Cast your votes online for the 2024 Hall of Fame, September 1-30! Ballots and voting instructions will appear in the September issue of the UKC Field Newsletter.

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2023 Hall of Fame Nominations - Updated Weekly

Submitted by peers in the field trial community

August 8, 2023

Source: Dinora Wellmann
Department: UKC Hunting Ops/American Field

HOF 2023 Nomination

Pictured above are the 2022 inductees: David Johnson, Fred Rayl, Miller's Happy Jack, Just Irresistible. Read more on the 2022 inductees on page 2 of the December UKC Field Newsletter
Nominations received as of 8/8/23. Nominations are updated weekly, each Friday.

For questions regarding the UKC Field Newsletter, email Gina Smith at
***Ballots and voting instructions will appear in the September issue of the UKC Field Newsletter. *** Subscribe to the UKC Field Newsletter

UKC reserves the right to edit nominations for length.



Clinton "Joe" Bush
Submitted by Karen Norton

It's time to put in a legendary scout! Joe has been working bird dogs for over fifty years, since he was a 14-year-old boy living next door to Harold Ray.

Joe scouted Fiddler and Fiddler's Pride for every championship they won. He scouted Evolution, Builder's Addition, Heritage's Premonition, Fiddler's Bo, Fiddler's Pride's Iris, Builder's Free Boy, Ballentine, Spy Hill Bullett and many more champions.

The next year Joe won the International Pheasant Championship with an entry of over eighty dogs. He ran in the first brace and was named champion with no runner-up. The dog's name was Meadowbrook Joe.
Joe is the first black man to train, develop, qualify and run a dog in the National. He has developed many dogs that became all-age field champions.

Joe has judged numerous field trials including the Invitational Shooting Dog Championship, the Georgia Shooting Dog Championship, Georgia All-Age Championship and many weekend trials.
Most recently Joe scouted Strut Nation to requalify him for the National.

Joe Bush has over fifty years of involvement with field trials: scouting, handling, judging and training. Joe will help, give advice and encouragement to anyone who asks. Please support Clinton "Joe" Bush for the Hall of Fame.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Jack Griffin

During the twenty years I have known and observed Gary Lester, I have come to appreciate his knowledge and dedication to the sport. Gary has won six National Championships. He conducts himself as a gentleman and is always willing to help others. Gary is qualified and deserving to be in the Field Trial Hall of Fame. I ask you to join me and honor Gary Lester's dedication and success by voting for him to be elected into the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Joe Don House

I would like to nominate Gary Lester for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. I have personally known Gary for over twenty-five years. He more than meets the qualifications for this honor. He has much knowledge about handling champion birddogs and is always willing to share his insights with others. Gary has campaigned many champion dogs in his distinguished career. He is consistently giving back and showing his dedication to the continuation of the sport of field trialing which he has been involved with for the past twenty years. Gary has won most of the larger trials in the United States including the National more than once. He has been involved in managing trials and judging field trials at all levels.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Dr. Ron Deal

Gary Lester has contributed to our sport as a competitor, a breeder and developer of young dogs and before turning pro, as a sought-after judge.

Significant achievements include six National Championship titles with five different dogs plus developing two more dogs that won the National title. Lester's Snowatch, Gary's first National Champion, is in the Hall of Fame.

Gary has handled the Purina Dog of the Year twice and Amateur Dog of Year once. His dogs have excelled in endurance stakes, winning thirteen open titles with heats over an hour. Lester dogs win in the piney woods and in their more familiar edge country.

Gary Lester has won three National Derby Championships, the Continental Derby Championship, plus multiple All America Derby and Invitational Derby Championships.

Gary also has an impressive amateur record. He won both the National Amateur Quail Championship and the National Amateur Invitational Championship plus multiple regional titles.

A major contribution of Gary's has been the breeding and development of dogs with stamina that run and point birds with style. These dogs are continuing to improve the pointer breed.

Gary Lester deserves to be in the HOF for his multiple contributions over time.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Phil Morgan

I would like to nominate Gary Lester to the Field Trial Hall of Fame. For more than thirty years, Gary has participated in this sport. He has served as a club official, a breeder, a handler, and a dedicated friend/mentor to many. He has bred and handled dogs which are currently in the Hall of Fame. Gary has worked hard through the years to improve the pointer breed and he has had much success in winning field trials. Gary has won the National Open All Age Championship at the Ames Plantation six times. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Fran and Jack Miller

Quoting Domenick Muoio's note to what a persons election to the Hall of Fame should entail "The contribrutions to the sport should be undeniable. Is the sport better for this person being involved?" The answer would have to be a solid yes vote for Gary Lester. He has had an extremely successful career in both the amateur and pro divisions. The sport has been made better through his contribution as a breeder one does not have to search toohard to see the evidence of this when reading and studying pedigrees and looking at the results of field trials throughout the United States. He has donated his time in the saddle to judge many major trials and has been involved as a club official. He has been a generous supporter of youth organizations which are the life line to the future of this sport. Yes he has given to the sport and made it better let's give him the recognition due to him and elect him to the Hall of Fame.

Gary Lester
Submitted by Joe Worsham

I nominate Gary Lester to the Field Trial Hall of Fame. Thru the years Gary has devoted a lot of his time and resources participating in this sport.

Gary was very successful as an amateur. He won the National Championship as an amateur in 2009 with Lester's Snowatch. Gary went pro in 2015 after winning the National with Dialing In. Since then he has won the National Championship four more times - - twice with Sunny Hill Jo.
Gary has bred most of his winning dogs. The offspring win in impressive numbers - - the breed has been improved by his efforts.

Judging assignments in open and amateur stakes have been numerous. Gary has been very generous with his finances and has supported many efforts and field trials.

Last year Region 17 of AFTCA needed a speaker for the annual meeting. I called Gary and without hesitation he agreed to come to Topeka, KS. His presentation to the assembled body was well received and appreciated.

He has fulfilled all of the criteria for serious consideration . . . he has my vote and I hope you will consider as well..

Gary Lester
Submitted by Wyatt and Edward Epp

We would like to nominate Gary Lester Field Trial Hall of Fame.
There are very few people that Love the sport more than Gary Lester!
Gary has been a huge contributor to the sport of field trialing. He has won many championships no doubt! He has also been a mentor to many young trainers like myself, coaching in everything from training and handling technique to bloodlines.
Gary's Breeding program has been extremely successful and is undeniably producing quality field trial dogs.
The program is also producing top quality hunting dogs for the quail plantations in the south. We feel pretty confident to say that most Plantation Kennels contain dogs from Gary's bloodlines.
There is no doubt that Gary Lester has given Back to the sport!
For these reasons we would like to nominate Gary Lester for the Field Trial Hall of Fame!

Richard Robertson, American Field 2023 Hall of Fame Nominee

Rich Robertson
Submitted by Robert Pettit

Casting my vote for Rich Robertson. An honorable man who believes in fair play and the best dog wins. I competed against Rich in the seventies and eighties. As a trainer/handler there's none better. As a friend he's at the top of the list. He's developed and handled many Champions in top flight competitions. There are many people deserving of the Hall Of Fame but Rich Robertson should be at the top of that list.

Rich Robertson
Submitted by Alex Mauck

I would Like to Nominate Richard Robertson Jr. for the Hall Of Fame. I have known Rich for over 40 years. Rich's first trip south and to The National Championship was around 1985. Rich was 25 and I was 28. Tekoa Mountain Hope, granddam to HOF Tekoa Mountain Sunrise was one of two dogs Rich had qualified. That trip left us with a lifetime of stories but more importantly launched Rich's career as one of the best trainer/handlers of all time. Rich would take English Setters to the National for over thirty years as well as many prominent pointers. Two of those setters are in The Hall of Fame, Tekoa Mountain Sunrise and Hick's Rising Son. Over 90% of setters that have made it to the National from 1988 through 2023 will have Tekoa Mountain Sunrise in their pedigree within 4 or 5 generations. Rich played a big part in many of their breeding's.

Rich has won over 150 Championships in 17 states as well as two Canadian Provinces. Who knows how many Champions he has scouted, often beating himself. He has judged many major trials and offered his ranch now owned by Keith and Bobby Richardson for trials. Rich is well known to always being available to mentor or help anyone in the sport.

However, with all of Rich's accomplishments and contributions to our sport what is of equal importance to me is his and his wife's Penny's generosity and willingness to open their house and hearts to anyone in need of a helping hand, often when being so generous created a financial hardship for them.
I cannot think of anyone more deserving to be in the Hall Of Fame than Richard Robertson Jr.

Richard Robertson Jr., American Field 2023 Hall of Fame Nominee

Rich Robertson
Submitted by Jeff Gilbertson

Nine years ago, I was diagnosed with kidney cancer when Rich found out he called asked me if I needed anything. Ask me if I wanted him to come and get the horses and dogs and take care of them while I was down just been diagnosed with cancer, I was numb but the offer made me feel better and brighten my outlook at that time I didn't have dogs with Rich. He offered tomake that 10 hour drive each way to take care of my animals. That's the kind of person. Rich Robertson is for 30 years he traveled across United States every year to compete his owners' dogs in the Nationals, the Florida and Continental championships then travel back across the United States to compete in the West Coast trials in my 30+ years being involved with the dogs I feel there's never been a person that's more deserving of this honor to my good friend Rich Robertson.

Richard Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Stephen Asher

This letter is in support of the nomination of Richard Robertson, Jr. for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. I have known Richard for over 40 years during which he has demonstrated qualities not only as a trainer and handler, but also as a mentor, judge, club member, and trial organizer. We were together on the Canada prairies where I saw his wizardry with the dogs he later campaigned throughout the U.S.

His skills have led to 32 appearances at the National Championship, where he has handled 64 separate dogs, including Tekoa Mountain Hope, Tekoa Mountain Knikki, Tekoa Mountain Sunrise, Hick's Rising Sun, Alamance Little Rock, Brick Church Sundrop, Desert Rambler, Pacesetter's Equinox, Tommy B, T's Gunrunner; two of these are now in the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Although he has competed with other pointing breeds, Richard's dedication has been to the all-age English Setter. As a result of the Robertson's breedings, their dogs have become the foundation of the modern setter. He has been a sound and encouraging voice for novices to the sport and a resource of wisdom for those more knowledgeable.

Richard Jr. represents the best qualities that serve to perpetuate the essence of field trialing.

Rich Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Emily, Penny and April

When I think of bird dogs and hard work there are a few names that come to mind, and while this may come off as biased, the first that comes to mind is Rich Robertson Jr. He has trained two Hall of Fame inductees and it's time he joins them.

Rich has a growing win record of 150 championship wins and that is not counting the ones he has helped other trainers win. Rich isn't just a trainer he is one of the most selfless humans on this planet. He is always one of the first to lend a hand whenever one is needed.

From the west coast to the east coast, the prairies of Canada and everywhere in between this man has won or placed in just about every trial possible. He took a short retirement before coming back. That is the thing about legends, you can't keep them away from doing what they love.

I have waited my entire life to write this nomination. So, please join my family and all of his friends in this journey of inducting Rich Robertson Jr. There is no one more deserving of this honor.

Richard Robertson, American Field 2023 Hall of Fame Nominee

Rich Robertson Jr.
Submitted by Bridget Ledington

I, Bridget Ledington, wish to nominate my field trial dad Rich Robertson Jr for the Field Trial Hall Of Fame. Rich has been a father and a mentor for me growing up in this sport. He is one of the hardest working, Devoted, selfless, and caring men I have had the privilege of knowing. Whether you are a pro or amateur or hunter, Rich loves to teach and share his passion for the sport.

Rich has been instrumental in developing two sets of grounds out west for the field trial community. The wild chukar grounds at Mile Post 7 and Payette, ID now Prairie Wind Ranch. Both these grounds have and are still being used by many field trail groups. Payette, ID grounds are home to Rich and on these grounds, you can find 4 species of birds (Chukar, Quail, Huns, Pheasant).

Rich has bettered the sport no only as a competitor but as a judge. He has done both of these from west to east to the prairies of Canada. Not many others have been will to travel and give a life such dedicated to the betterment of the sport and numerous of breeds of dogs he has done.

Richard Robertson Jr.
Submitted by Julie & John Files

There is no one more deserving of this honor than Richie. We were clients of his for many years and watched him take wonderful care of many of his clients as well as anyone who needed some advice or help with either dog or horse. Richie always kept one eye out for the honorable Herb Anderson to ensure he was able to enjoy our sport to the very end of life. He was equally willing to help a newcomer to feel welcome in the sport.

No one is a harder worker and a real example of a great family man. Brutally honest to customers so they weren't disillusioned about the prospects for their dogs.

I'm proud to call Richie a lifelong friend and a fine example of what we need in this sport for years to come.

Richard Robertson Jr. has our vote!

Rich Robertson Jr.
Submitted by Dan DiMambro

This letter is in support of the nomination of Rich Robertson, Jr., for the Field trial hall of fame. Rich has devoted his entire life to BIRD DOGS. He has unselfishly given his time and made many efforts to make sure clubs around the country succeeded. Rich very generous with his time and knowledge he will help everyone from the first day amateur to the seasoned pro and is the first person to always lend a hand when someone is in need. He's been a pretty good dog trainer over the years as well. A person doesn't get lucky that many times! His skills have put over 150 championships on dogs from coast to coast...That takes a little more than luck. I cannot think of a better, more deserving person to be elected to the Bird Dog Hall of Fame.

Rich Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Sean Kelly

I am writing to express my support for Rich Robertson Jr. His contribution in the last four decades has been invaluable to the sport. He has endless hours on the horse, in the field and traveling from coast to coast. I believe Rich's exceptional achievements and dedication to the field make him a deserving candidate.
Rich's illustrious career as a trainer spans over four decades. His accomplishments in breeding, training, and handling dogs have left a mark on the field.

A main reason why Rich should be recognized is his outstanding record in field trials. Throughout his career, he's consistently achieved remarkable success, earning numerous championships.

Rich has also made significant contributions to the community through his mentorship and dedication to the preservation of the sport. His willingness to educate and mentor others exemplifies the true spirit of the community, making him an invaluable asset to the sport.

Rich's outstanding achievements, dedication, and positive impact on the community make him an exceptional candidate. I strongly urge the committee to recognize his significant contributions.I believe that by including Rich, we will not only honor a remarkable individual but also inspire future generations of trainers. Please vote for Rich, Trail Boss.

Richard Robertson Jr.
Submitted by Dr Ron Deal

I first encountered Richie in 1972 when his father would bring the entire family to the trials in California. Richie was an outgoing but well-mannered and polite teenager who was willing to help anyone that needed it. Those same traits have made him an outstanding ambassador for our sport since he turned professional over forty years ago.

Richie has won over 150 Championships. In addition, many times he has beaten himself using his scouting proclivity to help other handlers. Although he has been a dominant force in his home region, he has also successfully shown his talents from the prairies to the deep South and in all points between. Richie has won all the prairie championships on both sides of the border plus the North Dakota Classic. He has also won the Florida, placed in the Continental, and won the Oklahoma and Kansas Championships among others.

Richie has demonstrated a talent for breeding and an ability for developing nationally competitive dogs. Two dogs he developed are already in the HOF and another has been nominated this year.

Richard Robertson Jr deserves your consideration for the HOF based on his multiple contributions to our sport over time.

Richard Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Keith Richardson

I support Richard Robertson, Jr.'s nomination to the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Rich Robertson, Jr. has spent his lifetime demonstrating sportsmanship, and selfless service to the sport of field trialing. He will drop whatever he is doing to help anyone he finds in his path that has a genuine need: whether that is a helping hand, some honest and thoughtful advice, or an encouraging word. His list of accomplishments and the lives he has influenced spans North America from coast to coast.

Rich is extremely talented and gifted in all aspects of field trialing: training dogs, handling, scouting and judging. He has earned a place among the top tier of Pointer/Setter competitors, but he has never lost his selfless desire to help someone in need whether a fellow competitor, field trial chairman, or "newbie."
In multiple venues spanning 50 years, Rich Robertson, Jr., has shown that he personifies a true sportsman who treats others as he would want to be treated, and who is a "giver" not a "taker". The field trial world is a better place for his having spent a lifetime in it.

Rich Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Tom Kosmack

I too, like many others, wish to voice my support for Rich to be in the Hall.

I first met Rich in Idaho, surprisingly at a trial! At the time I was learning about HB trials and what these Championships take with dog and handler. Some of the best advice I got wasn't from Richie, but the advice was to go watch him! I did and have many times since. It is easy to see how and why he has accomplished so much.

I take great value in having the opportunity to trial with Richie and to call him a friend.

Rich Robertson Jr.
Submitted by Michael Wilkin

I would like to nominate Rich Robertson Jr. for the field trial HOF. I have known Rich for over 25 years, sometimes as a competitor, sometimes as a part time client, but always as a friend. And that's because he is naturally a friend to everyone he meets. Rich's successes in field trials are well documented by others, so I won't go into those details which obviously already qualify him for the HOF, but rather discuss his dedication to the people that he helps along the way. Rich's generosities with his knowledge, time, and efforts have provided a foundation for almost every amateur in the Western regions and beyond. This sport is ostensibly about the dogs, but it's really about the people and their involvement. Rich extends himself to the amateurs, providing for the very foundation to our sport, to make us better handlers and trainers of our own dogs, which makes the sport better. Rich invites and keeps more people participating in our sport, and that's what's needed today. I ask that you support Rich Robertson Jr. for the Field Trial Hall of Fame for his past accomplishments, present actions, and for providing for the future of our sport.

Rich Robertson, Jr.
Submitted by Bill Owen

In support of Rich Robertson, I would like to share some of my experiences with Rich. Several people have mentioned his willingness to help others as a factor that should be considered in his nomination. I agree, but some specifics would help show the extent of his help and contribution to our sport.

About two years after getting into American Field trials, it became evident that I desperately needed help, and began searching for someone able and willing to coach me. For several summers, Rich was my coach for two weeks each summer. We were up at 4 a.m. every day and trained until it was too warm to continue. Not once while I was there did Rich take a day off. I was there for 14 days, and we trained for 14 days. When my horses gave out (the training grounds are a bit rough), Rich let me use some of his. He provided a house for my stay, kennels for my dogs, and pens for my horses. He taught mostly by setting an example, but if I weren't picking up what I ought to, he'd make the lesson very obvious. Rich made me feel that it was very important to him that I be as good as I can be at running dogs in field trials. Helping me may not be enough to put Richie in the Hall of Fame, but the fact that he did this for me and many others ought to be.

Rich Robertson
Submitted by R. J. Marquart

What can I say Richie Robertson, that has not been said before.
I met Richie back in 1983, I was a young trainer starting out, I did not have a horse to ride and watch the dogs run at an American Field Trial, I was introduced to the Robertsons and Richie ask me if I wanted to ride, He gave me a horse that sounded like it had marbles in it nose, he didn't know me just met.

Richie to me always gave out that Big Brother vive always there to help me and others when needed. We became friends after that and still are, till this day.

Richy Robertson (is the real Deal), A true sportsman's, first one to help, first one to Congratulate you when you win, even though he wants to win, He will help you all he can to help you win. There is no one more deserving to be in the Hall of Fame than Richy Robertson, he win record and his talent with dogs, should be honored to let future dog trainers, coming up know his name, Richy one of them guys, when thinking about him always brings a smile to your face.

Rich Robertson
Submitted by Randy Anderson

When you think of the guidelines set to be considered as a candidate for the Field Trial Hall of Fame, you think of Rich Robertson. His entire life has been dedicated to bird dogs and field trials.
Being a second-generation dog trainer, he grew up in the sport, learning the art of dog training and competing with a pointing dog.
He has competed and won from Canada to the Deep South and everywhere in between!
He has his famed setter Tekoa Mountain Sunrise that is in the Hall of Fame!
Rich has established grounds that people enjoy running and competing on!
As a scout, he has helped as many handlers win as much as he has. His loyalty to his friends and family is the same loyalty he has shown to the sport of bird dog field trials. I've had the privilege of working with Rich. He is a master at what he does and a cornerstone of the West.
A word to describe...Mentor.
Richard Robertson Jr. exceeds every facet to be elected.
We ask for your support for this deserving candidate.

Sandy Walker
Submitted by Christy Swearingen

We would like to nominate Sandy Walker for Field Trial Hall of Fame. He has been not only a competitor but a huge supporters for our sport for over 30 years and continues to this day as a supporter. Even though we lost Sandy in 2022 his wife and son still carry on his tradition. There are 3 trials held on his grounds. Tha National Invitational Shooting Dog, Robin Gates Memorial and the "big" derby as well as Round Pond Amateur Shooting Dog Classic. Even with Sandy's passing the tradition is still being carried on. Please join us in nominating Sandy Walker for Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Mr. Sandy Walker
Submitted by Brian Sanchez

For a person to be considered for the Hall of Fame honors, contributions to the sport are paramount. Club official, breeder, owner, handler, correspondent, patron of the sport and usually a combination of these facets over a large span time.

Mr. Sandy by far surpasses the requirements. He purchased, manicured, and maintained his beautiful Round Pond and Pretty Pond Plantation for the field trial community to use to compete with our dogs. Anyone who has been to a trial at Round Pound knows. The hospitality that every person receives is first class. Sandy would greet everyone with a smile and handshake. A trial that truly spoils you. Beautiful grounds, abundance of birds and every guest was fed three meals a day. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Mr. Sandy had a big impact in my life that he probably never knew. By Sandy opening his place to everyone, even us Yankee's. It allowed me to meet some of my best friends that I know consider family. Thank you for that Mr. Sandy.

When it comes to cast your vote, let's all help the Walker family get this very worthy and deserving candidate in the Hall of Fame where he belongs.

David Williams, American Field 2023 Hall of Fame Nominee

David Williams
Submitted by Jim Atchison

I have known David Williams for more than 30 years. I believe he is one of the most passionate people about field trialing I have ever known. In fact, I think he "checks every box" for induction into the Field Trial Hall of Fame and hope you will join me in supporting his nomination. In this limited space (200 words or less) I would like to mention some of those numerous contributions he has made to this sport. They include the outstanding field trial venue he has created and which he generously shares with numerous other clubs and organizations. Additionally, David has served a leader who has held many elected and appointed offices on the local, regional, and national levels. He breeds, raises, trains, and successfully campaigns his dogs of the "Rebel" bloodline. He judges, scouts, marshals, and freely helps many individuals and clubs. He supports the professional counterpart of field trialing. And finally, David's character, demeanor, and hospitable ways are most admirable. His love for his family, his reputation as an honorable man, and his welcoming and hospitable ways add immeasurably to field trialing. Please help secure this Hall of Fame recognition for our friend, David Williams.

David Williams
Submitted by Lisa Corinne Suiter Little

Throughout my field trial experiences, I have had the honor of meeting many fantastic people. But I believe it is difficult to find a field trialer that gives more generously to our sport than David Williams. I would like to draw your attention to two examples of that generosity that I have personally witnessed. In the summer of 2020, military personnel at Fort Campbell Military Installation informed me that we would no longer have access to the grounds. In response to the situation, David invited us to permanently move the American Quail Classic Open All-Age field trial, along with the Clarksville Pointer & Setter and the Clarksville Bird Dog amateur field trials to the Huntingdon, TN grounds. Those three trials would no longer be in existence if it wasn't for this wonderful gift. In May of 2019, I was elected to the position of the Region 6 Secretary. During my tenure I have relied upon David's insight and wisdom in various situations. I could not have asked for a better friend, mentor, counselor, and fellow competitor. I encourage each of you to support the nomination of David Williams into the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Allison Williams Daniels

I have had the amazing privilege to have been exposed and encouraged to participate in our great sport since I was born. I am forever grateful and have my father, David Williams, to thank for laying that foundation in my life.

My father's passion began at a young age quail hunting around his home in West Tennessee. Since the 1980s, he has taken great pride in breeding, developing, training, handling, scouting and judging dogs in Amateur and Open stakes, in both the Shooting Dog and All Age circuits. He has given endless time and effort, volunteering on numerous boards and committees over the years -- my dad has always served without hesitation.

The most significant and beloved part of my dad's involvement in this sport is hosting field trials at my family's farm in Carroll County, Tennessee. Since the early 90s, he has graciously hosted in excess of 100 stakes on this land that he put together. The time, enormous financial commitment and devotion to this part of his hobby is all for his love of the sport.

Through his extraordinary efforts, my father has been a true ambassador to field trials in every aspect for nearly the past half century. I proudly nominate and ask for your support in electing this very deserving man, David Williams, into the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Gary McKibben

I bought a setter puppy from David Williams in 1979. Our first conversation was about bird dogs and over the last 44 years 99% of our conversations have been about bird dogs. I'd wager our last conversation will also be about bird dogs. David is and has always been dedicated to the advancement and preservation of field trials and bird dogs. To look at the field trial grounds he has bought and developed in Carroll Co Tennessee are proof. David has participated in all aspects in the field trial world. He breeds, raises, trains and runs most of his dogs. He has offered his time and energy in many different capacities as officer in numerous clubs including past president of the AFTCA. David has exhibited all of the qualifications that are expected of someone that is enshrined in the Field Trial Hall of Fame. Please join in his support of this honor.

David Williams
Submitted by Quintin Wiseman

Before I met David Williams I had heard of his Carroll County grounds and all the work and money he puts into them and his pre-release program to ensure a top quality field trial. Fast forward to when I went there for the first time to judge the Carroll County Open All-Age. I could instantly see there had been a lot of time and money invested into the grounds. The way I was treated by David while there judging was unbelievable. About the time I thought we judges were being treated special, I took notice he was treating everyone with the same respect! David Williams is the epitome of the HOF as he has selflessly given as much or more back to the sport as anyone involved and never asks for anything in return. He and I had lengthy talks and he was a big supporter getting the United States Amateur Derby Invitational off the ground and he was full of advice when asked. I enthusiastically support David Williams for HOF!

David Williams
Submitted by Michael Shears

I would like to nominate David Williams for the field trial Hall of Fame. David was one of the first people I met when I began field trialing in 1987. My first trip to North Dakota was with David. I have ridden many horseback miles along side David. David scouted my dogs many times over the years, often with more enthusiasm than the dogs. I have often judged with David, and spent many nights on the road with him chasing placements. I know David. David has been a club official, regional officer, National Trustee and past president of the AFTCA and Region 6. His family farm supports numerous club trials and has hosted Regional and National Championships. David prepares these grounds immaculately each year at his personal expense. David is humble and generous and asks nothing in return. He allows many to train on his grounds.

There are many contributors to our sport, and all are to be celebrated. But, at this time, I believe it would honor our sport and the HOF to recognize David Williams who has committed a lifetime to the betterment and support of field trials and trialers.

David Williams
Submitted by Ike Todd

People like Mr. David are what halls of fame are designed for. His unselfish devotion to field trials over such a goodly period has been widespread. He has campaigned dogs with professionals and as an amateur, raised and developed many noteworthy dogs. He has served as Region 6 Trustee, a director and past president of the AFTCA as well on the boards of countless field trial clubs and organizations. He has repeatedly served as an impartial judge. His generosity in providing some of the finest field trial grounds in the country may be his most important and lasting contribution. On top of all that, Mr. David is a genuinely nice person, nurturing relationships with newcomers and veteran field trialers alike. It's a privilege and honor to formally endorse Mr. David Williams for Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Keith Wright

For the last 20 years I have had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in field trials all over the country. In that time I have been to some wonderful places and met some wonderful people. Of all the places that I have been and all the people that I have met there is nobody who has contributed more to the sport of field trialing than David Williams.

He has bred dogs, supported trainers and handlers, judged countless field trials, served the AFTCA, and hosted countless field trials on the farm in Carroll County, Tennessee.

There has never been anyone more qualified for admission into the Field Trial Hall of Fame than David Williams.

Occasionally a person becomes eligible for admission who is so deserving that one picks up the telephone and asks the question, "what can I do to help?" This is a prime example of that case.
Please join me in voting for the enshrinement of Mr. David Williams into the Field Trial Hall Of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Joe and Tessa Hughes

Joe and I are delighted to recommend David Williams for the Hall of Fame. He has supported the Alabama Field Trial Club for many years by not only attending our trials but also by often judging and scouting. He also supports championships run in our and other regions.

David works hard to ensure his grounds at Carroll County are impeccable and full of birds and that everyone in attendance at trials held there feels welcome. David also generously welcomes other clubs to use his grounds to host their trials or championships.

David is a leader in our sport, having served as President of the Carroll County FTC, a R.6 officer, and an AFTCA Trustee and President. In this role, he has often been a quiet voice of reason for those who have raised concerns regarding sportsmanship and other rule disputes.

David has also served as an adviser to many of us and possesses a wealth of knowledge on rules and how to run a trial and championship.

For all of these reasons there is no better candidate for admission to the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Kent Walker

There are givers, and there are takers in this sport. David Williams has given his time, his land, his money, his support and his absolute dedication to the betterment of bird dog field trials. His commitment to the AFTCA and Region 6 are well noted. His perpetuation of the Rebel bloodlines are noteworthy. His support of the amateur and the professional field trailer is well documented. David is both a giver and a doer. This is what the Hall of Fame is all about.

David Williams
Submitted by Dr. Pat McInteer

I've known David for years and recently shared training grounds with David and Angie in Kennebec South Dakota. David was a pleasure to work with, a true gentleman who never laughed at me or my dogs. Although he did grin real big a couple of times. He was courteous, enjoyable and a competent dog man. David is not much about bragging about his dogs. He lets them tell their own stories and they have done that successfully time after time!

At a time when field trial grounds are being lost, David has stepped up to fill the gap. This last season he hosted 8 trials on his place. He put out 4,500 quail this past season. He pre-released and also put out 300 birds for each trial. The only cost to clubs was for the birds used at the trial and if their treasury was low he forgave that charge.

David is one of the most successful amateur field trailers in the country. His dog's successes are legend!
He deserves to be recognized for all he has given to the sport of field trialing!

Please join me in support of David Williams for the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Dr. James Heimdal

I would like to nominate David Williams for our Field Trial Hall of Fame. I have owned pointers for over 50 years and competed in field trials since 1993 (walking and horse-back) throughout the Midwest, Northeast, and for the past eight years within Region-6. I have also had my dogs trained by many of the top professional trainers. The Field Trial community is incredibly supportive, but no one has ever treated me better than David Williams. He has provided me with access to his land, facilities, lodging, and has also scouted for me whenever I needed help. Even when he is not scouting, he takes interest in your dogs and often has provided me with guidance on handling and performance. Yes he is competitive, but he also enjoys a top performance by any dog or handler, which are qualities that I admire in him. I still work full-time and have limited resources; some people may think that I am a nobody in "Field Trials" but to David Williams everybody is a somebody and treated with respect. In my humble opinion, I believe David Williams represents the best that our sport has to offer and is deserving of election to the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Weldon Bennett

The first dog I ran in the National was Tripoli, back in the seventies. David and I were friends and he was there and saw it. He then went with me to work Tripoli a few times and that is how it started it for him and field trials. He had a setter we placed a little after that and then he got a pointer from me that I had raised and started. That was Hawk's Royal Rebel, and it has gone from there for him.

David has been really good to me and a lot of other people along the way. He has had dogs with other trainers, provided grounds to let people work, and he lets them stay too - he has been really generous to a lot of people, and especially me. He has spent a lot of time, a lot of money and has done a lot of hard work and it really shows. I believe David deserves the honor being in the Hall of Fame and I hope you will join me in supporting him.

David Williams
Submitted by Mike Small

I would like to nominate David Williams for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. David is a giver. From his Carroll County farm that he provides for numerous trials, to years as an AFTCA trustee, to president of the AFTCA, David has helped promote field trials and supports them. He breeds and trains his own dogs and then competes them regularly. I ask you to support this very worthy nominee.

David Williams
Submitted by Larron Copeland

I would like to nominate David Williams for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. David checks all the boxes as a handler, judge, owner and Regional & National trustee. He also has and continues to offer his grounds for trials. Our sport is better today because of the work and dedication that David provides. As a good friend of mine and Hall of Famer would say "Enough said".

David Williams
Submitted by Jadie Rayfield

As we go along in life, sometimes we are fortunate enough to meet along the way certain individuals, human or otherwise, for whom the currant of life flows just a little bit stronger than those around them. And when the beauty and courage of these individuals comes shining through in their great achievements, we call them champions.

In the people category, I am asking for the field trial fraternity to support David Williams of Beech Bluff, Tennessee. I met David at The Madsen Ranch located just outside of Kennebec, South Dakota in the late nineties. The late John Criswell was conducting The All-American Prairie Championship in conjunction with Joe Hicks's Iron Nation stakes at that time. Since then, David and I have had many great conversations about life and all aspects of our sport, especially the REBEL dogs! He does everything and then some for the field trial sport, animals, and friends, not himself.

David Williams
Submitted by Tierra Hadley

Feeling fairly new to the sport myself, I often ask a lot questions. David has always welcomed my questions matching my excitement and love for this sport. He's such an impactful and important person to the community and continuation of field trials.

The first time I met David was at the Quail Invitational in 2019. I was curious why he would put a dog with a pro when he competed as well. He shared he was more pleased to have raised a nice dog and enjoyed seeing others have success with that dog even more than himself.

Last summer I headed north and was thrilled to get to train with David. That morning I asked him to teach me a little on how to get the judge's attention when running. David said to me, "Right here Tierra, stop your horse, turn a little, look back at your judges and hollar, 'Mr. Judge, there goes my dog!'" In that moment I felt it click.

David Williams belongs in the Hall of Fame because without people like him this sport will become stagnant and fall asleep. He supports young and new comers in sacrifice to himself.

David Williams
Submitted by Chris Mathan

My support for David Williams rests not only on what he has done for field trials in the southeastern part of the country but what he has done for field trials nationwide. The loss of grounds over the last few decades is without doubt the greatest threat to our sport. David has made an extraordinary effort both in time and personal finances to make his West Tennessee venue among the premiere grounds in the country... hosting hundreds of stakes over the past 30 years.

David has given his time and expertise to field trial clubs and organizations, in particular to the AFTCA where he has been Region 6 Trustee, a director and President for 2017-2019. David spearheaded what, in my opinion, is the most important development protecting field trials during my 23 years in the sport. The AFTCA's Land Contribution Program is a potential tax benefit for private landowners who allow field trials to be hosted on their land. This hugely positive development affects every field trialer in the country.These important contributions to our sport single David out as exactly the kind of individual the HOF was intended for.

David Williams
Submitted by Jamie Daniels

For over thirty years David Williams has tirelessly devoted his time, money and facilities to the betterment of field trials. From the people to the dogs, David has always loved every facet of the game. If you have ever participated or just shown up in the evenings of the Lynn Taylor All-Age, you'll see what real field trialing is all about. There are few people that I know of in the sport that have the dedication to the betterment of our sport like David. From the meticulous grooming of the grounds to serving on field trial committees, David has gone above and beyond what most people would ever even think of doing. From first time field trailers to seasoned pros, I've never seen David not lend a helping hand. Field trials need more people like David Williams. He was my friend before he was my father-in-law and I'm truly proud and honored to support David Williams for Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams
Submitted by Larry Garner

David Williams deserves your vote to the Bird Dog Hall of Fame because he has contributed so deeply to the sport for unselfish reasons.

He has been a contributor rather than a taker.

He has judged, offered his grounds, served both amateur and professional associations with a solid foundation for fairness.

He wants to win when he completes but not necessarily to beat you.

He will help anyone to make sure the best dogs gets the win.

The sport is better because of David Williams.

David Williams
Submitted by Tommy Rice, Jr.

Since first meeting David Williams in 2012, his generosity has always stood out to me. He's generous on a personal level and very generous to the field trial community, allowing so many trials on his farm, and his service through being on official boards. His winning with his own bred dogs and lineage speaks for itself. A man deserving to be in the Hall!

David Williams
Submitted by Gary Winall and Ellen Clements

We would like you to join us and support David Williams for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. He checks off all the boxes and is well deserving.

David Williams
Submitted by Randy Anderson

I'm pleased that we have the privilege to vote for two outstanding candidates and dogs to be nominated for the Hall of Fame. David Williams' nominations can be summed up in one word: DEDICATION. David's dedication to the sport is unmatched. Dedicated to his trial grounds he provided us to compete. Dedicated to the many field trial committees and boards he sits on. Dedicated to his breeding program, keeping the D. Williams Rebel bloodline intact. Dedicated to developing his own dogs but supports trainers in many ways. Dedicated to his family and is also heavily involved in our great sport.

I met David in the early eighties, and he has been a true friend and a 100 percent giver to the sport. We urge you to join us in electing David Earl Williams to the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

David Williams, American Field 2023 Hall of Fame Nominee

David Williams
Submitted by Piper Huffman

David William is a MUST for this year's Field Trial Hall of Fame. I have known David for thirty plus years and collaborated closely with him in the AFTCA for 15 years. His dedication, devotion and leadership go unnoticed with everything he does for this sport of Field Trial Bird Dogs. David has judged, donated, supported, and given back, making our sport better today. He unselfishly offers his grounds for 7-8 trials a year. Everything he does for this sport proves he is more than deserving of the Hall of Fame. Please cast your vote for David Williams and let us get him in!!!


House's Rain Cloud
Submitted by Robert Thomas

Often, great dogs are overlooked for the election to the Hall of Fame. Due to the fact these canine athletes' life spans are short and year-after-year there is an infusion of these field trial performers becoming eligible for the Field Trail Hall of Fame. One of these great dogs is Champion House's Rain Cloud.

House's Rain Cloud was a six times champion and six times ru-champion. House's Rain Cloud Reg# 1403920, stud book record was 37-74-387, Ch Miller's Silver Bullett (HOF) x Judy Lyn sired him. The breeder of record was Buddy Smith (HOF).

House's Rain Cloud championship wins were:

  • 3x Winner Quail Championship Invitational
  • 1x Winner 3x R-U Missouri Open Championship
  • 1x Winner 1x R-U Alabama Open All-Age Championship
  • Winner Border International Chicken Championship
  • R-U National Amateur Derby Championship
  • R-U Region 14 Amateur All-Age Championship

There have been fifty-nine champions named at the Quail Championship Invitational through 2022. Of the fifty-six HOF dogs that were invited to compete in this prestigious trial, eighteen such HOF dogs account for twenty-three of those championships and only five have won it twice. House's Rain Cloud is the only 3x Champion in his six appearances.

Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter
Submitted by Jamie Daniels

As a handler, I love to see great performances. As a breeder, I look for a dog that should vastly improve my kennel. Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter handily exhibited both. Not one dog has ever made a bigger impact on my kennel or success. In my kennel alone, Scooter has sired or grand sired over 12 different champions who have won the most prestigious field trials that there are. In my opinion, he is the most overlooked sire to date. He is the foundation to three of this year's Purina Dog of the Year recipients.

From a competitive standpoint, I have watched him successfully run from the northern prairies to the piney woods of the Deep South. A field trial was never over until Scooter ran. His uncanny ability to find and handle every type of game was one of the main reasons I chose him as a stud dog. He is one of, if not the best, natural bird finders I have ever seen.

I proudly nominate Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter and ask you to please join me in supporting this very deserving dog by putting him into the Field Trial Hall of Fame where he belongs.

Riverton's Funseekin Scooter
Submitted by Dr. Ron Deal

On a hunt with Richie in Idaho, Scooter was released behind the kennel and in the next three plus hours, found and flawlessly handled chukars, Huns, valley quail, and pheasants. When Richie would come to Chickasaw in winters, Scooter, just out of a crate on day one, was a vacuum cleaner on quail. The dog was one of the best bird finders I have ever seen and had an uncanny ability to adapt to different game birds and different geographies. Most notably, the dog was able to transmit these qualities to his offspring.

Funseeker's Rebel got into the HOF based on his record both as a performer and producer. That stated, much of his production record passed through his son, Riverton's Fun Seeking Scooter. In a similar manner, Just Irresistible, a son of Scooter, was elected to the HOF due in large part to his production record. Rivertons Funseekin Scooter is the key link in this impressive production chain and deserves recognition for it.

Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter was a threat from the piney woods to the prairies and amassed an impressive performance record. A two-hundred-word limit does not allow amplification. The dog deserves consideration for the HOF.

Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter & True Confidence
Submitted by Judd Carlton

I would like to take this opportunity to endorse two very deserving dogs for the Hall of Fame. First is Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter. He was one of the strongest dogs I have ever seen run and always a threat to win wherever he was run. Secondly, in order only, is True Confidence, "Bob". Bob had the remarkable ability to point a bird when others could not. Truly a remarkable bird finder no matter the terrain.

Both dogs have won all over the United States. They have also produced multiple winners that carry on their best traits. These dogs had the ability to make you sit up in the saddle and watch at any given time. It was real pleasure to be able to compete against and watch them perform.

Please consider Riverton's Funseekin' Scooter and True Confidence when casting your votes for Hall of Fame this year.

True Confidence
Submitted by Chris Mathan

I proudly nominate Frank LaNasa's Champion True Confidence for the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

True Confidence (Bob) garnered 6 Championship, 11 Runner-up titles and numerous other wins over his 10-year career. The first half under his owner's whistle then in the capable hands of Luke Eisenhart who handled Bob to prestigious wins across the Open All-Age Circuit from 2015 until Bob's retirement from his string in the spring of 2020. Frank guided Bob, age 11, to one more convincing win, the Hawthorne Open All-Age Border Classic, concluding his illustrious career.

True Confidence was the very definition of Class. A gifted bird dog, style running, stunning on point, highly intelligent. He won from the prairies to the piney woods and on 5 different wild game birds. His endurance proven competing in the National Championship 5 times and twice named R-U in the Quail Championship Invitational.

A cornerstone to a dog's admittance to the HOF should be proof that their winning characteristics are passed to their progeny. True Confidence is sire and grandsire to winners and champions around the country. His positive influence on the pointer breed in indisputable.

Join me in securing True Confidence's rightful entry into the hallowed Hall.

Ch. True Confidence, American Field Hall of Fame 2023 Nomination

Ch. True Confidence
Submitted by Luke Eisenhart

I'm writing to endorse Ch. True Confidence for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. Bob's qualities meet and exceed every criteria for the HOF. He was a consistent, winning performer...a dog handler's dream, giving his all each and every time he was under the whistle. And it didn't matter who was handling him, Bob always ran his best race and hunted with intent and perseverance. As a top contender his entire career, Bob had immaculate style and composure, and produced many winners and multiple champions. Dedicated to the field trial sport, Bob's greatest legacy will be the lasting and special memories he gave so many. Please join me in voting True Confidence into the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Ch. True Confidence
Submitted by Ben McKean

I went to the Prairie with Frank LaNasa when True Confidence was a young derby. Frank told me then he thought he had a very special dog on his hands. I had the great pleasure of watching Bob in workouts and compete and win on many venues and on different game birds including his extraordinary, memorable Top Qualifier run in the 2020 Continental Championship. His consistency was remarkable every time out. His longevity while remaining competitive should not be overlooked as a rare quality. His last win was of the 2020 Hawthorne Classic in North Dakota at age 11 and a half. What a great way to end his career with Frank handling.

I've also witnessed many of Bob's sons and daughters perform and win in field trials. His good qualities are clearly being passed on to his progeny.

Bob was a real standout competitor who more than deserves a spot in the HOF.

True Confidence
Submitted by Dr. Ron Deal

True Confidence (Bob) was a consistent performer that won from the piney woods to the prairies on every game bird but a chukar. Over a ten-year career, the dog amassed six championships and eleven runner-up titles. True Confidence possessed exquisite style both running and pointing and was able to maintain that style into an advanced age and through multiple game contacts in a single performance. In fact, the dog won the Southeastern Quail championship at age ten with a five find performance. Near time on his fifth find, he still exhibited picture perfect composure. True Confidence proved his longevity even more by winning the Hawthorne Open All-Age Border Classic at the age of eleven.

True Confidence and Confident Nation comprise the only father-son combination to win the Southeastern Quail Championship (2019 and 2022) before 2023. The dog has produced multiple other champions and is still adding to his production record. Like Red Water Rex before him, everything that I have seen True Confidence throw makes a bird dog whether they are privileged to compete or not.

True Confidence has made a positive impact on our sport and deserves consideration for the HOF.

True Confidence
Submitted by Mike Jackson

I encourage people to vote for True Confidence for the Field Trial Hall of Fame. I have seen this dog in amateur competitions and in open trials. He was always a threat to win and a very good bird dog. Rich Heaton and I judged him on the prairie in the United States Chicken Championship in 2018. He put down a great race with 3 finds in 97-degree heat and won. Always gave a good effort on the ground. As a sire, he has produced several good dogs. Please consider him in voting for the Field Trial Hall of Fame.

Bob True Confidence
Submitted by Claudia McNamee

Bob is a common name in the U.S. but Frank & Jean LaNasa's 'Bob' was anything but common, in fact he was an extraordinary competitor and an exceptional companion. When I came onto the All Age scene as an owner in 2016, I became well-acquainted with Luke Eisenhart's string and Bob became a favorite of mine almost immediately. His running style and hunting patterns were nothing less than compelling. There are many "Bob performances" that I can recount but the one that embodied most what he represented in the field, was his captivating show at the Quail Invitational Championship in Paducah, KY when he was named Runner-Up in 2019. We let loose in the early morning hours onto frost-covered, icy ground and he hunted up quail like only a master does! Please join me in voting True Confidence into the Hall of Fame.

True Confidence
Submitted by Kim Sampson

I judged True Confidence in Montana early on in his career and watched him compete several times after that. The championships on wild birds are the most impressive to me and in my opinion, have the most impact on the sport. It was evident early that Bob had all the characteristics of a champion - intelligence, speed, style, a good nose and that rare combination of desire and biddability. His win and production records speak for themselves. I fully endorse True Confidence for the 2023 Bird Dog Hall of Fame.

Champion True Confidence
Submitted by Scott Jordan

I had the privilege of seeing True Confidence (Bob) develop from a little puppy to a veteran true All-Age dog. Bob was a rare specimen who possessed it all -- super nose, immaculate style, natural ability, physique, and most notable, supreme intelligence. Frank LaNasa knew from early on that he had something extra special. Bob was one of those rare dogs we all hope to have in our kennel at least once in a lifetime. I saw him perform many remarkable feats at our summer camp and he carried those traits on to competition. Most of the championships that I witnessed Bob win left no doubt who the clear winner was. It didn't matter if it was Luke or Frank at the helm, Bob wanted to please.

Versatility is another important trait I think we should be considering. Bob won convincingly in the piney woods, on the prairie, in the Midwest and in edge country and up to nearly 12 years of age. Not only was Bob a great performer, he has sired many champions and winners including 7x Ch. Confident Nation.

Please join me in voting for True Confidence for the HOF

True Confidence
Submitted by Tommy Davis

I scouted True Confidence during his career on the open all-age circuit with Luke. I would find him on point but never had much else to do except direct him back to Luke. Bob did it all on his own and had his mind on birds and on Luke. He was a front running dog who always found birds. True Confidence is deserving of Hall of Fame recognition.

True Confidence
Submitted by Jamie Daniels

I've always believed a true All-Age dog wins from the prairies to the piney woods and everywhere in-between. True Confidence is a dog that did that consistently over an impressive ten-year career. Bob was one of the most consistent dogs I've ever competed against, and he never took himself out of a field trial. That and his uncanny ability to find birds and his immaculate style made it tough for all his competition.

A true Hall of Fame dog does all of the above and then produces it as well. True Confidence has proven his worth as a sire. I personally campaigned his son, Dogwood Bill, to a Purina Derby of The Year. Bill was just one of the many champions Bob produced winning on the major circuits across the country.

True Confidence meets every criteria to be in the Hall of Fame. Please join me and many others to put this most serving dog where he belongs.

True Confidence
Submitted by Ben Stringer

Several years ago, I heard about a dog named True Confidence. Asking around about him, he was definitely a dog I wanted to know more about and watch perform. I heard about a litter and picked out a male pup. True Confidence quickly lived up to the talk about him being a special dog.

My dog by him, Ch. Dogwood Bill, today has 7 placements, won the 2019 Continental Derby Championship and was the 2019 Purina Derby of the Year award winner. Bill has proven to be a lot like his sire Bob, he's a stylish bird finder and is producing the same, so contributing to my kennel.

Please join me in voting for True Confidence for the Hall of Fame. He is a very deserving candidate. He had a long career as a consistent winner all across the country and he is a proven producer, the two qualities that should be evident to distinguish a dog for Hall of Fame honors.

True Confidence
Submitted by Ronnie and Kevin Beane

We saw True Confidence perform several times at the Masters Open Quail and Continental All-Age championships. He was a consistent, front running dog that was very pretty on his game. We bred to him several times and it really helped our kennel progress. Every dog by True Confidence we have in our kennel has a super nose and they're passing that on to the next generation. They're sensible, intelligent bird dogs that break out easy and that want to go with you.

True Confidence's field trial record speaks for itself. The quality of his offspring is outstanding both has winning field trial contenders and as class quail hunting dogs. A male dog, in particular, should have exceptional win and production records to be honored with Field Trial Hall of Fame recognition. We endorse True Confidence for that rare distinction.

True Confidence
Submitted by Jerry Kolter

True Confidence, with a combined 17 championship and runner-up championship placements, has proven, beyond a doubt, that he is an upper-echelon performer, worthy of the Bird Dog Hall of Fame. That most of those wins were in major shooting dog and all age competition is just icing on the cake.

I was fortunate to observe True Confidence as a young dog on the prairies. He had outstanding physical attributes--eye-appealing gait, endurance, lofty carriage and pointing style--and he also had charisma, that elusive, special trait. In addition, he had the mental attributes of brains, a tremendous willingness to please and an unending desire to hunt for birds. He never ran just to run; rather he always ran to find birds.

But, most importantly perhaps, True Confidence is an exceptional producer and passes on these characteristics to his sons and daughters--whether as winners of premier field trial competition or as excellent hunting dogs.
These qualities are the qualities requisite of a Hall of Fame bird dog. True Confidence is worthy.

True Confidence
Submitted by Tracy Swearingen

True Confidence's win record speaks for itself. I was fortunate enough to watch "Bob" perform on several occasions. He was a very strong, front-running, level-headed bird dog. I have also been fortunate to work several of his offspring. Like Bob, they were also level-headed and great bird finders. Each dog was easy going and very eager to please just like their sire. True Confidence is definitely deserving of the Hall of Fame.


Additional nominations are welcomed and will be accepted via email to Dinora at

For questions regarding advertising and the print version of the UKC Field Newsletter, contact Gina Smith at

An official entity of United Kennel Club (UKC), the American Field legacy, mission, and Field Dog Stud Book certified pedigree database is carefully managed by UKC for the continued betterment of field trial dogs. UKC is committed to the American Field community, and all hunters, breeders, clubs, associations, and participants.

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