Result: Region 17 Amateur All-Age Brittany Championship
Location: Eureka, Kansas
Post Date: Mar 19, 2021
Submitted By: Terry Gowin
The annual running of the Region 17 Amateur All-Age Brittany Championship was held on the most beautiful grounds in the country. We would like to thank Bill and Mary Lynn Oliver for the use of their Oliver Ranch near Eureka, Kan.
We would also like to thank Purina for sponsoring the stake. They are a constant and generous supporter of field trials.
We would like to thank our judges, Vic Carrington and Robert Thompson for their attentive detail to the judging assignment. They showed everyone respect and paid close attention to the dogs. This year the stake was drawn the old fashion way, out of a hat! The following is account of the running.

Brace No. 1: Quanah (Tom Milam) and Touch of Bourbon with Diamonds (Rick Hasting) broke away with spring in their step. They made short work of the open Prairie. Just into the windmill canyon Chief was circling a brush pile and was looking awfully ornery so Tom elected to pick him up. Trace was pointing staunchly about this time with what proved to be a very well-located covey. After relocation, the birds were in the direction he was originally indicating with his high head and tail. Trace continued the hour and recorded five more well-spaced finds. It was a pleasure to watch this dog after coming back from injury. The judges awarded Trace third place.
Sniksoh Hank's Hatch (Adam Freeman) and Arrow's Tequila Rustler (Richard Beaver) were away in the bowl. Rusty scored first with a find on the edge of the bowl. Hatch and Rusty covered the country, both with a pleasing forward race with great application. Rusty carded two more finds and finished a strong hour. Hatch dug up a bird to record a clean hour. Both dogs finished as strong as they started. This brace was fun to watch, and they pressed the winners.
Tequila Scorcher (R. Beaver/Bernie Crain) and MK's Magnificent Bandito (Nick Blasi/Bill Oliver). These two veterans broke away with gusto! "Lincoln" went on point at 3 with all in order. Chico failed to back and was up. Lincoln continued at moderate pace and was picked up early.
Brace No. 4: Highpoint Spike's Southern Gal (Trey Baer,) and Marjo's Fille De La Bretagne (John Perry). We would like to thank John and Joanne Perry for making the long trek to Kansas to take part in this event and for judging the Puppy and Derby stakes in the regional trial. They always have very competitive bird dogs. Brie completed the hour fast and forward but without bird contact. Ellie had her running shoes on. Her application allowed her to record four well-spaced finds, all handled with style and grace. She did a fantastic job and would have been in the placements in most stakes.
S S Rig's Colorado Gun Runner (T. Milam) and Spanish Dancer (Rob Myers). Riggs and Sassy broke away from the red gate into stiff wind. They made short work of the prairie. Riggs was up after two unproductives. Sassy was eating up the course, making big, far-reaching casts with the right application. She carded a nice with exceptional style. High and tight. She continued to roll with the country and was missing at time. She was not returned to judgment or her race might have changed the placements.
T J's Black Diamond (J. Perry) and K J's Darlin' Darcy (Ken Windom). Coal and Darcy started fast and finished fast. Unfortunately, neither dog was awarded a bird.
Brace No. 7 -- Anj's Ohio Hellion (Mike Poehler) and She's Outta Control (Harlan Gerardy) -- was turned loose as the last brace on Saturday. Wind was high and scenting conditions were tough. Both dogs searched high and low with strong ground races. Time was called and not more than 20 seconds later both dogs went on point. One high and one low. Jesse and Hank handled their birds with style. Unfortunately, they were not rewarded with these finds during contention.
This year's champion started the day off right. Jazz Em Up Arrow (Rick Hastings) made short work of the prairie. He then went to work finding birds with great application. His first find was between the flatrock crossing and the watershed. Arrow was turned loose and headed straight up the creek where he was found standing north of the watershed. His next two finds were in the hay meadow. One high along the rim and one low. Having the course to himself, Arrow was a pleasure to watch. Fast and forward. His last find was in the bottom of the bowl. We rode through the high post gate to see him standing at the bottom. He finished the hour out of sight but returned to judgment within the grace period. El Grande (Rob Myers) started the hour fast and forward. He had his running shoes on. "Truman" was spotted on the other side of windmill canyon where he was running to the top. Robbie hollered and about that time Truman looked for him and headed forward. Unfortunately, he chased a bird about 20 minutes to ending an exciting run.
No. 9: B'nT's Sonndance Kid Rock (Trasa Shinpoch) and TNT's Raisen a Leprechaun (Tommy Thomas) followed. Rocky scored an early find. He was buried up and barely noticed by the gallery. His bid ended at the flatrock crossing. Dexter was a handful. Fast with lots of range. He chased a bird and was done.
Skf Jr's Straight Shooter (Matt Harris) and K J's Irish Whisky (K. Windom) were next. "Mickey" headed south. Way south. Ken did not return for a couple hours. Thankfully healthy and with his dog. "Colt" started strong but chased the first bird he pointed.
M K's My Lil Ammo (N. Blasi) and Willie Make It (H. Gerardy) started the afternoon braces with speed and range into a strong south wind. With temperatures around 70 this pair searched far and wide for birds. Both dogs were in and out of pocket but checking back with their handlers. Both required scouting but showing to the front. "B B" scored first with 10 mins left. All was in order and she finished as strong as she started heading to camp. With 5 minutes left Willie was found standing on the rim in the bowl. After extensive flushing, a bird was flushed with all in order ending an exciting brace. "B B" was named runner-up champion; Wille was awarded fourth.
No. 12: Wiyanna (Terry Gowin) and Sigbritts Not in Kansas (N. Blasi). Annie and Dottie broke away into that famous Kansas wind. Both girls did well across the prairie with Annie the stronger of the pair. Dottie had a np with Annie backing. Annie had a np with Dottie failing to back. Annie continued strong and fast. She had a nice find with all in order. She did a fantastic job that would have made the ribbons in any other stake.
S K F Miss Cheap Bourbon Whiskey (Steven Foster), as a bye, ran a nice forward race. She was fast and handled kindly. Her ground pleasing gate made her easy to watch. She searched all the right places finally digging up a bird on the rim of the bowl. She was high and tight with everything in order. She finished the hour as strong as she started.
Eureka, Kan., March 19
Judges: Vic Carrington and Bob Thompson
[One-Hour Heats] -- 25 Brittanys
Winner--JAZZ EM UP ARROW, 1683195, male, by Sanbar's Legendary Evening--Sanbar's Cross Creek Tell Me A Story. Rick Hastings, owner and handler.
Runner-Up--M K'S MY LIL AMMO, 1648457, female, by Sniksoh Free Boy--Chief's Nubbin My Lil Lady. Nick Blasi, owner and handler.