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Event: Glassilaun War Paint Named Champion; Hirollins Gone And Doneit, Runner-Up
Result: U. S. Complete National Open Shooting Dog Championship

Location: Hoffman, North Carolina

Post Date: Apr 12, 2023

Submitted By: Margaret C. Drew

USC Natl OSD ChS23

Championship Winners (back, from left): David Huffine, Greg Robinson, John Mclltrot, Sammy Giddens, Earl Drew, Karl Forsberg, Rich Warters, Gretchen Adsit, Jim Emerson, Margaret Drew, and Nida Giddens. (Front): Robert Ecker holding Glassilaun War Paint, Jamie Nee, Mark Hughes holding Hirollins Gone And Doneit, and Tony Bingham.

Once again, February brought the U. S. Complete National Open Shooting Dog Championship to the prestigious Robert Gordon Field Trial Area of Hoffman, N. C. These 950 acres designated for field trials by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission began its development in 1949, with the first trial being held in 1954. Since then, additional courses have been added to six equal one-hour courses. A systematic plan is in place for mowing, clearing, and planting strips over the approximate 32 miles of course. The courses are now marked every mile for assistance should an emergency occur. All of the main connecting dirt roads now have names and road signs. There are horse corals, dog kennels, a horse barn with stalls, running water in several areas, electrical hook-ups, and a first-class clubhouse facility. The lands were originally acquired by a federal government grant to preserve wildlife and forestry, especially longleaf pine. Each course has manufactured water holes; a few have brook crossings, with cleared strips 70 yards wide, bound by piney woods. These strips have planted crops to invite wildlife. Since 1981 the wildlife has worked with the North Carolina Field Trial Association to release quail in October. The association has purchased a tractor and feed hopper to feed the six courses weekly. The wildlife crew at the local wildlife maintenance depot is responsible for burning, clearing, planting, and mowing the courses. A special thanks to the great job done by the state, especially Lee Criscoe.

Although horseback events at Hoffman use the six one-hour courses as laid out, the walking handlers use about 45 minutes of the usual 60-minute horseback course. We break away at the bottom of the hill below the clubhouse and follow course one for a short distance, finishing part way onto course two. We finish the morning behind the barn, where the normal horseback morning concludes. We began our afternoon on course four on the corner beyond the wooded area adjacent to the barn. We then continue until done. The state has a dog/people wagon pulled by a pickup during each brace. During 2022-2023 there are two drivers. Before arriving in time, these gentlemen make a thermos of coffee, hook up the dog wagon, go around to trailers and gather in dogs, and report to the 8 a.m. breakaway. There is also soda and water, and of course, cookies for our break times. Greg Robinson was the driver for the six-day Championship and Derby event. Greg had the usual for break times, along with bananas, apples, and tangerines on some days. He ensured dog boxes had clean hay, doors were closed and locked, and reminded riders that the wagon had cushions for those who wished for a softer ride. There is also a water tank on the wagon to refill bottles to water dogs when the temperatures rise, a much-needed service this year.

Returning Championship Chairman Tony Bingham was assisted for the second year by David Huffine and continued help by Earl and Margaret Drew. Judging this year's National Open Championship and companion Derby was John McIltrot from Roundup, Mont., and Sammy Giddens from Faison, N. C. These two have extensive judging experience in all kinds of bird dog events. Those participating appreciate their long hours in their vehicles getting to Hoffman and then sitting in the saddle for five long days to judge the Championship. Bobby Youngs, Ellerbee, N. C., assisted John in judging the Derby.

Judging a trial is made easier with good judging books for recording. Calvin Curnutte has judges' books for sale that easily record points, backs, unproductives, and room for brief notes.

The clubhouse and meals are organized and prepared by Gretchen Adsit, assisted by Ginny Emerson and other friends of field trials at Hoffman. John Adsit always keeps the clubhouse looking spic and span. Thursday noon, we were treated to homemade chili by Bingham's wife; Gretchen Adsit prepared all other days. No one goes away hungry.

On Friday evening, we had a buffet catered by Seaboard Station in Hamlet in honor of last year's champion, Sweet Grass Slim, and his owner David Huffine. David recognized the judges and presented them with hooded jackets. He also gave your reporter a new saddle pad. On Saturday night, about 47 folks gathered for the Purina dinner. It was also the evening that David Huffine presented plaques from the summer voting for the U. S. Complete Hall of Fame. Receiving a plaque for her dog's induction was Verlene Stephenson in honor of Verlene's Ringo Star. Bobby Phillips, Earl Drew, and Margaret Drew received plaques for people inducted.

After dinner on Saturday, Earl celebrated his 80th birthday, which was the following day. The group gave him a round of "Happy Birthday" and cakes and cupcakes to share with all. Grace Ecker was visiting her son Robert from Pennsylvania, and when she learned of Earl's birthday, she baked two well-received chocolate cakes. They were exceptional and appreciated. A few cupcakes were left for dessert on Sunday as well.

Purina is the main sponsor of U. S. Complete. We thank Purina for its support, including small bags for all sent to the Championship, food certificates for the champion and runner-up, and three large bags for the Derby. The winners were also presented with engraved trays. The
Association added $1,000 to the purse this year and offered an oil painting of the champion by Mary McPherson. Thanks to our other sponsor Garmin for the presentation of collars for the winner and runner-up.

The Champion and Runner-Up
The champion, Glassilaun War Paint, is known as "Bat" to his friends, while Hirollins Gone and Doneit is fondly called "Gunner." Glassilaun War Paint ran a wide, very animated race, requiring very little scouting as he consistently popped out in front when we thought he might be missing. At 20, he and his bracemate stood like two statues before and after shot; Hirollins backing at this time. This was the most exciting brace of the stake, with a large gallery staring in all directions to glimpse a black dog or a light dog pushing thru the tall grasses or marching excitedly thru piney woods. At 43, Glassilaun War Paint poised tall and solid for another covey to rise. As we continued on course, a voice rang out "point" for Gone and Doneit, whom we had not seen for a few minutes; however, there he stood as a carved statue with Glassilaun War Paint backing. As handlers approached and entered the thick grassy cover, a covey lifted. Both dogs remained as carved objects until collared by their handlers. The last five minutes saw both dogs watered and marching to the front before handlers demanded their return. Hirollins Gone and Doneit is known for his active tail and powerful attacking of cover. He and his bracemate were constant in their forward races, lucky for the gallery Gone and Doneit is orange and white, while War Paint is black and white. Today Gone and Doneit was in sync with Warren, requiring very little scouting as he scooted everywhere he should have gone. He scored a nice covey find at 50, which put the frosting on his bid for a championship. This was his fifth runner-up placement.
On Thursday, February 9, the 2023 Championship began with Miss Clinique (PF), owned and handled by Gary Miller in brace No. 1. She ran an animated short race with a stop to flush. Her bracemate was Dennis and Hope Beauford's pointer male, Knight's Last Chipster, with Tony Bingham. He covered the hour course with frequent self-hunting rather than working with his handler. Dennis and Hope Beauford were on the grounds to watch their dogs run and run one themselves in brace No. 12.

Brace No. 2 had Doug Forgrave's pointer male, Kelly's Blitz'n Wheel Hank, with Adam Dubriske. He had a strong forward race with no bird contact. Rich Warters was present and driving the handler's truck to watch his pointer male, Bo of Piney Woods, with Robert Ecker. Bo was forward with good style at a medium range.

Brace No. 3 saw Mike Husenits's pointer male, Warrior Zeke, with Mark Hughes, and Tony Bly with English setter male, Stokeley B's Ricky, belonging to him and his wife Marie, as the bracemate. These two dogs got the first hot brace of the trial. Both dogs moved eagerly off the line; however, they soon hunted closely and often checked with handlers. Just before 30, both handlers elected to leash their dogs due to conditions.

After a slight delay due to communication difficulties, brace No. 4 was put down to hunt back toward the clubhouse on course three. Doug McMillen's pointer male, Double Deuce Oscar, with Mark Hughes and Sam Ridings handling bracemate Georgia Born Windstorm, a pointer male belonging to Sam and Margie Ridings. The judges reported that Oscar showed them what every judge wants to see except them pointing a quail. He ran a very animated race with a strong front finish. Bracemate Georgia Born Windstorm had a good front-running race with moderate speed and range.

Brace No. 5 had My Way Little Bud, a pointer male owned by J. D. Waters, with Tony Bingham. He was out of sight early and returned to check with his handler. At 20, the dog was watered and tapped on. At 27, Little Bud moved through the tall season grass and was birdy for a few minutes before continuing deeper in the tall grass. Handler blew him on as quail erupted out of the cover. Pedja Kazic's setter male, Island Fantasy, with Robert Ecker, was the bracemate. Fantasy had a short excursion through thick cover and, by 23, was getting overheated and picked up by his handler.

Brace No. 6 called veteran English setter female Miss Penn Star with Robert Ecker to the line. George Najor, the owner of Miss Penn Star, was present to watch. This 11-yearold setter ran like a 2-year-old with animation and speed to die for. She hunted hard every minute of her time. She, unfortunately, scored two unproductives--one at 33 and one at 50. She often dug deep into the cover and was found buried deep while standing so tall that only her nose tip and tail were visible. Scout found her standing at 50. Bracemate Attakullakulla, a setter male owned by Daryl Grantham with Tony Bingham, covered the course by jumping forward on the easy path, followed by a turn into the cover for swinging hunting casts, sometimes in the woods, other times in the deep season grasses. He was leashed at 55.

Brace No. 7 had Pistol Grip, a pointer male in Mark Hughes's string, another owned by Mike Husenits, and Georgia Born Apache Wind (Ridings). Pistol Grip made his way despite the heat, standing at 32. As he awaited Hughes to flush, his bracemate approached, ran around him, and was rounded up by his handler. Pistol Grip showed his polished manners by standing until Hughes reached him. After a conversation with the judges, it was decided not to attempt flush but take him on. He returned to hunt. Georgia Born Apache Wind ran a happy animated race. He was heard yipping frequently. He showed some immaturity at 32 and was leashed after interfering by not backing and circling Pistol Grip.

Day two began with brace No. 8. Billy McCathary's pointer male, Doc's Haven Jake's Law, with Tony Bingham, had a long opening cast which by 27 had turned into a spiral pattern. He was returned to the wagon early. English setter male, Sweet Grass Skeeter, owned and handled by David Huffine, was the bracemate. Skeeter started slowly returning to his handler frequently. He then made some ranging casts with good tail action and a happy gait. No quail were located.

Brace No. 9 called upon Tim Runyan's setter female, Glassilaun Parabellum, with Robert Ecker. She checked in at 10 and was watered. Her pattern was scattered, although very fast, on the ground. She scored a nonproductive at 30. While passing the soldier camp, both dogs covered the area at a reasonable distance and with plenty of style. Fred Rose's pointer female, Smoke Rise Hanna, under Tony Bingham's whistle, was the bracemate. Hanna broke away with an eight-minute forward cast. Her hour was forward and fluid for the entire hour, although like so many others lacked bird contact.

Brace No. 10 found Jeff Allen's pointer female, Rebel's Orange Crush, with Tony Bingham. Orange Crush ran an inconsistent race, although making several good casts. At 28, handlers took their dog to the water hole; however, unfortunately, a small covey of quail was ridden up by gallery horses. Forsberg's Hello Dolly, a pointer female owned and handled by Karl Forsberg, was the bracemate. Dolly made her way attractively through the cover, hitting the right areas but coming up short. She had a nonproductive at 50 and a second at 57. Time expired as the handler attempted to locate the elusive quail.

Brace No. 11 had the Beaufords present to watch English setter male Attitude's True Grit with Robert Ecker. True Grit ran an animated forward fast race. Point was called at 24; however, he was tapped on to relocate when no birds were flown. Instead of relocating, he marched to the left while quail were seen lifting from the right behind him. Judges felt he had not smelled the game due to heat and breathing through his mouth. Both dogs hunted well despite the heat. True Grit went on to score the first find of the Championship. Cheers and clapping were heard from the top of the dog wagon and among the mounted gallery; finally, a covey of quail had been located and handled well. While bracemate Double Deuce Sage, Doug McMillen's pointer female with Mark Hughes, stood for a covey find at 50, True Grit obediently backed. At 55, True Grit scored a second tall and solid point on a covey. He hunted the woods in a swinging forward pattern and feed strip edges. Sage showed plenty of style and a good nose with finds at 47 and 50. She had a 15-minute slower start before finishing her forward race, always to the front, with a high-on-both-ends style on point. She was carried until the last morning by the judges.

Brace No. 12 called upon pointer female owned by Marty Festa, Blue Ribbon's Harper Bella, with Robert Ecker. Harper was fast forward for about 20 minutes, then she began to show the effects of the heat and, by 30, was picked up. Dennis Beauford owns and handles her bracemate, pointer male Erin's Battle Cry. He ran the race of a veteran, pacing himself in the heat while hitting the objectives that should have resulted in quail contact. He finished his hour without bird contact.

Brace No. 13 found Fred Rose's pointer male, Smoke Rise Jake, with Tony Bingham. Jake ran a wide-reaching, well-patterned race. He pointed at 6, with bracemate backing, and all in order for both dogs. Jake had a strong moving race and stood tall on both ends, especially on a find in the woods at 48 while the handler flushed a covey. Jake remained as solid after flush as before. He had 12 minutes of challenging behavior before finishing well after mounting the hill below the barn on course five. His bracemate, a pointer male belonging to Travis and Meghan Riggs, was veteran Cairds Lefty. Lefty came close to placing in this Championship some years back under another handler. This year he was under the whistle of Sam Ridings. He scored a back at 6 before making a valiant effect of locating quail. He required water often, showed much heart, and never quit as a dog could display. To see him run despite his ongoing treatment for Addison's Disease is amazing, especially in the heat.

Brace No. 14 called Meghan and Travis Riggs's other pointer male, Meghan's Special Edition, to the line with Sam Ridings. This liver and white, muscular, well-built male applied himself well for the whole hour. He hunted along edges, as well as in the piney woods. He carried a very high tail in a happy hunting manner and completed his hour. His bracemate was Earl Drew, and his pointer female, Naname Emma. She broke away with her bracemate, both eager to get to the front. Emma checked back at 5 and stretched to the front and off to the side. A retrieval unit found her well to the front at 25 near the Chicken Coop with quail.

Brace No. 15 called upon Tom McClusky's pointer female, Shoal Creek Belle, with Tony Bingham. Belle looked ready on the start line; however, by 30, she was among the missing. A retrieval unit used by scout Mark Hughes returned her to the wagon. Home Cookin Ellie Mae, a pointer female owned and handled by Karl Forsberg, was the bracemate. Ellie Mae is a slightly built female with a drive to please her handler. She scored a nice covey of quail at 21 with good manners. She then hunted at a close distance and was leashed early by her handler.

Brace No. 16 called another of Mike Husenits's pointers, A Distant Spec, pointer female, with Mark Hughes. Today was not her day. She went through the motions of hunting, lost her bracemate almost immediately, and gave little display of desire on this early morning; consequently, she was leashed early by her handler. Bracemate was Georgia Born Braveheart, a pointer male owned by the Ridings and handled by Marge Ridings. Braveheart was brought to the breakaway; however, his energy was misplaced as he decided that the course had been laid out incorrectly. He made a reverse cast and did not respond to the scout when attempting to turn him forward. He was early in the dog wagon.

Brace No. 17 had another of J. D. Waters's pointers, Mohawk Mill War Hawk, with Tony Bingham. Mohawk Mill War Hawk had a good race and easily finished his hour, but no birds kept him from the winners' circle. Mike Rasino's setter male, Lightning Flash Moose, with Adam Dubriske, was the bracemate. Flash Moose is a setter down for winter training from the north. Unlike most southern setters, he had not had a haircut. Despite this slight disadvantage, he moved thru the cover, making several exceptional casts with no quit in his vocabulary. His handler picked him up at 50.

Brace No. 18 found a pointer female, Twiggy, owned and handled by Cliff Monroe, and Miller's Hopped Up Version, a pointer female belonging to Carlos Escalante in Mark Hughes string. Twiggy runs with excitement in a quick animated style. Her forward casts seemed would be rewarded with a find; however, a nonproductive at 27 and a slight stand at 55 did not produce quail. Hopped Up Version sped quickly to the front, passing to the side with scouting required for her and her bracemate. When the two returned to the course, she was seen reaching forward, turning deeper into the woods. A retrieval unit rounded her up from a great distance.

Brace No. 19 carried the Drews setter male, Island Blue Genes, to the line under the whistle of Earl Drew. Gene moves consistently while carrying a high head and a very active tail. He had a good ground pattern. He had a nonproductive with his bracemate backing and a back from a very long distance, while his bracemate had an unproductive at 45. His bracemate, Double Deuce Zeke, a pointer male belonging to Doug McMillen with Mark Hughes, hunted fast and maintained a constant hunting pattern. His actions fast in an excellent forward march. This pair were fun to follow as they swapped sides and marched forward.

In brace No. 20, Bob's Elhew Sage, a pointer female owned and handled by Bobby Phillips, was braced with Suemac's Sashay, a pointer female owned by Roger and Suzie McPherson, with Mark Hughes. Sage was eager to be off the truck and quick to jump forward. She made a long opening cast so we could barely watch her round the knoll at the far end and disappear. Despite a thorough scouting attempt, a retrieval unit located her over 20 minutes later. Suemac's Sashay had owner Roger McPherson riding to watch the day's event. She made appropriate casts as she visited the proper bird covers. When no birds were located, Sashay closed her range and continued a birdless race. With 15 minutes to go, she was returned to the truck.

Brace No. 21 saw Santee River Pawley Girl, a pointer female owned by Mike McKinney, with Tony Bingham, as bracemate with Carlos Escalante's pointer female, Miller's Special Upgrade, a pointer female, with Mark Hughes handling. Santee River Pawley Girl departed with determination up the opening incline requiring a location device when she did not check back in by 20. Miller's Special Upgrade ran with a smooth, easy gait moving forward continuously. At 47, she stopped, making everyone hold their breath; however, she smelled the air and then self-relocated and moved away. She remained down for the hour.

Brace No. 22 saw Backwoods Wild Fire, a pointer male belonging to Justin Mason, with Mark Hughes, and bracemate Neo, a setter male belonging to David Theroux, with Adam Dubriske. Backwoods Wild Fire runs with a snappy fast animated gait, while Neo has a smooth stretching stride. These two had good races as they covered all the spots one would expect to find quail at an appropriate range; however, once again, the judges sadly reported: NO BIRDS!

Brace No. 23 was Waybetter Flyin Tomato, a setter male belonging to Anne Smith with brother Mark Hughes. His bracemate was English setter male DunRovens Midnite Ike, with Robert Ecker. These two setters complimented each other with the first one and then the other seen
casting through a distant field of high grasses or taking a tour across a piney woods area. Both were always forward, Flyin Tomato perhaps a little more reaching. At 38 and 50, Ike locked up tall and proud; however, birds had either left or were dug down deep. With the second unproductive, Ike was taken to the truck. Flyin Tomato locked up at 50; however, once again, no quail were flown. As he was tapped on, he moved forward 50 feet, once again stopping at 58, although self-relocating as time was called.

Brace No. 24 saw Hirollins B K Bushwacker, a pointer male owned and handled by Warren Parrott, as bracemate for Ramapo Mountain Doc, a pointer male owned by Bob Shaban, with Robert Ecker. This brace started looking promising, with a pair of determined pointers immediately going to work searching for their quarry. Both dogs were to the front and beyond a water hole without glancing at a drink or quick dip. Mountain Doc stopped near the water hole to point, although no quail were located by the handler. Bushwacker staunched up at 20 for a well-located good-sized covey along a feed strip. His race continued wide and forward with intelligent searches of all the right places. At 37 was found standing again with all in order for flush and shot. However, at 47, he was seen jumping through the clear water in the brook and starting up the adjacent hill with thick grasses only to flush a huge covey without using the manners we had watched him use during the last part of the hour. Doc was already up when this happened, as he had suffered a second nonproductive at 25.

Brace No. 25 found Greg Isenberg with his pointer male, Tenacee Rowdy, as bracemate for Lee Layman's pointer male, Triple L's Ben, with Bingham. Lee is usually present at this trial to see his dog work; however, he was missed this year. Triple L's Ben worked the cover well for about 25 minutes before casting to the left of a feed patch and disappearing. Scout later located him where he had drifted off course and forward, now standing for a small covey. Tenacee Rowdy ran with an attractive gait, powerful and smooth on the ground in a very reaching pattern. His hour ended as the rain increased and the fog rolled in without any quail contact for Rowdy.

Brace No. 26 was called to the line at 8 a.m. on Monday under much-improved conditions. Mark Hughes came to the line with Bruce Mueller's English setter male, Doodle Ridge Elroy, as bracemate for Cliff Monroe and his pointer male, Treasure Chest. On this cool morning, both dogs were eagerly out of sight, with determination and proximity showing each wanted to be in the front. We often saw them at a distance, sometimes together, other times independent, always moving with positive motion. At 30, Treasure Chest stood high on both ends, with Elroy backing. When no quail were located, both dogs were tapped to continue their good forward-reaching races in a medium range until the hour ended.

Brace No. 27 held the champion and the runner-up. Hirollins Gone and Doneit, a pointer male owned and handled by Warren Parrott, was named runner-up champion, and Glassilaun War Paint, a pointer male owned by Jamie Nee, with Robert Ecker, earned the champion title. Once again, owner Jamie Nee and Mariangela Souza were down from New England to participate in the Championship, as he had done for the Open Invitational in early December 2022. This is his fourth championship. (This brace is covered above under the winners).

Brace No. 28 saw Braggabull, a pointer female owned and handled by Mark Hughes, with Upper Ammonoosuc Poison Ivy, a pointer female belonging to Jameson Marquis, with Adam Dubriske. This brace had two medium-ranging pointers who needed to adjust quickly to the weather conditions or the terrain during their moderately-ranging tour of the course. Both were picked up before they completed the hour.

Brace No. 29 was called to the line at 1:30 p.m. following lunch and under warm conditions. Bill Britt, the owner of pointer male Clayhill Bones, was mounted to watch his dog, whom Tony Bingham handled in this brace. Last year's champion, setter male Sweet Grass Slim owned and handled by David Huffine, was the bracemate. Veteran entry, Clayhill Bones, checked with his handler several times as he swept the terrain for game. Handler Bingham offered water to Bones several times before putting him in the dog wagon at 20. Sweet Grass Slim hunted the front well with a high tail and happy motion after a good opening cast. He shortened his range and was up before the hour expired.

Brace No. 30 was removed from the dog wagon and collars attached after dogs were wet down and whistled away at 2:13. Mark Hughes brought Doug McMillen's pointer male, Double Deuce Butters, as bracemate for Southland's Johnny Ringo, a pointer male owned and handled by Karl Forsberg. Double Deuce Butters began his hour with a forward cast, crossing the water and casting to the left up thru the grassy cover, where we watched a large covey rise with Butters eagerly under them. Southland's Johnny Ringo is a snappy moving pointer with a constant attack to the cover. At 45, he was making a cast on the left as the course traversed down a hill and up the hill toward the bunker area. When Ringo was not seen to the front, and scout saw him casting away, the handler requested his receiver, and his hour ended. A vehicle
was sent to transport Karl and his dog, as the wagon had to move to the next breakaway with the next brace. (State Timber clearing activities had begun in the area, causing a slight by-pass as we crossed the dirt road and bear left on the course.)

Brace No. 31 found Tony Bingham with Steve Ferrell's pointer female, Low Country Kate, as bracemate for Jim Millett's setter male, Sterlingworth Jack, with Robert Ecker. Kate rapidly departed with no trace seen by her handler, scout, or gallery. When the locating device was turned on, she was seen to have turned left and was headed in the wrong direction. She was soon gathered up with the help of Dave Hughes and a vehicle. Jack was also turned around before 25, leading to an early pick-up.

Brace No. 32 called Bingham to the line with Forrest Cook's pointer female, Cook's Katie. Not having a bracemate did not please her, which was displayed by a close and hesitant start. After a few minutes and some toots on the whistle, she took the hint. Unfortunately, she did not complete her hour.
Hoffman, N. C., February 9
Judges: Sammy Giddens and John McIltrot
U. S. COMPLETE NATIONAL OPEN SHOOTING DOG CHAMPIONSHIP [One-Hour Heats] - 47 Pointers and 16 Setters

Winner--GLASSILAUN WAR PAINT, 1667331, pointer male, by Sugarknoll War Paint-Neely's Hot Pepper. Jamie Nee, owner; J. Robert Ecker, handler.
Runner-Up--HIROLLINS GONE AND DONEIT, 1679825, pointer male, by Fastforward's B K Gunner-Littlewing B K Tia. Warren Parrott, owner and handler.
Following the National Open Championship, a companion Open Derby stake was scheduled. Due to a large number of entries in both the Championship and the Derby, as well as weather conflicts and the grounds being booked for another trial immediately after, the Derby was reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. Judging the Derby was John McIltrot, Roundup, Mont., and Robert Youngs, Ellerbe, N. C. John had traveled to the historic Hoffman Field Trial Grounds to assist with judging the Championship and was also willing to evaluate the derbies. John is a professional dog trainer at Seranoa Kennels in Broadview, Mont. Robert (Bob) Youngs recently moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, bringing a wealth of experience with field trials, dogs, and horses. The association was fortunate to have two well-qualified judges. Derby winners received a purse, Purina dog food, an engraved glass mug, and ribbons.

The Derby commenced on Tuesday morning with a drawing of 27 derbies; however, with one scratch that left 13 braces to run. The weather began pleasantly; however, it warmed during the day. In the mid-afternoon, a slight breeze developed, and the last two braces were more comfortable. The bird situation at Hoffman was less than adequate for the Derby stake, with one covey pointed after picking up as handler Mark Hughes called to his dog for pick-up and the other ridden up by a handler earlier in the afternoon.

Honorable mention went to Suemac's Hoodoo Man, a pointer male owned by the McPhersons, with Mark Hughes, and to Santee River Law Man, a pointer male owned by Mike McKinney under the whistle of Tony Bingham. The latter dog impressed the judges so much that they said he would have had a placement if he had not been gone the last five minutes.

The number one spot went to Sweet Grass Skipper, a setter male owned and handled by David Huffine. Second-place recognition went to Sweet Grass Scout, a setter male owned and handled by David Huffine. These two orange and white fancy setters are equally as fancy running. They cover the ground with high heads and tails, seeming to skim over the ground cover and breeze through the tall grasses dramatically. They appeared to be able to apply themselves to whatever the territory presented in well-applied races. There was little need for the handler to assist as the handler and dog were as one with the sole purpose of reaching outward and forward; dogs were always in touch with the handler and always in the front.
Judges: John McIltrot and Robert Youngs
OPEN DERBY - 20 Pointers and 7 Setters

1st--SWEET GRASS SKIPPER, 1698209, setter male, by Sweet Grass Slim-Tower Hill Zoey Zee. David Huffine, owner and handler.
2d--SWEET GRASS SCOUT, 1700663, setter male, by Shag Time Bobo-Black Cloud's Angel. David Huffine, owner and handler.

USC Natl ODS23

Derby Winners (back, from left): Barbara Youngs, Earl Drew, Tony Bingham, Bob Youngs (judge), John Mclltrot (judge), and Greg Robinson (wagon driver). (Front): Mark Hughes holding Sweet Grass Skipper and Dave Hughes holding Sweet Grass Scout.