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Event: Spring Brook Maximus, Champion; Daddy's Little Boy Butch, Runner-Up
Result: Grand National Grouse Championship

Post Date: Jan 27, 2023

Submitted By: Russell Ogilvie

Grand Nat'l Grouse ChF22

Championship Winners (from left): Russell Ogilvie with Spring Brook Maximus, John Stolgitis with Daddy's Little Boy Butch, and Judges Brian Ralph and Bert Benshoof.

When time was called in the early afternoon of the November 5, the 80th running of the Grand National Grouse Championship was in the books. I had the pleasure to walk every brace and watch some really great dogs and handlers work. I also had the opportunity to turn a dog loose with the same goal as everyone else. Point a bird, fire your gun, and finish. The outcome of this year's Grand National caught me off guard and so writing about my own dog was made easy as my friend, John Stolgitis was right beside me to watch Max run. John as well as his wife Jill have been highly influential in my development as a handler and developing my dogs in particularly, Max. When John wrote the following piece about Max, it was a no brainer to use it. Hope you enjoy reading it half as much as I did.

"The winner of the 80th Grand National Championship Is Springbrook Maximus owned and handled by Russell Ogilvie.
This year's champion came from the 15th brace of the trial and ran on the golden rod course. Max is an eight-year-old white and liver pointer that is deep chested and built very ruggedly. Russell purchased Max as an eight-week-old puppy from Chasehill Kennel. Max came from a breeding George Hetrick did with his Riley bitch bred to 19 ch 19 ru Chasehill Little Bud. Russell developed this dog to be a grouse dog from an early age.

For those who don't know Russell he is a true amateur, he works a job that requires 12-hour swing shifts. When not working he is usually working, running dogs, or hunting. He is president of the mid coast bdc, secretary of the Maritime BDC and helps or reports at most New England Trials. He became director of the GNG last year and took his responsibilities very seriously. He worked in concert with Llyod Murray and Tony Bly on several work parties this summer in order to prepare the grounds for this year's event. He also took a week's vacation to report the NG championship this year, walking every brace of the trial on the most rugged courses in all of field trials. Max is hunted often as Russell can get out. He is a superb grouse dog and I have shot dozens of grouse over him hunting with Russell. I don't ever remember Max going birdless in Kilkenny. Max is no stranger to the winners circle he has won and been runner up in the Northeastern Grouse Championship and was runner-up in the Southern New England Woodcock Championship as well as many other placements.

Max was braced with Cairds Remi in the championship, and they broke away in warm dry conditions, actually was record warm this week. Max broke away with power and desire he ran along the fir swamp edge digging in and popping out periodically he had an unproductive at 5 where a bird had been hanging out in the previous futurity. He stopped again at 8 and Russell thought he had heard a bird leave but didn't call it and collard Max away. Later Judge Ralph had said he thought he had heard a bird and was waiting for Russell to call it. After this you leave the best bird cover and head to the mature pole timber and likely no birds. Max powered forward and his bell fell silent as we marched up the hill. Max was spotted up ahead on point in the wide open, the brace mate was hunting the area as Russell approached cautiously waiting to see what unfolded as he was already riding an unproductive. As he approached a big drummer roared out and Russell scream bird!!! Brian Ralph commented now that's how you call bird.

Released Max powered forward again in the warm dry condition running at the edge of his bell but still in contact with Russell. Towards the end of the hour on golden rod you pass back by the breakaway where all the bird cover is. Max recognizing the cover dove back down to the fir swamp edge and out of bell hearing for a couple of minutes. Russell dispatched his scout to look for him, as time ticked down Russell came down to search as certain he had stopped. Meanwhile Remi enters the area and begins hunting, her bell stopped so now Russell located Remi in hoped that Max was there. They flush a grouse in front of Remi and shoot over her and as they collar her they see Max still with a bird in front of him. The end of an exciting Grand National Championship performance!!!!"

The runner-up, Daddy's Little Boy Butch owned by Paul Scott and handled by John Stolgitis came out of the 13th brace. Butch is also sired by Chasehill Little Bud but has Richfield Stella as the dame. In fact, both Butch and Max were whelped in 2014. Daddy's Little Butch had Deer Mountain to himself as Minard scratched BK Rolling Dice. At 7:52. Butch was cut loose up the hill. The crisp fall air carried the lion country bell well and it didn't take long for Butch to stretch the bell. Turning into the spruce he swung downhill across the hardwoods. Just before we reached the blueberry barren, Stolgitis had him swing up and came in from the top, but nothing was home. Next stop was the alder run and unlike the two previous days, nothing was home. Forward and strong Butch reached out. Making the next turn down the hill on the two tracks, the next spot was the dark wood on the right that has held a bird every day. Unfortunately, he was home but still eating breakfast up in a tree. Through the next section of spruce and hardwoods he drove winding through, until we hit Fogg Brook. Butch made no haste in attacking the cut as Stolgitis and judges turned down the edge. Butch swung to the right in the green growth and down to the edge of the road. With a few calls, Butch was back up and out in front and into the spruce swamp edge. Even with time winding down, Butch is never out of it. He is one of those dogs that can come up with a bird out of know where. With 5 minutes left, the echo of the bell stopped.

Deep to the front and in a difficult place to search. For 3 minutes both judges and handler searched until Butch had a head movement which allowed a ting of his bell to assist in his location. Stolgitis located him but he was loose and with time done, he was allowed to relocate. With a word, Butch drove up the hill and quickly stopped to the right. Even being so close, the thick spruce was almost impossible to see. As Judge Ralph and the reporter made their way along the wood's road, a bird got up but still no sign of Butch. It was Judge Bersnoof coming from the high side that spied him and the echo of the 209-primer range through the mountains making the walk up the hill much more enjoyable.

Many who may read this report, they may never get an opportunity to experience Kilkenny in all its glory. You see, these grounds are part of the White Mountain National Forest which means dogs, handlers, and judges are going to have to work to get it done. These courses will throw everything at you. From picturesque views from the rocky hill you just climbed, noisy hardwood ridges, stream crossings, mud holes, thickets, gnarly cuts, to swamps and more. Everything is uneven making footing challenging for both man and beast. Many say this venue is a true test of a dog's fortitude and bird finding skills. With November starting up, the fall colors have since faded. The bright reds, oranges, and yellows have turned to grays and greens with the stubborn beech leaves holding on for dear life. When you look at some of these courses, you would think they would be void of birds. However, each course has their honey holes with the opportunity for a grouse to show up anyplace. The key factor was their birds to be pointed and plenty of them. In fact, in the 4 days of running in dry seasonably warm to hot conditions, we moved 51 grouse and 14 woodcocks with 19 dogs with bird work.
Day 1
Brace # 1
With temperatures in the high 30's, at 730 the first brace of the 80th running of the Grand National was announced. Synders Fireside Ed (T Chaffee) broke away with Lighting Flash Remington (M Foreman) on the revamped Deer Mountain. Both dogs quickly charged up the hill. The first five minutes allowed the dogs to loosen up before we turned to the right across a hillside. Both dogs started to stretch out with Ed going deep right and Remi going up the hill to the left. As we made it to the old blueberry barren, it was noted that this looked like a good bird spot and on que, a grouse blew out without any dogs involved. The next likely spot, the alder run was searched but nothing was home. As we turned down the two track Remi was working deeper to the right with Ed at a moderate range. Ed, responding to Chaffee calls, swung back toward the road and when he cut through the green growth his bell suddenly stopped at 25:00. The judge quickly pointed out the dog and, in the meantime, Remi came in to honor. Chaffee moved toward the dog and as she reached Ed, a grouse thundered out and the first find of the championship was in the books. The dogs were taken to the course and let loose across the mountain. With the excitement, both dogs started to gain momentum. Remi was moving out in front just to the right of the course and stopped at 31:00. A flush attempt by Foreman in a likely spot came up empty. With the dogs moving strong, the handler stepped out of the woods and turned right down a two track on Fogg Brook before swinging down along the edge of the new cuts. Just as soon as Remi dove in, his bell fell silent at 39:00 right in the path. Ed at the time was deeper and moving across the cut. Foreman flush but again could not produce a bird. As this was going on, Ed crossed out in front and his bell fell silent in a birdy looking spot at 43:00. Ed was staunch and confidence was high, but Chaffee could not get a bird to fly. Ed was turned loose but was unable to pin anything down. As the handler and dogs made their way around the lower edge of the cut, Ed would stop in a mass of green growth and blow downs but ended up moving on. Ed would finish with a nice race that immediately set the bar for the trial. An additional two birds were walked up by the gallery.

Brace #2
The first shot at Lonesome Ridge included Braeval Skye (McClusky) and Full Breeze (Hughes). Earlier in the year, this break away had been holding birds, so anticipation was high. Bree stopped shortly after the breakaway at 4:00 just off the right of the course. A quick flushing attempt by Hughes led to nothing and she was released. Skye was gaining space as he moved forward. Skye would go deep left toward the river bottom. As we made the turned down towards the river, Skye was still deep left but coming across. Bree would stop to the right of the course in the hardwoods at 34:00 and Skye came into honor. Hughes flushed but could not get anything to fly in the open timber. Hughes sent the dog on and would send her over the hill where she stopped in the whippets right before the green growth close the river at 40:00. From a distance the judge and report could watch as Dave flush out in front and as he walked back towards the dog, a woodcock lifted up and flew straight out. Bree's run strengthened as the hour went on.

Brace #3
Stokely's B Ricky (Bly) and Chasehill Hidden Jewel (Stolgitis) got going on Golden Rod. Juju started out strong right from the beginning. Flashy and hard driving. Ricky made a strong move to the front and came back and swung down the left with his bell falling silent at 7:00. Ricky was spotted from the trail from the field edge out in the open woods. Bly made his way toward him and out blows a grouse with all in order. Juju would keep laying out a strong race. Ricky working the green to the left of the course stopped at 17:00 just off the trail. Bly was not able to get anything to fly this time and the relocation was unsuccessful. After we made a turn on the two track a grouse was seen leaving the area from a tree. As Bly called his dog in and watered, it was noticed that there was a second grouse in a limb 20+ feet in the air watching the day's events. Even after we all walked by, the grouse thought it was better choice to sit and watch. Juju would end up with the race of the day but went bird less. Ricky had a nice run going but the climbing temperatures did get to him at the end.

Brace #4
Shady Hills Zena (M Foreman) was braced with Sweet Southern Belle on Pancake. With temperatures rising, it was tough for the dogs. Zena hustled and had a real nice run going but could not nail down a bird. Belle worked with Little early but quickly ranged farther and farther and the handler called for the tracker at 16:00.

Brace #5
Hi Five Top Shelf (Minard) and Snuff Mill Riley (Dellinger) broke away on Moosehorn. This course starts right out in quality bird cover, but it is thick in spots and windy. Both dogs went wide open on the break away. Riley returned first and followed by Scotch. Riley stayed to the right of the course. Action started early as Scotch stopped to the left at 13:00. Minard went in and quickly found his dog. A woodcock took flight will all in order. Scotch was turned loose on the course again and shortly after she stopped again to the left at 17:00. Riley followed suit but to the right, just off the course. Dellinger flew a woodcock with all in order. Minard fired his gun as a grouse took flight. With both dogs back on course, Scotch stopped in the path just before the brook crossing. Minard was not able to produce a bird. Both dogs crossed the brook and went strong and forward. They hustled their way through the course but were unsuccessful at nailing down anymore birds.

Brace #6
The last brace of the day included Deciding Point (Hughes) and Mooselook Mac (McNulty). Taking off down the trail, Mac quickly became the bigger runner. He was going strong forward and out to edge of the bell. Bek was smooth going and forward but with not as much range. They moved through the cover without any action until they hit the turn at the stream. Bek would stop between the trail and the stream at 29:00. Hughes entered the woods and a grouse took flight without a dog insight. As Hughes search for his dog, Mac continued forward. Bek was spotted shortly after, and point was called. Bek facing away and rock solid, waiting for Hughes and as he stepped in front, a woodcock took flight. The dog was taken back to the course and when it was cut loosed, it quickly burst down the course and swung in to the right and stopped at 32:00. At this point Mark Hughes took over and made quick work and had the grouse air born with all in order. Hughes and McNulty would take their dogs across the marsh grass, up the hill and to the end without any further action. Bek seemed to tire toward the end.
Day #2
Brace 7
Upper Ammonusic Ivy (S Foreman) and Grouse Hill Pepper (SChaffee) has the chilly start. The temperatures had dropped down in the 30" s for the morning start. Ivy and Pepper ran strong covering the hills. Pepper tried to make game at the blueberry barren but was unsuccessful. Ivy kept rolling along and as we headed down hill on the two tracks, Pepper stopped at 28:00 in the same area as the previous mornings find. Hoping to have the same outcome as his wife, Scott Chaffee flushed but nothing was home. The relocation failed to nail anything down. Ivy was deep to the left coming down the two track and was picked up at 41:00. Pepper had a strong ground race and continued hunting hard but was not able to produce a bird.

Brace #8
Thornapple Cody (Minard) and Paucek's Little Tommy Tucker (Short) broke away on Lonesome Ridge. Both dogs went strong from the breakaway but most of the early cover was missed. Once the dogs hit the open hardwoods, they stretched their legs. Cody worked deep out front while Tucker went deep to the left. With both dogs staying out on the edge of the bell, Minard and Short worked their way around the course. Tucker would return just before the turn and soon after Cody did as well. Tucker stayed down low near the water and Cody was up above and farther out. As Cody moved forward, a group of 4 grouse were moved, one coming from a tree and the other 3 from the ground without any dog in the area. Tucker continued to swing along the river. As both dogs got closure to the road crossing, a grouse got up near the camping area. At this point, Minard decided to pick up at 53:00 and Short stayed on course. Her and Tucker crossed the road and once they hit the alder run, Tuckers bell stopped. Short walked out in front with woodcock splash being noted but just then a grouse blew out with all in order. Time was called and a happy walk back to the truck was taken.

Brace #9
Goldenrod hosted Wynot Roscoe (Robbins) and Chasehill Poison Ivy (Stolgitis). Birds had been pointed early and often in the futurity. With the dogs breaking down the trail, Stolgitis and Robbins worked their way through the eggshell leaves. The gallery keeping their distance to limit the noise. Ivy would go strong forward, and her bell would stop at 10:00. Roscoe quickly came in and stopped as well. The scout was sent along the field edge and point was called with Ivy in the field facing the woods and Roscoe honoring. Stolgitis flushed and Robbins took his dog on. Nothing was produced and Ivy methodically searched the area and moved on. Ivy headed down to the left to the bird cover with Roscoe moved out ahead. Ivy stopped just inside the green growth at 15:00 and when Stolgitis entered, a grouse hit the gas and left town. Both dogs opened up when they hit the hardwoods. Roscoe needed a bird and searched his heart out. Ivy, as fancy a pointer as one can have, just glided through the woods stopping only to get some water. Both dogs crossed the road and finished strong in warm temperatures.

Brace #10
Grouse Ridge Woody (M Foreman) and Super Storm Nell (Dubriske) took their turn at Pancake. Pancake while following a swamp edge for large part of the time, usually has birds just before and after the swamp. Maybe it was the dry conditions, but nothing was moved. Woody had a strong race and dove deep down the hill on the final stretch where we could see him work the cover from afar. This was the area that a grand winner nailed a late bird so hope was high. Unfortunately, lady luck was not shining and time was called.

Brace # 11
Hi Five Powerline (Minard) and Flycast Rollie Fingers (S Chaffee) tried their luck on Moosehorn. Pete slid through the course, but it was Rollie who stopped first at 12:00. S Chaffee made a valiant flushing attempt in a nasty tangle of brush but was unsuccessful. In the meantime, Pete worked forward and stopped at 16:00. Minard was quick to flush sending the woodcock fluttering off. Pete would stop again at 42:00 but would move on before he was located.

Brace #12
The last brace of the day, Braevel Ghilled (McGregor) and Cairds Little Macy Mae (Little) had the honors of ending the day. Ghillie went out strong from the beginning and never looked back. Tracker was called for at 30:00. Macy would run much smoother working her way back and forth and too the front. We turned the corner at the stream before the hill and she stopped in the alders. Little walked to her and flushed producing a woodcock that was eager to vacate the premises. Macy would go up the hill and even stopped to the left at 38:00 but moved on just as the scout was almost to her. Macy would finish strong but without a grouse.

Day #3 Clear and Cold. Breakaway temperature was 22 degrees
Brace 13:
Previously Mentioned.

Brace # 14
Stan (Fruchey) and Bakers River My Man (M Foreman) had the crisp and noisy run at Lonesome Ridge. Hoping that the road bird on the loop road was a sign, they turned their dogs loose. Prime cover at the beginning but still as hard as it was hunted, nothing was produced. Both dogs hit the hardwoods going strong and deep left. Quickly dropping down. At the turn both dogs were near the river bottom laying it out. As we wound through the course, nothing was walked up and across the road with 7 minutes to go we went. As we reached the end, at the alder run. Stan was working it and a grouse was heard leaving without a dog involved. Time was called and back to the trucks we went.

Brace #15
Previously Mentioned.

Brace #16
Setter Ridge Flash Forward (S Chaffee) and Neo (Dubriske) headed up and out on Pancake with gallery in tow. Pancake had been voided of bird up to this point when at 11:00 Flair went into some mixed growth on the left, stopped, moved up and locked on point. Chaffee stepped forward and a grouse roared out. Both dogs moving forward, Neo's bell stopped to the left of the course at 20:00 with Flair stopped to the right at 21:00. Neo was all stacked up and Dubriske walked out in front. Chaffee was having some trouble locating Flair. Dubriske flushed deeper and Neo decided he had enough and moved up ending his day. Flair was finally located under a fir tree and Chafee sent him on to only have him quickly stop again. Chaffee flushed without success. Flair would go forward but just before the swamp; it was decided to snap on the lead at 30:00 and head back on solid ground.

Brace #17
Chasehill Little Izzy (Stolgitis) and Synders Sadie (T Chaffee) took off down the course on Moosehorn. Action started early when Sadie dipped into the right of the course and froze for all to see. Chaffee stepped in and a grouse thundered out with all in order. Chasehill Izzy was down father and stopped at 17:00. Stolgitis flew a woodcock with all in order. Stolgitis decided to pick up Izzy as her run on this day was not to his liking at 17:00. Sadie continued on with a sudden stop at 21:00 but nothing was produced. Sadie running a smooth and forward race worked her way through the cover. Sadie would stop in the alder run at 40:00. Chaffee slogged through the muck and was rewarded when a grouse erupted from the alders with all in order. Unfortunately, her race was not as strong as needed and Chaffee pulled out the lead at 45:00

Brace # 18
The last brace of day three included Pistol Patch Bullet (S Forman) and Hi Five Ridge Runner (Minard). Bull and Bill made some strong moves, hit the cover hard but were not rewarded.

Day 4
Brace # 19
Grouse Hill Bullet Proof (S Foreman) had Deer Mountain with Cold Creek Rip (Dubriske). The temperature was 15 degree warmer then the day before. Both dogs drove up the two track and worked easily on the first corner. Both Rip and Proof went deep to the right. They would eventually show up at the barren and then head downhill. Dubriske turned the corner was headed down hill when Rip's bell fell silent at 30:00. A scout was dispatched and in short time, point was called. Dubriske walked to the dog and made a strong flushing attempt but nothing was flown. Rip was cut loose and headed on down the course. Both dogs made the cut and worked hard but all the action was done.

Brace #20
Elehew Snake Dancer (Doherty) and Fireside Sally Forth (T Chaffee) had the run at Lonesome Ridge. Both dogs broke away strong but returned and hunted hard in the dense cover before breaking out into the open hardwoods. Once they did this, they both went wide open and too the front. Both dogs made the turn and headed along the brook. Hopes of a bird before the crossing was squashed as the dogs headed for the other side. Sadie was the first to reach the alder run near the stream and when she did, Sadie stopped suddenly at 56:00. Lizzy came in soon after and as she did, a grouse lifted. The commotion was too much for the young setter and she moved up ending her day. Sadie did a real nice job for a first-year shooting dog.

Brace #21
Cairds Dreaming of Jeannie (Little) and Vitali's Grouse Ringer Pappy (S Forman) with temperatures climbing fast had a go at Golden Road. Both dogs worked their way through the early bird cover, hoping that the cooler temperatures in the evergreen's would hold birds and scent better. Everyone made it to the hardwoods without any action. Pappy was working near a waterhole and stopped at 35:00. Jeannie was out front and to the left. Forman flushed hoping that a grouse may be near but only thing was moved was noisy leaves. Back on course and the dogs made a gallant effort given the conditions. Pappy was picked up at the crossing and Little took Jeannie on and without any success.

Brace #22
With temperatures now reaching 60 degrees, Elhew Snakewood (Doherty) and Panola Bacon (Stolgitis) had the ominous go at Pancake. Cobe and Bacon headed up hill as the judges and gallery walked in basically t-shirts. Last time the grand was held here, the champion came of this course with a late find so upbeat handlers worked their way along the course. Bacon started strong and never let down. He was deep to the front, swung in and hit all the likely spots. Seeking water only when the opportunity presented itself. He blew through the swamp and powered into the hardwoods. He got a final drink at the stream on the final turn and dove deep to the valley below. We could watch him work from afar and it looked like he was making game but ended up moving on. Cobe had enough and was collard at 52:00. When time was called, Bacon was still driving. From my viewpoint, Bacon had the race of trial.

Brace #23
Meredith Grade Corky (T Chaffee) and Shadyhills Whiskey Bonfire (S Foreman) fighting the heat was sent down the path of Moosehorn. Whiskey was working the thick cover and popped out and suddenly stopped in the trail looking into a large blowdown at 17:00. Foreman circled the blow down hoped something would take flight from the tangle but not to be. Whiskey was sent on and went into the left of the course and stopped near an uprooted tree at 19:00. Foreman fought his way to his dog and as he moved out in front, the judge called bird as a woodcock was noted leaving the scene. Corky got into the action at 20:00 with a stop in the same alder tangle except on the right side of the course and Chaffee was able to get a woodcock to fly as well. Across the brook they went, swinging up to the alder run that that had been consistently holding birds in it or near it all trial. Not this time and at this point Foreman decided to snap on the lead at 42:00. Chaffee continued on and as we started into the hardwoods, Corky made an awkward stop in the trail next to a log at 48:00. The dog's posture made it look like he was unsure of himself, so Chaffee sent him on only to have grouse blow out off the dog's nose ending his day.

Brace #24
Duckhook (Stolgitis) and Lighting Flash Sue (M Foreman) ended in the heat on Ammonusic. Brute went right and deep, never really getting himself to the front. Brute was picked up at 36:00. Sue made it through the course but the heat did affect her race. Scenting conditions were poor as we moved 6 grouse and 3 woodcocks in our walk.

Brace #25 Hot!!
Oscar Robinson (S Foreman) and Calamity Cinder (Minard) when up the two tracks in t-shirt weather. Last time the grand was here, the ending of the trial had frigid temperatures and snow. Oscar never made it very far as we were picked up at the first crossing. Cinder had something else going on and the tracker was called for at 25:00.

Brace #26
Cairds Cracklin Rosie (Little) Long Gone Porky (Leitch) sent the dogs forward. Porky went deep from the start. Rosie worked closer but did go deep left on Little. Leitch had his work cut out for himself. Rosie made the turn in the hardwoods and was headed to river when she stopped at 33:00. Little walked up to her and a woodcock lift in the open timber. Porky would show up at the crossing and was picked up. Rosie had another stop to the left just before the crossing but did not look very good and was sent on and without success, was picked up as well.

Brace #27
Wizards Cas Dubh (Hathaway) and Blastoff (M Foreman) and a hot last go at Goldenrod. Through the evergreens they went with nothing moved. Into the open hardwood and again nothing scene. Both dogs were collard at the crossing and the 80th running of the Grand National was in the books.
It takes a lot of people to get a trial of this magnitude started, run, and completed. The first thank you goes out our great sponsor, Purina and Greg Blair. Purina continues to produce top end food that leads to healthy and strong dogs. This year significant course work had to be completed. Some courses had to be lengthened, altered to use better bird cover or like Deer Mountain, which almost had to be all reworked. While it was scenic and tough walk, Deer Mountain was the course with the most grouse moved this year. In preparing this course, there was a lot of sweat and probably some blood given by Llyod Murray, Tony Bly, John Stolgitis, Deb Kennedy, Kelly Short, Art Hemrough, Jamie Leitch, Kelly Hays, Peter Sperin, and Mike Gauthier. Helping out with pickup's shuttling vehicles and marshalling, Ed Marquis, Dog Dix, Kelly Short, Allan Riano, Bob Little, Scott and Christy Foreman, and Tony Bly all went above and beyond. What is a trial without snack at the coffee break and Marie Bly does it right. The homemade donuts with coffee gives you something to look forward to after the second brace. In years pass, it was hard if you weren't at the Grand to get updates. This year, Deb Sloan was able to take a lot of pictures and videos to allow people to be involved that couldn't actually come. I know it was appreciated my so many across the country. We can't thank Tony Bly enough for being the stake manager and getting everything organized.
Last but not least, the club members, handlers, and owners would like to thank the judges for their tireless work during the week. Judge Bert Benshoff who hails from Roseville, MN made the long drive out and dedicated his week to watch a strong field of bird dogs. Judge Brian Ralph from Grove City, Pa., had the honors as well of watching over some of the top coverdogs in the country on very rugged grounds. When you are a handler, you get to have breaks between braces. These judges had to fight the conditions all day long. Their passion for high quality bird dogs come from living it and knowing trialing helps produce better bird dogs. They kept their eyes and ears sharp to make sure they gave each dog every opportunity they could.
Berlin, N. H., November 1
Judges: Bert Benshoof and Brian Ralph
GRAND NATIONAL GROUSE CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 22 Pointers and 33 Setters

Winner-SPRING BROOK MAXIMUS, 1657296, pointer male, by Chasehill Little Bud-Riley's Rowdy Shadow. Russell Ogilvie, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-DADDY'S LITTLE BOY BUTCH, 1655649, pointer male, by Chasehill Little Bud-Richfield Stella. Paul Scott, owner; John Stolgitis, handler.