffman, N. C.
The Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship was first organized by Gordon Engford and some friends as an all-age championship dating back to 1958 first as a walking stake and then becoming a horseback all-age until 1985. Since then it has been a horseback shooting dog championship. That event was run at the popular Pelton's Pasture, now known as the Dr. John E Flaherty Field Trial and Wildlife Area in East Windsor, Conn. For 27 years this championship was titled as an all-age championship, running at the Flaherty Field Trial and Wildlife Area until 1980. One exception to this occurred in 1977 when harvesting equipment failure left unharvested crops at the East Windsor fields and the Championship was moved at the eleventh hour to Pomfret, Conn., for that one year.

I am told that in the late 70's a decline in participation and available help led to a new committee being formed. This committee became very active, gained support from area field trialers and business sponsors, as well as moving the venue to what is termed the Glastonbury Meadows. Among those active in this strengthening movement were Phil Fogg, Gene Casale, Sr., Bill Hyland, Jim Magotta, Rich Anselmo, Tom Tracy, Rich Garini, and Don Gustafson. Joining these men were Dave O'Brien and Jim Disabato. In the fall of 1980 the Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship moved to Glastonbury Meadows, in Glastonbury, Conn.
These 600 acres are located about 23 miles from the East Windsor Flaherty Field Trial Area. Here the grounds had no facilities, aside from a huge tent brought in by the committee, under which everyone took shelter from the weather, club members cooking great meals, along with breakfast sandwiches. These meadows are flood plain fields used for farming. As you rode you stepped over eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins and squash, not to mention finding pheasant hiding among the remaining corn stalks. These fields were bounded on one side by the Connecticut River and the rest of the course crossing and winding around crop fields and a small wooded area along the river.

The entrance to the grounds was a dirt road off Main Street in Glastonbury, a very old, historic area with nice houses. This meadows roadway passed between several houses in the developed neighborhood before reaching the back crop lands. I can distinctly remember my first trip to Glastonbury, arriving late in the afternoon and my husband assuring me that I had recorded the wrong directions as we made our way down this roadway, which seemed to be getting more narrow, less developed and definitely had no place to turn around with a horse trailer. Luckily we met a man jogging who assured us that we were not lost and that we would see the trailers at the next opening. The course here was very open, except for two areas, and I mostly remember that the last 20 minutes had a long edge and if you expected to win, your dog better take it and be found standing at the end.

In 1986 the Northeastern Championship was renamed the Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship and continued to be held each fall in the Glastonbury Meadows until October 2005 when several days of severe storms caused the Connecticut River to flood the fields used by the championship. As the waters began to rise, area field trailers became alarmed when George Tracy and Gene Jr arrived on Monday morning and found water covering the meadows roadway. As most trailers were still attached to the trucks, Luke Eisenhart started farmer Butch Bottosello's tractor and started pulling out the trucks and trailers. Dave O'Brien went to Gene Jr house and returned with a rowboat so assist with mobility as the men attempted to get vehicles and animals to higher ground. Gene Casale, Sr. and Jr did not have their trailers attached to their trucks as they had used their vehicles to travel home the evening before. By the time the Casale trailers were pulled out the water was half way up the sides and the gooseneck hitch was 6 inches below the water. With the use of a borrowed three-point hitch the tractor was able to haul these trailers out. When the final horses were led to safety, the water was halfway up their bellies. Dog and horse dishes, as well as water tubs were floating everywhere. Although trailer interiors, leather and food supplies were soaked, no loss of vehicle or life was incurred due to the fast thinking and cooperation of the handlers and trial committee. With special help from Rich Garini, the state of CT and the Flaherty Field Trial Association the trial was relocated to Flaherty Field Trial Area where it remains to this day.

For those not familiar with the Flaherty Field Trial Grounds, it is a managed wildlife area consisting of about 200 acres. These lands are maintained as wildlife habitats for shrubland, grassland fields, woodlands, and wetlands. The original purchases and plans prescribed that these lands would be for wildlife and field trial events. Maintenance of these acres is closely coordinated by the state and the Flaherty Field Trial Association. For these reasons, the Northeastern has remained at Flaherty Field Trial and Wildlife Area where it began, as well as immediately preceding the New England Shooting Dog Futurity makes for less travel and easy access to hotels and restaurants.

At Flaherty there is the modern club house, running water, heat when needed, as it often is at this October time period. These state facilities have a good clubhouse, much safe parking with ample room for trailers, horses and dogs, not to mention a birdhouse separate from the clubhouse. Oh, and a fenced in area to watch much of the running, complete with an outside pavilion. For this 2015 season, the state had mowed many wide pathways thru out the area, providing easy access for dogs and handlers, as well as scouts. The area is well used by hunt test groups, AKC and horseback field trials; therefore, accounting for many birds, quail, chukka and pheasant all being seen and pointed.

Let's get back to the Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship's factual history. Records reveal that from 1958 thru 1963 some records are missing; however, it is noted that Earl Crangle, Dr. A. H. Nitchman, Fred Arant and Phil Brousseau were winning handlers in these early years. Earl winning the inaugural championship with Rumson Farm Hayride. Dr. A. H. Nitchman repeating the win in 1959 and 1960 with Magnum. Not until 2000 and 2001 did another dog pull the back to back win when Calico Kennel's Calico's Future Force won the championship under the whistle of George Tracy. Again in 2005 and 2006 Brad Bonetti's Grid Iron, repeated the feat with Luke Eisenhart. This is the year that the Northeastern returned to be run at the Flaherty Field Trial and Wildlife Area. Several dogs have earned the runner-up title on back to back years, as well as Lucky Country Boy, owned by C. A. Lefler winning in 1980 and again in 1982 with George Tracy. Remember the 1980 event was the first held at the Glastonbury Meadows. 1981 was won by Mr. Motion for Joe Crowley with Bruce Jacobs.

Not to be overlooked in these spectacular achievements is the 1990, 1991 and 1992 winner, Rail's Princess, owned by Earl and Margaret Drew and handled by Bruce Jacobs. As far as I can tell, Rail's Princess is the only dog to win the New England Futurity, and then go on to sweep the Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship and the New England Open Championship the next year. She did not stop there, returning in 1991 and 1992 to win the Northeastern Open Championship again, while taking the runner up position at the New England Open these same years. (Back then, the Northeastern awarded a unique wooden clock with bird dogs as hour markers to the Champion. The Drew's have two of these clocks in their Hoffman, N. C., home and a third a few miles away at Bruce Jacob's house. TFG).

The Northeastern Championship has been supported by many handlers over its 57 years. Winners going to Earl Crangle, Gerald Tracy in 1970 and 1980, as well as George Tracy 16 different years. George's first championship was at the Northeastern in 1971 with Larry Lotz' Trachavaen Blitz following in his father's footsteps. Bruce Jacob's has 5 wins, Harold Ray, Mike Tracy and Luke Eisenhart sharing 4 wins each. Steve Merton had two wins, as did Nitchman. Among those handlers with one win are: Fred Arant, Phil Brousseau, Bill Conlin, Thelmar Page, Arthur Bean, Pete Hicks, Mike Hester, Matt Basilone and Jeanette Tracy. Jim Disabato was the breeder, owner and handler of his win with his PF Precious Metal in 1988. Also a winning owner and handler combination went to Bob Abric in 1986 with his PM, Rail's Bo.

To those reading this report, I would be deeply greatful if someone has a copy of the booklet printed on the Northeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship and would share it with me. I can be reached at my Hoffman, N. C., address available in the fixtures of the FIELD under the New England Futurity or by e-mail at
Gene Casale, Sr. has been chairman and very influencial in keeping the Northeastern alive for several years. He has been joined by his son, Gene, Jr. the past few years with Dave O'Brien. Gene, Sr. made several appearances during the trial to visit with friends and check on progress of the running. It was requested by both families for a group picture of the two "hall-of-famers," and their children. Dating back to 1970 with Gerald Tracy, a Tracy has won this trial 21 times, no make that 22 with Jeanette's win this year. Purina supports the Northeastern with food, hats and ad fees.