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Result: NGSPA Great Plains Championships

Location: Abilene, Kansas

Post Date: May 22, 2023

Submitted By: Tracy Verdoorn

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NGSPA Great Plains Open All-Age Championship. From left: John Capolino, Brandon Blum, Hank Lewis with B M B's Free Ride, Ken Sanderson (Judge), Mike Zimbelman (Judge), Chase Verdoorn with Snowy River's Strut'n N Cuttin, Rodney Shoemaker, and Mark Verdoorn.

The Great Plains All-Age event started on Thursday at 9:30 am we delayed the start due to colder weather. We waited for it to warm up to a balmy 22 degrees. The dogs didn't mind it and were off. The event was judged by veterans Ken Sanderson and Mike Zimbelman.

Brace 1 Badger with Hank Lewis and Willy Chase Verdoorn. Both dogs were off to the start and had early finds at 25 both dogs were seen standing way to the front on a likely tree lined fence. Badger succumbed to the pressure and decided to flush things early. Willy stayed put and Badger was Leashed. Willie went on to have four finds but suffered from two nounproductives and finished the hour in All-Age fashion.

Brace 2 Spur with Chase Verdoorn and Lewey with Blum. Both dogs started off to set the all age standard for the event had a divided fine early at 10 and both garnered a NP in spots where birds had appeared earlier. Both dogs showed great all age moves while still handling and turning with their handlers. Lewey tends to tell you he has the birds by his eye concentration on game. Both dogs had multiple finds with edge going to Lewey on established game contact. Both dogs finished to the front. Lewey managed to be leashed in time within the hour. However, Spur was not seen when time expired, and the handler was given 20 minutes to show his dog. Spur was found up front on point by the scout within the time allotted and was noted with a clean run. Both dogs are a credit to the all-age standard and should be considered in anyone's breeding program.

Brace 3 Hewey with Blum and Cruiser with Verdoorn. Hewey had four finds and a good race and finished the hour in handy fashion. Cruiser had 3 finds and 1 np way to the front. Cruisers forward Np was in Pheasant Alley known for wild pheasants on other occasions the handler was unable to produce game at this point. Cruiser went on and ran to front and was not present when time was called. Handler was not able to come up with cruiser 20 minutes after time was called.

Brace 4 Zip with Verdoorn and Darryl with Blum. Both dogs failed to produce game and were a little handy for the all-age standard and finished the hour.

Brace 5 Newt with Verdoorn Bye dog. Newt is a nice young dog with all age potential. There is a great future for this dog with his handler. At 30 he broke down on a find but at least had the courtesy to bark and tell us he had the birds. LOL. Lots of potential here.

At the end of the day Lewey was named Champion and Spur was named Runner-Up. Both dogs are a credit to the All-Age dogs and as stated earlier should be considered in anyone's breeding program.

The Stake finished within day light hours and pictures were taken before sundown.

Abilene, Kan., February 22 - One Course
Judges: Ken Sanderson and Mike Zimbelman

Winner-B M B'S FREE RIDE, 1660979, male, by Kimber Tactical-Time to Pay the Piper. Brandon Blum, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-SNOWY RIVER'S STRUT'N N CUTTIN, 1677989, male, by Snowy River's Full Strut-Cajun's Bad Habit. Chase Verdoorn, owner and handler.

NGSPA Great Plains Amateur Shooting Dog Championship
The Champion Sophie handled by Mike Kindler ran in the third brace. She broke away with power taking the tree edges and staying in the pocket. Sophie handled kindly and worked well with her handler. She ended the hour with 3 finds and had impeccable style and manners. On her first find, the handler chose to relocate Sophie and she worked the wind down the cover and pinned the bird. The handler had to cross the cover and a fence to complete the flush. Sophie was a powerful, stylish bird dog and her performance earned her the Championship title.

Runner-up Pepper handled by Shannon Yancy ran in the last brace of the event. Pepper started off the hour with a strong forward cast using the wind in her favor. She ran a strong shooting dog race in both the heavy cover and the open pasture land. Pepper was found forward and standing on both of her finds. She was a statue on point with wonderful manners. Pepper and her handler were a great team throughout the entrie brace. This fast and flashy bird dog made the judges sit up in the saddle at the end of a very competitive event.

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NGSPA Great Plains Amateur Shooting Dog Championship. From left: Chase Verdoorn, Jack Marchese with Snowy Rivers So Far So, Mike Kindler, Shannon Yancy, Mark Wasserman (Judge), Bob Salamone with T T Dash of Pepper, Mark Verdoorn, John Capolino, and Sean VanKooten (Judge).

Judges: Sean Van Kooten and Mark Wasserman

Winner-SNOWY RIVER'S SO FAR SO, 1692693, female, by H's Am Cruiser-Snowy River's Sippin On Fire. Mike Kindler, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-T T DASH OF PEPPER, 1691044, female, by Odyssey's Perfection-Smooching on the Ridge. Shannon Yancy, owner and handler.

NGSPA Great Plains Open Shooting Dog Championship
Charlie very nice powerful forward race, 2 nice finds, solid birdwork, 1 back flowed smoothly through course.
Spur applied himself well and, in the cover, 5 finds including one nice limb find and 1 honor, handled kindly.

Judges: Mike kindler and Shannon Yancy

Winner-HI N'S CURTAIN CALL, 1687995, male, by Hi N's Bodacious-Hi N's Matilda. Hank Lewis, owner and handler.
Runner-Up- SNOWY RIVER'S STRUT'N N CUTTIN, 1677989, male, by Snowy River's Full Strut-Cajun's Bad Habit. Chase Verdoorn, owner and handler.

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NGSPA Great Plains Open Shooting Dog Championship. From left: Bob Salamone, Hank Lewis, Shannon, Yancy-Judge, Jack Marchese, Mike Kindler-Judge, Chase Verdoorn, and Mark Verdoorn.

NGSPA Great Plains Derby Classic
First Sue always forward on ground and covered objectives, ranged deeply in the terrain, was able to punch through the strong winds, one find with good manners on birdwork, listened well to handler.
Second Bud showed well on the open plains, great team with handler always forward and with purpose, enjoyable to watch.
Third Quest applied himself well to the cover and checking objectives, used wind appropriately, handled kindly.

Judges: Sean VanKooten and Shannon Yancy

1st-HOLCOMB'S SUE, 1698903, female, by Snowy River's White Out-Holcomb's Ava. John Holcomb, owner and handler.
2d-HOLCOMB'S JAY, 1698904, male, by Snowy River's White Out-Holcomb's Ava. John Holcomb, owner and handler.
3d-SNOWY RIVER'S VISION QUEST, 1698796, male, by Snowy River's White Out-Holcomb's Ava. Chase Verdoorn, owner and handler.

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NGSPA Great Plains Derby Classic. From left: Sean VanKooten (Judge), John Holcomb with Holcomb's Lottie, Alan Novak with Holcomb's Jay, Shannon Yancy (Judge), Chase Verdoorn with Snowy River's Vision Quest, Art Armbrust, Clint Merritt.